HRTMC_SEARCH - Nachrichten fur HRTMC Suche

The following messages are stored in message class HRTMC_SEARCH: Nachrichten fur HRTMC Suche.
It is part of development package PAOC_TMC in software component PA-TM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Talent Management Core".
Message Nr
Message Text
101REQUEST_ALIAS missing in T5TMCSROBJFLD for template &1 and request &2
102Error generating the search request in Enterprise Search
103Missing ROOT_NODE_ID in T5TMCSROBJECTS for template &1
104No valid value is specified for IV_PAGING
105Transfer either search_config or template_id and request_type_id
106No template_id or request_type_id details in T5TMCSRCFG for &1
107&1 &2 &3 &4
108Object ID of root node not given as response field (T5TMCSRFLD)
109Key field alias &1 from T5TMCSRNODES missing in results struc. from ESH
110No response_alias in T5TMCSRDEFFLD for template_id &1 and request_id &2
111USER_ALIAS missing in T5TMCSROBJFLD for template &1 and request &2
112No search can be performed on node &1 of the template &2
113Field &1 cannot be used for the search
114The search is currently unavailable
115&1 change pointers were generated
116The brackets in the search query are not correct
117Error occurred during the search; contact your system administrator
201Field &1 cannot be used as a search field (V_T5TMCSRDEFFLD)
202Field &1 cannot be used as a results field (V_T5TMCSRDEFFLD)
203Field &1 cannot be used in the search configuration &2
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