HRPSGB_HER - HR PS GB Higher Education Messages (USS, HESA etc)

The following messages are stored in message class HRPSGB_HER: HR PS GB Higher Education Messages (USS, HESA etc).
It is part of development package P08P_HER in software component PY-GB-PS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Public Sector Great Britain (Higher Education)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*** Higher Education Messages: 1 - 100 USS & 101 - 200 HESA ***
001Pension Scheme does not exist (Table T5G30)
002No USS Pension Schemes exist between &1 and &2 (Table T5GPBS_USS)
003Wage Type Group &1 contains no Wage Types. (Table T52D7)
004The TemSe output is ONLY supported by the USS and HESA interfaces.
005Employee Omitted (not active between &1 and &2)
006Employee Omitted (not in an active USS Scheme between &1 and &2)
007Employee Omitted (not the most recent Primary at &1)
008No Institution Code exists (Table T5GPBS_ALL for Molga '08' Group 'USSI')
009Return Year is a MANDATORY field
010The TemSe file &1 exists already and will be overwritten
011If the file &1 exists already it will be overwritten
012UNSPECIFIED Customer ERROR occurred during User Exit (SEL)
013UNSPECIFIED Customer WARNING occurred during User Exit (SEL)
014No Record Found In Infotype &1 between &2 and &3
015The National Insurance Number is missing
016The National Insurance Number is a Temporary one,'TN + DOB + Sex'
017There are NO errors or warnings to report
018Payroll Results currency conversion on &1 from &2 to &3 (PERNR: &4)
019Master Data currency conversion on &1 from &2 to &3 (PERNR: &4)
020Read of RGDIR found no records (PERNR &1)
021Read of RGDIR failed (PERNR &1)
022Import Of Payroll Results Table Failed (PERNR &1)
023Previous Year amendment affecting this year (PERNR &1 For &2 In &3)
024Amount exceeds field size limit. &1 used! (&2 &3 = &4)
025Salary Calculation returned NO Salary on &1
026Exception Wage Type &1 in CRT Payroll Results (&2: For &3 In &4)
027Error opening TemSe File (&1)
028Error writing TemSe File (&1)
029Error closing TemSe File (&1)
030Error while opening File Server File &1 (&2)
031Error while writing File Server File &1 (&2)
032Error while closing File Server File &1 (&2)
033The Return Year CANNOT be before 1999
034Employee Omitted (not in an active USS Scheme on &1)
035No USS Pension Schemes exist at &1 (Table T5GPBS_USS)
036No infotype Organisational Assignment (0001) at &1 (&2)
037No infotype Basic Payment (0008) at &1 (&2)
038No IT0015 switch exists (V_T5GPBS_ALL for 08/USSS/0015/99991231/18000101)
039Exception Wage Type &1 in Infotype &2 (For PERNR &3 at &4)
040TemSe Source file MUST be entered
041TemSe Source file does not exist in TemSe
042Target file definition cancelled
043Error when determining target file
044Error when opening target file
045Error when reading source file
046Error when closing source file
047Error when downloading source file
048The data was downloaded successfully.
049Salary Calculation (PERNR &1): Infotype &2 Read Error on &3
050Salary Calculation (PERNR &1): Wage Type &2 does not exist Table T511
051Salary Calculation (PERNR &1): Indirect Evaluation Error
052Salary Calculation (PERNR &1): Internal Error
053Processing Totals: Selected. &1 Rejected &2 (Rejected Customer Exit &3)
054Processing Totals: Successes &1 Failures &2
055Employee Omitted (not ACTIVE on &1)
056Employee has NO salary changes between &1 and &2
057UNSPECIFIED Customer ERROR occurred during User Exit (DAT)
058UNSPECIFIED Customer WARNING occurred during User Exit (DAT)
059UNSPECIFIED Customer ERROR occurred during User Exit (CHK)
060UNSPECIFIED Customer WARNING occurred during User Exit (CHK)
061Error &1 file on presentation server: &2
062Successfully &1 file on presentation server: &2
063This option should only be used to display an old return in an ALV list
064The annual salary (PERNR &1) is not between 5000 and 50000 GBP.
065Notional calculation of FTE can not be performed for &1 on &4
066Employee Omitted (not in an active USS CARE Scheme between &1 and &2)
067Employee Omitted (in an active USS CARE Scheme on &1)
068Entry Omitted (refunds cannot be reported to USS: &1 &2 &3 &4)
069You are returning CARE data for a previous Pension Year. Please check.
