HRPSGB_HER - HR PS GB Higher Education Messages (USS, HESA etc)
The following messages are stored in message class HRPSGB_HER: HR PS GB Higher Education Messages (USS, HESA etc).
It is part of development package P08P_HER in software component PY-GB-PS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Public Sector Great Britain (Higher Education)".
It is part of development package P08P_HER in software component PY-GB-PS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Public Sector Great Britain (Higher Education)".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | *** Higher Education Messages: 1 - 100 USS & 101 - 200 HESA *** |
001 | Pension Scheme does not exist (Table T5G30) |
002 | No USS Pension Schemes exist between &1 and &2 (Table T5GPBS_USS) |
003 | Wage Type Group &1 contains no Wage Types. (Table T52D7) |
004 | The TemSe output is ONLY supported by the USS and HESA interfaces. |
005 | Employee Omitted (not active between &1 and &2) |
006 | Employee Omitted (not in an active USS Scheme between &1 and &2) |
007 | Employee Omitted (not the most recent Primary at &1) |
008 | No Institution Code exists (Table T5GPBS_ALL for Molga '08' Group 'USSI') |
009 | Return Year is a MANDATORY field |
010 | The TemSe file &1 exists already and will be overwritten |
011 | If the file &1 exists already it will be overwritten |
012 | UNSPECIFIED Customer ERROR occurred during User Exit (SEL) |
013 | UNSPECIFIED Customer WARNING occurred during User Exit (SEL) |
014 | No Record Found In Infotype &1 between &2 and &3 |
015 | The National Insurance Number is missing |
016 | The National Insurance Number is a Temporary one,'TN + DOB + Sex' |
017 | There are NO errors or warnings to report |
018 | Payroll Results currency conversion on &1 from &2 to &3 (PERNR: &4) |
019 | Master Data currency conversion on &1 from &2 to &3 (PERNR: &4) |
020 | Read of RGDIR found no records (PERNR &1) |
021 | Read of RGDIR failed (PERNR &1) |
022 | Import Of Payroll Results Table Failed (PERNR &1) |
023 | Previous Year amendment affecting this year (PERNR &1 For &2 In &3) |
024 | Amount exceeds field size limit. &1 used! (&2 &3 = &4) |
025 | Salary Calculation returned NO Salary on &1 |
026 | Exception Wage Type &1 in CRT Payroll Results (&2: For &3 In &4) |
027 | Error opening TemSe File (&1) |
028 | Error writing TemSe File (&1) |
029 | Error closing TemSe File (&1) |
030 | Error while opening File Server File &1 (&2) |
031 | Error while writing File Server File &1 (&2) |
032 | Error while closing File Server File &1 (&2) |
033 | The Return Year CANNOT be before 1999 |
034 | Employee Omitted (not in an active USS Scheme on &1) |
035 | No USS Pension Schemes exist at &1 (Table T5GPBS_USS) |
036 | No infotype Organisational Assignment (0001) at &1 (&2) |
037 | No infotype Basic Payment (0008) at &1 (&2) |
038 | No IT0015 switch exists (V_T5GPBS_ALL for 08/USSS/0015/99991231/18000101) |
039 | Exception Wage Type &1 in Infotype &2 (For PERNR &3 at &4) |
040 | TemSe Source file MUST be entered |
041 | TemSe Source file does not exist in TemSe |
042 | Target file definition cancelled |
043 | Error when determining target file |
044 | Error when opening target file |
045 | Error when reading source file |
046 | Error when closing source file |
047 | Error when downloading source file |
048 | The data was downloaded successfully. |
049 | Salary Calculation (PERNR &1): Infotype &2 Read Error on &3 |
050 | Salary Calculation (PERNR &1): Wage Type &2 does not exist Table T511 |
051 | Salary Calculation (PERNR &1): Indirect Evaluation Error |
052 | Salary Calculation (PERNR &1): Internal Error |
053 | Processing Totals: Selected. &1 Rejected &2 (Rejected Customer Exit &3) |
054 | Processing Totals: Successes &1 Failures &2 |
055 | Employee Omitted (not ACTIVE on &1) |
056 | Employee has NO salary changes between &1 and &2 |
057 | UNSPECIFIED Customer ERROR occurred during User Exit (DAT) |
058 | UNSPECIFIED Customer WARNING occurred during User Exit (DAT) |
059 | UNSPECIFIED Customer ERROR occurred during User Exit (CHK) |
060 | UNSPECIFIED Customer WARNING occurred during User Exit (CHK) |
061 | Error &1 file on presentation server: &2 |
062 | Successfully &1 file on presentation server: &2 |
063 | This option should only be used to display an old return in an ALV list |
064 | The annual salary (PERNR &1) is not between 5000 and 50000 GBP. |
065 | Notional calculation of FTE can not be performed for &1 on &4 |
066 | Employee Omitted (not in an active USS CARE Scheme between &1 and &2) |
067 | Employee Omitted (in an active USS CARE Scheme on &1) |
068 | Entry Omitted (refunds cannot be reported to USS: &1 &2 &3 &4) |
069 | You are returning CARE data for a previous Pension Year. Please check. |
070 | Manual Changes NECESSARY. The employee has a VTE payment (Wage Type &1) |
071 | Employee Processed (Non-primary processed: Primary is not in USS Scheme) |
