ISLM_DI_GEN - DI Messages
The following messages are stored in message class ISLM_DI_GEN: DI Messages.
It is part of development package S_INTSCN_LM_GEN in software component BC-ISM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "General functions".
It is part of development package S_INTSCN_LM_GEN in software component BC-ISM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "General functions".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Unknown error. Couldn't update the delegate Scenario. |
001 | ID field cannot be left blank. |
002 | Unknown error. Couldn't generate Hash ID. |
003 | No intelligent scenario found for the remote machine learning Scenario ID |
004 | Scenario ID of ML provider do not support multiple Intelligent Scenarios |
005 | Error occured while inserting entry in Pipeline delegate table. |
006 | Scenario Hash ID cannot be left blank. |
007 | Scenario Version Hash ID cannot be left blank. |
008 | Scenario Version not found for Scenario Version hash ID. |
009 | A Scenario version Hash ID cannot support multiple scenario versions. |
010 | Unknown error. Couldn't create the Scenario Version. |
011 | Unknown error. Couldn't update the delegate Pipeline. |
012 | Unknown error. Couldn't update the delegate Scenario Version. |
013 | Pipeline Hash ID cannot be left blank. |
014 | Pipeline not found for Pipeline Hash ID. |
015 | Pipeline Hash ID does not support multiple pipelines. |
016 | Unknown error. Couldn't update delegate Configuration. |
017 | Configuration hash ID cannot be left blank. |
018 | Execution ID cannot be left blank. |
019 | Configuration not found for Configuration Hash ID. |
020 | Configuration Hash ID does not support multiple configurations. |
021 | Unknown error. Couldn't create the Execution. |
022 | Unknown error. Couldn't update the delegate Execution. |
023 | Artifact ID cannot be left blank. |
024 | Execution Hash ID and Deployment Hash ID cannot be left blank. |
025 | Execution not found for execution Hash ID. |
026 | Execution hash ID doesn't not support multiple executions. |
027 | Unknown error. Couldn't create the Artifact. |
028 | Unknown error. Couldn't update the delegate Artifact. |
029 | Unknown error. Couldn't update the delegate Parameters. |
030 | Value cannot be left blank. |
031 | Parameter Hash ID cannot be left blank. |
032 | Parameters not found for Parameter Hash ID. |
033 | A parameter hash ID does not support multiple parameters. |
034 | Unknown error. Couldn't update the Parameter Bindings. |
035 | Unknown error. Couldn't create the Configuration delegate. |
036 | Unknown error. Couldn't create the Parameters delegate. |
037 | Unknown error. Couldn't update the delegate Parameter Bindings. |
038 | The remote machine learning provider details cannot be left blank. |
039 | Cluster URL cannot be left blank. |
040 | Unknown error. Couldn't create the SAP Data Intelligence Info. |
041 | Unknown error. Couldn't update the SAP Data Intelligence Info. |
042 | Sync type cannot be left blank. |
043 | No machine learning provider information for the the remote ML GUID. |
044 | The ML GUID does not support multiple remote machine learning providers. |
045 | Unknown error. Couldn't create the SAP DI sync registry. |
046 | Unknown error. Couldn't update the SAP DI sync registry. |
047 | Delegate scenario is created successfully. |
048 | Cluster URL cannot be left blank. |
049 | Unknown error. Couldn't create the Deployment. |
050 | Unknown error. Couldn't update the Deployment. |
051 | Reference entity ID cannot be left blank. |
052 | Reference entity type cannot be left blank. |
053 | Model Deployment is the only supported reference entity type. |
054 | No Deployment found for the Deployment GUID. |
055 | A Deployment ID does not support multiple deployments. |
056 | Unknown error. Couldn't create the Deployment active history. |
057 | Unknown error. Couldn't update the delegate Configuration. |
058 | Unknown error. Couldn't update the Deployment active history. |
059 | Deploy ID cannot be left blank. |
060 | No Configuration found for the Configuration Hash ID. |
061 | A Configuration Hash ID cannot support multiple configuration. |
062 | Unknown error. Couldn't insert the delegate Deployment. |
063 | Unknown error. Couldn't update the delegate Deployment. |
064 | Scenario ID cannot be left blank. |
065 | Unknown error. Couldn't Deploy Execution. |
066 | Empty Model Version or Model Deployment GUID is passed. |
067 | Training started in the remote machine learning provider |
068 | Check health of the remote machine learning provider: &1 |
069 | Configuration created: &1 |
070 | Unable to read Pipeline from the delegate table. |
071 | Execution created: &1 |
072 | Unknown error. Couldn't create Execution: &1&2&3&4 |
073 | Unknown error. Couldn't create Configuration: &1&2&3&4 |
074 | Check the errors that occured during Execution status: &1 |
075 | Status of the execution in the remote machine learning provider: &1 &2 |
076 | Execution ID: &1 |
077 | Deployment GUID not passed. |
078 | Check health of the remote ML provider during the deployment: &1 |
079 | Remote machine learning deployment: Pipeline data does not exist |
080 | Error while deploying in the remote machine learning provider: &1&2&3&4 |
081 | Deployment for remote machine learning Scenario &1 Version &2 has started |
082 | &1 is the Configuration ID. |
083 | &1 is the Deployment ID. |
084 | Deployment failed. |
085 | Invalid Model Deployment ID:&1 |
086 | Invalid Deployment status. |
087 | Invalid Deployment. Check whether the Deployment exists and retry. |
088 | &1&2&3&4 |
089 | Deployment is already &1. |
090 | To Deactivate the Deployment, first Activate the Deployment. |
091 | One Active Deployment allowed per Scenario. |
092 | Synchronization process for Scenario ID &1 has started with SAPDIGUID &2 |
