The following messages are stored in message class ILM_CHECKUI: .
It is part of development package S_ILM_CHECKUI in software component BC-ILM-CHK. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ILM Check Sums User Interface".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Check variant & created for table &
002Check variant & for table & deleted
003Changes to check variant & saved
004Checksums generation completed successfully
005Cannot delete check variant & for table &
006No check results for check variant &1, table &2
007Checksums for &1 &2 of &3 deleted at &4
008You have not made any changes
009Changes saved
010No results for variant &1, table &2, system &3, client &4
011No data available for selected checksums generation
012Data updated
013No check variants exist for object &1
014You do not have authorization to display check variants.
015You do not have authorization to display new check variants.
016You do not have authorization to delete check variants.
017You do not have authorization to modify check variants.
018You do not have the authorization to generate checksums
019You do not have the authorization to display checksums
020You are not authorized to generate checksums for system &1 client &2
021You are not authorized to display checksums for system &1 client &2
022You are not authorized to delete checksums for system &1 client &2
023You do not have the authorization to change the status or comment
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