ILM_STOR_MBC - ILM Store: MBC Message Class

The following messages are stored in message class ILM_STOR_MBC: ILM Store: MBC Message Class.
It is part of development package S_ILM_STOR_MBC_CORE in software component BC-ILM-STO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ILM Store: MBC Core Functionalities".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Request Key: '&1'
002Reference Key: '&1'
007Process with reference_key('&1') reached maximum steps
008FINISH-type Notification already exist for MBC process
010***--- General CX_ILM_STOR_MBC_RUNTIME messages ---***
011Unexpected exception '&1' when calling '&2'
012Parameter '&1' is initial in method '&2'
013Class instance '&1' not created in method '&2'
014Deletion of record with req.key: '&1' failed.
018Not authorized to execute targets on MBC Client side
022Asynchronous communication not supported. Reason: '&1'
026No record found in table '&1' for values '&2' in method '&3'
027Updating queue with unknown notification state: '&1'
028Wrong state order request. Current state: '&1', requested state: '&2'
031Record already exists in table '&1' for key values '&2'
032Message Back Communication is not allowed
033Payload type error
034Unable to create and add notification to queue
035Notification version not found in initial MBC HTTP request
039HTTP Client send request failed for request key '&1'
040MBC process contains notification in 'ABORTED' state
041HTTP Client receive request failed for request key '&1'
046Cannot instantiate HTTP client for connection '&1'. Reason: '&2'
047Queue lock failed for table '&1'
050MBC process does not contain START-type notification in state 'PROCESED'
051MBC 'START' Type multiple times in queue for URI_ID '&1'
053No data in queue for URI_ID '&1', Current type '&2'
054Wrong MBC Type provided '&1'
055Target execution failed on notification with req.key &1
056Queue on '&1' side contains failed records
058MBC context has been not initialized yet
059MBC queue processing job could not be scheduled (reason: &1)
060MBC queue processing job could not be copied (reason: &1)
061MBC queue processing job scheduling could not be completed(reason: &1)
062Casting failure. You tried to cast '&1' to intiger
063Client context already exist. Can not set store context.
064Store context already exist. Can not set client context.
066Wrong MBC Type Order provided '&1'
067Serialization of XML failed with following reason: '&1'
068Deserialization of XML failed with following reason: '&1'
073No response behavior defined for given HTML response parameters
074No response behavior registred in CL_ILM_STOR_MBC_STATE.
075Response for Asynchronous communication with parameters: &1 not found
076Response for Synchronous communication with parameters: &1 not found
078Bad HTTP Request. Reason: '&1'
080You can only specify one of the optional parameters in method '&1'
081Context is set to Client side, but Server side is required
082Context is set to Server side, but Client side is required
083Instance of class '&1' was not initialized
085Object creation for Interface: '&1' with parameter '&2' failed
087Target type for mbc_type: &1 and class_key: &2 Not found
088No payload found for mbc_type: &1 and class_key: &2
090Record with request_key: &1 not in CLIENT QUEUE
091Authorization have failed: &1
092Second Deletion phase(verification) failed for URI_ID: &1
093MBC process contain ABORT-type notification
094Synchronous Notification with request_key '&1' failed.
095Execution of target &1 failed. Reason "&2".
100***--- General RILM_STOR_MBC_PROCESSOR_MAIN messages ---***
101Starting MBC Asynchronous Queue Processing
102Processing queue contains records in "FAILED" state
103Unexpected exception occured
104MBC Asynchronous Processor finished successfuly
105MBC Asynchronous Process was aborted by ILM Store
138***--- General CX_ILM_STOR_MBC_EXCEPTION messages ---***
139MBC turned off in customizing for origin &1
140MBC not functioning. See logs for more information
141Archive key information not found for MBC reference key &1
176****-------- CL_ILM_STOR_MBC_FACADE ------****
177Initiating Message Back Communication [START]
178Initiating Message Back Communication [STEP]
179Initiating Message Back Communication [FINISH]
180Initiating Message Back Communication [ABORT]
181Archiving Key, Path or File not set in ILM Store Context.
200***--- General CX_ILM_STOR_MBC_CUST_RUNTIME messages ---***
201Failed to get customizing namespace: &1 for origin: &2
400***--- General CX_ILM_STOR_MBC_CL_CUST_RUNTIM messages ---***
401MBC customizing failed on client side
426***--- General MBC messages For HTTPHANDLER ---***
427Synchronous processing started.
428Asynchronous processing started.
429Deletion of notifications failed.Ref.Key:'&1'
431Bad request. Not supported method &1 was send for GET request method.
432Bad request. Wrong info sent about synchronous/asynchronous processing.
433Bad request. '&1' parameter is missing in request.
436MBC authentication have failed.
437MBC authorization have failed.
439Record with req. key &1 not found
447CF failed to instatiate object for IF: &1 with param: &2
449Record with &1 not found in TILM_STOR_MBCCQ.
450Scheduling BG job for MBC failed
458HTTP Request from host: '&1' received.
460Session timeout occured
461Communication error occurred during send
462Communication error occurred during receive
463Error when processing page
464Session terminated with error &1 &2 and reason &3
465Notification type &1 with req.key &2 accepted
466Notification type Start with req.key &1 processed
467Execution of notification type &1 with req.key &2 scheduled
468Testing mode. Processing of Req.key &1 in new task
469BG job with name &1 already scheduled
470BG job with name &1 successfully scheduled
500***--- General MBC messages for ADK and SRS ---***
501Archive key '&1' was memorized for asynchronous proc. of MBC request '&2'
502ADK DELETE post-processing of ARKEY '&1' ended with RC '&2'
503Switch to ADK PUT post-processing for MBC request '&1' and ARKEY '&2'
504Switch back from ADK PUT post-proc. for MBC request '&1' and ARKEY '&2'
505Switch to ADK DELETE post-proc. for MBC request '&1' and ARKEY '&2'
506Switch back from ADK DELETE post-proc. for request '&1' and ARKEY '&2'
507Deletion is processing in background with MBC.
508Switch to ADK post-processing for aborted MBC request &1
509Switch back from ADK post-processing for aborted MBC request &1
510ADK PUT post-processing of ARKEY '&1' ended with RC '&2'
511Calling 'ARCHIVE_ASYNC_STORE_FINISH' FM for ref.key &1
530***--- General MBC messages ---***
531Deletion of records from MBC table TILM_STOR_MBC_Q failed.
532MBC table TILM_STOR_MBC_Q successfully cleared.
533Second phase of deletion from destr. list &1 has finished.
534Second phase of deletion from destr. list &1 was initiated by MBC
535Deletion of archive file with key &1.
539MBC table TILM_STOR_MBCCQ successfully cleared.
540Deletion of records from MBC table TILM_STOR_MBCCQ failed.
541Execution of target '&1' started
542Execution of target '&1' completed
543Execution of Notification with req.key &1 started
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