HRSFEC_IT_MAPPING - Message Class for Infotype Mapping Logic

The following messages are stored in message class HRSFEC_IT_MAPPING: Message Class for Infotype Mapping Logic.
It is part of development package PAOC_PAD_SE_SFEC in software component PA-SFI-EC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Service Enabling Employee Central Integration".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Mandatoty importing parameter missing
001No personnel country grouping found for country code &1
002No administrators found in database table T526 for personnel area &1
003Cost center &1 of controlling area &2 is unknown
004No business area assigned to cost center &1 of controlling area &2
005Payroll area &1 is unknown
006No administrator group found
007No work contract found for country grouping &1
008No company code data found for company code &1
009No country grouping data found for country grouping &1
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