IDCFM_FRRF_MSG - FIFO Reevaluation

The following messages are stored in message class IDCFM_FRRF_MSG: FIFO Reevaluation.
It is part of development package ID-CFM-FR-RF in software component FI-LOC-TRM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Treasury Localization France: FIFO Reevaluation".
Message Nr
Message Text
001FIFO reevaluation has not been activated for company code &1
002Company code does not contain any business transactions
003Company code does not contain any Treasury business transactions
004Company code &1 does not contain an additional valuation area
005Portfolio &1 is defined as a tax portfolio
006Active bus. transactions already exist for acc. code &1 and val. area &2
007Valuation area &1 is not defined as an additional valuation area
008Security account &1 is not defined for company code &2
009Data for TAX-GAAP contains inconsistent information for &1 &2 &3 &4
010Item Number is ignored for selection of Val-Area-Independent Data
011Refifotage: Unmatched entries for TAX-GAAP valuation area for &1 &2 &3 &4
012Refifotage: Unmatched entries for non-TAX-GAAP for &2 &3 &4 on &1
020*** FIFO Reevaluation Activation Check ***
021FIFO reevaluation is activated for company code &1
022*** Additional Valuation Area Check ***
023Company code &1 contains additional valuation area &2
024*** Account Determination ***
025Company code &1 does not contain a tax security account
026Company code &1 contains tax security account &2
030Valuation Area is not specified.
031Record is not found in the assigment (Gen. Val. Class: &1, Val. Area: &2)
032Valuation Area &1 is not defined as Additional (Tax) Valuation Area
033Valuation Class must be identical for both Gen. Val. Classes
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