ISU_BR - IS-U-BR - Message Class

The following messages are stored in message class ISU_BR: IS-U-BR - Message Class.
It is part of development package ISU_GS_BR_SIMULATION in software component FI-LOC-UT-BR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-U Brazil - Simulation localization".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Original Document does not exists.
001Please inform Line Item From and To at VISU_COMPARA_BR for your scenario.
002Parameters not informed for conversion.
003No Document Type was adjusted
004Spreadsheet layout error. Please follow structure &.
005No valid Worksheet to process.
006Deletion Document fail.
007Update Document fail.
008Error deleting lines from &1: &2.
009Not found data in table &1: Error code: &2.
010Comparing Document not created.
011Posting Documents error.
012Update fail on Scenario ID &.
013Print document does not exist.
014Update fail Scenario ID & and Sequential Item &.
015Insert Document fail.
016Billing Contract does not exist
017Billing Document Simulated Period does not exist
018Simulate Billing Document Data does not exist
019Invoice Document Number does not exist
020Estimation couldn't be defined
021Invalid Scenario ID
022Log properties not initialized.
023Protocol Processor Class not set
024Release error during line mark
025Update fail Business Partner & .
026Mandatory Screen Fields Missing
027Release error during release execution
028Status Rejected or Invalid FICA Posting Status
029Insert Subsequent Actions Log Fail
030Block Meter Reading � Meter Reading already blocked
031No print record determined by the current Meter Reading Reason
032Queue name &
033Error during the print record create
034Subsequent Action &1 &2 still not processed. Reversal not allowed
035Re-Reading not created.
036The calendar can't be determined
037Day for Re-Reading can't be determined
038Re-Reading did not update the Reading 01
039Installation &1 does not belong to contract &2.
040Contract account &1 does not belong to contract &2.
041Business partner &1 does not belong to contract &2.
042No Document Date defined for specified Scenario.
043Insert Version Energy Loss Fail.
044Contract & does not have Billing history
045No configuration found in & view
046Installation Type not filled in table TISU_INSTTYPE_BR
047Reconciliation Key from table &1 not defined to user &2
048Serial number could not be defined.
049TUC/Asset Type not filled in table TISU_TUCUAR_BR
050UAR Code not filled in table TISU_TUCUAR_BR
051Mod Center Local Installation isn't registered in to table VISU_MODCT_BR
052ODI ANEEL is not found.
053Contract not registered for this ODI ANEEL in to table VISU_CONTRODI_BR.
054TUC + Attributes not registered in the table TISU_TUCATTR_BR
055Asset Account number not found in the table T095 (Customizing)
056Modular Center Composition isn't registered in to table VISU_MODCTCMP_BR
057Mod Center Physical Arrange isn't registered in to table VISU_MODCTPHY_BR
058Corresponding Action Not Found
059Invalid Meter Read
060Error on Update Table ANLU
061Group Action Execution is not found.
062Class & invalid or not defined
063Application not found.
064The Subsequent Action & can't be performed
065Select line for process
066Disconnect Status can not be determined
067Unit creation error.
068No Subsequent Action to be Performed
069File Uploaded to Mass Process
070Change/Reverse not executed.
071No corresponding data for the selection criteria
072Not possible, only valid for Subsequent Actions with error
073All fields in the mass upload are mandatory
074Duplicated register update fail.
075Fixed Asset Saved.
076Meter Reading Document & executed OK.
077Execution error in /AIF/FILE_PROCESS_DATA.
078Scenario ID not informed
079Scenario ID isn't registered into table TISU_SCENARIO_BR
080Meter Reading Document & with errors.
081To be processs in & & &
082Updated document for mass processing
083MR Document &1 Action &2 is ready to process.
084Deletion of Subsequent Actions Log Fail
085Deletion of Subsequent Actions Log Executed successfully
086TUC Master Data already exists with &1. Please, check your file.
087TUC Attributes Types already exists with &1. Please, check your file.
088TUC Attributes Values already exists with &1 &2. Please, check your file.
089TUC Configuration already exists with &1 and &2. Please, check your file.
090TUC Material Attribution already exists with &1. Please, check your file.
091Material Attribution not deleted.
092Target System not informed in VISU_TRGT_SYS_BR
093Target System not relevant for KPI in VISU_TRGT_SYS_BR
094Meter Reading Reason and Type not informed in VISU_SYS_DETL_BR
095Key &1: TUC code &2 is invalid.
096Description cannot be blank.
097Key &1: Attribute type &2 is invalid.
098Key &1: Attribute value &2 is invalid.
099Attribute type cannot be blank.
100Attribute value cannot be blank.
101Key &1: Previous attribute is empty for attribute &2.
102File Uploaded to import TUC Assets.
103&1 &2
104Get Backgroundtask ID Error
105Insert Material Attribuition Fail
106Update Material Attribuition Fail
107File is invalid.
108Selected items are being updated in the background
109Key &1: TUC Configuration is not available for &2 and &3.
110Custom Data was not found.
111Enable Sync Log Error
112Select TUC Field First.
113Select Asset Type First.
114Material Number Already Exists
115Fill an Existent Material Number.
116Status updated, BGRFC will be processed.
117Operation cannot be done. Check the AIF Log and try again.
118Material Deleted.
119Material Created
120Material Updated
121Functional Location not found (Core)
122Error while inserting &1 &2
123Error while updating &1 &2
124Error while deleting &1 &2
125Record &1 is not available for &2
126New Process Created
127New Process was not Created
128Process Updated
129Process was not Updated
130An error was found. Check the filled values
131Update Functional Location fail.
