The following messages are stored in message class IDCFMHU: .
It is part of development package ID-CFM-HU-MM in software component FI-LOC-TRM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Treasury Localization: Money Market".
Message Nr
Message Text
200Activity/Posting date &1 is a holiday. Next workday &2
201Posting date &1 is a holiday. Next workday &2
202No data found for the selection
203No authorization for this function in comp. code & for product type &
204Please enter path and name for the temporary file
205Please enter the name of BDC session
206& & was already processed for the given activity date
207No credit account number found for & & & & in T033G
208No debit account number found for &1 &2 &3 &4 in T033G
209Unable to open file &1 . No posting carried out
210Calculated REPO int. rate is a negative value. Please check data entered
211Logical or Physical File Path &1 not specified
220Transaction is not available in this release
249************ Keler interface ************************
250No entrie found in table IDCFMHU_KELERDEPO for CCode &1
251Unable to open file &1
252Input file &1 empty
253HEADER type expected as first record
254Extract date &1 different than Activity date &2
255&1 contains a non numeric character
256Checksums are not equal: - inconsistent data in the extract file
257No valid record found in the extract
258Control data in table IDCFMHU_KELER1 are incomplete
499------ Off-balance posting ------
500The base date cannot be later than the last run date (&1)
501You selected specific transactions; the base date will not be updated
502Because of the security selection the base date will not be updated!
503Because of the repo selection the base date will not be updated
504Posting is not permitted for valuation area &1
510No error
511No items in VTBFHAPO table
512No definite swap difference
513Zero interest
514Swap has zero or negative interest
515Deleted reference
516Not active deal
517Transaction is not a swap deal
518Not settled deal
530Customizing missing for flow types in company &1
540HU_OB_AAR item missing &1 &2 &3 &4
550Maintain residence period in Customizing
551No residence time defined for company code &1
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