HTTP_CSP_UI_MSG - strings for output in http alv
The following messages are stored in message class HTTP_CSP_UI_MSG: strings for output in http alv.
It is part of development package SIHTTP_CSP_UI in software component BC-MID-ICF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Userinterface of content security policy".
It is part of development package SIHTTP_CSP_UI in software component BC-MID-ICF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Userinterface of content security policy".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Send Entry to Allowlist |
001 | Send Entry to Suppression List |
002 | To Allowlist |
003 | To Suppression List |
004 | Test Lists |
005 | Compute Log for active entries |
006 | refresh |
007 | Set Suppression List active |
008 | Set Suppression List active |
009 | Refresh |
010 | Defined entry by Allowlist |
011 | Defined entry by Suppression List |
012 | Decided |
013 | Set Allowlist active |
014 | Set Allowlist active |
015 | Yet undefined by Allowlist or Suppression List |
016 | Test all entries |
017 | Compute Log for all entries |
018 | Time |
019 | Date |
020 | Scheme |
021 | Host |
022 | Port |
023 | Path |
024 | Entry Type |
025 | Set Lists Active |
026 | Enqueue for HTTP Allowlist locked. |
027 | No setup auth. for UCON CHW. |
028 | No Allowlist auth. for UCON CHW. |
029 | Error in UCON CSP &1 |
100 | Hits: &2. Should entry be imported into &1? |
101 | Input Entry Type |
102 | Suppression List |
103 | Allowlist |
104 | Input entry for &1: |
201 | The url &1 contains cr_lf and cannot be processed. |
202 | The url &1 has no http scheme (scheme = &2 ) |
203 | The url &1 with entry type &2 is blocked by your administrator. |
204 | When opening url &1 a UUID creation error occurred. |
205 | Wrong RegEx used |