ISU_UIL - Message class for UPIL

The following messages are stored in message class ISU_UIL: Message class for UPIL.
It is part of development package ISU_UIL_API in software component IS-U-BI-PI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-U: Utilities Integration Layer API".
Message Nr
Message Text
000You cannot create a new ref. prod. The ref. product &1 already exists.
001Create a new semantics name for the reference product &1.
002No price template is configured for the ref. product &1 and category &2.
003Enter a semantics name for the reference product &1.
004You cannot add a new operand for the reference product &1.
005Enter a text for the reference product &1.
006There are no operand categories available for the reference product &1.
007Enter a price for the reference product &1.
008Maintain a price operand for the reference product &1.
009Maintain a discount operand for the reference product &1.
010Enter an operand category for the reference product &1.
011Enter a discount for the reference product &1.
012Configure a disc. template for ref. product &1 and operand category &2.
013Enter a valid operand category for the reference product &1.
014Enter a valid price for the operand category &1.
015Enter a valid discount for the operand category &1.
016Enter a valid operand for the reference product &1.
017Enter a reference product.
018Enter a characteristic name.
019Maintain all the common fields of the reference product group.
020The reference product &1 with characteristic &2 already exists.
021Semantics type &1 has incorrect currency value for semantics name &2 &3.
022The characteristic name &1 is not assigned to the reference product &2.
023Maintain the rate category of the reference product &1.
024Enter a reference product ID that does not exceed &1 characters.
025The semantics name &1 &2 of the semantics type &3 is invalid.
026Assign a class to the reference product &1.
027Maintain the common characteristics &1 for the reference product &2.
028Maintain the creation method for the reference product &1.
029Do not enter an operand for a sales attribute.
030Do not enter a time slice characteristic for a sales attribute.
031Enter a product ID.
032Enter a region ID.
033The region &1 does not exist. Select an existing region.
034Could not read the reference product &1.
035Enter a product validity start date that is before the end date.
036The product ID &1 already exists. Enter a unique product ID.
037Enter valid prod. ID or region ID for prod. &1 with semantics name &2 &3.
038Enter a semantics name 1.
039Enter validty start date that is before the end date for discount &1 &2.
040Enter a discount text for the semantics name &1 &2.
041You are not authorized to access the activity &1.
042There is no valid discount operand for the semantics name &1 &2.
043The semantics name &1 &2 does not correspond to a valid one-time charge.
044The semantics name &1 &2 does not correspond to a valid recurring charge.
045Remove the duplicate entries for the semantics name of the discount.
046The semantics name &1 &2 does not correspond to a valid usage charge.
047Enter a discount amount or a currency for the semantics name &1 &2.
048Enter a valid discount percentage for the semantics name &1 &2.
049Enter a demand only for the discount with semantics name &1 &2.
050Enter a discount quantity for the semantics name &1 &2.
051Enter a charge amount or a currency for the semantics name &1 &2.
052Enter a valid Boolean value for the product flag is set &1.
053The semantics name &1 &2 is not set up for billing.
054Enter a frequency unit or value for the price with semantics name &1 &2.
055Enter a valid values for the discount with the semantics name &1 &2.
056Do not use the block-charge tier type for the recurring charge &1 &2.
057Enter a valid tier type for recurring charges with semantics name &1 &2.
058Enter a valid tier type for the usage charges with semantics name &1 &2.
059Enter a valid period for the discount validity with semantics name &1 &2.
060Enter a valid currency for the charge with the semantics name &1 &2.
061Enter a valid currency for the discount with the semantics name &1 &2.
062Enter a valid frequency unit for the price with the semantics name &1 &2.
063Inconsistent block entry for the from block &1 with semantics name &2 &3.
064Enter a valid tier type or input for charge with semantics name &1 &2.
065Enter a discount type for the discount with the semantics name &1 &2.
066Enter a reference product.
067Maintain Customizing of product group &1 for the reference product &2.
068Enter a utilities product.
069Could not find records or rate category for the utilities product &1.
070Enter a valid value for the characteristic &1.
071The installation &1 has no rate category on the date &2.
072The rate category of the installation &1 is changed.
073Installation facts preparation for the installation &1 failed.
074The installation facts of the installation &1 are changed.
075Could not find a template contract for billing for the rate category &1.
