The following messages are stored in message class ILM_STOR_MISC: .
It is part of development package S_ILM_STOR_TYPES in software component BC-ILM-STO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ILM DB Store: Basis Types and Elementary Functions".
It is part of development package S_ILM_STOR_TYPES in software component BC-ILM-STO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ILM DB Store: Basis Types and Elementary Functions".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
001 | ***** &1 ***** |
002 | &1: &2 |
005 | SAP NetWeaver version = &1, Support Package Stack = &2 |
006 | SAP NetWeaver version &1 with SPS = &2 is not supported |
010 | *** Business Functions *** |
011 | Business function '&1' does not exist |
012 | Business function '&1' is switched on |
013 | Business function '&1' is switched off |
020 | *** Internet Communication Framework (ICF) Services *** |
021 | ICF service with the handler '&1' does not exist |
022 | ICF service '&1' is active; user = &2, handler = &3 |
023 | ICF service '&1' is not active |
024 | |
027 | |
029 | *** Internet Communication Manager (ICM) Services *** |
030 | ICM: Error while reading value of profile parameter '&1' |
031 | ICM: '&1' protocol: host name = '&2', port = '&3' |
032 | ICM: '&1' protocol is not set up on the system |
033 | ICM HTTP parameter '&1': value = &2 KB may be too low |
034 | ICM HTTP parameter '&1' = &2 KB |
035 | *** User Authorizations *** |
036 | ICF service user '&1': not of type "Service" user |
037 | ICF service user '&1': authorization object '&2' missing |
038 | ICF service user '&1': authorization object '&2' assigned |
039 | ICF service user '&1': authorization object '&2' cannot be assigned |
040 | *** Logical Files *** |
042 | Logical file name '&1': assigned logical path '&2' is invalid |
043 | Logical file name '&1': not found in the transaction FILE |
044 | Logical file name '&1': logical path '&2' assigned |
046 | Operating system command '&1' is set properly |
047 | Operating system command '&1' is missing |
050 | *** Customizing *** |
051 | Reading assignemnt of the origin '&1' to an administrative origin failed |
056 | Default technical origin '&1' exists with origins &2, &3 used for testing |
057 | Default technical origin '&1' is not an administrative origin |
058 | Operational origin '&1' is missing for the administrative origin '&2' |
059 | Default operational origin '&1' cannot be set as administrative origin |
060 | Origin '&1': namespace '&2': missing property '&3' |
061 | Origin '&2': namespace '&1': invalid value for the property '&3' |
062 | Administrative origin '&1': namespace &2; property &3 = &4 |
063 | Operational origin '&1': namespace &2; property &3 = &4 |
064 | Origin '&1': property '&2' contains an invalid connection ID '&3' |
065 | Origin '&1': conn. type &2 = &3 does not correspond to conn. ID &4 |
066 | Origin '&1': used connection ID = &2; connection type = &3 |
067 | Origin '&1': connection ID '&2' can connect to '&3' storage |
068 | Origin '&1': connection ID '&2' cannot connect to '&3' storage |
069 | Origin '&1': no connection type corresponds to the connection ID '&2' |
070 | Operational origin '&1' is assigned to multiple administrative origins |
071 | Origin '&1': no client definition found for the administrative origin |
072 | Origin '&1': no client definition found for the operational origin |
073 | No external storage connections found |
080 | *** DDIC activation table authorizations *** |
081 | ICF service user '&1': Authorization is sufficient for object '&2' |
082 | ICF service user '&1': No authorization to auth. object '&2' |
083 | ICF service user '&1': Insufficient auth. value in auth. object '&2' |
084 | ICF service user '&1': Auth. value '&2' was not assigned to the object &3 |
099 | ************************************************************************* |
100 | -->> Health check execution protocol for the server |
101 | -->> Connection parameters to access the ILM Store |
102 | Target_Host = '&1' : port = '&2' |
103 | System_ID = &1 : client = '&2' |
104 | |
105 | -->> Valid ICF services with the ILM Store WebDAV Request Handler ---- |
106 | ICF service path = '&1' |
107 | |
108 | |
109 | |
150 | **** Health check for client messages **** |
151 | No ILM Store exists in SRS administration for ICF service '&1' |
155 | *** RFC destination *** |
156 | No valid RFC destination exists for ICF service '&1' |
157 | RFC dest. '&1': target host = &2; service no. = &3 |
158 | RFC dest. '&1': path prefix (ICF service path) = &2 |
159 | RFC dest. '&1': assertion ticket values (system ID & client) are missing |
160 | RFC dest. '&1': assertion ticket (System ID = &2, Client = &3) |
161 | RFC dest. '&1': invalid value assigned for &2; expected value = &4 |
162 | RFC dest. '&1': &2 = &3 |
165 | *** IRM policies *** |
166 | IRM: ILM retention policy rules for ILM Store '&1' |
167 | ILM Object '&1': policy category = '&2'; type = '&3' |
168 | Retention policies not found for ILM Store '&1' |
170 | *** Storage and Retention Services (SRS) *** |
171 | SRS is installed locally on system &1(&2) |
172 | SRS is not installed locally on system &1(&2) |
173 | Connection test to external SRS with destination '&1' was not successful |
174 | Connection test to external SRS with destination '&1' was successful |
175 | Run report '&1' on the system where the external SRS client is installed |
176 | Checking SRS settings on system &1(&2) |
177 | RFC '&1': connection parameters for ILM Store access |
189 | *** Exeption messages for helping class*** |
190 | RFC destination '&1' does not exist |
191 | HTTP RFC destination '&1' does not exist |
192 | User with name '&1' does not exist in system |
193 | Service path for name '&1' and ID '&2' does not exist |
194 | Service with name '&1' and ID '&2' does not exist |
195 | Virtual host for protocol '&1' not found |
196 | SRS service not found |
197 | RFC destination with target host '&1' not found |