HRWPC_GENERAL - Allgemeine Nachrichten f�r HR Manager Self-Service

The following messages are stored in message class HRWPC_GENERAL: Allgemeine Nachrichten f�r HR Manager Self-Service.
It is part of development package PWPC_MAN_GENERAL in software component EP-PCT-MGR-HR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PWPC_MAN_GENERAL".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Infotype 'Actions' (0000) not defined
001No authorization for reading infotype 'Actions'
002No actions found in period from &1 to &2
003Infotype 'Organizational Assignment' (0001) not defined
004No authorization for reading infotype 'Organizational Assignment'
005No organizational assignments found in period from &1 to &2
006Infotype 'Personal Data' (0002) not defined
007No authorization for reading infotype 'Personal Data'
008No personal data found in period from &1 to &2
009Infotype 'Addresses' (0006) not defined
010No authorization for reading infotype 'Addresses'
011No addresses found in period from &1 to &2
012Infotype 'Monitoring of Tasks' (0019) not defined
013No authorization for reading infotype 'Monitoring of Tasks'
014No data on monitoring of tasks found in period from &1 to &2
015No country grouping found in period from &1 to &2
016Address according to feature ADDRS not found in period from &1 to &2
017Internal error occurred
018No employee was found for user name &1
019No survey results found in period from &1 to &2
020No job evaluation results found in period from &1 to &2
021Restricted authorization for reading infotype 'Actions'
022Restricted authorization for reading infotype 'Organizational Assignment'
023Restricted authorization for reading infotype 'Personal Data'
024Restricted authorization for reading infotype 'Addresses'
025Restricted authorization for reading infotype 'Monitoring of Tasks'
026No working times found in period from &1 to &2
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