ISSR_TP - Nachrichtenklasse f�r Statutory Reporting

The following messages are stored in message class ISSR_TP: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Statutory Reporting.
It is part of development package VVSRFISL in software component FS-SR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Statutory Reporting for Insurance from FI-SL".
Message Nr
Message Text
001In client &1, &2 data records were transferred to table &3
002Client &: Data records cannot be transferred to table &
010Select at least one asset category
011No business partner changes exist for these selection criteria
012Enter a period start or end
013Factory calendar is not maintained for year &
014The number of data records in table & must be exactly (&)
015The total sum of BP change records in statutory reporting is not zero
016Error during creation of BP change records in statutory reporting
017BP & changed to BP & from & for area &
018For contract number & in company code & for SR variant & valuation area &
019For class &1 in company code &2 for SR variant &3 valuation area &4
020BP & not changed to BP & from & for area &
021on & at & by &
022Error while writing to table TISSR_GP_CHANGE; see long text
023Termination during writing of flows caused by business partner changes
024System cannot determine data records for the selection criteria
025You are not authorized to start the test run in company code &1
026You are not authorized to start the test run for SR variant &1
027You are not authorized to start the test run for SR contract type &1
028Database table &1 does not exist/is not active in the ABAP Dictionary
029Table &1 does not contain data records for conversion
030Identifier &1 not allowed for identification number assignment
031Writing in program RISSR_IDENTNR_CORR failed
032Start report &1 using transaction &2 only
033The field PRF List Number (Premium Reserve Fund tab) is not filled
050Select only one data record for detail view
051Select the table for which you want a detail view
052You can execute function '&' in change mode only
053All data records already transferred to target client
060Function & is not available here
070Enter the transport request task with owner &
071Problems adding to transport request; contact development or SAP
100Identifiers Para. 1 AnlV: &1; NW101: &2; NW201: &3; NW600: &4
101Identifiers NW670: &1; NW671: &2; Fund annex: &3
102Mix annex identifiers: &1; &2; &3; &4
200Archiving of totals items not possible; see long text
201Year &1 cannot be archived
202You are not authorized to archive statutory reporting data
203Totals table &1 not active
204Statutory reporting ledger 3I not (actively) available in the system
205Balance carryforwards for company code &1 not yet available for year &2
206Program terminated; data already (partially) archived
207Statutory reporting variants do not exist
208Asset category &1 cannot be checked
209Loan contract &1 &2 is not archived in CML
210Position &1 &2 of asset category &3 is not archived (TRTM_TPM)
600Error during creation of object &
601Export table & contains no data records
602No data could be selected for asset &1 from table &2
603No data could be selected for asset & from table &
604No asset class can be determined for object number &
605SR asset type is not assigned a feeder system identifier
606Error during assignment of SR product category and/or SR product type
607Error during determination of SR product type
608Error during determination of SR product category
609No data record found for asset &1 in area &2
610Data records cannot be selected from table &
611Data record with key & already exists in table &
612Incorrect Customizing in table &
613Selected data record with DARWIN key & is not assigned an asset category
614Asset with DARWIN key &: Annex 3 R5/97 identifier could not be converted
615PRFL number for asset with VVKEY & (&) cannot be converted
616Data record could not be inserted in table &
617No data records for deletion found in table &
618Database table & is currently locked by user &
619Cannot set database lock for table &
620No data records for deletion found in table &
621Missing Customizing assignments: cannot select from relationship table &
622Import parameter & cannot be assigned to field symbol &
623Data object &1 cannot be assigned to field symbol &2
624Data record for number range subobject &1 marked for update in table &2
625Invalid Annex 10 R5/97 identifier combination for asset &1 in area &2
626Value entered in field & is not permitted; use input help
627No identifiers set for R5/97 Annex 10 for capital investment &
628Data object &1 could not be assigned to field symbol &2
629Enter valid identifiers for Annex 10 R5/97
630Data record contains invalid identifier combination for Annex 10 R5/97
631No data exists in internal table for asset &1 (line of business &2)
632Data object &1 cannot be assigned to field symbol &2
633Data object &1 cannot be assigned to a field symbol
634& could not assign data object & to field symbol &
