IST30 - Vertragskontokorrent - Zahlen - Mahnen - Sperren ...IST/FICA
The following messages are stored in message class IST30: Vertragskontokorrent - Zahlen - Mahnen - Sperren ...IST/FICA.
It is part of development package IST00 in software component IS-T. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-T : Domains and Repository Objects in General Use".
It is part of development package IST00 in software component IS-T. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-T : Domains and Repository Objects in General Use".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Error generating file number for file "Tel. no. to be reconn./disconn." |
002 | File &1 was created &2. Path: &3 |
003 | Check file history for file number &1 |
004 | Error generating job number |
005 | No job log exists for identifying & |
006 | No entry possible in file history for file number &1 |
007 | Open dataset for &1 failed |
008 | Close Dataset for &1 failed |
019 | Customer-Exit in &1 triggered Rollback-Work |
020 | Customer exit &1 in &2 is faulty. Check the customer exit. |
021 | Customer exit &1 in &2 is not active |
022 | Data transfer at interface successful |
023 | Data transfer failed at interface |
024 | No resulting quantity from customer exit &1 in &2 for VKONT &3 |
025 | Transfer of file & failed at interface |
026 | Entire work list: & entries |
027 | Amount processed: & entries ~ &% |
028 | Remaining: & entries |
029 | Job name: &1 Job count: &2 |
030 | Contract account &1 was not processed! |
031 | Update File history failed for file name &1 ! |
032 | Beware! Test run! |
033 | Telephone number disconnection file may be transferred inadvertently |
034 | Read access to &1 and &2 &3 &4 failed |
035 | Error accessing IST_TDATA table with &1 &2 &3 (CntAccount &4) |
036 | No reference to service in table IST_TDATA |
037 | Reference to provider contract not found in document item |
038 | Reference to service not found in IST_TDATA and provider contract |
039 | Provider contract for reconnecting a service does not exist |
040 | Unable to determine service or provider contract to be reconnected |
041 | Incorrect Customizing in View IST000C |
042 | CRM with provider contract is not supported (see SAP Note 2543889) |
099 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
100 | *** Object category - exceptions *** |
101 | No entry exists with &1 &2 in &3! |
102 | Work item in &1 could not be started |
199 | ***** 200 to 299 reserved for write off and collection office *********** |
200 | No additional account assignment data (e.g. cost center) found |
300 | ***** 300 to 399 reserved for locking/unlocking with XI ***************** |
301 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
302 | The general selections are either insufficient or performance too slow |
303 | Error occurred inserting object &1 &2 &3 &4 in the worklist |
304 | There are objects to be locked |
305 | No lock proposals returned to CRM |
401 | An existing telephone number was found when saving |
402 | Error occurred during save |
500 | Database error during insertion in &1 |
501 | SYST: &1 -> Insertion in IST_LOCK_WITEMS failed |
502 | Database error during deletion in &1 |
503 | Database error during modification in &1 |