ICL_TICL130 - Fehlermeldungen f�r icl_where_used_gen
The following messages are stored in message class ICL_TICL130: Fehlermeldungen f�r icl_where_used_gen.
It is part of development package ICL_CDC in software component FS-CM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-CM: Data Capture".
It is part of development package ICL_CDC in software component FS-CM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-CM: Data Capture".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1: No inconsistencies through deletion |
001 | &1 internal claim type: &2 permitted coverage type |
002 | &1 internal claim type: &2 internal claim type: limit and deductible |
003 | Coverage type: &1 insurance line: &2 amount authorizations payments |
004 | Coverage type: &1 policy product: &2 permitted coverage type |
005 | Insurance line: &1 information for Workflow/PD-Org |
006 | Insurance line: &1 assignment of user to tolerance group |
007 | Insurance line: &1 lines and their procurement processes |
008 | Insurance line: &1 policy product: &2 policy product version |
009 | Insurance line: &1 assignment insurance line <-> payment processing cat. |
010 | Insurance line: &1 claim control event: &2 action called |
011 | Claim closure reason: &1 claim type: &2 permitted claim closure reason |
012 | Incident type: &1 policy product: &2 internal claim type determination |
013 | Navigation. &1 Task: &2 Task |
014 | Standard complexity: &1 claim type: &2 versions of internal claim types |
015 | (Sub)claim complexity: &1 claim type: &2 permitted subclaim complexity |
016 | &1 internal claim type: &2 permitted cause of loss |
017 | Participation type of claimant: &1 position of person in vehicle |
018 | Participant role: &1 claim type: &2 business partner scrn seq. determin. |
019 | Participant role: &1 claim document: &2 roles of permitted recipient |
020 | Participant role: &1 transaction type: &2 permitted roles per trans.type |
021 | Participant role: &1 participant role (display information) |
022 | Participant role: &1 claim subobject cat.: &2 Permitted subobject cat. |
023 | Participant role: &1 tax role: &2 assignment of claim-BP roles |
024 | Task: &1 claim type: &2 permitted manual activity |
025 | Task: &1 claim control activity: &2 triggering claim file |
026 | Task: &1 BRF: Import status: &2 action activity |
027 | &1 Coverage referral: &2 overruling reason assignment |
028 | Coverage referral: &1 claim type: &2 manual coverage referral |
029 | Coverage referral: &1 claim control action: &2 triggering coverage refrrl |
030 | Coverage referral: &1 language key: &2 message variables |
031 | Coverage referral: &1 import status: &2 for BRFplus: coverage referral |
032 | (&1) Diagnosis: &1 Diagnosis catalog |
033 | (&1) Localization of a diagnosis: &2 Diag.: Permitted localization |
034 | (&1) Severity of a diagnosis: &2 diag.: permitted severity |
035 | (&1) Morphology: &2 Permitted morphology |
036 | (&1) Excoriation: &2 Diagnosis: Permitted excoriation |
037 | (&1) Diagnosis group: &2 Diagnosis group |
038 | (&1) Primary diagnosis: &2 Assignment of sec.diagnosis to primary diag. |
039 | (&1) Language key: &2 Text for diagnosis group |
040 | (&1) Language key: &2 Text for diagnosis catalog |
041 | Diagnosis type: &1 Claim item grouping cat.: &2 Permitted diagnosis type |
042 | Damage category: &1 damage descriptor |
043 | Damage category: &1 damage severity |
044 | Damage category: &1 Claim type: &2 Claim type: Permitted damage category |
045 | Damage category: &1 Claim type: &2 Claim type: Permitted damage severity |
046 | Damage category: &1 Language key: &2 Damage descriptor text |
047 | &1 Internal claim type: &2 Internal claim type: Permitted benefit type |
048 | &1 Internal claim type: &2 Intl clm type: Permitted clm item rejctn rsn |
049 | &1 Evaluation category of special evaln: &2 Intl clm type: Perm.obj.type |
050 | Evaluation base: &1 Catalog ID: &2 Definition of permitted catalogs |
051 | Prompting message: &1 Claims Management - Assignment Grouping -> Activity |
052 | Task: &1 import status: &2 BRFplus control predicate |
053 | Tolerance group: &1 details on tolerance key |
054 | Evaluation criterion: &1 transaction type: &2 prioritization of eval.crit |
055 | Catalog ID: &1 Call Structure: Catalogs |
056 | Settlement type: &1 claim type: &2 internal claim type: settlement type |
057 | Standard CD document: &1 posting transactn type: &2 posting standard fld |
058 | Tax group: &1 combination of tax role and participants |
059 | Tax group: &1 combination of tax group and payment type |
060 | Tax role of claim payment recipient: &1 payt type: &1 wthlding tax rates |
061 | Payment type: &1 relationship between payment type and main/sub-transactn |
062 | Reserve type: &1 reserve general ledger account determination |
063 | Reserve type of loss reserve: &1 claim bundle type: &1 claim bundle type |
064 | Reserve Type: &1 IBNR Reserve Type: &2 Reserve Cat. for Suppl. Reserves |
065 | Reserve type: &1 reserve category for supplemental reserves |
