ISU_BR - IS-U-BR - Message Class
The following messages are stored in message class ISU_BR: IS-U-BR - Message Class.
It is part of development package ISU_GS_BR_SIMULATION in software component FI-LOC-UT-BR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-U Brazil - Simulation localization".
It is part of development package ISU_GS_BR_SIMULATION in software component FI-LOC-UT-BR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-U Brazil - Simulation localization".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Original Document does not exists. |
001 | Please inform Line Item From and To at VISU_COMPARA_BR for your scenario. |
002 | Parameters not informed for conversion. |
003 | No Document Type was adjusted |
004 | Spreadsheet layout error. Please follow structure &. |
005 | No valid Worksheet to process. |
006 | Deletion Document fail. |
007 | Update Document fail. |
008 | Error deleting lines from &1: &2. |
009 | Not found data in table &1: Error code: &2. |
010 | Comparing Document not created. |
011 | Posting Documents error. |
012 | Update fail on Scenario ID &. |
013 | Print document does not exist. |
014 | Update fail Scenario ID & and Sequential Item &. |
015 | Insert Document fail. |
016 | Billing Contract does not exist |
017 | Billing Document Simulated Period does not exist |
018 | Simulate Billing Document Data does not exist |
019 | Invoice Document Number does not exist |
020 | Estimation couldn't be defined |
021 | Invalid Scenario ID |
022 | Log properties not initialized. |
023 | Protocol Processor Class not set |
024 | Release error during line mark |
025 | Update fail Business Partner & . |
026 | Mandatory Screen Fields Missing |
027 | Release error during release execution |
028 | Status Rejected or Invalid FICA Posting Status |
029 | Insert Subsequent Actions Log Fail |
030 | Block Meter Reading � Meter Reading already blocked |
031 | No print record determined by the current Meter Reading Reason |
032 | Queue name & |
033 | Error during the print record create |
034 | Subsequent Action &1 &2 still not processed. Reversal not allowed |
035 | Re-Reading not created. |
036 | The calendar can't be determined |
037 | Day for Re-Reading can't be determined |
038 | Re-Reading did not update the Reading 01 |
039 | Installation &1 does not belong to contract &2. |
040 | Contract account &1 does not belong to contract &2. |
041 | Business partner &1 does not belong to contract &2. |
042 | No Document Date defined for specified Scenario. |
043 | Insert Version Energy Loss Fail. |
044 | Contract & does not have Billing history |
045 | No configuration found in & view |
046 | Installation Type not filled in table TISU_INSTTYPE_BR |
047 | Reconciliation Key from table &1 not defined to user &2 |
048 | Serial number could not be defined. |
049 | TUC/Asset Type not filled in table TISU_TUCUAR_BR |
050 | UAR Code not filled in table TISU_TUCUAR_BR |
051 | Mod Center Local Installation isn't registered in to table VISU_MODCT_BR |
052 | ODI ANEEL is not found. |
053 | Contract not registered for this ODI ANEEL in to table VISU_CONTRODI_BR. |
054 | TUC + Attributes not registered in the table TISU_TUCATTR_BR |
055 | Asset Account number not found in the table T095 (Customizing) |
056 | Modular Center Composition isn't registered in to table VISU_MODCTCMP_BR |
057 | Mod Center Physical Arrange isn't registered in to table VISU_MODCTPHY_BR |
058 | Corresponding Action Not Found |
059 | Invalid Meter Read |
060 | Error on Update Table ANLU |
061 | Group Action Execution is not found. |
062 | Class & invalid or not defined |
063 | Application not found. |
064 | The Subsequent Action & can't be performed |
065 | Select line for process |
066 | Disconnect Status can not be determined |
067 | Unit creation error. |
068 | No Subsequent Action to be Performed |
069 | File Uploaded to Mass Process |
070 | Change/Reverse not executed. |
071 | No corresponding data for the selection criteria |
072 | Not possible, only valid for Subsequent Actions with error |
073 | All fields in the mass upload are mandatory |
074 | Duplicated register update fail. |
075 | Fixed Asset Saved. |
076 | Meter Reading Document & executed OK. |
077 | Execution error in /AIF/FILE_PROCESS_DATA. |
078 | Scenario ID not informed |
079 | Scenario ID isn't registered into table TISU_SCENARIO_BR |
080 | Meter Reading Document & with errors. |
081 | To be processs in & & & |