093 | Scenario details read from remote ML provider for scenario ID &1. |
094 | Failed to read scenario from the remote ML provider. |
095 | Delegate tables are not replicated. |
096 | Delegate tables are replicated for Scenario &1. |
097 | Scenario data replicated in delegate table. |
098 | Unknown error. Couldn�t replicate scenario data in delegate table. |
099 | Scenario version read from remote ML provider. |
100 | Failed to read scenario versions from the remote ML provider. |
101 | Scenario not found in the remote ML provider. |
102 | Unknown error. Couldn�t update Hash ID &1 in Scenario version delegate. |
103 | Executable read from remote ML scenario for version &1. |
104 | Unknown error. Couldn�t update hash ID &1 in Pipeline delegate table. |
105 | Unknown error. Couldn�t update hash ID &1 in Parameter delegate table. |
106 | Unknown error. Couldn't serialize Pipeline parameter data. |
107 | Configuration read from remote ML provider for the version &1. |
108 | Failed to read configuration from remote ML provider for the version &1. |
109 | Execution read from remote ML provider for the version &1. |
110 | Failed to read execution from remote ML provider for the version &1. |
111 | Deployment read from remote ML provider for the version &1. |
112 | Failed to read deployment from remote ML provider for the version &1. |
113 | &1&2&3&4 |
114 | Unknown error. Couldn�t read Pipeline for Scenario version &1. |
115 | Execution ID &1 successfully synchronized with the remote ML provider. |
116 | Workprocess is not available. |
117 | Sync for Execution &1 &2 &3 ended at &4 |
118 | Sync for Deployment &1 &2 &3 ended at &4 |
119 | The Sync for Execution &1 &2 &3 failed at &4 |
120 | The Sync for Deployment &1 &2 &3 failed at &4 |
121 | Deployment GUID &1 Version &2 is Activated at &3. |
122 | Deployment GUID &1 Version &2 is Deactivated at &3. |
123 | Synchronization successful for the Deployment ID &1. |
124 | Maintain RFC destination for Scenario in the Connection Mapping table. |
125 | Unable to retrieve GUID of the remote ML provider for RFC destination &1 |
126 | Unknown Error. Couldn't create the Task Queue. |
127 | Unknown Error. Couldn't update the Task Queue. |
128 | Unknown Error. Couldn't delete the Task Queue. |
129 | Unknown Error. Couldn't update the Task Queue. |
130 | Error while reading Model Context for Scenario &1. |
131 | Delegate Configuration ID &1 is created. |
132 | Delegate Parameter Binding &1 is created. |
133 | Delegate Execution ID &1 is created. |
134 | Delegate Artifact ID &1 is created. |
135 | Error during Configuration delegate table update for Config Hash ID &1. |
136 | Unknown Error. Couldn't replicate Scenario data. |
137 | Unknown error. Couldn�t update the Execution Hash ID &1. |
138 | Unknown error. Couldn�t update Deployment Hash ID &1. |
139 | &1 failed. |
140 | You don't have any authorization to &1 &2 for Intelligent Scenario &3. |
141 | Delegate Deployment ID &1 is created. |
142 | Intelligent Scenario(s) could not be synchronized. |
143 | Unknown error. Couldn�t read RFC Destination &1. |
144 | Connection Mapping details missing for Intelligent Scenario &1. |
145 | The scenario does not exist in the remote ML provider. |
146 | Unknown Error. Couldn't update the Scenario Hash ID &1. |
147 | Unknown Error. Couldn't update the Param Binding for Param Hash ID &1. |
148 | Execution started for Scenario &1 Version &2 in the remote ML provider. |
149 | &1 is the invalid Model Deployment ID. |
150 | Client copy for Side by Side scenarios is successful. |
151 | Client copy for Side by Side scenarios is failed. |
152 | Number of Side by Side Scenarios : &1. |
153 | Authorization missing for Authorization group &1 Activity &2 |
154 | Unknown error. Couldn�t create the Configuration. |
155 | Unknown error. Couldn�t read the delegate Scenario. |
156 | You don�t have authorization to &1 Intelligent Scenario &3. |
157 | Create |
158 | Change |
159 | Display |
160 | Delete |
161 | Model Context |
162 | Model |
163 | Model Version |
164 | Training |
165 | Deployment |
166 | Unknown error. Couldn�t read the RFC destination details for &1. |
167 | Error in Connectivity Mapping for Scenario &1 , RFC Destination &2. |
168 | Unknown error. Couldn�t update Artifact for Hash ID &1. |
169 | Couldn�t enqueue Connection Mapping for &1 Scenario. |
170 | Couldn�t create an entry in the Connection Mapping table. |
171 | Unknown error. Couldn�t update Connection Mapping table. |
172 | Entered details are existing in the Connection Mapping table. |
173 | Unable to update an entry in the Connection Mapping table. |
174 | Unable to delete entry in the Connection Mapping table. |
175 | SAPDIGUID for RFC destination &1 IS &2 is missing in ISLM_SAPDIINFO table |
176 | Input data for parameter &1 is invalid. |
177 | Workprocess unavailable to synchronize data from the remote ML provider |
178 | The parameter names in the Pipeline &1 for Version &2 are duplicate. |
179 | Multiple Inference or Training pipelines are not supported for version &1 |
180 | The scenario version &1 has not synchronized with the remote ML provider. |
181 | Started Status synchronization. |
182 | Couldn�t sync scenario &1 as identical Scenario Tech ID already exists. |
183 | Started Metadata synchronization. |
184 | Enter host details for RFC destination &1. |
185 | Provide valid values for the intelligent scenario and connection details |
186 | Enter a Scenario name. |
187 | Enter a Connection name. |
188 | Entered Scenario already exists in the database. |
189 | Duplicate names. Enter a unique Scenario name. |
190 | The scenario &1 is not registered or published. |
191 | Invalid parameter name &1. |
192 | Invalid training parameter &1. |
193 | The custom extension before &4 &1 version &2 is started at &3. |
