ILM_STOR_MON - [OBSOLETE] ILM Store: Monitoring Framework Messages
The following messages are stored in message class ILM_STOR_MON: [OBSOLETE] ILM Store: Monitoring Framework Messages.
It is part of development package S_ILM_STOR_MONITOR in software component BC-ILM-STO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "[OBSOLETE] ILM Store: Monitor".
It is part of development package S_ILM_STOR_MONITOR in software component BC-ILM-STO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "[OBSOLETE] ILM Store: Monitor".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
001 | ***--- General CX_ILM_STOR_MON* messages ---*** |
002 | Unexpected exception '&1' when calling '&2' |
003 | Rollback executed for reason: &1 |
004 | This functionality is obsolete and must not be used any longer |
010 | ***--- General CX_ILM_STOR_MON_RUNTIME messages ---*** |
011 | Origin '&1' does not exist |
012 | Origin '&1' is not allowed in context |
013 | Cannot remove origin '&1' from monitoring pool in current context |
014 | Parameter '&1' has value '&2' which is out of range <'&3','&4'> |
015 | Referenced date and time '&1' is in the past |
016 | Invalid value '&1' found for '&2' |
017 | Call of function '&1' in method '&2' failed with result '&3' |
018 | Agent '&1' failed in method '&2' |
019 | Instance of '&1' is not initialized |
020 | Parameter '&1' was not provided |
021 | DB operation '&1' failed |
022 | Instance for '&1' not created |
023 | Value '&1' does not fit with domain '&2' |
024 | Variable '&1' has unexpected value '&2' instead of value '&3' |
025 | Authorization to '&1' failed for user '&2' |
026 | Conversion of timestamp &1 to date and time failed |
027 | Conversion of date '&1' and time '&2' to timestamp failed |
028 | You can only specify one of the optional parameters |
029 | At least one parameter from list of optional parameters is missing |
030 | KPI '&1' does not exist |
031 | Agent '&1' does not exist |
032 | Unable to add value '&1' for KPI name '&2' into KPI result table |
033 | Unable to add details for Detail name '&1' |
034 | Duplicate record for '&1':'&2' |
035 | Context already set for administrative origin '&1' |
036 | Context not initialized before calling method '&1' |
037 | Time interval <'&1';'&2'> is wrong |
038 | Subtracting value '&1'(unit: '&2') from timestamp &3& to timestamp failed |
039 | No KPI result found |
040 | No KPI detail found |
041 | Detail name '&1' is wrong |
042 | No last monitoring result has been found |
043 | Detail name '&1' not found in definition of KPI '&2' |
044 | No KPI data provided for saving |
045 | No KPI is available |
046 | KPI '&1' raised exception '&2' when call '&3' |
047 | Monitoring customizing failed in method '&1' |
048 | Monitoring customizing not found for attribute &1 |
049 | Origin '&1' is not active for monitoring |
050 | ***--- General CX_ILM_STOR_MON_EXCEPTION messages ---*** |
051 | Origin '&1' already exists in the monitoring pool |
052 | Origin '&1' not found in the monitoring pool |
053 | Origin '&1' cannot be added to the monitoring pool |
054 | User '&1' does not have authorization to '&2' |
055 | Monitoring pool is empty for current context |
056 | No origin available for monitoring in current context |
058 | Monitoring already set |
059 | Missign authorization for activity '&1' |
060 | Time interval for selection is too big (max. &1 days) |
061 | Context of monitoring has been not initialized yet |
062 | Origin '&1' is not valid as monitoring origin for context |
100 | ***--- Agent-related messages for CX_ILM_STOR_MON_EXCEPTION ---*** |
101 | Agent Name '&1' does not exist |
102 | Agent Name '&1' cannot be deleted from agent list |
103 | Agent Name '&1' already exists |
104 | Agent Name '&1' is locked |
105 | Agent '&2' cannot be run in context '&1' |
106 | No command exists for agent name '&1' |
107 | Execution of Agent '&1' was aborted |
108 | Agent &1 already started |
109 | Agent &1 already stopped |
110 | Cannot stop running agent '&1' |
111 | No agent has been found for monitoring in context '&1' |
112 | Cannot delete running agent '&1' |
113 | Process has been canceled because of a running agent '&1' |
114 | No changes in specification of agent '&1' |
115 | Initialization failed for monitoring context '&1' and agent '&2' |
116 | Maximum number &1 of active agents already reached |
117 | KPI name '&1' contains illegal characters |
