INV - Rechnungseingangpr�fung

The following messages are stored in message class INV: Rechnungseingangpr�fung.
It is part of development package EE_INVOICE_RECEIPT in software component IS-U-IDE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Bill Receipt Checks".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Select a bill document header line
001Select one bill document header line only
002Requested action not possible due to current object status
003You have not entered any selection criteria
004Cannot display type of recipient for bill &1
005Cannot display type of sender for bill &1
006Cannot display type of internal identifier &1
007Enter a bill type
008No process steps were executed for bill document &1
009Action not possible: bill document headers already displayed
010No action was processed
011Not all bill documents for selected bill header were displayed
012Not all bill documents for the selected bill headers were displayed
013There are no more bill documents for this bill header
014Select a bill document header line
015Error in reading table &1 &2 &3 &4
016Error in changing table &1 &2 &3 &4
017Method &1 was not processed
018No bill or payment advice note documents were selected
019Cannot read archived bill document &1
020Select a display mode
021Display modes for the bill document do not match
022No bill documents for selection
023Cannot complete process &3 for bill doc. &1(&4) successfully
024Non-permitted status determined
025No actions performed (status OK)
026More than &1 error occurred within the group, &2 errors permitted
027Error has occurred, processing terminated
028No executing module entered
029Processing mode &1 not permitted
030Creation mode despite existence of processes
031No process found
032No process specified for process category &1
033The subprocess you attempted to suppress is obligitory
034Bill or payment advice note &1 is not permitted
035No status from function &1 -> Status error
036Process executed successfully
037Process &1 completed successfully
038Process &1 ended with errors
039An error occurred when determining the process
040Cannot save message in log
041Cannot find internal ID for external ID &1
042Internal ID type &1 does not exist
043Cannot determine a grid for installation &1
044Cannot find a process for process type &1
045The process did not write a message in the log
046Cannot find process &1
047Errors in Customizing
048Process executed
049Function &1 did not provide a message
050Data changes not permitted by module &1
051Subprocess &1 suppressed
052Subprocess &1 reactivated
053Function module &1 triggerred an unexpected exception
054There are no subprocesses to suppress
055Status of bill document header must be 'completed'
056Bill document is locked by another user
057You do not have authorization for this bill document
058Bill document &1, bill type &2, sender &3, recipient &4 archived
059Transfer line &1, contract account &2, sender &3, recipeint &4 archived
060Bill document &1, bill type &2, sender &3, recipient &4 deleted
061Transfer line &1, contract account &2, sender &3, recipeint &4 deleted
062No processing permitted, due to status of document &1
063Function &1 provides forbidden status -> Status error
064Function &1 provides impermissible release level &2 -> Status error
065Status determination takes place according to priority
066Cannot uniquely determine the release level
067Cannot uniquely determine the customer status
068No log entry exists for this subprocess
069Lines were deleted from the log when processing the document
070Document &1 was successfully created
071Buffering not possible, more than &1 points of delivery to be processed
072Function module &1 issued error message &2 &3
080&1 template(s) has/have been deleted
090Log for bill document with bill type &1 and status &2 archived
091Log for bill document with bill type &1 and status &2 deleted
092Log for bill document &1 archived by &2
093Could not find any archived logs for document &1
100External sender not specified
101External recipient not specified
102Type of bill/payment advice note not specified
103The date of bill document is not valid
104Bill receipt type not specified
105Specified type of bill/payment advice note &1 is not valid
106Business partner number in external system not specified
107Document type not specified
108The specified document type is not valid
109The date of the bill document is not valid
110External number of bill line not specified
111Line type not specified &1
112The specified line type (&1) is not valid
113The document lines refer to a document that does not exist &1
114No lines exist for document &1
115Select a line
116Select at least one document for which a log exists
117No lines exist for the document
118Select one line only
119Enter a valid bill document reference
120Define a display function for reference type &1
121The bill data is being updated
122Error in Customizing: Cannot find identification module for header
123No currency specified for line &1
124No unit specified for line &1
125Identification data cannot be specified at document level for PAN data
126No currency is specified for document &1
127The specified line type (&1, &2) is not permitted for this document
128Bill documents with status &1 cannot be displayed
129You do not have authorization to display bill documents for sender
130You do not have authorization to display bill documents for recipient
131Specify a type of external ID
132This document type cannot contain identification or address data
133This document type cannot contain original external bill numbers
134Line &1: Field &2 only available if business function (&3) is active
150No header data specified
151Cannot find specified bill header &1
152Cannot find specified document &1
153You have not specified an object to be changed
154Specified complaint reason &1 is not valid
155The requested status change for the document is not permitted
156You do not have authorization for the requested action
157You cannot change document &1 because of its current status
158You are not permitted to change document &1
159You cannot change the status because of the incorrect reference
160The document was reset manually by user &1
161The document was released manually by user &1
162The document was manually set to completed by user &1
163The document was set to 'For Complaint' by user &1
164The document was processed manually by user &1
165Reference &1/&2 was added by user &3
166The document was reversed by user &1
167The specified reversal reason &1 is not valid
168You cannot make the requested changes to the reversal data
169Reversal data &1/&2 was added by user &3
170The document was set to 'To Be Reversed' by user &1
171The document status was not changed
172The document status was not changed due to an error (see log)
173You do not have authority to display bill documents
174First maintain an outgoing line for generation
175Select precisely one line as outgoing line for generation
176Due date in output line of generation is not maintained
177Sum of gross amounts of payment advice note lines not equal to check sum
178Document for user &1 set to 'manual processing required'
180No tax lines defined for this combination of bill and document type
190No sales tax document was found for the current bill document
200First call method OPEN_ARCHIVING_CURSOR
201You can only call this method one time for each instance
202Cannot determine retention period for archiving object &1
203The archive file is already open
204No archive files exist that can be opened
205No authorization to open
206Internal error while requesting a new object from the archive
207The archive file could not be closed
208Internal error while reading a data record from the archive
209&3 documents returned for offset &2 from archive file &1
220Document set to 'Manual Release Required' (User &1)
221Document set to 'On Hold' (User &1)
250No valid document object specified
251Document with internal document number &1 not found
252Document &1 can only be processed in change mode
253Program error occurred when creating copy of additional data
260All payment advice note lines displayed
261Only a limited number of payment advice note lines are displayed
262Only payment advice note lines with errors are displayed
263Only a limited number of payment advice notes with errors are displayed
264The limited display is only available for payment advice note documents
265The limited display of data is not possible in creation mode
300Mode &1 not available
301Selection data must be transfered in mode &1
302Methos &1 of class &2 called with impermissible parameters
303Problem class &1 is not permitted
304There is a message without a message category
305There is a message without a message class
306There is a message with parameters without parameter names
307No text specified in dialog even though parameter &1 exists
308Bill/payment advice number &1 is not permitted
309Document number &1 is not in process
310No document number specified
311Field &1 not filled
312No log entries exist
313Process &1 is not permitted
314Process &1 was suppressed
315Function &1 is not permitted for process &2
316Overwrite not permitted for process &2
317ID of point of delviery group &1 is not valid for deregulation process &2
318The data was not saved. 'Basic Settings' flag set more than once
319Cannot find entry in table &1 with key &2
320Import parameter &1 not filled
321Process &1 must be released manually
322Document &2 was reset by process '&1'
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