194 | The custom extension before &4 &1 version &2 is ended &3. |
195 | Error while executing custom extension before &1. |
196 | The custom extension before &1 is successful. |
197 | Invalid limit. Choose a value between 2 and 10. |
198 | The configuration is locked by the user &1. |
199 | Unknown error. Couldn't add/update entries in table ISLM_TSKSCONF. |
200 | Configure Total and Concurrent Trainings for Side-by-Side sequentially. |
201 | The Concurrent training limit must be within the Total training limit. |
202 | Total Deployments per client limit configured exceeded the default limit. |
203 | &1 entries deleted from ISLM_MVPARAMS table. |
204 | &1 entries deleted from ISLM_TASK table. |
205 | &1 entries deleted from ISLM_MDLVRSN table. |
206 | No entries selected from ISLM_MVPARAMS table for deletion. |
207 | No entries selected from ISLM_TASK table for deletion. |
208 | No entries selected from ISLM_MDLVRSN table for deletion. |
209 | Unknown error. Couldn't delete entries from table ISLM_MVPARAMS. |
210 | Unknown error. Couldn't delete entries from table ISLM_TASK. |
211 | Unknown error. Couldn't delete entries from table ISLM_MDLVRSN. |
212 | Unknown error. Couldn't delete entries from table ISLM_TSKSCHD. |
213 | Undeployment failed. |
214 | Undeployment status is invalid. |
215 | Undeployment started for Scenario &1 Version &2 in the remote ML provider |
216 | Updated delegate Deployment ID &1. |
217 | Error while undeploying in the remote machine learning provider:&1&2&3&4. |
218 | Error while reading the Deployment details. |
219 | Error while reading Deployment status from remote ML provider:&1&2&3&4 |
220 | Unable to get the deployed task details. |
221 | Unable to get the deployed task queue details. |
222 | The task queue &1 is deleted. |
223 | Synchronization is not required. Undeployment for &1 is started. |
224 | The selected level for the specified ID is invalid. |
225 | &1 entries deleted from ISLM_TSKSCHD table. |
226 | No entries are selected from the ISLM_TSKCHD table for deletion. |
227 | Unknown error. Couldn't delete entries from table ISLM_TRMODEL. |
228 | &1 entries deleted from the ISLM_TRMODEL table. |
229 | No entries are selected from the ISLM_TRMODEL table for deletion. |
230 | Undeployment on an Active Deployment is not allowed. |
231 | Pipeline read for Version &1 is not valid. |
232 | Error during the Metadata synchronization. |
233 | Metadata synchronization updated partially. |
234 | Metadata synchronization updated successfully. |
235 | You are not authorized to &1 &2. |
236 | Connection Mapping details not found. |
237 | Intelligent Scenario details not found. |
238 | Unable to create control. |
239 | Unable to create control. |
240 | There are some unchanged edits. |
241 | Database update confirmed. |
242 | Do you want to proceed with the change? |
243 | Scenario and Connection names cannot be empty. |
244 | Scenario name cannot be empty. |
245 | Connection name cannot be empty. |
246 | &1 is not Released or Registered yet. |
247 | Inserted record successfully. |
248 | Record Deleted. Database update is not required. |
249 | Record deleted successfully. |
250 | Before you proceed, clear all the errors. |
251 | Unable to get Is Deleted Flag. |
252 | Unable to get Scenario Name. |
253 | Unable to get the Connection name. |
254 | Unable to get the Connection details. |
255 | Unable to get the MANDT field. |
256 | Unable to get the Connection details from the RFC destination &1. |
257 | The RFC destination connection type is not G. |
258 | Do you want to save the modified connection mapping details? |
259 | Change Authorization missing for S_TABU_DIS. Contact your administrator. |
260 | Read Authorization missing for S_TABU_DIS. Contact your administrator. |
261 | The Concurrent training limit must be greater than 0. |
262 | Task GUID: &1 |
263 | Read authorization missing for table &1. |
264 | Error while synchronizing Metadata for the Intelligent Scenario &1 |
265 | Configuration error while operating on machine learning scenario. |
266 | Error while connecting to the remote machine learning provider |
267 | Reference entity id unavailable. |
268 | Reference entity type unavailable |
269 | No message id found. |
270 | No message number found. |
271 | Unknown error. Message not added to ISLM_EXEDEPL_MSG table. |
272 | Unknown error. Message not deleted from ISLM_EXEDEPL_MSG table. |
273 | Unknown error. Message not updated in ISLM_EXEDEPL_MSG table. |
274 | Error while retrieving parent scenario of the entity. |
275 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
276 | Unable to parse JSON response from the remote machine learning provider. |
277 | Resulting response could be truncated. |
278 | Validate the connection mapping details and RFC settings. |
279 | Contact your system administrator |
280 | No message type found. |
281 | Parent scenario name required. |
282 | Scenario name does not match the parent scenario name of the entity. |
283 | Addition of duplicate messages for an entity is not allowed |
284 | Error in encoding JSON data for parameter &1. |
285 | Error in decoding JSON data for parameter &1. |
286 | Incorrect entity type. |
287 | No messages configured for the exception category &1. |
288 | You can use alphanumerical values and hyphen with minimum 16 characters. |
289 | You can use string in JSON format up to 5000 characters. |
290 | You can use any alphanumerical values up to 256 characters. |
291 | You can use numerical values up to 256 characters, max. 3 decimal digits. |
292 | &1 failed in the remote ML learning provider. |
293 | Check the remote machine learning provider availability |
294 | Validate connection details maintained in ISLM |
295 | Contact your system administrator |
296 | Health Check failed. |
297 | Configuration creation failed. |
298 | Training creation failed. |
