HRPIQ00WWW - DO NOT USE - obsolet (Nachrichten f�r Internetausgaben)

The following messages are stored in message class HRPIQ00WWW: DO NOT USE - obsolet (Nachrichten f�r Internetausgaben).
It is part of development package PMIQ_OBS in software component IS-HER-CM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Campus Management - Unreleased Development Objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
005It is currently not possible to re-register via the Internet
006It is currently not possible to obtain leave of absence via the Internet
012Password successfully changed
013Cannot assign role to SAP user
015An application already exists for &1
016Access denied
017No valid attendee type is available for Student Service Bench
019No sessions found for the program
020You have no access authorization
080No application type(s) released for access via the Student Service Bench
081Cannot find any application with specified criteria
082Only 10 applications can be displayed
084Error during automatic creation of application; try again later
085Technical error; check application data
086No qualifications found
087Re-registration is not possible; no programs booked
088No sessions available
089Database error; contact technical support
090No reasons for leave of absence exist
091No address subtypes exist
092Error while creating re-registration
093Technical error; contact technical support
094You are not assigned to an org. unit in the re-registration period
095You may not re-register since you were not registered in the prev.session
096You are already re-registered for this session and program
097Application for re-registration already exists for program/session
098First and last name not found
099Error while reading program data
100Street name not found
101Your are re-registered for program &1 in the period &2 &3
102Postal code not found
103City/town name not found
104Country not found
105An error occurred while creating the leave of absence record
106You have been granted leave of absence for program &1 in the period &2 &3
111Self-service session terminated due to scroll error
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