072 | Employee has no USS Final Salary contributions this month ( &1 ) |
073 | Assignment of field &1 for infotype &2 failed |
074 | HR File is not up-to date; execute HR report first |
075 | &1th Monthly Pens Pay change cannot be reported (period &2-&3; value &4) |
076 | Last Execution of Contribution report shall be previous period (&1.&2) |
077 | Last Execution of Contribution report should be previous period (&1.&2) |
078 | Employee has negative values, not included into the interface file |
079 | Contribution Report was already executed for this period |
080 | NI Number must not be initial |
081 | Surname Number must not be initial |
082 | Birth Date is not in correct format (DD/MM/YYYY) it is: &1 |
083 | Birth date (&1) is not in required format (DD/MM/YYYY) or not valid |
084 | Date of Birth must not be initial |
085 | &1th Monthly Pens Pay abv VSC chg cannot be reported(per &2-&3; value &4) |
100 | FTE is 0,0% for &1, contract ID &2, returned period &3 - &4 |
101 | Staff ID is invalid: check digit is &1 and should be &2 |
102 | No infotype Personal Data (0002) at &1 for &2 |
103 | No Date of Birth for personnel number &1 |
104 | Invalid data in field &1 of infotype &2: &3 for &4 |
105 | No HEFCE cost centre found for &1 at &2 |
106 | Value &1 is invalid for field &2 |
107 | Contract extension without previous record for &1 at &2 type &3 |
108 | The salary of &1 is not between &2 and &3 for &4 |
109 | Staff ID &1 is invalid |
110 | No record of infotype &1 at date &2 for personnel number &3 |
111 | More than one record of infotype &1 for object &2 &3 at &4 |
112 | No staff ID for personnel number &1 |
113 | Cost centre &1 is not valid from &2 to &3 |
114 | Percentage has to be between 0.00 and 100.00, but it is &1 |
115 | Percentage = &1, principal and/or secondary source are incorrect for &2 |
116 | The infotype cannot be created before the employee was hired at &1 |
117 | Year &1 for HESA reporting not valid |
118 | Error reading data from Org.Management |
119 | Percentage academic is 0, Primary employment function should be "Other" |
120 | No destination of leaving given for &1 at &2 |
121 | No "Date entered current service HEI" for &1 |
122 | Staff ID not unique, also used by &1 |
123 | &1 was returned with a different staff ID in the previous year |
124 | Contract for &1 (&2) with &3% actual acad. FTE is not returned |
125 | Contract for &1 from &2 is not returned because pr.emp.func.= &3 |
126 | Employee &1 is not returned, because employee is not HESA returnable |
127 | No record of infotype &1 in period &2 to &3 for personnel number &4 |
128 | No gender known for personnel number &1 (field &2 in infotype &3) |
129 | Employee &1 has country grouping '&2' and not '08' as desired for GB |
130 | There is no address maintained |
131 | HESA grade cannot be determined for pers. number &1 - check grade mapping |
132 | Contract from &1 to &3 for &2 is not HESA returnable |
133 | Fields 'A+B_Appointment' and &1 &2 &3 &4 can't be filled at the same time |
134 | Field(s) &1 &2 &3 &4 will be reset. |
135 | The review date is a mandatory field for rolling contracts |
136 | Contract end date is mandatory for fix term contracts |
137 | At least one of the fields 'Act. code', 'Cost cent.', 'Proport.' initial |
138 | Field 'Activity Code' or "Cost centre' contains a default value for &3 |
139 | Fields 'Joint HEI/NHS' and &1 &2 &3 &4 can't be filled at the same time |
140 | You cannot create a record before go live date &1 at &2 |
141 | 'Previous employment' &1 and 'Previous HEI' &2 are inconsistent for &3 |
142 | 'Acad. discipline' &1 and 'Highest qualif.' &2 are inconsistent for &3 |
143 | Default code must be used for 'Leaving destination' for &1 |
144 | 'Active in RAE 2001' &1 and 'UOA' &2 are inconsistent for &3 |
145 | 'Mode of empl.' &1 and 'Terms of empl.' &2 are inconsistent for &3 |
146 | Clinical information is not consistent for &1 |
147 | The FTE of &1 is not between &2 and &3 for &4 |
148 | The difference of 'Total paid' &1 and 'Annual salary' &2 is greater &3 |
149 | No infotype 'Clinical Data' (0617) at &1 for &2 |
150 | There are three subjects (&1 &2 &3), but method is major/minor |
151 | The academic qualification should be &1 |
152 | Institution &1 is assigned to country &2 not country &3 |
153 | There are three subjects (&1 &2 &3) and teacher training qualification |
154 | There is another qualification record starting &1 that is marked as main |
155 | There is no academic discipline for academic qualification &1 |
156 | Institution &1 is assigned to country &2 |
157 | No occupational code is defined for job key &1 on &2 |
158 | The field 'Job key' is initial on &1 in infotype 'Org. Assignment' |
159 | Occupational category of job &1 is academic for non-academic employee |
160 | National training number &1 is invalid, format should be aaa/nnn/nnn/a |
