The following messages are stored in message class HRWPC_OADP_MIGRATION: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Paket PWPC_MAN_TEAMOVERVIEW.
It is part of development package PWPC_MAN_TEAMOVERVIEW in software component EP-PCT-MGR-HR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PWPC_MAN_TEAMOVERVIEW".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No views exist for the specified selection
001No view groups exist for the specified selection
002No views or view groups exist for the specified selection
003Migration report for view &1
004Migration Report for View Group &1
005View group &1 cannot be migrated since view &2 is missing
006View already exists in new table structure. Make a new entry.
007The name you enter must lie in the customer namespace
008View group already exists. Make a new entry.
010View &1 has been migrated successfully
011View group &1 migrated successfully
012View &1 could not be migrated
013View group &1 could not be migrated
014Migration result for selected views
015Migration result for selected view gruops
016View &1 already exists in the new table structure
017View group &1 already exists in the new table structure
018Migration could not take place since table &1 is locked
019Migration could not take place due to a system error
020A test run for the OADP migration has been executed
021OADP migration is complete
022Rename view &1 as view &2
023Rename view group &1 as view group &2
031Migration could not take place since table &1 could not be locked
032Navigation ID &1 of view &2 would get lost in the new table structure
033Evaluation path or function module for root objects is missing
034Evaluation path or function module for object set is missing
035Evaluation path or function module is missing for navigation ID &1
036No object set or navigation set will be returned
037Object type &1 of navigation type &2 will get lost in the new tables
038An error occurred when adding data records
039Migration was rejected in the dialog box during runtime
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