ISU_UIL - Message class for UPIL
The following messages are stored in message class ISU_UIL: Message class for UPIL.
It is part of development package ISU_UIL_API in software component IS-U-BI-PI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-U: Utilities Integration Layer API".
It is part of development package ISU_UIL_API in software component IS-U-BI-PI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-U: Utilities Integration Layer API".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | You cannot create a new ref. prod. The ref. product &1 already exists. |
001 | Create a new semantics name for the reference product &1. |
002 | No price template is configured for the ref. product &1 and category &2. |
003 | Enter a semantics name for the reference product &1. |
004 | You cannot add a new operand for the reference product &1. |
005 | Enter a text for the reference product &1. |
006 | There are no operand categories available for the reference product &1. |
007 | Enter a price for the reference product &1. |
008 | Maintain a price operand for the reference product &1. |
009 | Maintain a discount operand for the reference product &1. |
010 | Enter an operand category for the reference product &1. |
011 | Enter a discount for the reference product &1. |
012 | Configure a disc. template for ref. product &1 and operand category &2. |
013 | Enter a valid operand category for the reference product &1. |
014 | Enter a valid price for the operand category &1. |
015 | Enter a valid discount for the operand category &1. |
016 | Enter a valid operand for the reference product &1. |
017 | Enter a reference product. |
018 | Enter a characteristic name. |
019 | Maintain all the common fields of the reference product group. |
020 | The reference product &1 with characteristic &2 already exists. |
021 | Semantics type &1 has incorrect currency value for semantics name &2 &3. |
022 | The characteristic name &1 is not assigned to the reference product &2. |
023 | Maintain the rate category of the reference product &1. |
024 | Enter a reference product ID that does not exceed &1 characters. |
025 | The semantics name &1 &2 of the semantics type &3 is invalid. |
026 | Assign a class to the reference product &1. |
027 | Maintain the common characteristics &1 for the reference product &2. |
028 | Maintain the creation method for the reference product &1. |
029 | Do not enter an operand for a sales attribute. |
030 | Do not enter a time slice characteristic for a sales attribute. |
031 | Enter a product ID. |
032 | Enter a region ID. |
033 | The region &1 does not exist. Select an existing region. |
034 | Could not read the reference product &1. |
035 | Enter a product validity start date that is before the end date. |
036 | The product ID &1 already exists. Enter a unique product ID. |
037 | Enter valid prod. ID or region ID for prod. &1 with semantics name &2 &3. |
038 | Enter a semantics name 1. |
039 | Enter validty start date that is before the end date for discount &1 &2. |
040 | Enter a discount text for the semantics name &1 &2. |
041 | You are not authorized to access the activity &1. |
042 | There is no valid discount operand for the semantics name &1 &2. |
043 | The semantics name &1 &2 does not correspond to a valid one-time charge. |
044 | The semantics name &1 &2 does not correspond to a valid recurring charge. |
045 | Remove the duplicate entries for the semantics name of the discount. |
046 | The semantics name &1 &2 does not correspond to a valid usage charge. |
047 | Enter a discount amount or a currency for the semantics name &1 &2. |
048 | Enter a valid discount percentage for the semantics name &1 &2. |
049 | Enter a demand only for the discount with semantics name &1 &2. |
050 | Enter a discount quantity for the semantics name &1 &2. |
051 | Enter a charge amount or a currency for the semantics name &1 &2. |
052 | Enter a valid Boolean value for the product flag is set &1. |
053 | The semantics name &1 &2 is not set up for billing. |
054 | Enter a frequency unit or value for the price with semantics name &1 &2. |
055 | Enter a valid values for the discount with the semantics name &1 &2. |
056 | Do not use the block-charge tier type for the recurring charge &1 &2. |
057 | Enter a valid tier type for recurring charges with semantics name &1 &2. |
058 | Enter a valid tier type for the usage charges with semantics name &1 &2. |
059 | Enter a valid period for the discount validity with semantics name &1 &2. |
060 | Enter a valid currency for the charge with the semantics name &1 &2. |
061 | Enter a valid currency for the discount with the semantics name &1 &2. |
062 | Enter a valid frequency unit for the price with the semantics name &1 &2. |
063 | Inconsistent block entry for the from block &1 with semantics name &2 &3. |
064 | Enter a valid tier type or input for charge with semantics name &1 &2. |
065 | Enter a discount type for the discount with the semantics name &1 &2. |
066 | Enter a reference product. |
067 | Maintain Customizing of product group &1 for the reference product &2. |
068 | Enter a utilities product. |
069 | Could not find records or rate category for the utilities product &1. |
070 | Enter a valid value for the characteristic &1. |
071 | The installation &1 has no rate category on the date &2. |
072 | The rate category of the installation &1 is changed. |
073 | Installation facts preparation for the installation &1 failed. |
074 | The installation facts of the installation &1 are changed. |
