HUDIALOG - Messages from packaging dialog
The following messages are stored in message class HUDIALOG: Messages from packaging dialog.
It is part of development package HANDLING_UNITS in software component LO-HU-BF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Handling Units - General Packing".
It is part of development package HANDLING_UNITS in software component LO-HU-BF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Handling Units - General Packing".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Detailed information can only be displayed for handling units |
002 | Specify a handling unit |
003 | Handling units could not be found. Check for typing errors |
004 | Change in non-HU storage location not possible due to insp.lot &1 |
005 | Enter the type of object |
006 | Enter the object number |
007 | Packaging data was saved |
008 | Handling units saved |
009 | Items in HU-managed storage locations must be packed |
010 | Material items required for creating a packing proposal |
011 | Inconsistency in internal table of HU items |
012 | Items could not be created |
013 | No batch yet assigned |
014 | Required HUs could not be found |
015 | Were handling units created with the correct status? |
016 | HUs are blocked for this object. Selection not possible. |
017 | No handling units were found for this document |
018 | Delivery status only allows display mode |
019 | No item could be found. Check your entries |
020 | ************** Functions for Screens 6000 **************************** |
021 | Handling units cannot be packed into themselves |
022 | Material &1 is not a serialized material. No maintenance possible |
023 | Select a handling unit for packing |
024 | Items were packed |
025 | Handling units were created |
026 | Not all packing data could be copied. Handling units created |
027 | Packing proposal dialog could not be initialized |
028 | No packing poposals could be found in the previous object |
029 | Packing proposal cannot be adopted completely |
030 | ************* DELETE ******************* |
031 | Material items could not be deleted |
032 | Handling units were deleted |
033 | Handling units deleted. Material items could not be deleted |
034 | Number assignment for material items is not possible |
035 | Delivery status (goods movement posted) only allows display mode |
036 | Select a handling unit to be packed |
037 | Handling unit has no status management |
038 | HU functions outside of the delivery only via unique number assignment |
039 | No data records were logged |
040 | ****************** SERIAL NUMBERS *********************** |
041 | Material &1 is not a serialized material. No maintenance possible |
042 | Serial numbers exist - plant and storage location cannot be changed |
043 | No log entries exist |
044 | Stock data was copied |
045 | There are no items that can be selected |
046 | There are no serial numbers assigned to this item |
047 | Handling unit &1 is packed - only entire HUs can be reassigned |
048 | Handling unit &2 is packed in the shipment |
049 | Handling unit &1 is inconsistent when assignment is deleted |
050 | ****************** HU_STATUS *************** |
051 | Status change to HU in HU-SLOC only possible through posting change |
052 | Inventory status may only be assigned internally through WM |
053 | Setting a status to quality inspection is not allowed |
054 | HUs with "Inventory" status cannot be changed or displayed |
055 | Change to status "IN_TRANSIT" only possible through a GR posting |
056 | Change to status "GI posted" only possible through a GR posting |
057 | Status change not possible |
058 | The status "DELETED" is assigned by the system only when a HU is deleted |
059 | Status change &2 not possible for HU &1 |
060 | Everything not packed because allowed volume exceeded |
061 | Allowed weight exceeded, therefore not all materials packed |
062 | Not all materials packed because of insufficient available weight |
063 | Only &1 &2 packed because of insufficient available volume |
064 | Only &1 &2 packed because of insufficient available weight |
065 | Selected handling units were emptied |
066 | Selected handling units were unpacked |
067 | Assignment can only be removed for HUs at the highest level |
068 | Document assignment of handling units cancelled |
069 | Handling unit identification was changed |
070 | Quantity could not be changed |
071 | Quantity was changed |
072 | Auxiliary packaging material was changed |
073 | Handling unit status was changed |
074 | Handling unit was changed |
075 | Material was packed |
076 | Handling unit was packed |
077 | Enter material document or handling unit that is to be deleted |
078 | Items were unpacked |
079 | Auxiliary packaging materials were deleted |
080 | Identifications were changed |
081 | Partial quantity cannot be greater than total quantity |
082 | No HUs could be created |
083 | Select a handling unit |
084 | Select a material |
085 | Quantity increase not possible since there is no quantity to be packed |
086 | Quantity increased by quantity to be packed &1 &2 |
087 | Total quantity limited by quantity to be delivered |
088 | No items selected for unpacking |
089 | No default data - No HUs were created |
090 | Handling unit / item has the status "cannot be changed" |
091 | Detailed data can only be be displayed for HUs of the current object |
092 | Detailed data can only be displayed for handling units |
093 | Handling unit was unpacked |
094 | Item quantity for item &1 is not sufficient for HU &2 |
095 | HU &1 is not posted for GI. No assignment to posting change/stck transfer |
096 | HU &1 is already put away. You cannot delete the assignment |
097 | HU contains an inspection lot. You cannot delete the assignment |
100 | ******************** FB_DELIVERY_PACKING ****************** |
101 | You cannot pack items without plant/storage location |
102 | Items subject to batch handling w/o batch assignment could not be packed |
103 | Delivery was already packed in a shipment |
104 | Delivery items with packaging requirement must be packed in the delivery |
105 | Packing in HU and WM storage locations takes place through picking |
106 | Delivery items with HU stor. location must be packed in the delivery |
107 | Within the delivery, posting change not possible for stocks |
108 | WM-relevant changes must be saved before delivery processing |
109 | Items without a storage location exist |
