ILM_STOR_WD - ILM Storage: WebDAV Message Class

The following messages are stored in message class ILM_STOR_WD: ILM Storage: WebDAV Message Class.
It is part of development package S_ILM_STOR_ACCESS_WD in software component BC-ILM-STO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ILM Storage: Access Layer for WebDAV".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001***--- General CX_ILM_STOR_WD* messages ---***
002No authorization for &1 to &2
003Cannot write starting header to the log
004Cannot write closing footer to the log
005Unsupported user agent: &1
006See message body
007Session timeout occured
008Communication error occurred during send
009Communication error occurred during receive
010Error when processing page
011Call of HTTP request with method &1 ended with error return code &2
012Call of HTTP response with method &1 ended with error return code &2
013User agent &1 is not allowed
014No value found for name &1 in request header
015No fields in request header
016Wrong XML format: &1 - &2
017Wrong XML schema at line &1 column &2; reason: &3
018Expected XML element &1 was not found
019Wrong header value for name &1 in request header
020Name length of property &1 exceeds &2 characters
021Value length of property &1 exceeds &2 characters
022Server rejects the request based on the presence of an entity
023Server rejects the request based on the presence of an entity type
024ALIASES or PARAMETERS are not supported in URI address
025URI address contains unsupported characters
026Length of collection path (&1 char.) exceeds the limit of &2 characters
027Length of resource path (&1 char.) exceeds the limit of &2 characters
028Length of coll./res. name (&1 char.) exceeds the limit of &2 characters
029Count of collections exceeds limit of &1 collections in the same path
030Property value has incorrect format
031Requested URI &1 does not exist
032Parameter &1 is not allowed in request header
033Command &1 is not supported
034Can not create collection on resource &1
035Collection &1 already created
036Cannot create resource for collection &1
037Resource &1 already created
038Session terminated with error &1 &2 and reason &3
040Problem occured while getting shared file from request header
100***--- CX_ILM_STOR_WD_CMD_PUT - PUT Command ---***
101PUT command execution started
102PUT command execution finished
103Entity is bigger than &1 GB (not supported)
104Problem occurred while adding data via facade data
105Runtime error occurred while adding data via facade
106Problem occurred while inserting data via facade
107Runtime error occurred while inserting data via facade
108Received entity size [&1B] differs from sent entity size [&2B]
150***--- CX_ILM_STOR_WD_CMD_GET - GET Command ---***
151GET command execution started
152GET command execution finished
153Problem occurred while reading data via facade data
154Runtime error occurred while reading data via facade
155Range value &1 is not syntactically valid
156Problem occurred while reading data via facade data
157Problem occurred while retrieving data via facade data
158Problem occurred while reading data to file via facade data
200***--- CX_ILM_STOR_WD_CMD_DELETE - DELETE Command ---***
201DELETE command execution started
202DELETE command execution finished
203Problem occurred while deleting data via facade
204No collection or resource has been deleted
205&1 items have been deleted
206&1 items could not be deleted
207Item has been deleted
251PROPPATCH command execution started
252PROPPATCH command execution finished
253Unable to parse XML to get properties for facade
254Wrong XML structure: no information about PROPPATCH action
255Problem occurred while setting property in facade property
256Problem occurred while removing properties in facade property
257Problem generating XML Multistatus Response
258XML not sent from client
259Set and remove properties are requested via PROPPATCH command
300***--- CX_ILM_STOR_WD_CMD_PROPFIND - PROPFIND Command ---***
301PROPFIND command execution started
302PROPFIND command execution finished
303Single property and all properties are requested via PROPFIND command
304Property is not specified for PROPFIND command
305Problem occurred while retrieving properties from facade property
350***--- CX_ILM_STOR_WD_CMD_MKCOL - MKCOL Command ---***
351MKCOL command execution started
352MKCOL command execution finished
353Problem occurred while adding collection via facade
400***--- CX_ILM_STOR_WD_CMD_OPTIONS - OPTIONS Command ---***
401OPTIONS command execution started
402OPTIONS command execution finished
403Problem occurred while retrieving property &1 from Customizing
450***--- CX_ILM_STOR_WD_CMD_HEAD - HEAD Command ---***
451HEAD command execution started
452HEAD command execution finished
453Problem occurred while checking URI via facade
700***--- BEGIN RUNTIME ERRORS --- ***
701Only one optional parameter should be supplied when calling method &1
702At least one optional parameter is missing when calling method &1
703Unexpected exception &1 when calling method &2
704This functionality has not been implemented yet
705Instance of class &1 has not been created
706Reference to &1 is initial or invalid
707Call of HTTP request with method &1 failed
708Call of HTTP response with method &1 failed
709Parameter &1 has not been supplied in call of method &2
710Found unexpected value &1 for &2 in call of method &3
711XML parser failed with reason: &1
712XML renderer failed with reason: &1
713Initial value of variable &1 in call of method &2
714Virus scan failed: &1
800***--- WebDAV STATUS CODES --- ***
804Method not allowed
805Requested range not satisfiable
806Bad request
809Parameter syntax incorrect
810Parameter missing
811Keyword unknown
812Parameters inconsistent
813Parameter too long
814Resource type not supported
815Check failed
816Collection frozen
817System collection
818Client missing
819Body format corrupt
820Does not exist
821Property name forbidden
822Wrong timestamp format
823Home not empty
824Home collection exists
825Invalid character
826Index property missing
827No more objects
828Wrong index property type
830Internal server error
831SQL error
832IO error
833Config inconsistent
834Checksum incorrect
835Wrong offset
836No store assigned
837Cannot update WebDAV property
838Cannot read WebDAV property
839Partial content
840Not found
841Virus scan error
843Failed dependency
844Request entity too large
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