299 | Deployment creation failed. |
300 | The specified ID is not valid. Retry with a non-empty ID. |
301 | Intelligent scenario for the ML Scenario ID is not found. |
302 | Multiple Intelligent Scenario for the ML Scenario ID are found. |
303 | Intelligent scenario for the remote machine learning scenario ID is found |
304 | Error while creating an entry in the Scenario Delegate. |
305 | The Scenario &1 Deployment version &2 is currently being processed. |
306 | Unable to get lock on &1 with GUID &2. |
307 | No Executions, Deployments, or Inferences is available for sync. |
308 | Remote ML Cluster |
309 | Start: |
310 | End: |
311 | No Executions for synchronization. |
312 | No Deployments for synchronization. |
313 | Configuration is successfully created. |
314 | Configuration is successfully modified. |
315 | For RFC, destination is mandatory. |
316 | URL is mandatory. |
317 | Send HTTP error |
318 | Receive HTTP error |
319 | Create HTTP error |
320 | Failed to retrieve CSRF token. |
321 | Deletion not allowed. |
322 | The task type cannot be left blank. |
323 | Unknown error. Couldn't add entries in table ISLM_CONN_CONF. |
324 | The task type is invalid. |
325 | Unknown error. Couldn't update entries in table ISLM_CONN_CONF. |
326 | Error while acquiring object lock (subrc &1). Locked by &2 |
327 | The limit exceeds the Total training limit. Set the limit to & or less. |
328 | Deployment limit exceeded for scenario. Undeploy unused deployments. |
329 | Deployment limit exceeded for connection. Undeploy unused deployments. |
330 | |
331 | No entries are selected from the ISLM_ENTITY_MSG table for deletion. |
332 | &1 entries deleted from the ISLM_ENTITY_MSG table. |
333 | Unknown error. Couldn't delete entries from table ISLM_ENTITY_MSG. |
334 | The specified USERID is not valid. Retry with a non-empty USERID. |
335 | Status cannot be left blank. |
336 | No Modelversion found for the Modelversion GUID. |
337 | A Modelversion GUID does not support multiple modelversions. |
338 | Unknown error. Couldn't create the entry in ISLM_USR_ENTTY_A. |
339 | Couldn't create the entry in ISLM_USR_ENTTY_A with Deactive status. |
340 | Unknown error. Couldn't update entries in table & |
341 | Deployment GUID &1 Version &2 is Activated at &3 for user &4. |
342 | Deployment GUID &1 Version &2 is Deactivated at &3 for user &4. |
343 | Couldn't update the entry in ISLM_USR_ENTTY_A with Active status. |
344 | RFC Destination &1 doesn't exist. |
345 | Limit must be greater than 0. |
346 | The RFC destination &1 connection type is not G. |
347 | Undeployment request failed. |
348 | Metadata synchronization failed. For more details, check SLG1 log. |
349 | Planned Start field cannot be left blank. |
350 | Planned End field cannot be left blank. |
351 | Job frequency end details cannot be left blank. |
352 | Occurences field cannot be left blank. |
353 | Frequency cannot be left blank. |
354 | Frequency interval cannot be left blank. |
355 | Timezone cannot be left blank. |
356 | Calendar field cannot be left blank. |
357 | Job template cannot be left blank. |
358 | Job catalogue cannot be left blank. |
359 | Select at least one value for the On field. |
360 | Unknown error. Unable to create entry in ISLM_PLND_TASKS. |
361 | Planned Task Guid cannot be left blank. |
362 | Execution timestamp cannot be left blank. |
363 | Jobname cannot be left blank. |
364 | Jobcount cannot be left blank. |
365 | Planned task guid &1 not found. Check the id and retry. |
366 | Unknown error. Unable to create entry in ISLM_PLND_TK_LOG. |
367 | Planned Task Log Guid cannot be left blank. |
368 | Scheduling of Task type &1 is not supported. |
369 | A default model exists; Model GUID &1 |
370 | A default model version exists; Model Version GUID &1 |
371 | A default deployment exists; Deployment GUID &1 |
372 | Scenario &1 already has a Scheduled Planned Task of type &2 |
373 | Unable to get configuration details. |
374 | Invalid OAuth2.0 Profile &1. |
375 | Unknown error. Unable to cancel planned task. |
376 | Side by Side scenario is not available. |
377 | No entries were selected from the ISLM_MVDEPLOY table for deletion. |
378 | &1 entries deleted from the ISLM_MVDEPLOY table. |
379 | Unknown error. Cannot delete the ISLM_MVDEPLOY table entries. |
380 | Unknown error. Unable to process the planned task. |
381 | Unable to get profile. |
382 | Unknown error. Unable to instantiate handler for the planned task. |
383 | Planned Task Log Guid created: &1. |
384 | Planned Task Guid created: &1. |
385 | Job Name: &1. |
386 | Job Catalogue: &1. |
387 | Job Template: &1. |
388 | Is Job scheduled: &1. |
389 | Planned Task Guid &1 cancelled: &2. |
390 | Planned Task Log Guid &1 cancelled: &2. |
391 | OAuth 2.0 authentication is not supported. |
392 | OAuth2.0 Profile,Configuration are mandatory. |
393 | Invalid configuration maintained for OAuth2.0 Profile &1. |
394 | Ended Metadata synchronization. |
395 | Ended Status synchronization. |
396 | Label key cannot be left blank. |
397 | Scheduling task of type train failed. |
398 | &1 inconsistent entries deleted from ISLM_MVPARAMS table. |
399 | Incorrect interface used in ML API Client class &1 for Scenario Type &2. |
400 | Training ID : &1 created. |
401 | Planned task execution failed. |
402 | Model Version: &1 created. |
403 | &1 attribute key not maintained for Scenario Type &2. |
404 | Planned Task Guid &1 not found. |
405 | Internal error BP_ADD_APPL_LOG_HANDLE |
406 | Unknown error. Cannot delete inconsistent entries from ISLM_MVPARAMS. |
407 | Unknown error. Cannot delete inconsistent entries from ISLM_TASK. |
408 | &1 inconsistent entries deleted from the ISLM_TASK table. |
409 | Unknown error. Cannot delete inconsistent entries from ISLM_TSKSCHD. |
410 | &1 inconsistent entries deleted from the ISLM_TSKSCHD table. |