076Enter a utilities product ID that does not exceed &1 characters.
077&1 is an invalid division. Enter a valid division.
078&1 is an invalid rate category. Enter a valid rate category.
079Enter an account ID.
080The account ID &1 does not exist. Enter an existing account ID.
081Enter an installation.
082The installation &1 does not exist. Enter an existing installation.
083Enter a contract account ID.
084The contract account ID &1 does not exist.
085Do not enter values for the billing class and the billing class name.
086The account ID &1 does not belong to the contract account &2.
087Enter a valid consumption.
088Could not create a contract.
089Enter a utilities product ID without spaces.
090The utilities product ID &1 does not exist.
091Could not find product values for the AVC object ID &1.
092The sales contract does not exist.
093The user &1 is not authorized to change the installation &2.
094The user &1 is not allowed to change the installation &2.
095The product &1 has no characteristics maintained.
096The currency &1 is not valid for the characteristic &2.
097Could not read the characteristic of the product or reference product &1.
098Could not end the contract &1 &2.
099Could not change the rate category of the installation &1.
100Remove the duplicate entries for the semantics name &1 &2 with value &3.
101Remove duplicate entries for the semantics name of the one-time charge.
102Maintain a division for the reference product &1.
103Remove duplicate entries for the semantics name of the recurring charge.
104Remove duplicate entries for the semantics name of the Usage charges.
105Could not find a register for the consumption.
106Could not update the rate type and the fact group of the register.
107The register data of the device on the installation &1 is changed.
108Enter a discount factor for the semantics name &1 &2.
109Invalid time slice values for semantics name &2 &3 of semantics type &1.
110Enter nonoverlapping time slice interval values for semantics name &1 &2.
111Inconsistent time slice for semantics name &1 &2 of semantics type &3.
112Could not delimit installation facts of old product on installation &1.
113Sem. name &1 &2 of sem. type &3 is not maintained for ref. prod. &4.
114Enter time slice values for semantics name &2 &3 of semantics type &1.
115The price ID &1 for the semantics name &2 &3 exceeds 10 characters.
116Negative value not allowed for semantics name &2 &3 of semantics type &1.
117Could not perform the product change process.
118The business partner &1 is invalid for the sales contract item &2.
119The contract account &1 is invalid for the sales contract item &2.
120The installation &1 is invalid for the sales contract item &2.
121The input is invalid. Check the parameters.
122The installation &1 is occupied.
123Enter the current sales contract key to perform product change process.
124The utilities product &1 is invalid OR missing .
125The price keys and discount keys are included in the transport.
126Check if inst. &1 has MR order/result until 1 day before date of change.
127Operand &1, Value &2, Validity Date &3, Rate Type / Fact Group &4
128Cannot change the move-in date &2 of the installation &1.
129A current contract for the installation &1 does not exist.
130The standard attribute &1 is not configurable. Maintain it as an add-on.
131Cannot find the reference product of the utilities product &1.
132Cannot find a reference product group for the reference product &1.
133Maintain the standard attribute &1 in Customizing.
134Std. attrib. &1 is an add-on. It cannot be assigned to utilities product.
135The discount key &1 for the semantics name &2 &3 exceeds 10 characters.
136Maintain Customizing for standard attributes.
137There are no standard attributes maintained as add-ons.
138Cannot enter multiple values for the configurable standard attribute &1.
139Remove duplicate entries for standard attribute name &1 with value &2.
140The utilities price category & is invalid.
141The utilities price tier type & is invalid.
142Enter a consistent block entry for from block &1 and to block &2.
143Enter the overage tier block entry for the currency &1.
144Adjust end date of time slice block from &2 and to &3 for crcy. &1.
145Rate cat. &2 of prod. &1 does not match rate cat. &3 of template contr.
146Contact your system administrator about the Rental Price price category.
147Multiple rate categories are not supported for the template contract &1.
148Enter a valid discount type and discount category for discount key &1.
149The discount ID &1 does not exist. Enter an existing discount ID.
150Could not change time slice &1 to &2 for discount &3.
151You cannot change the division.
152You cannot change the billing class.
153You cannot change the unit of measurement of the discount ID.
154You cannot change the permissibility of registers of the discount ID.
155You cannot change the discount reference base for the discount ID.
156You cannot change the discount type of the discount ID.