635Assign field contents according to check matrix
636Contract &: Prod. cat., asset type, ind. for Annex 10 R5/97 incompatible
637Error during creation of new node table for ALV tree
638Contract &: Prod. cat., asset type, ind. for Annex 10 R5/97 incompatible
639From now, SR variant & will be validated with respect to R5/97 Annex 10
640SR variant & will no longer be validated with respect to R5/97 Annex 10
641Error reading from an internal table
642Selection not permitted; select a lower-level node
643Values for fields &1 and &2 are invalid; use input help
644Invalid R5/97 identifier combination for asset &1 in area &2
645Error while creating ALV tree
646Invalid ind. combination Annex 10 R5/97 for asset no. &1 in area &2
647Locks for table & cannot be set at present
648No selection parameters were transferred
649Field catalog & (class &; screen &) could not be created
650Instance &1 for class &2 (screen &3) could not be created
651Error during method call (method &1, screen &2)
652Detail display not possible for totals rows
653Error reading selected tree node
654No positions exist for selected contracts in valuation area &
655Select a valuation area
656Valuation area you selected is already displayed
657Error during determination of data for new detail view
658No position in valuation area &2 for selected contract &1
659Select a valid valuation area
660Valuation area &: not all selected positions can be displayed
661Select the positions to be transfer posted
662Value entered in field & is not permitted
663Value entered in field & is not permitted/consistent
664Value entered in field & is not permitted/consistent
665For SR variant &, data records cannot be selected from table &
666System cannot create input help for field &
667Error while deleting data records from table &
668Data record with the same key already exists in table ISSR_RPI_MFT
669Reporting data for old and new record identical
670Error while checking reporting data consistency
671Identification number & is in critical area
672System has issued the last available identification number
673There are not enough free identification numbers available
674Field assignment in table & is not correct
675Value of the identification number determined must not be zero
676Customizing error: wrong ID definition indicator set
677External ID number & is not in interval for number range object
678Identification number & already exists
679Identification number & is already being used
680Identification number field in reporting data master record is too short
681Number range interval not defined for to-year &
682Validity year is not the same as to-year in the number range interval
683Reporting data for asset number &1 (SR product category &) not changed
684Mass transfer posting for external number assignment not possible
685Mass transfer posting for real estate area not possible
686No changes in reporting data compared to existing data record
687Select only one data record for the check result view
688Select a data record for the check result view
689Selected data records contain invalid SR identifier combinations
690Select a position to be transfer posted
691Data record from table &1 for number range subobject &2 deleted
692Field & not declared in INCLUDE &; check contents of table &
693Selected field control for field & not permitted
694For node & in tree &, there are no subnodes &
695Error in fiscal year-dependent external identification number assignment
696Error while determining position in function module &
697No data transfer at interface &2 &3 &1
698Error while generating new data record & &
699& & is executed
700Asset with VVKEY &1 (area &2): PRFL number &3 cannot be converted
701Converter executed with inbound interface &
702Asset with DARWIN key &1 (area &2) contains no PRFL number
703Incorrect Customizing in table 4; processing terminated
704No identification number assignment in company code & (SR variant &)
705Asset & (area &): stock indicator not set
706Identifier for field & (asset category &) could not be selected
707Asset & from area & is marked for update
708Update error during migration of reporting data records
709Language key & does not exist
710Data record for number range subobject & cannot be posted
711Deletion/writing of data records in table & / & canceled
712No data records for deletion found in table &
713Data record with same key already exists in table &
714Inconsistent entry; use input help for field '&'
715Inconsistent entry; use input help for field &
716Inconsistent entry; use input help for field &
717Data object & cannot be assigned to field symbol &
718No data record exists for product type & in table &
719Error in function module &; return code & was returned
720Data object & could not be assigned to field symbol &
721Fixed period-end closing could not be deleted
722SR variant &1: closing date &2 is not permitted
723No record exists in table &3 for company code &1, SR variant &2
724Specified assignment of SR prod. cat. to PRFL subsection is not possible