161 | University sessions + NHS sessions greater than 11 |
162 | This report should be used only from Return year 2013 |
163 | Both UpTo and Above VSC schemes must be recorded on IT0071! |
164 | ERs Pens Pay Solution must be deactivtd for VSC-Enabled Scheme &1 (T5G31) |
165 | The combined FTE of all contracts held by &2 as of April 1st, &3 is &1 % |
166 | On &1, 1st Activity Code contains a default value or is missing (&2) |
167 | On &1, 1st Cost Centre contains a default value or is missing (&2) |
168 | On &1, 1st Percentage is missing |
169 | Employee must have UpTo VSC Scheme in period &1-&2 |
170 | HESA reporting for year &1 for &2 (&3) with file ID &4 |
171 | Employee cannot be in a VSC and a non-VSC Main Scheme in the same Period |
172 | SEXID is not maintained on &1. |
173 | Staff ID reported last year was &1, this year it's &2 |
174 | &1 not in &2 NISR, but returned in &3 without leaving information |
175 | The value in field &1 of Person table is different between &2 and &3 |
176 | SEXID field is initial, but it has to be reported with a valid value. |
177 | Enter values in order the 1st then the 2nd and then the 3rd field |
178 | Same values are prohibited |
179 | Appointment ID could not be generated, maximum numeric value reached |
180 | Current staff ID will be overwritten |
181 | Staff ID of employee is different (&1) in record valid from &2 to &3 |
182 | Staff ID as send to HESA is different (&1) |
183 | Staff ID of employee &1 is not entered |
184 | Academic year &1 is read from user parameter HR_GB_HESA_YEAR |
185 | &1 has not been processed, but linked &2 has been |
186 | The archive for the return year &1 does not exist or incomplete |
187 | The archive for the return year &1 is locked |
189 | No text in table &1 for language &2 for argument &3 &4 |
190 | TemSe object name is &1 created by &2 for object &3 |
191 | Report started in test mode |
192 | The staff return category for pernr &1 can not be defined |
193 | |
194 | Linked personnel numbers not processed: &1 |
195 | Linked personnel numbers: &1 |
196 | Personnel numbers with errors: &1 |
197 | Personnel numbers not interfaced: &1 |
198 | Personnel numbers interfaced: &1 |
199 | Personnel numbers processed: &1 |
200 | Personnel numbers rejected: &1 |
201 | Field 32 is filled (&1) and field 33 is coded as 00 "Not left curr.inst." |
202 | |
203 | ATYPICAL contract has an FTE of &1 which contradicts HESA guidance |
204 | HESA PERSON Record Validation Check &1 failed |
205 | HESA CONTRACT Record Validation Check &1 failed |
206 | HESA INTERDEPENDENCY Validation Check &1 failed |
207 | Contract Period FTE exceeding 999.99 for personnel number &1 |
208 | Maintain "Disability" field before maintaining this field. |
209 | The clinical status should be " Not Clinical academic " |
210 | A GRADE is missing |
211 | This grade identifier has not been used in the Contract table (& GRADE) |
212 | For Grade identifier &, there must be values other than X in (&) or (&) |
213 | HESA GRADE Record Validation Check &1 failed |
214 | CY Cyprus mapped to XA Cyprus (European Union) |
215 | AQ Antartica mapped to ZZ Unknown |
216 | HESA PERSON Record Validation Check &1 &2 &3 failed |
217 | HESA CONTRACT Record Validation Check &1 &2 &3 failed |
218 | HESA INTERDEPENDENCY Validation Check &1 &2 &3 failed |
219 | The valid entries for Multiple Submission suffix are: A, B, C and Z |
220 | Maintain Activity Standard Occupational Classification SOC(1-6) |
221 | Personnel numbers selected: &1 |
222 | Personnel numbers not processed: &1 |
223 | IT0614 has already been split, but RESAST still needs to be migrated |
224 | IT0615 has already been split, but RESAST still needs to be migrated |
225 | 0614/0615 have already been split, but RESAST still needs to be migrated |
226 | Maintain �Clinical Status� field |
227 | HESA log is not yet stored for academic year: &1 |
228 | There is not exist stored log for the selection |
229 | HESA Record Validation Check Activity.ACTSOC.1 failed |
230 | HESA Record Validation Check Activity.ACTSOC.2 failed |
231 | HESA Record Validation Check Activity.CCPROP.1 failed |
232 | HESA Record Validation Check Activity.CCPROP.2 failed |
233 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.ACEMPFUN.1 failed |
234 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.ACEMPFUN.2 failed |
235 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.ACEMPFUN.3 failed |
236 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.Activity.1 failed |
237 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CLINICAL.1 failed |
238 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CLINICAL.2 failed |
239 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CLINICAL.3 failed |
240 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CLINSUB.1 failed |
241 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CLINSUB.2 failed |
242 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CLINSUB.3 failed |