110 | Items with account assignments but having no stock cannot be packed |
111 | Items that are not relevant for goods movements cannot be packed |
120 | ************** Messages from Initial Screen for HU Transactions ******* |
121 | Enter the number of the work order |
123 | Are you sure you do not need to specify the residence time? |
125 | Internal error; contact technical support. |
126 | No Handling Unit was updated. |
127 | &1 Handling Units were updated. |
128 | Some selection criteria must be provided. |
130 | **************** Messages from Dialog Transactions HU01 - HU05 ******** |
131 | No partner stor.locat.maintained for stor.locat.&1. Enter the stor.locatn |
138 | Handling unit &1 has status &2 |
139 | Handling unit &1 has status &2. No assignment possible |
140 | *************** Messages from attempted HU assignment to object ********* |
141 | Handling unit &1 has status &2 - No Assignment to outbound delivery |
142 | Handling unit &1 is already assigned to delivery &2 |
143 | Handling unit &1 is already reserved for plant order &2 |
144 | No assignment possible during processing of packing proposals |
145 | Handling unit &1 has status &2 - No assignment to inbound delivery |
146 | HU &1: Packing proposals cannot be assigned |
147 | Handling unit &1 is already assigned |
148 | Handling unit &1 was deleted. No assignment possible |
149 | No handling units could be found |
150 | Handling unit &1 is already put away. No assignment possible |
151 | Handling unit &1 is already assigned to another object (&2) |
152 | No HUs can be assigned during shipment processing |
153 | Handling unit &1 is assigned to delivery &2 |
154 | Handling unit &1 is in a HU-managed storage location - No assignment |
155 | HU &1 is assigned to an object that cannot be processed here |
156 | HU &1 is not in a HU-managed storage location - No assignment |
157 | Handling unit &1 contains an item that cannot be assigned |
158 | Handling unit &1: Plant / storage location do not match document item |
159 | All selected entries have been processed |
160 | The requested function is not possible on this screen |
161 | Means-of-transport data is only possible for HUs w/ cat. means of trans |
162 | You are processing the first handling unit. No further HUs exist |
163 | There are no other handling units |
164 | Only one handling unit exists |
165 | Enter a number to be packed |
166 | There is nothing to be packed |
167 | No preceding items could be determined |
168 | Handling units that could not be changed were deselected |
169 | None of the handling units selected could be deleted |
170 | No handling units that could be changed were selected |
171 | The list of auxiliary packg. mat. you entered includes packaging material |
172 | Select a material that can be used as auxiliary packaging material |
173 | No designated auxiliary packaging material exists for this HU (PM type) |
174 | You can only enter batches for materials managed in batches |
175 | Item category is not allowed for this (auxiliary) packaging material |
176 | HUs must belong to a single warehouse number. Change plant or stor.locat. |
177 | Avail. weight & in higher-level handling unit & has been exceeded |
178 | Avail. volume & in higher-level handling unit & has been exceeded |
179 | Quantity changes are only possible for nodes that are not selected |
180 | Place cursor on the table control |
181 | Material group packaging materials not maintained for material & |
182 | Material & does not exist |
183 | The selected HU contains items that do not match those in the document |
184 | The HU you are looking for does not exist on this table control |
185 | Select an item |
186 | Packing according to packing instructions is only possible in change mode |
187 | No material items were selected |
188 | Position cursor on destination handling unit |
189 | Select a valid line |
190 | Enter a material number or choose exit |
191 | Packaging materials data is only permitted for HUs of type packaging |
192 | HU &1 is in the warehouse. Assignment only possible through transf.order |
193 | Posting change not allowed |
194 | Handling unit cannot be assigned because data is inconsistent |
195 | Plant &1 storage location &2 belong to warehouse &3 |
196 | The system could not find a predecessor item for this HU |
197 | The system could not find a subsequent item for this HU |
198 | Available volume is not sufficient. A maximum of &1 &2 can be packed |
199 | Available weight is not sufficient. A maximum of &1 &2 can be packed |
200 | HU label(s) printed successfully |
201 | There is not enough of material &1 that is not packed |
202 | Handling unit(s) were deleted |
203 | Error in RFC destination &1. No weights were determined |
204 | Status change &2 successful for &1 handling units |
205 | No changes were made |
206 | No material items exist with this batch |
207 | Print profile &1 does not exist |
208 | Handling unit does not match pack. station profile. Processing impossible |
209 | You cannot maintain packaging materials for means of transport |
210 | Check instruction for HU does not exist in the delivery |
211 | Goods movement could not be posted |
212 | Dangerous goods data is only possible for HUs with hazardous substances |
213 | The function does not exist for packing dangerous goods |
214 | Packing a delivery with dangerous goods is not permitted |
215 | only one handling unit can be selected for output preview |
300 | ************ HU reversal of goods movement ***** |
301 | Handling unit &1 is already marked for reversal |
302 | Some of the destination data was unsuccessful in this posting |
303 | Choose a process |
304 | Handling units have been changed. No cancellation possible |
305 | Unpacking of SN cannot be cancelled. Please pack anew. |
400 | Qty (&1) of material &2 to be packed is greater than the open qty &3 |
401 | Enter the handling unit into which you want to pack items |
402 | Partial quantity that is to be unpacked is larger than the HU's contents |
403 | System could not find the handling unit or packaging materials |
404 | Desired HU already exists |
405 | Desired HU with different packaging material already exists |
406 | Messages occurred - no display in batch input |
532 | The numbers in the number range &1 for object &2 are almost finished |
533 | The last number in number range &1 for object &2 has been assigned |
534 | More numbers requested than are available; last number has been assigned |