IFME_ENGINE - Incoming files - Engine

The following messages are stored in message class IFME_ENGINE: Incoming files - Engine.
It is part of development package ID-IFME-ENGINE in software component CA-GTF-CSC-DME. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Incoming Files Mapping Engine".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Raw data was not supplied
002Parser instance is not initialized
003Raw data instance is not initialized
004Inconsistent tree; Missing field node
005Block is not initialized (&1)
006Inconsistent tree; Missing field group node
007Expected value in content starting value field (&1/&2)
008Node is not initialized
009Block content is not initialized (&1)
010Length is not setup (&1)
011Regular expression &1 returned no results
012Delimiter not found (&1)
014Processing started for format &1/&2.
015There is a missing next mandatory node &1 (&2)
016Parsing content based on starting value &1 and ending value &2
017Parsing content based on starting value &1 only
018Parsing value with max length &1
019Parsing content based on delimiter &1
021Replacement value expected (&1)
022Parsing was unsuccessful. Cannot continue to mapping phase
023Mapper instance is not initialized
024Error creating target structure
025Field node expected (&1)
026Parsing failed for node &1 (&2)
027File was not parsed
028Number of alternatives for node &2 (&3): &1
030Alternative &1 for node &2 (&3)
031Alternative &1 chosen for node &2 (&3)
032Alternative &1 failed for node &2 (&3)
034Domain validation failed.
035Unable to parse conditions for node &1
036Inconsistent tree (node: &1)
037Invalid regular expression &1
038Node &1 not found
040Currency not determined for field &1 (&2) currency field:&3
043Error when processing output value adjustment for node &1
044Not supported decimal format &1 for node &2
045Invalid decimal count in &1. Parsed &2, format requires &3.
046Preparing to map into output structure &1
047No fields suitable for mapping were found
050An internal error occurred during the engine run
052Block for node &1 (&2) is inactive, will not be included in mapping
053New line removed from &3 for node &1 (&2)
055&1 (&2) is a valid candidate for mapping '&3'
056Skipping subtree for node &1 (&2)
059No more alternatives are available to try &1 (&2)
060Parsing content based on ending value &1 only
061Mandatory group is empty for node &1 (&2)
062Group &1 has incorrect number of occurrences (Expected:&2/Actual:&3)
063Node &1 must contain at lease one occurrence
064Object reference &1 for node &2 is not supported
065Operation &1 chosen for node &2
066Constant value for a node &1 was not derived
067Constant &1 from file is being parsed for node &2 (&3)
068Too many values are available for node &1 (&2)
069Expected constant &1 not found in the file
070Node &1 has no assigned currency field
071Missing record tag for node &1/&2
072Parsing record &1 (&2)
073Engine run failed.
074Parsing content based on record code &1
075&1 is not a valid ISO currency (check contents of table TCURC).
076Parsed &1 from node &2 (&3).
078Group &2 (&1) requires one subnode
079Mandatory node &2 (&1) is missing
080Inconsistent tree; Missing record node
081Inconsistent tree; Missing record group node
082Node of type record expected.
083Inconsistent tree; Variant &1
084Parsing record group &1 (&2)
085An unexpected situation occurred. This is a developer error. Reason: &1
086Parsing field group &1 (&2)
087Not supported node &1 (&2) for length operation
088Endless iteration of processing &1 (&2) content: &3
089There is some content which would be skipped (&2,&1)
090Node &1 (&2) has incorrect length, content: &3
091Node &1 (&2) has no type assigned
092Unable to interpret &1 as date
093Group &2 (&1) contains too many subnodes. Expected only one subnode
094Unable to interpret &1 as time
095Unable to interpret &1 as a number
096Unable to interpret &1 as a currency
097Unknown data type &1
098Fixed length field expected &1 (&2)
099Fixed length field not expected &1 (&2)
100Object reference is missing for a field &1 (&2)
101Field or Record expected. &1 (&2)
102Parent node is missing &1 (&2)
103Node &1(&2) has insufficient length (amount: &3 decimals: &4)
104Mandatory node &1 (&2) has no content
105Unable to parse delimiter &1 (&2)
107Delimited block has no content &1 (&2)
108Alternative failed, remaining content exists: &1
109Node has incorrect value &1 (&2) with content:&3
110Too many delimited values for record &1 (&2) content:&3
111&1 (&2) is a candidate for mapping result of &3.
112Could not parse node &1 (&2)
113Missing delimiter after record tag &1
114Enumeration value &1 parsed for node &2 (&3)
115Record is expected &1 (&2)
116Mandatory node has not met condition for node &1 (&2)
117Variable node &1 (&2) has no content
118An attempt was made to map &1 into &2, which does not exist on &3.
119Following mandatory node is missing
120&2-&3 = &1.
121Beginning new line of &1.
122[Append &1]
123Cannot locate structure &
124Cannot locate structure &1 field &2
125Delimiter not defined
126Separator not defined
127Parsing date with format &1.
128Delimiter has not been derived for node & (&)
129--[Action]--Append previously parsed values of &1--
130Missing column in source data
131New line not defined
132Initial content for node &1 (&2)
133Preparing data structures for mapping
134Created subtree for &1, iteration &2&3.
135Starting next iteration of &1: &2.
137Assigning to target structure:
138Missing content for fixed delimited processing &1 (&2)
139Invalid composition of a sub-tree &1 (&2) for CSV processing
140Expecting group node &1 (&2) for CSV processing
141Different record tag is expected &1 (&2) Tag: &3 Content: '&4'
142Mandatory node is missing &2 (&1). Input &3
143Mapping plan:
145CSV Parsing error; Expected value [&1] actual value [&2]
146Inconsistent CSV file
147&1 = &2
148Mapping process complete.
149Begin iteration &1 of &2.
150Expected CSV block &1 (&2)
151Performing assignments
152Currency value &1 is invalid or not defined in tcurx
153No errors were detected during the run, but no data was mapped.
154Record &1 (&2) is missing
155No data received from parser. Skipping mapping phase.
156Input data is empty.
157Based on file contents, the line terminator is &1.
158Based on format, fields should be separated by &1.
159Filter does not exist
160Record &1 (&2) is not relevant for upcomming tag [&3]/[&4]
161Missing content for the mandatory node &1 (&2)
162The input data is empty. CSV cannot be processed further.
163Continuing with record &1 &2
164Variable &1 changed from &2 to &3
165Variable &1 unchanged (&2)
166Value (&1) is incompatible with type of the structure field &2-&3 (&4)
167Alternative skips nodes &1&2&3&4
168Parsing based on offset &1, length &2
169Value was truncated to output field length &1
170Error occurred when mapping to field &1
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