132Fill out all required entry fields
133Target system cant be updated, MR unit: &1 MR Document: &2
134Order Number is Invalid.
135Order Type Doesn't Allow Changes in MCPSE Fields.
136MCPSE Order Maintained.
137MCPSE Order Maintence Error
138MASS Data import error
139MASS Data export error
140Impossible execution combination.
141Attribute &1 Value is not valid.
142Equipment not found (Core)
143Records not found.
144Invalid Internal Message ID
145The delete action is not allowed in this view
146All fields should be filled.
147The Text Must be a Valid Key maintained in SO10
148Tuc Material delete error.
149Status Text - Reading Error.
150Asset not found for this Company Code
151It's not possible to use UC's and UAR's in the same order.
152Update Equipment fail.
153Previous Attribute Type Cannot be Empty
154For ODD components, only negative amounts are accepted.
155Only components of type COM and CA are allowed in ODS.
156Material not found in table EQUI.
157Order's Materials without the same TUC+A1 as Header Equipment (UC).
158Version of Process &1 not found in table TISU_EL_VERS_BR
159New version cannot be create for current status.
160Not possible to unitize many UC's with many UAR's in the same order
161Table name & invalid
162Update fail on table &1 with status &2.
163Delete Process Fail.
164Successfully Deleted Process.
165This process already generated an invoice, only reversal is allowed.
166Key &1: Field &2 is mandatory
167Key &1: Registration Type &2 is invalid.
168Key &1: Material &2 is invalid.
169Key &1: Usage Type &2 is invalid.
170Key &1: Attribution Type &2 is invalid.
171Key &1: Installation Type Group &2 is invalid.
172Process ID not found.
173Equipment attributions was deleted.
174Fill an Equipment code.
175Date interval &1 &2 overlaps with another interval &3 &4
176Invalid interval &1 &2
177Functional Location Attribution was deleted.
178Fill a Functional Location Attribtuion code.
179Order Type was deleted.
180Fill an Order Type code.
181Order MCPSE was deleted.
182Fill an Order MCPSE code.
183Delete Functional Location Attribution fail.
184Delete Order Type Attribution fail.
185Delete Order MCPSE Attribution fail.
186Delete Fixed Asset Attribution fail.
187Fixed Asset was deleted.
188Fill a Fixed Asset code.
189Delete attribution
190This Version has a status that doesn't allow any changes.
191Cannot analyze after save.
192Cannot select more than one Start of Loss.
193Selection cannot be changed.
194Error saving Process.
195Delete Equipment attribution fail.
196At Least One Period Must Be Selected.
197The Start of Loss Must be Unique and Always Selected.
198Begin of Loss Can't be Grater than Inspection Date
199&1 &2 &3 &4
200The specified object is not an equipment.
201Enter UC's data on the Objects tab.
202There is a mismatch between Equipment on the Objects tab vs Material.
203Inform Inspection Date.
204Serialized Materials Without Serial Number and Equipment Information.
205The Equipment does not have a Asset Number
206The informed object is not an ODI
207Order not released for unitization
208Order not finalized
209Order type & not expected
210Maximum cycles allowed for &1: &2.
211Error reading equipment category text.
212Meter Reading Unit & device order is inconsistent
213Device Number & invalid
214Fill a technical object in the order header
215Functional Location not releated to MCPSE
216Material and Equipment's should be consistent to perform this Save Action
217Device Number &1, Previous Device &2, Next Device &3
218It's not possible to change the status after posting the FI-CA document
219Order has no deactivation status
220Order already retired
221Wrapper error from &1: &2
222Usage Type &1 not accepted
223Functional Location Updated
224Equipment Updated
225Device &1 is not related to MRU &2
226Please check if the MRU &1 exists and have Devices related to it
227Field Calculated Consumption must be filled.
228The Period and Consumption fields must be filled.
229Material &1 &2 must be redefined to "UC", "UAR" or "COM"
230Calculated Consumption isn't higher than 0
231Non-Billed Consumption lower than 0
232Correction Factor must be greater than 0 and less than 100
233Material & data is incomplete.
234Update Order Item Releated to MCPSE fail
235Device &1 is related to MRU &2 and is missing on this Payload
236No Consumption exists for the selected Period.
237The Installed Load field must be empty.
238The Deviated Load field must be empty.
239The Consumption must be calculated first.
240No periods were found before fraud detection.
241Only one of the fields Installed Load and Deviated Load can be filled.
242An Average Consumption must be selected.
243No assets were found in table ANLA for these selected parameters.
244Error modifying lines from &1: &2.
245The structure with the calculation fields is empty.
246No program or screen was found for the selected calculation method.
247Api key not parameterized in VISU_MAPS_API_BR
248Select only values greater than zero.
249Create New Version Error.
250Register New Version Log Error.
251Period &1: Print Document not informed.
252No lines to process
253Change canceled
254Status change not possible from current status
255Process completed
256At least one Calculation Method must be selected.
257Process OK. & file(s) generated.
258Reversal process successfully executed.
259Field must be less or equal 100
260Billing Document & does not exist.
261Administration Fee ID & is invalid or inactive
262Action canceled.
263Document Type Not Found.
264This record is being used in other tables. Please check it out.
265Cancel Process Invalid
266Status doesn't exists.
267Process ID: &1 Version: &2 active for the same entries
268Process Id &1 is currently locked by user &2.
269No authorization to &1 process.
271Please, save the process before analyze.
272Select a period of analysis before fraud detection.
312Device &1 not found
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