243 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CONFTE.1 failed |
244 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CONFTE.2 failed |
245 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CONFTE.3 failed |
246 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CONFTE.4 failed |
247 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.CONFTE.8 failed |
248 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.ENDCON.1 failed |
249 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.ENDCON.2 failed |
250 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.ENDCON.3 failed |
251 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.ENDCON.4 failed |
252 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.HEIJOINT.1 failed |
253 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.HEIJOINT.2 failed |
254 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.HOURLYPAID.1 failed |
255 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.HSPEC.1 failed |
256 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.HSPEC.2 failed |
257 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.HSPEC.3 failed |
258 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.LEVELS.4 failed |
259 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.LEVELS.5 failed |
260 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.NHSCON.1 failed |
261 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.NHSCON.2 failed |
262 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.NHSCONGR.1 failed |
263 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.NHSCONGR.2 failed |
264 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.NHSCONGR.3 failed |
265 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.PSCAG.1 failed |
266 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.PSCAG.2 failed |
267 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.PSCAG.3 failed |
268 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.RESAST.1 failed |
269 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.RESAST.2 failed |
270 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.RESCON.1 failed |
271 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.RESCON.2 failed |
272 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.RESCON.3 failed |
273 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.RESCON.5 failed |
274 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SALREF.1 failed |
275 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SALREF.2 failed |
276 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SALREF.3 failed |
277 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SALREF.4 failed |
278 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SIGRES.1 failed |
279 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SIGRES.2 failed |
280 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SIGRES.3 failed |
281 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SOBS.1 failed |
282 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SOBS.2 failed |
283 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.SOBS.3 failed |
284 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.STARTCON.1 failed |
285 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.STARTCON.2 failed |
286 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.STARTCON.3 failed |
287 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.STARTCON.4 failed |
288 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.STARTCON.5 failed |
289 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.TCHWLH.1 failed |
290 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.TCHWLH.2 failed |
291 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.TCHWLH.3 failed |
292 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.TERMS.1 failed |
293 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.TERMS.2 failed |
294 | HESA Record Validation Check Governor.ENDGOV.1 failed |
295 | HESA Record Validation Check Governor.EXPENDGOV.1 failed |
296 | HESA Record Validation Check Governor.STARTGOV.1 failed |
297 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.ABLWELSH.1 failed |
298 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.ABLWELSH.2 failed |
299 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.ACTCHQUAL.1 failed |
300 | Previous emp. Institution code must exist if previous employment = '01' |
301 | Previous emp.Inst.code must NOT exist if prev empl not equal to 01 or 21 |
302 | Previous employement institution code cannot be the same as the actual. |
303 | Only one occurrence of 02, 03, 04 or 05 can apply at same time |
304 | Academic teaching qualification must not be identical |
305 | If Academic Teaching Qualification 90 or 99 no morre entries allowed |
306 | Academic Teaching Qualification 90 or 99 can only exist in the 1st field |
307 | If 1st Source Code is '01' than 2nd and 3rd must be blank |
