ISSR7 - ISSR: Meldungen aus Bestandsverwaltung

The following messages are stored in message class ISSR7: ISSR: Meldungen aus Bestandsverwaltung.
It is part of development package VVSRFISL in software component FS-SR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Statutory Reporting for Insurance from FI-SL".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & & &
001*************** Messages for Migration *************************
002*** Messages for Migration/Import to Area & ***
003Automatic derivation is off (e.g. for product type or product category)
004Statutory reporting is not set for the company codes
005CoCode: &1; ship. document: &2; item no.: &3; no.: &4
006Company code & incorrect/does not exist/no authorization
007SR product category cannot be determined for feeder system product cat. &
008SR valuation area cannot be determined; product cat.: &1 TR val. area: &2
009SR product type cannot be derived from feeder system product type &
010No SR contract type is assigned to SR product type &
011Processing of statutory reporting valuation area: &
012Cannot determine FTP for FS contr. type &1; FS flow type &2; D/C ind. &3
013No text specified for SR flow type &1 in language &2
014FS flow type: &1; D/C ind.: &2 converted into FTP: &3 for ledger type: &4
015FI document & could not be read
016System cannot create reference to original doc. for reversal doc. no. &
017Error while writing ISSRPREFLOW records
018FI document & for reversal transaction cannot be read
019No documents available; check the selection criteria
020Incorrect/missing link in FI: BELNR &, STBLG &
021Reversal document for document to be canceled: &
022CoCode &1; transaction &2; activity &3; item &4
023Statutory reporting is not active for the company code(s) &
024No connection between asset and business entity (table Viob37)
025Document parked
026Error during database update; changes were not copied
027Flow already processed in ledger; change not possible
028Unsaved flows exist; refresh not possible
029Changes were reset
030List refreshed
031Flows with date before key date & already exist
032Position already determined and posted
033No position exists for key date
034Key date position with date & already exists
035Company code: &; contract/identifier: &
036No repayments exist for key date
037Migration not possible for Real Estate management
038Migration not possible for RBD flows
039&1; &2; &3; REFBUSTRANSID: &4 does not exist
040Number of packages exceeds 9999. Please change Customizing
041CoCd: &1; product type: &2; excluded for statutory reporting flows
042Document to be canceled not found for PREFLOW_GUID: &1
043Update required - Delete transaction before update run
200****** Messages for Subsequent Posting *********************************
201Selected ledger types/table group not assigned to an FISL ledger
202FISL ledgers not assigned to selected company codes
203Statutory reporting is not set for company codes or valuation areas
204Customizing is not consistent; check your settings
205No flows exist in statutory reporting base table
206No fiscal year variant assigned for company code & and ledger &
207Log for subsequent posting
208FISL ledger not assigned to table group &1 and ledger type &2
209Company code &1, asset number &2, valuation area &3, ledger type &4
210Deletion of flows in ledger & was unsuccessful
211Deletion of PRF transfer posting records in ledger & not successful
212ERROR ISSR_IF_NABU_FLOW for CC: & ledg. type: & val. area: & asset no.: &
213No partial transfer flows created
214Asset category transfer posting not created
215System error: Table & could not be generated
216Object & could not be instantiated
217Customizing table & contains no entries
218Output structure for posting log missing for table group: &
219No user exit variant assigned to statutory reporting variant &
220No table group assigned to statutory reporting variant &
221SR flow type for the FTP cannot be determined
222No statutory reporting identifiers available for selection
223No identifiers exist for variant &1, company code &2, asset number &3, &4
224SR variant & is not assigned a valid segment
225Key: &1; flow type assignment does not exist for FTP &2
226*** Log for Subsequent Posting Report of SR Variant & ***
227CoCode &1: ledger type &2, valuation area &3, capital investment no. &4
228Preflow key: & with FTP &
229No asset cat. transfer posting flow types defined for FISL ledger &
230Statutory reporting variant & does not exist
231For table &, no selection fields defined for FM &
232Assignment error (ASSIGN) in FM &1 for parameter &2
233CoCode &1 and SR valuation area &2 are not assigned to any variant
234No field assignment rules defined in Customizing
235Determine segment: & with flow type: & from FTP &
236Asset category transfer posting CC: & ledger: & val. area: & asset: &
237Error during GUID conversion from C32 to C22
238Error while deleting existing asset category transfer posting
239Asset category transfer posting already exists
240Asset category transfer posting record deleted from DB for re-creation
241SR GUID: &
242Error during creation of asset category transfer posting
243No premium reserve fund flow type is defined for ledger &1 direction &2
244System cannot determine number/number range object for variant &
248Customizing assignment does not exist for company code &1 and ledger &2
249For company code &, posting date &, ledger & PERIV (fiscal yr variant) &
250Exit type &2 or form routine name &3 is missing for receiver field &1
251You have not entered/saved an exit type
252Form routine name is not specified in the selected row
253Missing form pool for user exit variant &, exit type &, and appl. area &
254No selection parameters specified
255Prem. stock reclass. corr. posting DOCNR & DOCLN & with HSL & exists
256FTP, posting date, creator, and creation date ignored during re-creation
257Error while deleting
258Error during simulated deletion
259Error in form routine & of PGM &; no number range object in table &
260FISL update module G_GLDB_POSTING_A or TFDIR error
261FISL update program & cannot update statutory reporting tables (& and &)
262Select only one flow
263Post all parked documents first
264Assigned fiscal year variant & in table T009B is incorrect or missing
265You have not made any changes since the last save
266You have not changed any data; save is not necessary
267Data has been saved
268No valid statutory reporting master record for the flow for date &
269No data found for position initialization according to Solvency II.
400******** Messages for Online Posting **********************
500******* Manual Posting of Flows RISSR_MIG_MANU
501Internal error; process terminated
502No class data available; processing terminated
600********** General Messages **************************
601Error in ALV list output (cl_issr_alv_list_adm Meth.DISPLAY_LIST)
602Enter a server group for parallel processing
603No messages exist for log output
604Error while activating SR for FISL source code generation
605Statutory reporting is activated for source code generation
606Generation via transaction GZZG not started
607FISL source code generation completed
608Statutory reporting deactivated for source code generation
609Online posting interface is activated
610Online posting interface is deactivated
611Component inactive; online posting cannot be activated
612FISL source code not prepared; activation of online posting not possible
613Statutory reporting is not activated
614User &1 has insufficient authorization
701No data found
702Capital investment & is not available in the SAP system
899******** From 900 Customer Name Space **********
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