HRSFEC_TIM - Messages for time data replication processing

The following messages are stored in message class HRSFEC_TIM: Messages for time data replication processing.
It is part of development package PAOC_TIM_SE_SFEC in software component PA-SFI-EC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Service Enabling Time Data Employee Central Integration".
Message Nr
Message Text
001A technical error has occurred while reading time data. See long text.
002Time data cannot be found in the payroll system.
003&1 is an invalid operation. Please contact technical support.
004Time type &1 is too long to be used as an absence type.
005An error while saving TMW data
009An error while resetting the TMW buffer has caused processing to stop.
010Employee &1; Personnel number &2; Infotype &3
011Employee &1; Personnel number &2; Infotype &3 &4
012No mapping found for time type &1 in table &2. Original value is used.
013Reference map entries for repl content type &1 ext code &2 are not unique
014Personnel number couldn�t be determined. Please contact tech support.
015Employee ID could not be determined. Please contact tech support.
017No data for content type &1 ext code &2 found. Deletion not necessary.
018A technical error has occurred while reading time data. See long text.
019The time type &1 has more than 10 digits. Please contact support.
020The external code &1 has less than 32 digits. It might be not unique.
021No mapping found for pay type name &1 in table &2. Original value is used
022Pay type name &1 can be maximum 4 char long to be used as a wage type.
023The external code &1 is longer than 32 characters.
024Cost center &1 has not been mapped to a counterpart in SAP ERP in &2.
025Account mapping entries not inserted for personnel no &1.
026The combination of approval status and proxy status is not valid.
027The external code is not filled. Please contact technical support.
028The company code is not filled. Please contact technical support.
029The approval status code is not filled. Please contact technical support.
030Approved absence balance is less than 0.01. IT2010 will not be created.
031The pay type name &1 has more than 10 digits. Please contact support.
032Class &1 could not be instantiated. Please contact support.
033EC time data (ext. code &1 ) with status Pending Cancellation replicated
037The end date is not filled. Please contact technical support.
038Approved absence balance is less than 0.00001. IT2010 will not be created
039The user is not filled. Please contact support.
040Replication content type & is unknown. Please contact technical support.
041Approved absence balance not filled. Infotype 2010 will not be created.
042No country grouping found in table T500P for company code &1.
043Class to be processed not found. Please contact support.
044Processing of time data infotype &1 begin date &2 end date &3 failed.
045Approved absence balance is zero. Infotype 2010 will not be created.
046No mapping found for time type &1 in table &2.
047No mapping found for code value &1 in table &2.
048Save of IT was not executed successfully. Please contact tech support.
049Replication content type &1 is unknown.
050Balance type &1 can be maximum 4 char long to be used as a wage type.
051No mapping found for code value &1 &2 in table &3.
052Replication scenario object &1 is unknown.
053Buffer error. Processing of time data for PERNR &1 failed.
054Conversion of value &1 (field &2 of &3) to type decimal failed.
055Enter a value for Balance that is numerical and less than 17 characters.
056Data for &1 could not be retrieved. Inconsistent proxy with ext. code &2
057Account Type &1 can be maximum 2 char long to be used as Quota type.
058No mapping found for code value &1 &2 in table &3. Original value is used
059Time Account data for ID &1 wasn't replicated successfully.
060Replicated time data cannot be processed.
061Start of web service inbound processing at &1 (ref. &2 ) on &3
062Starting of BLP framework processing (&1).
063Finished of BLP framework processing (&1).
064Compensation Method missing for country &1 at &2
065Replication of absence type &1 not possible, quota deduction is enabled.
066Compensation Method &1 must not have a rule and a quota type assigned.
067External Code &1 is longer than 32 characters
068Arithmetic error with value &1 from field &2 of &3
069The start date is not filled. Please contact technical support.
070Dates &1 in time account detail and &2 time account payout must be equal
071Replication of payout &1 &2 requires replication of its time account &3
072Replication of absence &1 &2 requires replication of its time account &3
073Time type &1 needs mapping to absence type in table &2.
074Pay type &1 needs mapping to wage type in table &2.
075Balance type &1 needs mapping to wage type in table &2.
076Account type &1 needs mapping to quota type in table &2.
077Time type &1 mapped to absence type &2. &2 is too long. You can't use it.
078Pay type &1 mapped to wage type &2. &2 is too long. You can't use it.
079Balance type &1 mapped to wage type &2. &2 is too long. You can't use it.
080Account type &1 mapped to quota type &2. &2 is too long.You can't use it.
081No entry in table T001P for personnel area &1 and subarea &2
082No entry exists in table T503 for employee group &1, subgroup &2
083Holiday class &1 needs mapping in table &2.
084Holiday class &1 mapped to value &2. &2 is too long. You can't use it.
085Planned working time type &1 mapped to value &2. &2 is too long.
086Multiple proxies for user Id &1 referring to same time object &2
087Free daily work schedule &1 mapped to value &2. &2 is too long.
088Planned working time for user Id &1 with overlapping period &2 to &3
089Legal entity related to company code &1 not found in T77SFEC_KMAPCOMC
090EC code value related to ERP value &1 not found for datatype &2 in &3
091You have not selected any rows of replicated time data
092Fill either User ID or Personnel Number field
093Report &1 can only be executed in dialog mode
094Decimal value &1 greater than upper limit &2 (field &3 in infotype &4)
095Decimal value &1 less than lower limit &2 (field &3 in infotype &4)
096Number of employees for single query call is limited to &1
097Duration of period for single query call is limited to &1 days
098You have to choose less than 1200 day as time interval
099Country code could not be determined for personnel number &1
100Durations calculated differently in EC and EC Payroll
101Holiday class &1 not supported with clock times
102Custom field &1 is not configured in Employee Central.
103EC attributes for entity &1 could not be locked
104Replicated time data can only be changed in Employee Central
105Data Replication Proxy is not replicated to the ECP system
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