HRSEN00 - Berechnung von Zeitangaben

The following messages are stored in message class HRSEN00: Berechnung von Zeitangaben.
It is part of development package PSEN in software component PA-PA-XX-TL-SEN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Service Calculation".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Administration: Messages 000 - 050 for infotypes 0552, 0553
001Enter a percentage rate that is less than or equal to &1
002The counter value should be less than the denominator value
003Technical error (contact the SAP Hotline)
004Duration of interval is too great (check the start and end date)
005You can store a maximum of three individual valuation models
006Data fields are shown/hidden according to the time specification type
007Calculation process &1 &2 is not permitted on &3
008Calculation process &1 &2 is not permitted as a subtype
009Screen has been recreated after the calculation process was changed
010Enter a validity period
011Result is not a key date (check the calculation run)
012Result is not a duration (check the calculation run)
013No definition for country grouping on selection date &1
014Technical error in method &2 of class &1 (contact SAP)
015Function module &1 is not completely implemented
016Technical error in function module &1 (contact SAP)
017Entering a duration is not allowed for time specification type &1
018Start and end date must be the same for time specification type &1
019Numerator and Denominator must be 100 for time specification type &1
020Process step and diffnt. valuation model not permitted for cal.process &1
021Function module &1 is not implemented
022Enter a denominator
023The time specification &1 is not allowed from &2
024The start date &1 of the emplynt period is before/same as apprval date &2
025An approval date is required for the time specification &1 on &2
026A collision between time specification &1 and &2 starts on &3
027Collision group &1 precedes collision group &2
028A permissable collision between time specification &1 and &2 starts on &3
030The time specification &1 is renewed on &2
031Your personnel number does not have a time specification &1 on &3
032Your person has time data &1 with the renewal number &2 on &3
033Your person has time data &1 with the renewal number &2 on &3
034For months, enter a value smaller than 11989 (999 years)
035Total from years/months/days is too large (total exceeds 999 years)
040Change the combination of period/key date and imputation
041For decimal days, enter a value greater 0.00 and less than 1.00
042For days, enter a value greater than 0 and less than 30
043For months, enter a value greater than 0 and less than 12
049Field overflow after employment period calculation
051Conversion is not possible (check the conversion rule)
052The result of the cumulation is negative (check conversion rule)
053Division is not possible since denominator for weighting factor is zero
054The duration does not contain a preset unit
070Enter a calculation process
071Enter a valuation model
072Enter a conversion rule
073Enter a duration
074Select a different evaluation period
075Log for employment period calculation is not available
100Administration: Messages 100 - 199 reserved for calculation process
101Import parameter is missing or incorrect for calculation type &1
102Calculation type &1 is not permitted
103Calculation process &1 &2 does not exist on the specified date &3
104Process step &3 does not exist for calculation process &1 &2
105You do not have authorization to read infotype &1
106No record for Organizational Assignment IT for personnel number &1 on &2
107Assignment to valuation model is missing for calculation process &1
108No entry for infotype &1 in infotype tables
110Calculation type ' Calculate start date' is obsolete
111No conversion rule is assigned to the calculation process &1 &2
120Administration: Messages 120 - 139 reserved for infotype message
121Date of birth missing in infotype for person in personnel number &1
159Administration: Messages 159 - 169 reserved for calculation process
160Enter a result type for storage of results
161A function module must be specified for storage of results
300Administration: 300-399 reserved for evaluation of valuation model
301Valuation model &1 does not exist
302Assign at least one selection class to valuation model &1
303Selection class &1 does not exist
304Assign at least one selection rule to selection class &1
305Selection rule &1 is not defined in view V_T525A_A
306Selection condition &1 is not defined in view V_T525I_A
307Selection exit &1 is not defined in table T525V
308Category &1 not defined
309Subcategory &2 for category &1 is not defined
310Check the definition of selection condition &1
311Choose a valid comparison operator for the selection condition
312The specification of the selection exit has not been taken into account
313No evaluation function module exists for selection exit &1
314Subtype &2 is not defined as a time specification type in table &1
315Personnel number &1 has no time specification in IT 0552, subtype &2