118 | KPI name '&1' not in allowed customer namespace |
119 | KPI class '&1' is wrong or inactive |
120 | KPI '&1' already exists in register |
121 | KPI class '&1' does not implement interface '&2' |
122 | Delayed BG job of Agent &1 deleted |
123 | Multiple run of agent '&1' detected |
124 | Missing characetristic for KPI '&1' |
125 | Wrong specification for agent creation |
150 | ***--- Command-related messages for CX_ILM_STOR_MON_EXCEPTION ---*** |
151 | No commands exist in system |
152 | Command does not exist. KPI Name: '&1', Origin: '&2', Area: '&3' |
153 | Command could not be deleted. KPI Name: '&1', Origin: '&2', Area: '&3' |
154 | No command exists for provided agent |
155 | Command already exists: KPI Name: '&1', Origin: '&2', Area: '&3' |
156 | No command exists for key: KPI Name: '&1', Origin: '&2', Area: '&3' |
157 | No command found in context '&1' |
200 | ***--- KPI-related messages for CX_ILM_STOR_MON_EXCEPTION ---*** |
201 | Definition for KPI '&1' is wrong |
202 | KPI with name '&1' does not exist |
203 | No KPI is available |
204 | KPI implementation '&1' is wrong |
205 | Value for KPI '&1' is wrong |
206 | Value for KPI Detail '&1' is wrong |
207 | Last run of KPI '&1' not found for origin '&2' and area '&3' |
208 | Last value of KPI '&1' not found for origin '&2' and area '&3' |
209 | No KPI result found for time interval <&1;&2> |
210 | No KPI detail found for time interval <&1;&2> |
211 | Missing requested result from KPI '&1' for origin '&2' and area '&3' |
212 | &1 KPI result records deleted from DB |
213 | &1 KPI last run result records deleted from DB |
214 | &1 cluster records of KPI details deleted from DB |
215 | Detail name '&1' is missing in definition of KPI '&2' |
216 | Reference to data of detail '&1' and KPI '&2' is wrong |
217 | Missing area type for area '&1' in KPI '&2' |
218 | KPI '&1' doesn't know area '&2' |
219 | No area is expected instead of area '&1' for KPI '&2' |
220 | Online processing mode is not allowed for KPI '&1' |
221 | Offline processing mode is not allowed for KPI '&1' |
222 | Realtime processing mode is not allowed for KPI '&1' |
223 | Expected area for KPI '&1' |
300 | ***--- Cleaner-related messages for CX_ILM_STOR_MON_EXCEPTION ---*** |
301 | Initialization failed for monitoring context '&1' for cleaner '&2' |
302 | Retention cleansing already running under name &1 |
303 | Retention cleansing aborted for BG job &1 |
304 | Retention cleansing not running |
305 | BG job &1 is not running for active retention cleansing |
306 | Retention cleansing started for different date &1 |
307 | Retention cleansing succesfully started |
308 | Retention cleansing ended succesfully |
350 | ***--- General CX_ILM_STOR_MON_KPI messages ---*** |
351 | Area '&1' is not supported by KPI '&2' |
400 | ***--- Customizing related messages for CX_ILM_STOR_MON_RUNTIME ---*** |
401 | Calling method &1 is not valid in the current context |
402 | Double initialization not possible (&1) |
403 | Monitoring origin '&1' does not exist |
404 | No monitoring origin is available |
405 | Origin '&1' is not available |
500 | ***--- Customizing messages for CX_ILM_STOR_MON_CUS ---*** |
501 | Value &1 is not a Boolean value |
502 | Value &1 is not a number |
503 | &2.&3 not found for monitoring origin &1 |
504 | Property &1.&2 is read-only |
505 | Namespace &1 not found |
506 | Origin &1 not found |
507 | Type &1 is not a known data type |
508 | Property &1.&2 for monitoring origin &3 already exists |
509 | Monitoring origin &1 not found |
510 | Active monitoring origin was not selected |
512 | System command &1 for OS &2 is incorrect or not defined |
550 | ***--- Customizing messages for CX_ILM_STOR_MON_CUS_RUNTIME ---*** |
551 | Property Name '&1' does not exist |
600 | ***--- General CX_ILM_STOR_MON_RUNTIME messages ---*** Part 2 |
601 | Provided server path does not exist: '&1' |
800 | ***--- Event-related messages for CX_ILM_STOR_EVENT ---*** |
801 | Event ID '&1' doesn't exist |
802 | No active events has been found |
803 | Event '&1' for origin '&2' is inactive |
804 | Event deletion started |
805 | Event deletion finished - '&1' events deleted |
806 | Event deletion requested for diffenrent date '&1' |
807 | Event ID '&1' doesn't exist for Origin '&2' |
808 | Event '&1' for origin '&2' is permanently inactive |
809 | Event '&1' for origin '&2' is permanently active |
810 | Cannot switch off KPI event '&1' for origin '&2' |