HRWPC_REQ - Message class to catch errors in the Requisition Scenario

The following messages are stored in message class HRWPC_REQ: Message class to catch errors in the Requisition Scenario.
It is part of development package PWPC_MAN_RECR_US_46CFF in software component EP-PCT-MGR-HR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PWPC_MAN_RECR_US_46CFF".
Message Nr
Message Text
001User name &1 for the Hiring Manager does not exist in the system
002Position with object ID &1 does not exist in the system
003Job with object ID &1 does not exist in the system
004Recruitment �nstrument with object ID &1 does not exist in the system
005User name &1 for the recruitment team does not exist in the system
006Increase the Number of Positions (&1) to fit the actual positions (&2)
007Number of Positions cannot be left blank. Please specify valid input
008Please specify the name (system user) of the Hiring Manager
009Please specify either the Position or the Job information
010Please specify the Requisition Name
011Please specify the Requisition (Effective) Date
012Requisition object could not be created in the system
013Position with object ID &1 does not have a corresponding job
021This requisition object could not be maintained in Manager's Desktop
022This requisition object could not be posted to the TRM system
023Positions specified do not have the same job. Please adjust your entries
024Job data derived from the position conflicts with the job data entered
025The notification object could not be updated with the new RQ object data
026This requisition has not been approved for posting to the TRM system
027This requisition object was successfully posted to the TRM system
028Requisition data of " &1 " cannot be read due to error in Infotype 1000
029Requisition data of " &1 " cannot be read due to error in relationship &2
030Personnel number &1 for the Recruitment Team does not exist in the system
031The Media &1 is not being maintained in table T750H
032The Recruitment Instrument &1 does not exist in the system
033Problem occurred and could not read Infotype 1008 of the &1 position
034Problem occurred and could not read Infotype 1013 of the &1 position
035Problem occurred and could not read Infotype 1011 of the &1 position
036Problem occurred and could not read cost center of the &1 position
037Problem occurred and could not read planned compensation data
038The Recruitment Instrument Begin Date is higher than the End Date.
039Error occurred! This requisition object could not be closed
040The Desired Start Date is later than the Desired End Date - &1
041Incorrect input for "Desired End Date" or "Length of Assignment" fields
042Error occurred when converting external date into internal date format
043Please specify the Desired Start Date on the requisition form
044Please specify either the Desired End Date or the Length of Assignment
045The requisition object was successfully created. The new object ID is &1
046The requisition object was already created. &1 &2 &3
047Could not connect to the TRM Internet application
048User name &1 for the Personnel Officer does not exist in the system
049Please specify the name (system user) of the Personnel Officer
050User name &1 for the Second Approver does not exist in the system
051Request - '&1' needs to be approved, before creating the object
052User name &1 for the First Approver does not exist in the system
053Requisition object could not be created due to a database error.
054Requisition object could not be created. Check your &1
055Nothing found for the search object using the existing search criteria
056Job &1 derived from the added position &2 conflicts with existing job &3
057Please specify the Recruitment Instrument Begin Date
058Please specify the Recruitment Instrument End Date
059Error occurred. E-mail application could not be launched
060Use Create Requisition Object follow-up function, before &1 "&2"
061The draft form was successfully deleted. Please close this window.
062Error occurred, the draft form was not deleted.
063The draft requisition object does not exist on today's date.
064Requisition object could not be updated due to a database error.
065Requisition object could not be updated. Check your &1
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