411 | Unknown error. Cannot delete inconsistent entries from ISLM_MDLVRSN. |
412 | &1 inconsistent entries deleted from the ISLM_MDLVRSN table. |
413 | Unable to delete scenario. Scenario already has scheduled planned task. |
414 | Document Information Extraction type cannot be trained manually. |
415 | Document Information Extraction type cannot be deployed manually. |
416 | Document Information Extraction type does not support undeployment. |
417 | Scheduled run is cancelled. |
418 | Scheduling Task of type train cannot be cancelled. |
419 | Response from SAPJ: Start |
420 | Response from SAPJ: End |
421 | Label value cannot be left blank. |
422 | Hash ID of the parent entity is mandatory. |
423 | Deployment &1 is already activated by other users. |
424 | Deployment &1 couldn't be read. |
425 | Deployment &1 is already deactivated by other users. |
426 | Parallel processing initialization failed. |
427 | Attribute creation is not supported in the system. |
428 | The attribute value is invalid. |
429 | The attribute key is invalid. |
430 | Scenario type could not be determined. |
431 | Attribute with the same value already exists |
432 | Unable to add the attribute &1 for the scenario type &2. |
433 | Attribute deletion is not supported in the system. |
434 | Invalid Attribute Hash ID |
435 | Cannot delete the attribute with hash ID &1 |
436 | The attribute value update is not supported in the system. |
437 | Cannot update the attribute value for the hash ID &1 |
438 | This prediction class is already used in another intelligent scenario &1 |
439 | Invalid parameter type during timestamp conversion. |
440 | Invalid parameter range during timestamp conversion. |
441 | Unknown error. Unable to delete entries from table ISLM_PLND_TASKS. |
442 | Unknown error. Unable to delete entries from table ISLM_PLND_TK_LOG. |
443 | &1 entries deleted from the ISLM_PLND_TASKS table. |
444 | &1 entries deleted from the ISLM_PLND_TK_LOG table. |
445 | No entries are selected from the ISLM_PLND_TASKS table for deletion. |
446 | No entries are selected from the ISLM_PLND_TK_LOG table for deletion. |
447 | This external ID is already used in another in intelligent scenario &1 |
448 | Invalid parent entity hash ID. |
449 | Hash ID of the parent entity do not support multiple entities. |
450 | Unknown error. Unable to create entry in the delegate label table. |
451 | Unknown error. Unable to update the delegate label table. |
452 | Unknown error. Unable to update hash ID &1 in the delegate label table. |
453 | The parameter and artifact name cannot be same in the pipeline. |
454 | Online and batch inference type is not supported. |
455 | Unknown error. Unable to delete entries from table ISLM_USR_ENTTY_A. |
456 | &1 entries deleted from the ISLM_USR_ENTTY_A table. |
457 | No entries are selected from the ISLM_USR_ENTTY_A table for deletion. |
458 | Authenticated HTTP client object is instantiated. |
459 | Invalid scenario instance. |
460 | Class does not implement the required interface &1 for scenario type &2 |
461 | No versions found. Please contact system administrator. |
462 | The request mode is not valid. Please try again with a non-empty request. |
463 | The Caller is not valid. Please try again with a non-empty caller. |
464 | Caller type is not valid. Please try again with a non-empty caller type. |
465 | For each training only one local deployment is allowed. |
466 | Error while External ID generation. |
467 | For local deployment, undeployment is not supported. |
468 | Unknown error. Couldn't create the entry in ISLM_ACTVT_REQST. |
469 | Parent GUID is mandatory. |
470 | Scenario version &1 is invalid.Retry with valid scenario version. |
471 | Scenario Versions are returned successfully. |
472 | Training triggered successfully for scenario &1. |
473 | External ID: &1. |
474 | Instance of class &1. |
475 | Task Guid: &1 |
476 | Model Guid: &1 |
477 | Model Version Guid: &1 |
478 | No authorization to read status for External ID: &1 |
479 | External ID: &1 not found. |
480 | External ID: &1 was deleted. |
481 | External ID &1 with Status: &2 retrieved from Mode: &3 |
482 | Artifact does not exist. Deleted in remote ML provider. |
483 | Remote mode is not supported. |
484 | Internal error. Please contact technical support. |
485 | Scenario &1 doesn't have active deployment.Activate deployment and retry. |
486 | Scenario type &1 doesn't support Direct Inference. |
487 | Unknown error. Unable to create the Inference. |
488 | Task with status &1 not valid for inference |
489 | Model Inference GUID: &1 |
490 | Inference triggered successfully for scenario &1. |
491 | Inference type defined in class &1 is invalid. |
492 | Unknown error. Unable to update the Inference. |
493 | Error while reading model inference. |
494 | Executing Batch Inference was unsuccessful. |
495 | No Inference found for the Inference GUID. |
496 | A Inference ID does not support multiple inference. |
497 | Inference result download triggered. |
498 | The Sync for Inference &1 &2 &3 failed at &4 |
499 | Model Inference not found. |
500 | Sync for Inference &1 &2 &3 ended at &4 |
501 | Unable to trigger SAP_ISLM_INFERENCE_DOWNLOAD job. |
502 | Error while triggering batch inference request. |
503 | Inference GUID not passed. |
504 | Model Inference: &1 |
505 | Batch inference status poll initiated. |
506 | Inference status: &1. |
507 | Inference request converted to direct batch inference. |
508 | No Activity request reference found for GUID &1. |
509 | Inference for scenario &1 version &2 in the remote ML provider started. |
510 | Inference result retrieval ready notified to the application. |
511 | Inference result retrieval failed notified to the application. |
512 | Cross origin Inference URL call not allowed. |
513 | Inference Started At field already updated in the ISLM_MDINFERENCE table. |