308 | If 1st Source Code is '01' than proprtion of Basic Pay must be 100.00 |
309 | Source Code '01' can not be used for 2nd and 3rd Source Code |
310 | If 2nd Source Code is blank than 3rd must be blank |
311 | If 1st,2nd or 3rd Source Code is &1 or &2 than Prop.B.Pay must NOT be &3 |
312 | If 1st,2nd or 3rd Source Code is NOT &1 or &2 than Prop.B.Pay must be &3 |
313 | Where there is more than one Source of, they must not be identical. |
314 | Staff record checked, error could not be found |
315 | The last character in the ORCID ID is a checksum, validation failed! |
316 | Atypical non-academic staff is no longer inc. in the cov. of the record |
317 | ORCID code should be entered without separators |
318 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.ACTCHQUAL.2 failed |
319 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.ACTCHQUAL.3 failed |
320 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.ACTLEAVE.1 failed |
321 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.ACTLEAVE.2 failed |
322 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.BIRTHDTE.3 failed |
323 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.BIRTHDTE.4 failed |
324 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.BIRTHDTE.7 failed |
325 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.CLINARD.1 failed |
326 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.CLINARD.2 failed |
327 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.Contract.1 failed |
328 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.CURACCDIS.1 failed |
329 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.CURACCDIS.2 failed |
330 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.CURACCDIS.3 failed |
331 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.DATEFHEI.1 failed |
332 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.DATEFHEI.2 failed |
333 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.DATEFHEI.3 failed |
334 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.DATELEFT.1 failed |
335 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.DATELEFT.2 failed |
336 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.DATELEFT.3 failed |
337 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.DATELEFT.4 failed |
338 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.ETHNIC.1 failed |
339 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.ETHNIC.2 failed |
340 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.ETHNIC.3 failed |
341 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.Governor.1 failed |
342 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.Governor.4 failed |
343 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.GOVFLAG.1 failed |
344 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.GOVFLAG.2 failed |
345 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.GOVFLAG.3 failed |
346 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.HQHELD.1 failed |
347 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.LOCLEAVE.1 failed |
348 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.LOCLEAVE.2 failed |
349 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.LOCLEAVE.3 failed |
350 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.LOCLEAVE.4 failed |
351 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.NATIOND.1 failed |
352 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.NATIOND.2 failed |
353 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.NATIOND.3 failed |
354 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.ORCID.1 failed |
355 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.ORCID.2 failed |
356 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.PARLEAVE.1 failed |
357 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.PARLEAVE.2 failed |
358 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.PARLEAVE.3 failed |
359 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.PREVEMP.1 failed |
360 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.PREVEMP.2 failed |
361 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.PREVEMP.3 failed |
362 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.PREVEMP.5 failed |
363 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.PREVHEI.1 failed |
364 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.PREVHEI.2 failed |
365 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.REGBODY.1 failed |
366 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.REGBODY.2 failed |
367 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.REGBODY.3 failed |
368 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.REGBODY.4 failed |
369 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.REGBODY.5 failed |
370 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.REGBODY.6 failed |
371 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.RELBLF.1 failed |