082 | Updated document for mass processing |
083 | MR Document &1 Action &2 is ready to process. |
084 | Deletion of Subsequent Actions Log Fail |
085 | Deletion of Subsequent Actions Log Executed successfully |
086 | TUC Master Data already exists with &1. Please, check your file. |
087 | TUC Attributes Types already exists with &1. Please, check your file. |
088 | TUC Attributes Values already exists with &1 &2. Please, check your file. |
089 | TUC Configuration already exists with &1 and &2. Please, check your file. |
090 | TUC Material Attribution already exists with &1. Please, check your file. |
091 | Material Attribution not deleted. |
092 | Target System not informed in VISU_TRGT_SYS_BR |
093 | Target System not relevant for KPI in VISU_TRGT_SYS_BR |
094 | Meter Reading Reason and Type not informed in VISU_SYS_DETL_BR |
095 | Key &1: TUC code &2 is invalid. |
096 | Description cannot be blank. |
097 | Key &1: Attribute type &2 is invalid. |
098 | Key &1: Attribute value &2 is invalid. |
099 | Attribute type cannot be blank. |
100 | Attribute value cannot be blank. |
101 | Key &1: Previous attribute is empty for attribute &2. |
102 | File Uploaded to import TUC Assets. |
103 | &1 &2 |
104 | Get Backgroundtask ID Error |
105 | Insert Material Attribuition Fail |
106 | Update Material Attribuition Fail |
107 | File is invalid. |
108 | Selected items are being updated in the background |
109 | Key &1: TUC Configuration is not available for &2 and &3. |
110 | Custom Data was not found. |
111 | Enable Sync Log Error |
112 | Select TUC Field First. |
113 | Select Asset Type First. |
114 | Material Number Already Exists |
115 | Fill an Existent Material Number. |
116 | Status updated, BGRFC will be processed. |
117 | Operation cannot be done. Check the AIF Log and try again. |
118 | Material Deleted. |
119 | Material Created |
120 | Material Updated |
121 | Functional Location not found (Core) |
122 | Error while inserting &1 &2 |
123 | Error while updating &1 &2 |
124 | Error while deleting &1 &2 |
125 | Record &1 is not available for &2 |
126 | New Process Created |
127 | New Process was not Created |
128 | Process Updated |
129 | Process was not Updated |
130 | An error was found. Check the filled values |
131 | Update Functional Location fail. |
132 | Fill out all required entry fields |
133 | Target system cant be updated, MR unit: &1 MR Document: &2 |
134 | Order Number is Invalid. |
135 | Order Type Doesn't Allow Changes in MCPSE Fields. |
136 | MCPSE Order Maintained. |
137 | MCPSE Order Maintence Error |
138 | MASS Data import error |
139 | MASS Data export error |
140 | Impossible execution combination. |
141 | Attribute &1 Value is not valid. |
142 | Equipment not found (Core) |
143 | Records not found. |
144 | Invalid Internal Message ID |
145 | The delete action is not allowed in this view |
146 | All fields should be filled. |
147 | The Text Must be a Valid Key maintained in SO10 |
148 | Tuc Material delete error. |
149 | Status Text - Reading Error. |
150 | Asset not found for this Company Code |
151 | It's not possible to use UC's and UAR's in the same order. |
152 | Update Equipment fail. |
153 | Previous Attribute Type Cannot be Empty |
154 | For ODD components, only negative amounts are accepted. |
155 | Only components of type COM and CA are allowed in ODS. |
156 | Material not found in table EQUI. |
157 | Order's Materials without the same TUC+A1 as Header Equipment (UC). |
158 | Version of Process &1 not found in table TISU_EL_VERS_BR |
159 | New version cannot be create for current status. |
160 | Not possible to unitize many UC's with many UAR's in the same order |
161 | Table name & invalid |
162 | Update fail on table &1 with status &2. |
163 | Delete Process Fail. |
164 | Successfully Deleted Process. |
165 | This process already generated an invoice, only reversal is allowed. |
166 | Key &1: Field &2 is mandatory |
167 | Key &1: Registration Type &2 is invalid. |
168 | Key &1: Material &2 is invalid. |
169 | Key &1: Usage Type &2 is invalid. |
170 | Key &1: Attribution Type &2 is invalid. |
171 | Key &1: Installation Type Group &2 is invalid. |
172 | Process ID not found. |
173 | Equipment attributions was deleted. |
174 | Fill an Equipment code. |
175 | Date interval &1 &2 overlaps with another interval &3 &4 |
176 | Invalid interval &1 &2 |
177 | Functional Location Attribution was deleted. |
178 | Fill a Functional Location Attribtuion code. |