070Manual Changes NECESSARY. The employee has a VTE payment (Wage Type &1)
071Employee Processed (Non-primary processed: Primary is not in USS Scheme)
072Employee has no USS Final Salary contributions this month ( &1 )
073Assignment of field &1 for infotype &2 failed
074HR File is not up-to date; execute HR report first
075&1th Monthly Pens Pay change cannot be reported (period &2-&3; value &4)
076Last Execution of Contribution report shall be previous period (&1.&2)
077Last Execution of Contribution report should be previous period (&1.&2)
078Employee has negative values, not included into the interface file
079Contribution Report was already executed for this period
080NI Number must not be initial
081Surname Number must not be initial
082Birth Date is not in correct format (DD/MM/YYYY) it is: &1
083Birth date (&1) is not in required format (DD/MM/YYYY) or not valid
084Date of Birth must not be initial
085&1th Monthly Pens Pay abv VSC chg cannot be reported(per &2-&3; value &4)
100FTE is 0,0% for &1, contract ID &2, returned period &3 - &4
101Staff ID is invalid: check digit is &1 and should be &2
102No infotype Personal Data (0002) at &1 for &2
103No Date of Birth for personnel number &1
104Invalid data in field &1 of infotype &2: &3 for &4
105No HEFCE cost centre found for &1 at &2
106Value &1 is invalid for field &2
107Contract extension without previous record for &1 at &2 type &3
108The salary of &1 is not between &2 and &3 for &4
109Staff ID &1 is invalid
110No record of infotype &1 at date &2 for personnel number &3
111More than one record of infotype &1 for object &2 &3 at &4
112No staff ID for personnel number &1
113Cost centre &1 is not valid from &2 to &3
114Percentage has to be between 0.00 and 100.00, but it is &1
115Percentage = &1, principal and/or secondary source are incorrect for &2
116The infotype cannot be created before the employee was hired at &1
117Year &1 for HESA reporting not valid
118Error reading data from Org.Management
119Percentage academic is 0, Primary employment function should be "Other"
120No destination of leaving given for &1 at &2
121No "Date entered current service HEI" for &1
122Staff ID not unique, also used by &1 &1 was returned with a different staff ID in the previous year
124Contract for &1 (&2) with &3% actual acad. FTE is not returned
125Contract for &1 from &2 is not returned because pr.emp.func.= &3
126Employee &1 is not returned, because employee is not HESA returnable
127No record of infotype &1 in period &2 to &3 for personnel number &4
128No gender known for personnel number &1 (field &2 in infotype &3)
129Employee &1 has country grouping '&2' and not '08' as desired for GB
130There is no address maintained
131HESA grade cannot be determined for pers. number &1 - check grade mapping
132Contract from &1 to &3 for &2 is not HESA returnable
133Fields 'A+B_Appointment' and &1 &2 &3 &4 can't be filled at the same time
134Field(s) &1 &2 &3 &4 will be reset.
135The review date is a mandatory field for rolling contracts
136Contract end date is mandatory for fix term contracts
137At least one of the fields 'Act. code', 'Cost cent.', 'Proport.' initial
138Field 'Activity Code' or "Cost centre' contains a default value for &3
139Fields 'Joint HEI/NHS' and &1 &2 &3 &4 can't be filled at the same time
140You cannot create a record before go live date &1 at &2
141'Previous employment' &1 and 'Previous HEI' &2 are inconsistent for &3
142'Acad. discipline' &1 and 'Highest qualif.' &2 are inconsistent for &3
143Default code must be used for 'Leaving destination' for &1
144'Active in RAE 2001' &1 and 'UOA' &2 are inconsistent for &3
145'Mode of empl.' &1 and 'Terms of empl.' &2 are inconsistent for &3
146Clinical information is not consistent for &1
147The FTE of &1 is not between &2 and &3 for &4
148The difference of 'Total paid' &1 and 'Annual salary' &2 is greater &3
149No infotype 'Clinical Data' (0617) at &1 for &2
150There are three subjects (&1 &2 &3), but method is major/minor
151The academic qualification should be &1
152Institution &1 is assigned to country &2 not country &3
153There are three subjects (&1 &2 &3) and teacher training qualification
154There is another qualification record starting &1 that is marked as main
155There is no academic discipline for academic qualification &1
156Institution &1 is assigned to country &2
157No occupational code is defined for job key &1 on &2
158The field 'Job key' is initial on &1 in infotype 'Org. Assignment'
159Occupational category of job &1 is academic for non-academic employee
160National training number &1 is invalid, format should be aaa/nnn/nnn/a
161University sessions + NHS sessions greater than 11
162This report should be used only from Return year 2013
163Both UpTo and Above VSC schemes must be recorded on IT0071!