157Key mismatch between URI and payload. Enter a valid request message.
158Maintain a discount text in the language &1.
159Enter a price ID.
160Enter a price category.
161Enter a price currency for the price ID &1.
162Enter a price end date for the price ID &1.
163Enter a value for the price-from block of the price ID &1.
164You cannot change the price-to block of the price ID &1.
165You cannot change the price division of the price ID &1.
166You cannot change the price billing class of the price ID &1.
167Enter a price name for the price ID &1.
168Enter a price measurement unit for the price ID &1.
169You cannot change the price end date of the price ID &1.
170You cannot change the price start date of the price ID &1.
171You cannot change the price type of the price ID &1.
172The price item history of the price ID &1 does not exist.
173Enter a valid time category.
174The request could not be processed. Change only one property per request.
175A valid discount for the characteristic &1 does not exist.
176Enter a currency.
177Enter a valid discount type or reference base for the discount ID &1.
178Enter valid time slice values.
179The currency &1 does not match target currency. Enter target currency.
180Time slice charc. is not mntnd for charc. &1. Time slice is not suppd.
181Enter a discount ID for the characteristic &1.
182Enter a quantity base value for the price ID &1.
183You cannot change the reference product of a utilities product.
184You cannot change the creation method of a utilities product.
185You cannot change the rate category of a utilities product.
186A valid recurring charge for the characteristic &1 does not exist.
187Enter only the price ID for the LPRICE operand category.
188Enter only the amount with currency for the AMOUNT operand category.
189A valid usage charge for the characteristic &1 does not exist.
191Enter a valid price-from block for the characteristic &1.
192A valid sales attribute for the characteristic name &1 does not exist.
193A valid discount does not exist for the semantics name &1 &2.
194You cannot change price freq. value and unit, price name, and tier type.
195There is a mismatch between charc. name &1 and sem. name &2 &3.
196Enter either a charac. name or a semantics name and semantics type.
197Do not enter the currency.
198A valid discount for the characteristic name &1 does not exist.
199You cannot maintain the characteristic &1 for the semantics name &2 &3.
200Do not enter a time slice characteristic name for a one-time charge.
201Enter an operand for the reference product &1 and characteristic name &2.
202Enter time slice charc. names for operand &2 of reference product &1.
203Enter a unique time slice characteristic name for reference product &1.
204The characteristic name &1 is used as a time slice characteristic name.
205The reference product is not assigned to the material group &1.
206The charc. name of time slice &1 is already used as a charc. name.
207The characteristic name &1 is already used as a common field.
208The characteristic name &1 is not maintained as a standard attribute.
209You cannot use the semantics name 1 and 2 with the semantics type &1.
210You cannot delete the characteristic name &1 of the standard attribute.
211You cannot enter characteristic name of time slice for std. attrib. &1.
212The characteristic name &1 is valid only for the semantics type &2.
213Save your changes before navigating away.
214Add new standard attributes to all ref. prods. of ref. prod. grp. &1.
215Maintain all standard attribute charac. names for reference product &1.
216Common field characteristic name &1 is not assigned to the ref. prod. &2.
217The reference product &1 does not contain any characteristics.
218The charac. name &1 is already mapped to an operand of the ref. prod. &2.
219Enter a standard attribute name.
220Enter a characteristic name for the standard attribute name &1.
221Maintain all std. attrib. charc. names for ref. prods. &1 and so on.
222The characteristic name &2 already exists in reference product group &1.
223The characteristic name &1 does not exist for the utilities product &2.
224Select semantics type for characteristic name &1 of reference product &2.
225The discount key &1 already exists.
226Ref. base &1 of utils. discount is invalid. Enter valid ref. base.
227Utilities discount type &1 is invalid. Enter valid utilities discount.
228Utils. disc. category &1 is invalid. Enter valid utils. disc. category.
229The utilities division &1 is invalid. Enter a valid utilities division.
230Utils. billing class &1 is invalid. Enter valid utils. billing class.
231Enter a discount text.
232Enter a utilities division.
233Enter a utilities billing class.
234Enter a utilities discount category.
235Enter a reference base.
236Enter a discount type.
237Enter a discount time category.
238Discount time category &1 is invalid. Enter valid discount time category.
239Enter a time basis.
240Enter the time basis 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12 for the month time category.
241Enter a time basis that is less than or equal to 365.