514 | Inference Ended At field already updated in the ISLM_MDINFERENCE table. |
515 | Error while downloading Inference result. |
516 | No Inference found for synchronization. |
517 | Inference Ended At time must be greater than Inference Started At time. |
518 | Unknown error. Couldn't create the entry in ISLM_INF_RESULT. |
519 | Unknown error. Couldn't update the entry in ISLM_INF_RESULT. |
520 | Unknown error. Couldn't create the entry in ISLM_INF_RES_HIS. |
521 | Downloading Inference result was unsuccessful. |
522 | Inference result history GUID: &1. |
523 | Downloading Inference result was successful. |
524 | Inference results are returned successfully. |
525 | Inference is not yet completed.Status : &1. |
526 | Inference is not downloaded yet.Download status : &1. |
527 | Inference : &1 created. |
528 | Total Inference result read for cleanup: &1 |
529 | Failed to trigger Inference result download for GUID &1. |
530 | Deleting model inference &1 &2 &3 (&4). |
531 | The model inference is deleted successfully. |
532 | Result of Model Inference &1 cleaned up. |
533 | Result of Model Inference &1 could not be cleaned up. |
534 | Inference results has been cleaned up for External ID &1. |
535 | Inference results has already updated with status &1. |
536 | Inference |
537 | Inference results |
538 | Incorrect External ID.No batch inference found for External ID: &1. |
539 | Missing read authorization for Inference results. |
540 | Read Acknowledged Inference result history guid : &1. |
541 | Operations &1 can only be consumed by prediction class &2. |
542 | All external IDs should belong to same prediction class &1. |
543 | Inference result history GUID &1 |
544 | Configure Total and Concurrent Inferences for Side-by-Side sequentially. |
545 | The Concurrent inference limit must be within the Total inference limit. |
546 | &1 entries deleted from the ISLM_MDINFERENCE table. |
547 | Unknown error. Cannot delete the ISLM_MDINFERENCE table entries. |
548 | No entries were selected from the ISLM_MDINFERENCE table for deletion. |
549 | Unknown error. Cannot delete inconsistent entries from ISLM_MDINFERENCE. |
550 | &1 inconsistent entries deleted from the ISLM_MDINFERENCE table. |
551 | Unknown error. Cannot delete inconsistent entries from ISLM_MDINFERENCE. |
552 | &1 inconsistent entries deleted from the ISLM_MDINFERENCE table. |
553 | Incorrect ML API Client class &1 maintained for scenario type &2 |
554 | Prediction class could not be determined for scenario &1 |
555 | Configuration read from remote ML provider for executable ID &1 |
556 | Failed to read configuration from remote ML provider for executable ID &1 |
557 | Execution read from remote ML provider for executable ID &1 |
558 | Failed to read execution from remote ML provider for executable ID &1 |
559 | Deployment read from remote ML provider for executable ID &1 |
560 | Failed to read deployment from remote ML provider for executable ID &1 |
561 | OAuth2.0 profile : &1 |
562 | OAuth2.0 configuration : &1 |
563 | Connection mapping details deleted for Intelligent Scenario &1 |
564 | Connection mapping API usage is not supported in On Premise system. |
565 | Only weekly and monthly schedules are supported. |
566 | Selected interval must be between 1 and 99. |
567 | Reccurrence value must be between 1 and 999. |
568 | Scheduled start must be equal or greater than the current time period. |
569 | Scheduled end must be greater than the scheduled start. |
570 | Inference result is already read and acknowledged for External ID:&1 |
571 | Inference result is successfully read and acknowledged for External ID:&1 |
572 | Planned task in &1 status cannot be cancelled. |
573 | Scheuduling is supported only as background job. |
574 | No Inference result found for External ID:&1 |
575 | Inference results history |
576 | Error in custom extension before &1.Parameters/Artifacts not defaulted. |
577 | Connection migration to ISLM is successful. |
578 | Scenario type &1 is not supported for migration. |
579 | Connection mapping details created for Intelligent Scenario &1 |
580 | The default entities Model,Model version,and Deployment cannot be set. |
581 | Only one selection allowed |
582 | Connection Status: &1 |
583 | Connection is working |
584 | RFC Destination: &1. |
585 | Intelligent Scenario: &1. |
586 | Connection parameters to create destination are invalid / not found |
587 | RFC destination not valid |
588 | You are not authorized to use RFC destination |
589 | HTTP communication is not available / is deactivated |
590 | Internal error while creating RFC destination |
591 | Inference is not downloaded yet. |
592 | All scheduled runs of this series are cancelled. |
593 | Monitor Planned Task Jobs tile. |
594 | Error while acquiring object lock (subrc &1) due to system failure. |
595 | Error while acquiring object lock (subrc &1). |
596 | Artifact does not exist due to connection change. |
597 | Error creating entry in ISLM_SAPDIINFO |
598 | Delegate Scenario GUID &1 unavailable. Determined remote status : &2 |
599 | Connection mapping details updated for Intelligent Scenario &1 |
600 | Connection check failed |
601 | Error! Message content cannot be displayed. |
602 | Unable to get the Tenant ID. |
603 | Scheduled run restarted by user &1. |
604 | Not available. Deleted in remote ML provider. |
605 | Not available due to connection change. |
606 | Metrics Attribute creation is not supported in the system. |
607 | Unable to add attributes of metrics &1 for the scenario tech &2. |
608 | Error while reading the domain text values. |
609 | Deletion of metric attribute is not supported in the system. |
610 | Invalid Metric GUID |
611 | Unable to delete the metric attribute with GUID &1. |
612 | Update of metric attribute value is not supported in the system. |
