ICL_LOAN - Nachrichtenklasse f�r Darlehen

The following messages are stored in message class ICL_LOAN: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Darlehen.
It is part of development package ICLL_LOAN_APP in software component FS-CM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Claims: Life - Loan Subobject".
Message Nr
Message Text
000There is no loan (&1) that can be changed
001There is no loan that can be deleted
002There is no loan with this key
003There is no loan item that can be changed
004There is no loan item that can be deleted
005There is no loan item with this key
006There is no loan header
007Change to loan is not permitted; claim status is &1
008Withdrawal &1 not possible. Repayment amount &2 must be at least &3
009Withdrawal &1 not possible. Repayment total sum &2 must be at least &3
014The repayment amount must be less than the loan amount
015The interest amount to be offset must be lower than the open interest amt
016The total interest must be less than the loan amount
017Settlement date must be before contract validity date
018Loan interest does not exist and cannot be offset
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