066 | Data element of parameter fld: &1 reserve rate rule: &1 reserving param. |
067 | Reserving rule: &1 reserving parameter value |
068 | &1 internal claim type: &2 internal claim type: permitted reserve type |
069 | &1 reserve group: &2 reserve group / indicatives |
070 | &1 co.code f.reserves: &2 co.code/line of ins./reg.office/state |
071 | &1 G/L account: &2 entity table: G/L account |
072 | &1 co.code f.reserves: &2 co.code/state/prod.line/coverage |
073 | &1 co.code f.reserves: &2 IBNR: Loss/expense percentages |
074 | &1 co.code f.reserves: &2 IBNR: Loss/expense percentages |
075 | &1 co.code f.reserves: &2 IBNR: Loss/expense percentage |
076 | Coverage (indicative f.batch res.): &1 limit determ. for ratio |
077 | &1 application year: &2 reserving per reserve group cluster |
078 | &1 application yr: &2 distribution percentages for incident years |
079 | &1 application yr: &2 expense-distribtn percentages for incident years |
080 | &1 application year: &2 reserve group cluster |
081 | &1 application year: &2 version for reserve group cluster |
082 | &1 application yr: &2 distribution percentages for incident years |
083 | &1 reserve group categroy: &2 reserve group: general features |
084 | &1 reserve group cat.: &2 assignment of reserve groups to res.grp.cluster |
085 | &1 reserve grp cat.: &2 assignment of indicatives to reserve gp category |
086 | &1 reserve gp cat.: &2 res.gp.cat./res.gp. -> indicative values |
087 | &1 application year: &2 reserve cluster allocation (IBNR) |
088 | &1 reserve gp category: &2 assignment: reserve gp cluster to res.group |
089 | Reserve gp cat.: &1 application year: &2 reserves for alloctn per res. |
090 | Reserve gp cat.: &1 IBNR input file f. res.allocation: &2 IBNR driver |
091 | &1 version of a selection: &2 reserve group |
092 | &1 reserve group: &2 reserve group, application years -> method |
093 | &1 reserve group: &2 reserve group, application yrs -> appl. method |
094 | Claim doc.: &1 claim control action: &2 action: document proposal |
095 | Claim document: &1 internal claim type: &2 permitted manual claim doc. |
096 | Claim document: &1 BRFplus: import status: &2 for BRFplus: doc. proposal |
097 | &1 internal claim type: &2 internal clm type: permitted claim hdlr gp |
098 | &1 Internal claim type: &2 Claim header - screen sequence definition |
099 | &1 Internal claim type: &2 Damaged object - screen sequence definition |
100 | &1 Internal claim type: &2 Subclaim - screen sequence definition |
101 | &1 Claim handler group: &1 Intl claim type: &2 data sets, for FMOD |
102 | &1 Claim control action: &2 actions: Start workflow |
103 | Claim read method: &1 application type of limits and deductibles: &2 |
104 | Claim bundle type: &2 subtypes of claim bundles |
105 | &1 claim bundle type: &2 claim bundle type - claim type assignment |
106 | Line: &1 Processing mode of loss notification: &2 properties |
107 | &1 line: &2 properties of loss notification transaction |
108 | Line: &1 incident type: &2 incident type |
109 | Line: &1 loss notificatn category: &2 loss notif.cat: Permitted lines |
110 | Line: &1 Name of ABAP dict. object: &2 NOL mandatory fields |
111 | &1 Line: &2 Permitted roles for lines of insurance |
112 | Damage category: &1 Make of insurable object |
113 | &1 Damage category: &2 model of insured object |
114 | &1 Damage category: &2 Damage category - Damage severity assignment |
115 | &1 Damage category: &2 Damaged category - Damaged object cat. assignment |
116 | &1 Incident type: &2 Loss notification category: Permitted fault |
117 | Damage category: &1 Damage descriptors |
118 | Participant role: &1 loss notif. cat: &2 loss notif. cat: visible role |
119 | &1 Internal claim type:&2 Internal claim type:Permitted damage descriptor |
120 | Type of damaged object: &1 cat.of damaged object: &2 model of damgd obj. |
121 | &1 claim handler group: &2 display profile |
122 | &1 group to suppress functions |
123 | Claim bundle type: &1 internal claim type: &2 claim bundle type assgnmnt |
124 | Payment reason group &1 internal claim type &2 determ.of payment reasn gp |
125 | Key number of diagnosis catalog: &1 diagnosis-specific attributes |
126 | Benefit type: &1 Benefit type tree: &2 Intl claim type: Perm.benefit type |
127 | First reserving parameter: &1 Reserving rule: &2 Reserving rule |
128 | &1 Line of insurance/Coverage: Permitted combinations suppl. reserves |
129 | Federal state: &1 Regional area: &2 Entity table: Regional office |
130 | Facts capture category: &1 Internal claim type: &2 Question sequence |
131 | &1 Claim bundle type: Hidden data sets |
132 | &1 Appl. of structured facts capture - Facts capture: Question sequence |
133 | Reason: &1 Claim type: &2 Permitted reason |
134 | &1 Benefit type tree: &2 benefit type tree: Limit and deductible |
135 | &1 internal claim type: &2 permitted coverage type |
136 | Field value &1 key &2 table name &3 |
200 | Functionality does not exist |
202 | Deletion is not possible; entries are still being used |