164ERs Pens Pay Solution must be deactivtd for VSC-Enabled Scheme &1 (T5G31)
165The combined FTE of all contracts held by &2 as of April 1st, &3 is &1 %
166On &1, 1st Activity Code contains a default value or is missing (&2)
167On &1, 1st Cost Centre contains a default value or is missing (&2)
168On &1, 1st Percentage is missing
169Employee must have UpTo VSC Scheme in period &1-&2
170HESA reporting for year &1 for &2 (&3) with file ID &4
171Employee cannot be in a VSC and a non-VSC Main Scheme in the same Period
172SEXID is not maintained on &1.
173Staff ID reported last year was &1, this year it's &2
174&1 not in &2 NISR, but returned in &3 without leaving information
175The value in field &1 of Person table is different between &2 and &3
176SEXID field is initial, but it has to be reported with a valid value.
177Enter values in order the 1st then the 2nd and then the 3rd field
178Same values are prohibited
179Appointment ID could not be generated, maximum numeric value reached
180Current staff ID will be overwritten
181Staff ID of employee is different (&1) in record valid from &2 to &3
182Staff ID as send to HESA is different (&1)
183Staff ID of employee &1 is not entered
184Academic year &1 is read from user parameter HR_GB_HESA_YEAR &1 has not been processed, but linked &2 has been
186The archive for the return year &1 does not exist or incomplete
187The archive for the return year &1 is locked
189No text in table &1 for language &2 for argument &3 &4
190TemSe object name is &1 created by &2 for object &3
191Report started in test mode
192The staff return category for pernr &1 can not be defined
194Linked personnel numbers not processed: &1
195Linked personnel numbers: &1
196Personnel numbers with errors: &1
197Personnel numbers not interfaced: &1
198Personnel numbers interfaced: &1
199Personnel numbers processed: &1
200Personnel numbers rejected: &1
201Field 32 is filled (&1) and field 33 is coded as 00 "Not left curr.inst."
203ATYPICAL contract has an FTE of &1 which contradicts HESA guidance
204HESA PERSON Record Validation Check &1 failed
205HESA CONTRACT Record Validation Check &1 failed
206HESA INTERDEPENDENCY Validation Check &1 failed
207Contract Period FTE exceeding 999.99 for personnel number &1
208Maintain "Disability" field before maintaining this field.
209The clinical status should be " Not Clinical academic "
210A GRADE is missing
211This grade identifier has not been used in the Contract table (& GRADE)
212For Grade identifier &, there must be values other than X in (&) or (&)
213HESA GRADE Record Validation Check &1 failed
214CY Cyprus mapped to XA Cyprus (European Union)
215AQ Antartica mapped to ZZ Unknown
216HESA PERSON Record Validation Check &1 &2 &3 failed
217HESA CONTRACT Record Validation Check &1 &2 &3 failed
218HESA INTERDEPENDENCY Validation Check &1 &2 &3 failed
219The valid entries for Multiple Submission suffix are: A, B, C and Z
220Maintain Activity Standard Occupational Classification SOC(1-6)
221Personnel numbers selected: &1
222Personnel numbers not processed: &1
223IT0614 has already been split, but RESAST still needs to be migrated
224IT0615 has already been split, but RESAST still needs to be migrated
2250614/0615 have already been split, but RESAST still needs to be migrated
226Maintain �Clinical Status� field
227HESA log is not yet stored for academic year: &1
228There is not exist stored log for the selection
229HESA Record Validation Check Activity.ACTSOC.1 failed
230HESA Record Validation Check Activity.ACTSOC.2 failed
231HESA Record Validation Check Activity.CCPROP.1 failed
232HESA Record Validation Check Activity.CCPROP.2 failed
233HESA Record Validation Check Contract.ACEMPFUN.1 failed
234HESA Record Validation Check Contract.ACEMPFUN.2 failed
235HESA Record Validation Check Contract.ACEMPFUN.3 failed
236HESA Record Validation Check Contract.Activity.1 failed
237HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CLINICAL.1 failed
238HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CLINICAL.2 failed
239HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CLINICAL.3 failed
240HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CLINSUB.1 failed
241HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CLINSUB.2 failed
242HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CLINSUB.3 failed
243HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CONFTE.1 failed
244HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CONFTE.2 failed
245HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CONFTE.3 failed
246HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CONFTE.4 failed
247HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CONFTE.8 failed
248HESA Record Validation Check Contract.ENDCON.1 failed
249HESA Record Validation Check Contract.ENDCON.2 failed
250HESA Record Validation Check Contract.ENDCON.3 failed
251HESA Record Validation Check Contract.ENDCON.4 failed
252HESA Record Validation Check Contract.HEIJOINT.1 failed
253HESA Record Validation Check Contract.HEIJOINT.2 failed
254HESA Record Validation Check Contract.HOURLYPAID.1 failed
255HESA Record Validation Check Contract.HSPEC.1 failed
256HESA Record Validation Check Contract.HSPEC.2 failed
257HESA Record Validation Check Contract.HSPEC.3 failed
258HESA Record Validation Check Contract.LEVELS.4 failed
259HESA Record Validation Check Contract.LEVELS.5 failed
260HESA Record Validation Check Contract.NHSCON.1 failed
261HESA Record Validation Check Contract.NHSCON.2 failed
262HESA Record Validation Check Contract.NHSCONGR.1 failed
263HESA Record Validation Check Contract.NHSCONGR.2 failed
264HESA Record Validation Check Contract.NHSCONGR.3 failed
265HESA Record Validation Check Contract.PSCAG.1 failed
266HESA Record Validation Check Contract.PSCAG.2 failed
267HESA Record Validation Check Contract.PSCAG.3 failed
268HESA Record Validation Check Contract.RESAST.1 failed
269HESA Record Validation Check Contract.RESAST.2 failed
270HESA Record Validation Check Contract.RESCON.1 failed
271HESA Record Validation Check Contract.RESCON.2 failed
272HESA Record Validation Check Contract.RESCON.3 failed
273HESA Record Validation Check Contract.RESCON.5 failed
274HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SALREF.1 failed
275HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SALREF.2 failed
276HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SALREF.3 failed
277HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SALREF.4 failed
278HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SIGRES.1 failed
279HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SIGRES.2 failed
280HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SIGRES.3 failed
281HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SOBS.1 failed
282HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SOBS.2 failed
283HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SOBS.3 failed
284HESA Record Validation Check Contract.STARTCON.1 failed
285HESA Record Validation Check Contract.STARTCON.2 failed
286HESA Record Validation Check Contract.STARTCON.3 failed
287HESA Record Validation Check Contract.STARTCON.4 failed
288HESA Record Validation Check Contract.STARTCON.5 failed
289HESA Record Validation Check Contract.TCHWLH.1 failed
290HESA Record Validation Check Contract.TCHWLH.2 failed
291HESA Record Validation Check Contract.TCHWLH.3 failed
292HESA Record Validation Check Contract.TERMS.1 failed
293HESA Record Validation Check Contract.TERMS.2 failed
294HESA Record Validation Check Governor.ENDGOV.1 failed
295HESA Record Validation Check Governor.EXPENDGOV.1 failed
296HESA Record Validation Check Governor.STARTGOV.1 failed
297HESA Record Validation Check Person.ABLWELSH.1 failed
298HESA Record Validation Check Person.ABLWELSH.2 failed
299HESA Record Validation Check Person.ACTCHQUAL.1 failed
300Previous emp. Institution code must exist if previous employment = '01'
301Previous emp.Inst.code must NOT exist if prev empl not equal to 01 or 21
302Previous employement institution code cannot be the same as the actual.