725Selected validity date & is within period-end closing
726Selected period-end closing is later than system date
727Validity date & must be on or before system date &
728You are not authorized to call transaction &1 in company code &2
729Error during authorization check
730You are not authorized to call transaction &
731No authorization for calling transaction &1 for SR variant &2
732You are not authorized to transfer post reporting data
733Enter data for PRFL subsection in the correct sequence
734Error while deleting data records from internal table &
735Error during COMMIT WORK; posting terminated
736You are not authorized to call transaction &1 for contract type &2
737Data record successfully updated with new validity date &
738Stock: BaFin/Tax Office: &; PRF/SS: &; Para. 1 Asset Regulation &
739Identif. R30/2002 3/4/Add.Class. 8/6/8/: &; Ident. R30/2002 10/1/2/3/4: &
740Cover provision currency &; approval &; situs &
741SR document number: &; &; &; &
742Accepted value/currency/date/file number &; &; &; &
743In valuation area &; &; &; &
744Position for asset & (& company code &, line of business &)
745SR asset category & (SR variant &) not entered correctly by user &
746Market value & &;
747With ident. number & and hist. ident. number &
748On system date & / system time &
749No entry exists in table &2 for ABAP Dictionary object &1
750Enter a PRFL number first
751No subsection exists for PRFL number &
752Identifier for field & (SR asset type &) could not be selected
753Select a statutory reporting asset type first
754SR mass transf. posting: CC/SR var. &; acc./ass. ty./user &
755Field &1 does not exist in table &2
756Field name & in dynamic SELECT is longer than 66 characters
757Dynamic condition table for SELECT could not be created
758Structure & is not a database table/database view
759Selection of totals rows is not possible for document view
760Document display transfer posting SR: No data record exists for index &
761Incorrect Customizing entry for ledger field name in table &
762FM &1: Transfer structure &2 is empty; processing terminated
763Number of data records in table & must not be an odd number (&)
764More than 1 data record for tab. grp &1 in tab. &2; processing terminated
765No detailed display for flow for identifier change in SR
766Choose a selected position and transfer post it individually
767Data record cannot be selected from internal table &
768Data record could not be selected from internal table &1
769No position for transfer posting exists for validity date &
770You are not authorized to delete migrated master data records
771No locked positions determined
772End of interval & entered is before start of interval &
773Data for identifier &1 cannot be entered in maintenance view &2
774Select a value for field &; restart the selection
775You can only use input help when field & is filled
776Secondary asset: &
777Function module &: no records selected from table & or &
778Company code & does not exist
779No external ID in administration table ISSR_EXTID_ADMIN
780Error in function module &; return code & was returned
781Statutory reporting variant & does not exist
782Preparing to copy data records (SR variant &) from table &
783Data object & cannot be assigned to field symbol &
784Data object & cannot be assigned to field symbol &
785& data records (SR variant &) inserted in table &
786Data record & for SR variant & could not be inserted in table &
787& of & data records inserted in table &
788Different clients or SR variants are required
789No data records that can be copied for source variant & in table &
790Preparing to delete data records (SR variant &) from table &
791Data records for SR variant & cannot be deleted
792Data object & cannot be assigned to field symbol &
793Data object & cannot be assigned to field symbol &
794& data records (SR variant &) deleted from table &
795Data record & for SR variant & could not be deleted from table &
796&1 of &2 data records deleted from table &3
797No data records that can be deleted for source variant &1 in table &2
798Select the asset for which you want a detail view
799Start check Annex 10 R7/95 identifiers
800(Validity date &)
801Identifier change for fiscal year & only possible at period end (&)
802BE &1 (area &2): Positions exist in multiple asset depreciation areas
803Restriction during identifier change business entity & (area &)
804No data record for key combination of asset & in table &
805No data record for key combination of asset &1 (&4) in table &2
806Detailed document display not possible for selected data record
807No data record for key combination of asset &1 (&4) in table &2
808Error while deleting data records from table &
809& data records deleted from table &
810& data records migrated from tables & to table &
811& data records could not be migrated to table &
812& data records already existed in table &
813& data records deleted from table &
814Asset with VVKEY &1 cannot be migrated to table &3