316Input indicator &2 for time spec. type &1 cannot be interpreted
317Period/key date: &2 for time specification type &1 cannot be interpreted
318The defined combination &2 for time spec. type &1 cannot be interpreted
320The period from &1 to &2 is below the defined threshold value
321The complete calendar units from &1 to &2 are below the threshold value
322A threshold value based on complete calendar units does not consider days
323The period from &1 to &2 is below the define maximum value
324The duration of selection rule &1 cannot be converted
325Internal error
326The imported tables contain neither periods nor date-based durations
327The total duration is below the threshold value
328The total duration is below the maximum value
329Indicator &2 for selection rule &1 cannot be interpreted
330Selection class &1 has overlapping weighted periods
331Threshold value type &2 for selectio rule &1 cannot be interpreted
332The min./max. threshold type &2 in sel. rule &1 cannot be interpreted
334The length of the date-based duration is below the threshold value
335The length of the date-based duration is below the maximum value
340Enter an employment period
341The required duration (&1 years, &2 months, &3 days) was not reached
342The employment periods do not contain a relevant interruption
343No remaining periods have been generated
344The selection class with remaining periods can only be called once
345Selection exit &1 does not return a denominator for the weighting factor
346Selection exit &1 returns a weighting factor without a denominator
350The internal table must not contain overlapping periods
351The internal table contains no data
352No priority has been assigned to a selection class
353No employment period is calculated for employee &1 with val. model &2
354No weighting factor is assigned to selection class &1
355Two factors were assigned to a duration of selection class &1
356A weighting factor of assignment &1 &2 in T525O is not interpreted
359Weighted period &1 &2 is compared with non-weighted period &2 &4
360Weighted peak &1 is compared with non-weighted peak &2 &3 &4
361The highest context is not maintained
370Pers. number is obligatory when using the class in table T5250
400Administration: 400-410 reserved for view V_T525A_A
401Define the different priorities for the start date
402Enter a date type
403Enter a calculation process
404Infotype &1 is not permitted for the selection and evaluation
405Enter a priority
406For this entry, flag 'Infotype existence'
407For this entry, flag 'Infotype content'
408Enter the duration of the threshold value or maximum value
409A quotient above &1 will not be evaluated in the employment period calc.
410Selection class &1 contains different weighting factor types
411Selection rule &1 is undefined with reference to weighting factor type
412This modification would change the type for selection rule &1
413Selection class &1 must not contain different weighting factor types
414Selection value &2 is not permitted for selection exit &1
415Selection class &2 is not copied for simultaneous contracts
420Management: 400-420 reserved for READ CLASS DATA
421Selection class is initial
450Administration: Messages 450-459 reserved for view V_T525K_A
451Enter a valid field name
452Complete the line
453Enter a logical relationship
460Administration: 460-480 reserved for view V_T525O*
461Enter a second duration that is larger than the first duration
462Enter a first duration
463Enter a duration
464The second duration will have no effect on the result
465Pension administration module is not active
466Component &1 of selection class &2 is missing from valuation model &3
467Possible entries for data fields have changed
468Enter a numerator up to the maximum value
481A selection rule was already assigned to selection class &1
482Selection class &1 is declared as a collective selection class
483Selection class cannot be its own collective selection class
489Characteristics of assignment &1 &2 have been initialized again
500Administration: 500-520 reserved for log
501Program error. Function model not called correctly
502Program error. Import parameters are missing for processing time &1
550Administration 550-570 reserved for BADI Implementations
551The operation &1 is not evaluated by the active calculation
552The active calc. does not support the scenario multiple concurrent empl.
600Administration 600-699 reserved for derived tools
601The anniversaries cannot be calculated for process &1 &2
881&1 data records have been inserted in table &2
882Program has already been executed, repetition runs will be stopped
883XPRA has been stopped since there is no entry outside client 000
884XPRA has been stopped since there is no entry outside client 000
885Program has already been executed, repetition runs will be stopped
886XPRA has been stopped since there is no entry outside client 000
887XPRA has been stopped since there is no entry outside client 000
888The report was executed successfully
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