HRWPC00HEADCNT - �berleitung Headcountplanung ins CO

The following messages are stored in message class HRWPC00HEADCNT: �berleitung Headcountplanung ins CO.
It is part of development package PWPC_MAN_HEADCOUNT in software component EP-PCT-MGR-HR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Headcount Pln. + Transfer of Data to Statistical Key Figs CO".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*** Transferring Headcount Planning to CO ***
001Missing assignment between controlling area &1 and plan scenario
002Controlling area &1 does not exist
003The CO system could not be determined in the ALE customizing
004Controlling area &1: CO periods could not be determined
005No CO plan source has been stored in HR Customizing
006Data for the fiscal year &1 was transferred successfully
007Test run was successful
008No data selected for transfer to CO for &1 &2 &3 &4
009No cost centers were selected
010No statistical key figure was stored in HR Customizing
011Internal error while determining required positions
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