613 | Unable to create entry in the ISLM_STD_METRICS table.Values already exist |
614 | Confirm Refresh |
615 | Connection check can be performed on saved data only |
616 | Connection mapping is currently locked for editing by user &1 |
617 | Exit Editor |
618 | Tenant ID: &1 |
619 | Tenant ID is mandatory. |
620 | Repository tables are updated for Scenario &1. |
621 | Delegate version GUID &1 unavailable. Determined remote status: &2. |
622 | Select a row for connection check |
623 | Version &1 does not exist in remote ML provider. |
624 | Training ID &1 does not exist in remote ML provider. |
625 | Deployment ID &1 does not exist in remote ML provider. |
626 | Cannot update entry in the ISLM_STD_METRICS table.Entry does not exist. |
627 | Inference ID &1 does not exist in remote ML provider. |
628 | Last sync status is mandatory. |
629 | SAPDIGUID is mandatory. |
630 | Unknown error. Unable to create entry in the delegate conn. history table |
631 | Training ID &1 associated with &2 does not exist in remote ML provider. |
632 | Inference ID &1 associated with &2 does not exist in remote ML provider. |
633 | The metric attribute &1 value is invalid. |
634 | Delegate connection history &1 is created. |
635 | Connection mapping already exists for this scenario |
636 | Connection mapping does not exist for this scenario |
637 | No changes were found in the connection mapping |
638 | Local deployment status is read from remote ML provider. |
639 | Entity Hash ID is mandatory. |
640 | Invalid delegate entity Hash ID. |
641 | Delegate Hash ID do not support multiple entities. |
642 | Destination &1 doesn't exist. |
643 | Entity ID &1 and entity type &2 cannot be synced. |
644 | No data change. |
645 | Refresh the data to load the latest values from the database. |
646 | Unable to determine Tenant ID |
647 | Error while retrieving limits for scenario type &1 attribute &2 |
648 | Training is not supported for obsolete scenario. |
649 | Deployment is not supported for obsolete scenario. |
650 | Check parameter GUID is invalid. |
651 | Unable to add check parameters. |
652 | The value of attribute &1 is invalid. |
653 | Unable to create entry in the ISLM_CHK_PARAMS table.Values already exist |
654 | Check parameter GUID is invalid. |
655 | Invalid check GUID. |
656 | Unable to create entry in the ISLM_PREREQ_CHK table.Values already exist |
657 | Unable to add prerequisite check. |
658 | Status cannot be left blank. |
659 | Start time for the check run cannot be left blank. |
660 | End time for the check run cannot be left blank. |
661 | Unable to update ISLM_PREREQ_CHK table.Check run GUID is invalid. |
662 | |
663 | Delegate pipeline GUID &1 unavailable. Determined remote status: &2 |
664 | Delegate parameters GUID &1 unavailable. Determined remote status : &2 |
665 | Delegate configuration GUID &1 unavailable. Determined remote status: &2 |
666 | Delegate param. binding GUID &1 unavailable. Determined remote status: &2 |
667 | Delegate execution GUID &1 unavailable. Determined remote status : &2 |
668 | Delegate deployment GUID &1 unavailable. Determined remote status: &2 |
669 | Local deployment GUID &1 unavailable. Determined remote status : &2 |
670 | Delegate artifact GUID &1 unavailable. Determined remote status : &2 |
671 | No prerequisite check found. |
672 | No prerequisite check run found. |
673 | No parameter found for check &1. |
674 | Cannot read connection mapping details for Intelligent Scenario &1 |
675 | Host |
676 | Unable to update ISLM_CHK_PARAMS table.Check GUID is invalid. |
677 | GUID is not required. |
678 | Repository data could not be read for intelligent scenario &1 |
679 | Description cannot be left blank. |
680 | Failed to update check run and check status. |
681 | Unknown error. |
682 | Cannot derive ML Scenario ID for scenario Tech. ID &1 |
683 | Prerequisite run GUID: &1. |
684 | Prerequisite run check GUID: &1. |
685 | Prerequisite run check params GUID: &1. |
686 | You don't have any authorization to &1 &2 operations area. |
687 | Multiple scenarios read for Intelligent scenario &1 |
688 | Change authorization missing for table &1. |
689 | &1 is not a valid Prerequisite check class. |
690 | Invalid action &1 for &2. |
691 | Scenario GUID &1 returned successfully. |
692 | An intelligent scenario with prerequisite check class &1 already exists. |
693 | Model GUID &1 valid. |
694 | Model version GUID &1 valid. |
695 | Deployment GUID &1 valid. |
696 | Inference GUID &1 valid. |
697 | Method &1 is not implemented. |
698 | Delegate Scenario GUID &1 available. |
699 | Delegate version GUID &1 available. |
700 | Delegate pipeline GUID &1 available |
701 | Delegate parameters GUID &1 available |
702 | Delegate configuration GUID &1 available |
703 | Delegate param. binding GUID &1 available |
704 | Delegate execution GUID &1 available |
705 | Delegate deployment GUID &1 available |
706 | Prerequisite check list not found. |
707 | Delegate artifact GUID &1 available |
708 | No check run found. |
709 | Model GUID &1 invalid. |
710 | Model version GUID &1 invalid. |
711 | Deployment GUID &1 invalid. |
712 | Inference GUID &1 invalid. |
713 | Check class object is not instantiated. |
714 | The implementation for the method &1 is missing. |
715 | Check run cannot be blank to fetch check list. |
716 | No prerequiste check class maintained for the intelligent scenario &1 |
717 | Error in the method &1 of class &2 |
718 | Inbound data error. |
719 | Checklist cannot be empty. |
720 | Prerequisite run is already in process for scenario :&1. |
721 | Check run update failed. |
722 | Intelligent scenario &1 does not support batch inference. |
723 | Cannot return Scenario GUID for Document Information Extraction type. |
724 | Check executed successfully. |
725 | Check failed. |
726 | Prerequisite check classes can be altered in SAP systems only. |