815Function module & returned the return code &
816Result of master data migration
817No data can be selected from table &
818VVKEY without asset category is not a unique selection criterion
819PRFL number for asset with VVKEY & (&) cannot be converted
820Asset with VVKEY & (&): Identifiers & cannot be converted
821No positions found for selection criteria
822Identifier change for asset & (area &) is not possible
823Master data records for asset with VVKEY & (area &) not migrated
824Master data records for asset with VVKEY & not migrated
825New SR variant & can terminate running programs
826Validity date does not match current date; change not possible
827Data record is currently locked by user &
828No data records transferred to module &
829Position for selected contract & has changed
830Current determined position for asset & is (partially) negative
831Asset with VVKEY & (area &): Subsection for PRFL & cannot be converted
832Customizing settings missing: ALV Grid objects not defined
833Customizing settings missing; see long text
834System cannot determine positions for selection criteria
835Settings for selection screens not maintained
836Settings for tab pages not maintained
837Settings for ALV Grid layout not maintained
838Settings for ALV tree not maintained
839Customizing settings missing; function cannot be executed
840Settings at field level for ALV Grid not maintained
841Asset & already changed for validity date & by user &
842Asset & already changed for validity date & by user &
843No more changeable positions in the system
844SR product type cannot be derived from feeder system product type &
845You are not authorized to migrate master data for company code &
846You are not authorized to migrate master data for asset category &
847You are not authorized to delete migrated master data for company code &
848You are not authorized to delete migrated master data (asset category &)
849Identifiers NW101/102/201/600/670/671: &
850Asset is shareholding: &
851Calculation selected: &
852Input help error for field &
853Invalid Annex 10 identifier combination for cap. investment & in area &2
854Enter valid identifiers for Mix annex
855Data record contains invalid combination of identifiers for Mix annex
856Contract &: Product cat., asset type, ind. for Mix annex are incompatible
857From now, SR variant & will be validated with respect to Mix annex
858SR variant & will no longer be validated with respect to Mix annex
859Invalid combination ind. R30/2002 annex 10 for cap. invest. & in area &
860Maintenance of this data only permitted for fund
861Only one default SR variant per company code is possible
862Processing of additional data is permitted here only for securities
863Indicator for fund look through option cannot be maintained
864System cannot determine data records for the selection criteria
865You are not authorized to delete all migrated master data records
866Missing authorization: Migration for all asset categories not possible
867No entry exists in table &1 for company code &2 and SR variant &3
868&1 data records inserted in table &2
869&1 data records deleted from table &2
870Test run has selected &1 data records to be inserted in table &2
871Test run has selected &1 data records to be deleted from table &2
872You are not authorized to delete data records from table &
873You are not authorized to delete data records for company code &
874You are not authorized to delete data records with asset category &
875You are not authorized to transfer data for company code &
876You are not authorized to transfer data for asset category &
877Data transfer cannot be carried out for all asset categories
878You are not authorized to delete all data records in table &
879No data records found for selection criteria chosen
880Copying and modifying data in client 000 is not permitted
881Data object & cannot be assigned to field symbol &
882Transaction &: No authorization for test run with target variant &
883Transaction &: You are not authorized to change list Customizing
884Transaction &: You are not authorized to insert Customizing data
885Select the data records to be transferred
886You have not specified a client; processing terminated
887Comparison of list Customizing not possible in background processing
888You are not authorized to start update run in company code &1
889You are not authorized to start update run for SR variant &1
890You are not authorized to start update run for contract type &1
891Program already being used
892SR variant &1 does not exist in client &2
893Background processing; standard Customizing cannot be compared
894Table & has too many key fields
895Your selection of database tables to be processed is not permitted
896Validity date must be on or after conversion key date &2
897changed in all relevant valuation areas
898SR variant &1 does not exist in client &2
899Stock: BaFin/Tax Office: &1/&2; PRF List/PRF Subsection: &3/&4;
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