The following messages are stored in message class IFME_TREE_CHECK: .
It is part of development package ID-IFME-TREE-CHECK in software component CA-GTF-CSC-DME. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Incoming Files Mapping Engine - Tree Checks".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Set Variable action must contain a calculation
001Root node cannot have a parent
002Root node cannot have a sibling
003Format tree &1 does not contain any nodes
004No parent specified for node &1
005No subnodes specified for node &1
006Node type &1 cannot be a subnode of node type &2
007Type &1 cannot be followed by a sibling with type &2
008Selected decimal format must have type Amount
009Invalid Currency Reference
010Currency Reference is not for a node with type Field
011Currency Reference is not for a node with type Currency
012Missing Currency Reference for selected decimal format
013The parameter of function &1 must be a variable
014Invalid condition on node &1
015Incorrect syntax in Output Value Adjustment.
016Output field - path is not valid.
017Root node cannot be deactivated
018There are duplicate constant names defined (&1)
019There are duplicate enumeration names defined (&1)
020Constant &1 doesn't have any value assigned
021Enumeration &1 doesn't have any value assigned
022There are defined constants with no name
023There are defined enumerations with no name
024There are duplicate values for enumeration &1
025Invalid reference to node &1
026Invalid reference to constant &1
027Invalid reference to enumeration &1
028Reference must be defined
029Invalid reference in condition
030Invalid reference in Output Value Adjustment
031No Date Format defined for node &1
032Invalid Date Format defined for node &1
033No Time Format defined for node &1
034Invalid Time Format defined for node &1
035Constant Value or Reference must be defined
036There are duplicate variable names defined (&1)
037Name must be defined
038Referenced node must have type Field
039Referenced node &1 in condition must have type Field
040Referenced node &1 in Output Value Adjustment must have type Field
041Invalid Processing Criteria
042Invalid Type
043Node &1: Nodes on the same level under the same parent have a same name
044Invalid Decimal Separator
045Invalid Decimal Places
046Length must be greater than 0
047Record tag must exist if fixed number of delimited fields is not used.
048Invalid Field Type
049Invalid End of Line Replacement
050Field Delimiter must be defined
051Replacement Value must be defined
052Invalid Group Repetition
053Invalid Sub Items Occurrence Type
054Number of Repetitions must be greater than 0
055Referenced node &1 is deactivated
056Referenced node &1 should be before node &2
057Referenced node &1 in condition is deactivated
058Referenced node &1 in Output Value Adjustment is deactivated
059Referenced node &1 in condition is not before node &2
060Referenced node &1 in Output Value Adjustment is not before node &2
061Operation &1 not possible for types &2 and &3
062Length must be higher than decimal places and separator
063Incorrect parameter count for function &1
064Incorrect parameter type for function &1
065Node &1 is part of a reference cycle
066The format contains cyclical references.
067With no input value processing, Output Value Adjustment must be filled
068Length must be greater than sum of the starting and ending content length
069Ambiguous parsing due to multiple fields with variable length (&2/&3).
070Incorrect syntax in Set Variable action
071Adjusted subnodes might be a performance bottleneck (too many iter.)
072Self-reference in condition is not allowed.
073Invalid condition - parentheses are required after NOT
074Invalid Decimal Places for selected Decimal Separator.
075The field delimiter cannot be the same as the decimal separator
076Only values or references are currently supported as function parameters
077It is not possible to assign text to variable &1 with data type Number.
078Missing comma between function parameters
079Check parentheses
080Output value type (&1) is incompatible with type of the Output field (&2)
081Enter a field as output field; &1 is not a field.
082Output structure &1 does not exist; contact SAP support
083Enter an output structure name
084An action node must have at least one action defined
085Enter a table as output table; &2 is not a table
086You must specify an output table for appending
087You must add at least one table for appending
088Appending to table &1&2&3&4 is defined but no mapping is set up
089Mapping is set up for table &1&2&3&4 but no append action defined
090Path specified for output table &1 is not correct
091You can only append to a table once within the same action
092Select the Default value for Field Separation
093If delimiters are always used, record &1 cannot contain more records
094Node &1 must use the same delimiter settings as node &2
095Record must have a record tag if it is after a record group
096Variable name must be filled in Set Variable action
097There is no append action for table &1&2&3 after field &4
098Conditions are not yet supported for group nodes
099Format mapping must contain at least one node with defined output field
100&1 cannot be used as a delimiter
101Data type for &1 value is converted to Text
102Node &1 and node &2 have the same record tags; check output
103Subnodes of field with "No Input Value Processing" must have same setting
104The parameter of function &1 must be a number or amount
105The function &1 must have exactly one parameter
106Tree must contain at least one node that processes values from input file
108The function &1 must have at least two parameters
109Parameters of function &1 must have the same type
110Parameters of function &1 must be numeric values
111The function &1 must have exactly two parameters
112You cannot refer to node &1; it is in a different iterative group
113You cannot refer to node &1 in Output Value Adjustment
114You cannot refer to node &1 in condition
115Variable &1 is not used
116Referenced variable does not exist
117&1 cannot be used as a Replacement Value
118&1 cannot be used as a Record Tag
119&1 cannot be used as a Constant Value
120&1 cannot be used as a Starting Value
121&1 cannot be used as an Ending Value
122You must set "No Input Value Processing" for fields outside a record
123A field with "No Input Value Processing" cannot refer to itself
124Set variable &1: invalid reference &2
125Set variable &1: referenced node &2 must be a field
127Set variable &1: referenced node &2 is not before the action node
128Set variable &1: referenced node &2 is deactivated
129The parameter of function &1 must be Text
130Incompatible parameter type in function SplitAndTake
131Incompatible parameter type in function Substring
132Incompatible parameter type in function Replace
133Parameter &1 of function &2 must not be negative
134Parameter &1 of function &2 must not be zero
135Reference to node &1 may not work because there is a condition on node &2
136Reference to node &1 may not work because node &2 is optional
137Length of input value (&1) may exceed length of output field (&2)
138Mapping to client fields is not allowed
139There is only one optional input-based node on the top level
140A single line record must not use End of Line Replacement
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