303Only one occurrence of 02, 03, 04 or 05 can apply at same time
304Academic teaching qualification must not be identical
305If Academic Teaching Qualification 90 or 99 no morre entries allowed
306Academic Teaching Qualification 90 or 99 can only exist in the 1st field
307If 1st Source Code is '01' than 2nd and 3rd must be blank
308If 1st Source Code is '01' than proprtion of Basic Pay must be 100.00
309Source Code '01' can not be used for 2nd and 3rd Source Code
310If 2nd Source Code is blank than 3rd must be blank
311If 1st,2nd or 3rd Source Code is &1 or &2 than Prop.B.Pay must NOT be &3
312If 1st,2nd or 3rd Source Code is NOT &1 or &2 than Prop.B.Pay must be &3
313Where there is more than one Source of, they must not be identical.
314Staff record checked, error could not be found
315The last character in the ORCID ID is a checksum, validation failed!
316Atypical non-academic staff is no longer inc. in the cov. of the record
317ORCID code should be entered without separators
318HESA Record Validation Check Person.ACTCHQUAL.2 failed
319HESA Record Validation Check Person.ACTCHQUAL.3 failed
320HESA Record Validation Check Person.ACTLEAVE.1 failed
321HESA Record Validation Check Person.ACTLEAVE.2 failed
322HESA Record Validation Check Person.BIRTHDTE.3 failed
323HESA Record Validation Check Person.BIRTHDTE.4 failed
324HESA Record Validation Check Person.BIRTHDTE.7 failed
325HESA Record Validation Check Person.CLINARD.1 failed
326HESA Record Validation Check Person.CLINARD.2 failed
327HESA Record Validation Check Person.Contract.1 failed
328HESA Record Validation Check Person.CURACCDIS.1 failed
329HESA Record Validation Check Person.CURACCDIS.2 failed
330HESA Record Validation Check Person.CURACCDIS.3 failed
331HESA Record Validation Check Person.DATEFHEI.1 failed
332HESA Record Validation Check Person.DATEFHEI.2 failed
333HESA Record Validation Check Person.DATEFHEI.3 failed
334HESA Record Validation Check Person.DATELEFT.1 failed
335HESA Record Validation Check Person.DATELEFT.2 failed
336HESA Record Validation Check Person.DATELEFT.3 failed
337HESA Record Validation Check Person.DATELEFT.4 failed
338HESA Record Validation Check Person.ETHNIC.1 failed
339HESA Record Validation Check Person.ETHNIC.2 failed
340HESA Record Validation Check Person.ETHNIC.3 failed
341HESA Record Validation Check Person.Governor.1 failed
342HESA Record Validation Check Person.Governor.4 failed
343HESA Record Validation Check Person.GOVFLAG.1 failed
344HESA Record Validation Check Person.GOVFLAG.2 failed
345HESA Record Validation Check Person.GOVFLAG.3 failed
346HESA Record Validation Check Person.HQHELD.1 failed
347HESA Record Validation Check Person.LOCLEAVE.1 failed
348HESA Record Validation Check Person.LOCLEAVE.2 failed
349HESA Record Validation Check Person.LOCLEAVE.3 failed
350HESA Record Validation Check Person.LOCLEAVE.4 failed
351HESA Record Validation Check Person.NATIOND.1 failed
352HESA Record Validation Check Person.NATIOND.2 failed
353HESA Record Validation Check Person.NATIOND.3 failed
354HESA Record Validation Check Person.ORCID.1 failed
355HESA Record Validation Check Person.ORCID.2 failed
356HESA Record Validation Check Person.PARLEAVE.1 failed
357HESA Record Validation Check Person.PARLEAVE.2 failed
358HESA Record Validation Check Person.PARLEAVE.3 failed
359HESA Record Validation Check Person.PREVEMP.1 failed
360HESA Record Validation Check Person.PREVEMP.2 failed
361HESA Record Validation Check Person.PREVEMP.3 failed
362HESA Record Validation Check Person.PREVEMP.5 failed
363HESA Record Validation Check Person.PREVHEI.1 failed
364HESA Record Validation Check Person.PREVHEI.2 failed
365HESA Record Validation Check Person.REGBODY.1 failed
366HESA Record Validation Check Person.REGBODY.2 failed
367HESA Record Validation Check Person.REGBODY.3 failed
368HESA Record Validation Check Person.REGBODY.4 failed
369HESA Record Validation Check Person.REGBODY.5 failed
370HESA Record Validation Check Person.REGBODY.6 failed
371HESA Record Validation Check Person.RELBLF.1 failed
372HESA Record Validation Check Person.RELBLF.2 failed
373HESA Record Validation Check Person.RELBLF.3 failed
374HESA Record Validation Check Person.STAFFID.1 failed
375HESA Record Validation Check Person.STAFFID.2 failed
376HESA Record Validation Check Person.STAFFID.3 failed
377HESA Record Validation Check Person.STAFFID.4 failed
378HESA Record Validation Check Person.STAFFID.9 failed
379HESA Record Validation Check Contract.LEVELS.3 failed
380HESA Record Validation Check Person.PREVHEI.4 failed
381HESA Record Validation Check Person.PREVHEI.5 failed
382HESA Record Validation Check Person.STAFFID.8 failed
383HESA Record Validation Check Contract.LEVELS is mandatory
384HESA Record Validation Check Person.REFUOA2021.1 failed
385HESA Record Validation Check Person.REFUOA2021.2 failed
386HESA Record Validation Check Person.REFUOA2021.3 failed
387HESA Record Validation Check Person.REFUOA2021.4 failed
388HESA Record Validation Check Person.REFUOA2021.5 failed
450HESA: Record overlaps 01.08.2012. Please Check!