179 | Order Type was deleted. |
180 | Fill an Order Type code. |
181 | Order MCPSE was deleted. |
182 | Fill an Order MCPSE code. |
183 | Delete Functional Location Attribution fail. |
184 | Delete Order Type Attribution fail. |
185 | Delete Order MCPSE Attribution fail. |
186 | Delete Fixed Asset Attribution fail. |
187 | Fixed Asset was deleted. |
188 | Fill a Fixed Asset code. |
189 | Delete attribution |
190 | This Version has a status that doesn't allow any changes. |
191 | Cannot analyze after save. |
192 | Cannot select more than one Start of Loss. |
193 | Selection cannot be changed. |
194 | Error saving Process. |
195 | Delete Equipment attribution fail. |
196 | At Least One Period Must Be Selected. |
197 | The Start of Loss Must be Unique and Always Selected. |
198 | Begin of Loss Can't be Grater than Inspection Date |
199 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
200 | The specified object is not an equipment. |
201 | Enter UC's data on the Objects tab. |
202 | There is a mismatch between Equipment on the Objects tab vs Material. |
203 | Inform Inspection Date. |
204 | Serialized Materials Without Serial Number and Equipment Information. |
205 | The Equipment does not have a Asset Number |
206 | The informed object is not an ODI |
207 | Order not released for unitization |
208 | Order not finalized |
209 | Order type & not expected |
210 | Maximum cycles allowed for &1: &2. |
211 | Error reading equipment category text. |
212 | Meter Reading Unit & device order is inconsistent |
213 | Device Number & invalid |
214 | Fill a technical object in the order header |
215 | Functional Location not releated to MCPSE |
216 | Material and Equipment's should be consistent to perform this Save Action |
217 | Device Number &1, Previous Device &2, Next Device &3 |
218 | It's not possible to change the status after posting the FI-CA document |
219 | Order has no deactivation status |
220 | Order already retired |
221 | Wrapper error from &1: &2 |
222 | Usage Type &1 not accepted |
223 | Functional Location Updated |
224 | Equipment Updated |
225 | Device &1 is not related to MRU &2 |
226 | Please check if the MRU &1 exists and have Devices related to it |
227 | Field Calculated Consumption must be filled. |
228 | The Period and Consumption fields must be filled. |
229 | Material &1 &2 must be redefined to "UC", "UAR" or "COM" |
230 | Calculated Consumption isn't higher than 0 |
231 | Non-Billed Consumption lower than 0 |
232 | Correction Factor must be greater than 0 and less than 100 |
233 | Material & data is incomplete. |
234 | Update Order Item Releated to MCPSE fail |
235 | Device &1 is related to MRU &2 and is missing on this Payload |
236 | No Consumption exists for the selected Period. |
237 | The Installed Load field must be empty. |
238 | The Deviated Load field must be empty. |
239 | The Consumption must be calculated first. |
240 | No periods were found before fraud detection. |
241 | Only one of the fields Installed Load and Deviated Load can be filled. |
242 | An Average Consumption must be selected. |
243 | No assets were found in table ANLA for these selected parameters. |
244 | Error modifying lines from &1: &2. |
245 | The structure with the calculation fields is empty. |
246 | No program or screen was found for the selected calculation method. |
247 | Api key not parameterized in VISU_MAPS_API_BR |
248 | Select only values greater than zero. |
249 | Create New Version Error. |
250 | Register New Version Log Error. |
251 | Period &1: Print Document not informed. |
252 | No lines to process |
253 | Change canceled |
254 | Status change not possible from current status |
255 | Process completed |
256 | At least one Calculation Method must be selected. |
257 | Process OK. & file(s) generated. |
258 | Reversal process successfully executed. |
259 | Field must be less or equal 100 |
260 | Billing Document & does not exist. |
261 | Administration Fee ID & is invalid or inactive |
262 | Action canceled. |
263 | Document Type Not Found. |
264 | This record is being used in other tables. Please check it out. |
265 | Cancel Process Invalid |
266 | Status doesn't exists. |
267 | Process ID: &1 Version: &2 active for the same entries |
268 | Process Id &1 is currently locked by user &2. |
269 | No authorization to &1 process. |
271 | Please, save the process before analyze. |
272 | Select a period of analysis before fraud detection. |
312 | Device &1 not found |