372 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.RELBLF.2 failed |
373 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.RELBLF.3 failed |
374 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.STAFFID.1 failed |
375 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.STAFFID.2 failed |
376 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.STAFFID.3 failed |
377 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.STAFFID.4 failed |
378 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.STAFFID.9 failed |
379 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.LEVELS.3 failed |
380 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.PREVHEI.4 failed |
381 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.PREVHEI.5 failed |
382 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.STAFFID.8 failed |
383 | HESA Record Validation Check Contract.LEVELS is mandatory |
384 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.REFUOA2021.1 failed |
385 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.REFUOA2021.2 failed |
386 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.REFUOA2021.3 failed |
387 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.REFUOA2021.4 failed |
388 | HESA Record Validation Check Person.REFUOA2021.5 failed |
450 | HESA: Record overlaps 01.08.2012. Please Check! |
451 | HESA: Record to be delimited ON or BEFORE 31.07.2012. |
452 | HESA: New Record created should 'end' ON or BEFORE 31.07.2012. |
453 | HESA: New Record created should 'start' ON or AFTER 01.08.2012. |
454 | HESA: Record overlaps 01.08.2012. Run Conversion Program 'RPUHESA12'! |
455 | XYZ |
456 | Fields Unit of Assessm. and UoA:MultSubmission must be entered together |
500 | Only Period &1/&2 (or the following period &3/&4) can be processed. |
501 | Return Value &1 is not in the correct format. (&2) Key:&3 |
502 | Employee Omitted (not in an active USS AVE Scheme between &1 and &2) |
503 | "Initial" period &1/&2 must be processed by &3 before any later period. |
504 | Cannot run for period &1/&2; period &3/&4 has insufficient contr. records |
505 | Accepted prop. of proc. EEs is &1; it must be an integer between 1-100 |
506 | No previous period &1/&2 record(s) exists for EE &3 or a LateNewStarter? |
507 | HR-Report was last executed for &1.&2. Execute ContrReport for &1.&2 |
508 | Execute Contribution report for the first period &1.&2 in advance |
509 | Execute Contribution report for the previous period &1.&2 in advance |
510 | Contribution report was already executed for this period &1.&2 |
511 | No Contribution report run in the previous period (&1/&2). &3 |
512 | The data was downloaded successfully on the file server. &1 |
513 | The period must be between 01-12. (&1) |
514 | Program cancelled due to incorrect DB operation &1 in table &2 |
515 | Sub-scheme(&1) exists without main scheme. (&2-&3) |
516 | &1 mandatory for new joiners. |
517 | Date of Birth was not verified. |
518 | Contribution report cannot be executed to periods before &1.&2 |
519 | HR Report was not yet executed for the initial period in live |
520 | Tables are deleted |
521 | PTSF (&1 %) was deleted on (&2). Interface not able to send to USS. |
522 | Absence was deleted (&1-&2). Interface not able to send to USS. |
524 | Expected Return Date(&1) cannot be erlier than Date Absence Commenced(&2) |
525 | Value (&1) is not a valid &2 from agreed list. |
526 | Returned to Service(&1) cannot be erlier than Date Absence Commenced(&2) |
527 | Value in field(&1) is blank but (&2) is populated. |
528 | The EE must be between 16 and 75 year at the joining date. |
529 | &1 must be greater than 1 char long (i.e.initials are not acceptable) |
530 | File would be empty. No file was created. |
531 | Expected returned date or Date Returned need to be filled. |
532 | Absence type(&1) will not be sent to USS. Missing from t5gpbs_uss_abst. |
533 | Overlapping records in &1 |
534 | Provide table not sorted in &1 |
535 | Employee's Inst ID &1 does not match InstID &2 that the rept processes |
536 | No Institution ID exists (Table: T5GPBS_CS_CODES, CodeSet: USS_P00001 ) |
537 | EE is not included into the interface file because all amounts are zero. |
538 | Postcode &1 contains invalid characters. |
539 | Deleted IT0071 record -> EE reported as leaver in manual reporting. |
540 | USS Scheme Type 'Both' is no longer supported. |
541 | Emplyoee (&2) is rejected as &1 with the same NI Number (&3) is in error. |
542 | Go-live period format &1 invalid for institution ID &2; see long text |
543 | EE left USS before the actual period. Changes reported in manual ALV. |
544 | EE has monthly VSC amount but has no Above VSC scheme on IT0071. |
545 | If Above VSC scheme exists, Up to VSC scheme must exist on IT0071 too. |
546 | Field & is a required field |
547 | No 3 character ISO code exists for country with country key &1 |