451HESA: Record to be delimited ON or BEFORE 31.07.2012.
452HESA: New Record created should 'end' ON or BEFORE 31.07.2012.
453HESA: New Record created should 'start' ON or AFTER 01.08.2012.
454HESA: Record overlaps 01.08.2012. Run Conversion Program 'RPUHESA12'!
456Fields Unit of Assessm. and UoA:MultSubmission must be entered together
500Only Period &1/&2 (or the following period &3/&4) can be processed.
501Return Value &1 is not in the correct format. (&2) Key:&3
502Employee Omitted (not in an active USS AVE Scheme between &1 and &2)
503"Initial" period &1/&2 must be processed by &3 before any later period.
504Cannot run for period &1/&2; period &3/&4 has insufficient contr. records
505Accepted prop. of proc. EEs is &1; it must be an integer between 1-100
506No previous period &1/&2 record(s) exists for EE &3 or a LateNewStarter?
507HR-Report was last executed for &1.&2. Execute ContrReport for &1.&2
508Execute Contribution report for the first period &1.&2 in advance
509Execute Contribution report for the previous period &1.&2 in advance
510Contribution report was already executed for this period &1.&2
511No Contribution report run in the previous period (&1/&2). &3
512The data was downloaded successfully on the file server. &1
513The period must be between 01-12. (&1)
514Program cancelled due to incorrect DB operation &1 in table &2
515Sub-scheme(&1) exists without main scheme. (&2-&3)
516&1 mandatory for new joiners.
517Date of Birth was not verified.
518Contribution report cannot be executed to periods before &1.&2
519HR Report was not yet executed for the initial period in live
520Tables are deleted
521PTSF (&1 %) was deleted on (&2). Interface not able to send to USS.
522Absence was deleted (&1-&2). Interface not able to send to USS.
524Expected Return Date(&1) cannot be erlier than Date Absence Commenced(&2)
525Value (&1) is not a valid &2 from agreed list.
526Returned to Service(&1) cannot be erlier than Date Absence Commenced(&2)
527Value in field(&1) is blank but (&2) is populated.
528The EE must be between 16 and 75 year at the joining date.
529&1 must be greater than 1 char long (i.e.initials are not acceptable)
530File would be empty. No file was created.
531Expected returned date or Date Returned need to be filled.
532Absence type(&1) will not be sent to USS. Missing from t5gpbs_uss_abst.
533Overlapping records in &1
534Provide table not sorted in &1
535Employee's Inst ID &1 does not match InstID &2 that the rept processes
536No Institution ID exists (Table: T5GPBS_CS_CODES, CodeSet: USS_P00001 )
537EE is not included into the interface file because all amounts are zero.
538Postcode &1 contains invalid characters.
539Deleted IT0071 record -> EE reported as leaver in manual reporting.
540USS Scheme Type 'Both' is no longer supported.
541Emplyoee (&2) is rejected as &1 with the same NI Number (&3) is in error.
542Go-live period format &1 invalid for institution ID &2; see long text
543EE left USS before the actual period. Changes reported in manual ALV.
544EE has monthly VSC amount but has no Above VSC scheme on IT0071.
545If Above VSC scheme exists, Up to VSC scheme must exist on IT0071 too.
546Field & is a required field
547No 3 character ISO code exists for country with country key &1
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