242Enter a measurement unit.
243The measurement unit &1 is invalid. Enter a valid measurement unit.
244Enter a quantity discount or surcharge for time slice starting with &1.
245Enter a percentage discount or surcharge for time slice starting with &1.
246Enter absolute amount disc. or surcharge for time slice starting with &1.
247Enter absolute price disc. or surcharge for time slice starting with &1.
248Enter absolute demand disc. or surcharge for time slice starting with &1.
249Enter a currency for the time slice starting with &1.
250Enter a start date.
251Enter an end date.
252Enter a start date that doesn't already exist for a time slice.
253Enter an end date that doesn't already exist for a time slice.
254Enter a start date that is before the end date.
255Enter the same currency for all time slices.
256Enter nonoverlapping and consecutive dates for the time slices.
257You cannot create a new price key. The price key & already exists.
258The currency &1 is invalid. Enter a valid currency.
259Enter an end date that is before 99991231.
260Price key &1 for semantics name &2 &3 is invalid. Enter valid price key.
261The price key &1 does not exist. Select an existing price key.
262Class allocation for utilities product &1 does not exist. Assign a class.
263The characteristic name &1 is shared among multiple classes.
264The value for the characteristic name &1 does not exist. Use create.
265The value for the characteristic name &1 already exists. Use update.
266Enter the value position number of the characteristic name &1.
267Enter value to be updated for sales attribute with charac. name &1.
268An entry for the input keys &1, &2, and &3 does not exist.
269The semantics name &1 &2 does not exist for the utilities product &3.
270There is no relation between ref. product &1 and utilities product &2.
271Semantics for characteristic &1 and reference product &2 does not exist.
272Semantics for characteristic &1 and reference product &2 does not match.
273Enter a value for the key field &1.
274Enter utilities product, characteristic, and discount key or price key.
275The discount ID &1 for the currency &2 and start date &3 does not exist.
276Enter a UoM for demand- or quantity-based absolute discounts only.
277No charc. exists for utils. prod &1, sem. type &2, and sem. name &3 &4.
278Time slice is not supported for sem. type &1 with sem. name &2 &3.
279The semantics name &1 &2 is not valid for &3.
281There is a mismatch between the charc. name &1 and the std. attrib. &2.
282Enter either a characteristic name or a standard attribute name.
283A charc. for utils. prod. &1 and std. attrib. name &2 does not exist.
284A std. attrib. for charc. &1 and reference prod. &2 does not exist.
285Could not delete the values of the characteristic &1.
286Could not create or update the characteristic &1.
287Enter valid values for disc. with ref. base "&1" and disc. type "&2".
288Enter 0 for the from-block of the price ID &1.
289You cannot use the value of the price-to block &1 to create a price item.
290Could not create a new price item. The price item already exists.
291Start date &1 and end date &2 overlap. Enter non-overlapping timeslice.
292Enter a start date for the price ID &1.
293The discount ID &1 &2 does not exist. Enter an existing discount ID.
294You cannot enter an end date for the proration. Enter only a start date.
295Ref. product or utilities product &1 does not contain characteristic &2.
296You cannot change the industry sector of a utilities product.
297You cannot change the description of a utilities product.
298Enter either a price ID or an amount with currency.
299You cannot reassign discount ID of charc. with semantics name &1 &2.
300Enter a semantics type and semantics name.
301Enter a base quantity value that is greater than 0.
302Update only the price ID of a product usage charge.
303Enter a to-date that is after the from-date.
304Do not enter a unit of measure.
305Enter a base quantity value for the price &1 and category &2.
306Price key is not suported for semantics name &1 &2. Check Customizing.
307Ref. prod. &1 contains a charac. that is shared among multiple classes.
308Data type &1 of characteristic &2 is not valid for operand category &3.
309Enter a single currency for the fixed price.
310Enter the start date 02.01.1900 to create the fixed price.
311Enter the end date 31.12.9999 to create the fixed price.
312The price origin &1 is invalid. Enter a valid price origin.
313You cannot enter operand &1 with operand cat. SPRICE for ref. prod. &2.
314Maintain Customizing for the reference product &1.
315The operation is not supported for the entity &1.
316The input &1 is invalid. Enter an input without special characters.
317Operand &1 with operand category &2 is not valid for semantics type &3.
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