727 | Unable to delete scenario. Scenario has running prerequisite checks. |
728 | Unable to trigger SAP_ISLM_PREREQ_CHK_PROCESSOR job. |
729 | Prerequisite check processing is supported only as background job. |
730 | Error processing prerequisite check run for GUID &1 |
731 | Prerequisite check run successful. |
732 | Prerequisite check run failed. |
733 | No prerequisite checks available for prerequisite run &1. |
734 | Check not executed |
735 | Version |
736 | Version not available. Deleted in remote ML provider. |
737 | Version not available due to connection change |
738 | No prerequisite checklist maintained for the scenario: &1 |
739 | Prerequisite check run class does not implement the required interface &1 |
741 | Validation failed. Prerequisite check GUID &1 does not exist. |
742 | Prerequisite check run created successfully. |
743 | You don�t have authorization to create prerequisite check run. |
744 | Prerequisite check run class '&1' doesn't exist for scenario '&2'. |
745 | Inference creation failed. |
746 | Prerequisite check is not available in check class metadata. |
747 | Prerequisite check param &1 is not available in check class metadata. |
748 | No deployment available in deployed status for scenario &1. |
749 | Prerequisite checkrun limit exceeded in this client. |
750 | Error occurred during concurrency lock. Try again later. |
751 | Provided value for the parameter &1 does not exist in value help |
752 | Parameter &1 value is required |
753 | Unable to get the scenario ID as scenario template is not defined |
754 | Incorrect scenario template &1 |
755 | Missing mandatory fields. |
756 | No authorization to add entries to ISLM_PS_HIST table |
757 | Invalid user name in the list of approved users. |
758 | History cannot be maintained for draft scenarios. |
759 | Inference is not supported for obsolete scenario. |
760 | An entry for publish activity already exists in the history table |
761 | Scenario not published. Deprecation approval not added to history. |
762 | Scenario not approved for deprecation. Deprecation not added to history. |
763 | Scenario not deprecated. Obsoletion Approval not added to history. |
764 | Unknown error. Record not added to ISLM_PS_HIST table. |
765 | No input parameter provided to read from the history table |
766 | Missing mandatory fields. |
767 | No authorization to update entries in ISLM_PS_HIST table |
768 | Cannot find scenario history for the specified key fields |
769 | Unknown error. Record not updated in ISLM_PS_HIST |
770 | Scenario not published. Deletion not added to history. |
771 | Scenario history created for scenario &1 with status &2 |
772 | Scenario history updated for scenario &1 with status &2 |
773 | Scenario history created for scenario &1 Model &3 with status &2 |
774 | Scenario history updated for scenario &1 Model &3 with status &2 |
776 | Successor scenario does not exist or not published |
777 | Status validation failed. Scenario is already in &1 status. |
778 | Scenario not approved for deprecation. Cannot deprecate scenario. |
779 | Scenario not approved for obsoletion. Cannot obsolete scenario. |
780 | Successor scenario &1 is not avilable in the system. |
781 | Cannot delete scenario in deprecated or obsolete status |
782 | Status validation failed. Failed to update model in &1 status. |
787 | Unknown error. Record not deleted from ISLM_PS_HIST table. |
788 | Status &2 of scenario &1 deleted from the ISLM_PS_HIST table. |
789 | Status &2 of model &3 in scenario &1 deleted from the ISLM_PS_HIST table. |
790 | Confirm that all relevant documentation and BOM are updated? |
791 | Cannot update an obsolete scenario. |
792 | Cannot republish scenario without approval to publish |
793 | Cannot deprecate scenario without a reason text. |
794 | Create Schedule is not supported for obsolete scenario. |
795 | Prerequisite check run is not supported for obsolete scenario. |
796 | Training limit of &1 exceeded in the remote ML service instance. |
797 | Deployment limit of &1 exceeded in the remote ML service instance. |
798 | Training is not supported for obsolete scenario.Use successor &1. |
799 | Deployment is not supported for obsolete scenario.Use successor &1. |
800 | Undeploy is not supported for obsolete scenario.Use successor &1. |
801 | Activation is not supported for obsolete scenario.Use successor &1. |
802 | Inference is not supported for obsolete scenario.Use successor &1. |
803 | Reason for deprecation cannot be more than &1 characters. |
804 | &1 is not supported for obsolete scenario.Use successor &2. |
805 | &1 is not supported for obsolete scenario. |
806 | Prerequisite check not supported for obsolete scenario. Use successor &1 |
807 | Scenario &1 is deprecated and will be obsolete soon. |
808 | Object generatio is not supported for obsolete scenario. |
809 | Object generatio is not supported for obsolete scenario.Use successor &1. |
810 | Scenario &1 is deprecated and will be obsolete soon.Use successor &2 |
811 | Exception raised while reading successessor scenario &1. |
812 | Apply task is not supported for obsolete scenario.Use successor &1. |
813 | Apply task is not supported for obsolete scenario. |
814 | Enter up to 256 characters (except ",',.,>,<,| and;) for parameter &1. |
815 | Scenario is being updated. Operation not possible. |
816 | Successor scenario &1 is not available in the system. |
817 | &1 deployment(s) per training is allowed. |
818 | Concurrent training limit of &1 exceeded in remote ML service instance |
819 | &1 is not supported for deprecate scenario.Use successor &2. |
820 | &1 is not supported for deprecate scenario. |
821 | Missing marker interface name for scenario type &1 |
822 | History &1 created for scenario &2 with status &3. |
823 | History &1 created for model &2 with status &3. |