075 | Could not find a template contract for billing for the rate category &1. |
076 | Enter a utilities product ID that does not exceed &1 characters. |
077 | &1 is an invalid division. Enter a valid division. |
078 | &1 is an invalid rate category. Enter a valid rate category. |
079 | Enter an account ID. |
080 | The account ID &1 does not exist. Enter an existing account ID. |
081 | Enter an installation. |
082 | The installation &1 does not exist. Enter an existing installation. |
083 | Enter a contract account ID. |
084 | The contract account ID &1 does not exist. |
085 | Do not enter values for the billing class and the billing class name. |
086 | The account ID &1 does not belong to the contract account &2. |
087 | Enter a valid consumption. |
088 | Could not create a contract. |
089 | Enter a utilities product ID without spaces. |
090 | The utilities product ID &1 does not exist. |
091 | Could not find product values for the AVC object ID &1. |
092 | The sales contract does not exist. |
093 | The user &1 is not authorized to change the installation &2. |
094 | The user &1 is not allowed to change the installation &2. |
095 | The product &1 has no characteristics maintained. |
096 | The currency &1 is not valid for the characteristic &2. |
097 | Could not read the characteristic of the product or reference product &1. |
098 | Could not end the contract &1 &2. |
099 | Could not change the rate category of the installation &1. |
100 | Remove the duplicate entries for the semantics name &1 &2 with value &3. |
101 | Remove duplicate entries for the semantics name of the one-time charge. |
102 | Maintain a division for the reference product &1. |
103 | Remove duplicate entries for the semantics name of the recurring charge. |
104 | Remove duplicate entries for the semantics name of the Usage charges. |
105 | Could not find a register for the consumption. |
106 | Could not update the rate type and the fact group of the register. |
107 | The register data of the device on the installation &1 is changed. |
108 | Enter a discount factor for the semantics name &1 &2. |
109 | Invalid time slice values for semantics name &2 &3 of semantics type &1. |
110 | Enter nonoverlapping time slice interval values for semantics name &1 &2. |
111 | Inconsistent time slice for semantics name &1 &2 of semantics type &3. |
112 | Could not delimit installation facts of old product on installation &1. |
113 | Sem. name &1 &2 of sem. type &3 is not maintained for ref. prod. &4. |
114 | Enter time slice values for semantics name &2 &3 of semantics type &1. |
115 | The price ID &1 for the semantics name &2 &3 exceeds 10 characters. |
116 | Negative value not allowed for semantics name &2 &3 of semantics type &1. |
117 | Could not perform the product change process. |
118 | The business partner &1 is invalid for the sales contract item &2. |
119 | The contract account &1 is invalid for the sales contract item &2. |
120 | The installation &1 is invalid for the sales contract item &2. |
121 | The input is invalid. Check the parameters. |
122 | The installation &1 is occupied. |
123 | Enter the current sales contract key to perform product change process. |
124 | The utilities product &1 is invalid OR missing . |
125 | The price keys and discount keys are included in the transport. |
126 | Check if inst. &1 has MR order/result until 1 day before date of change. |
127 | Operand &1, Value &2, Validity Date &3, Rate Type / Fact Group &4 |
128 | Cannot change the move-in date &2 of the installation &1. |
129 | A current contract for the installation &1 does not exist. |
130 | The standard attribute &1 is not configurable. Maintain it as an add-on. |
131 | Cannot find the reference product of the utilities product &1. |
132 | Cannot find a reference product group for the reference product &1. |
133 | Maintain the standard attribute &1 in Customizing. |
134 | Std. attrib. &1 is an add-on. It cannot be assigned to utilities product. |
135 | The discount key &1 for the semantics name &2 &3 exceeds 10 characters. |
136 | Maintain Customizing for standard attributes. |
137 | There are no standard attributes maintained as add-ons. |
138 | Cannot enter multiple values for the configurable standard attribute &1. |
139 | Remove duplicate entries for standard attribute name &1 with value &2. |
140 | The utilities price category & is invalid. |
141 | The utilities price tier type & is invalid. |
142 | Enter a consistent block entry for from block &1 and to block &2. |
143 | Enter the overage tier block entry for the currency &1. |
144 | Adjust end date of time slice block from &2 and to &3 for crcy. &1. |
145 | Rate cat. &2 of prod. &1 does not match rate cat. &3 of template contr. |
146 | Contact your system administrator about the Rental Price price category. |
147 | Multiple rate categories are not supported for the template contract &1. |
148 | Enter a valid discount type and discount category for discount key &1. |
149 | The discount ID &1 does not exist. Enter an existing discount ID. |
150 | Could not change time slice &1 to &2 for discount &3. |
151 | You cannot change the division. |
152 | You cannot change the billing class. |
153 | You cannot change the unit of measurement of the discount ID. |
154 | You cannot change the permissibility of registers of the discount ID. |
155 | You cannot change the discount reference base for the discount ID. |
156 | You cannot change the discount type of the discount ID. |
157 | Key mismatch between URI and payload. Enter a valid request message. |
158 | Maintain a discount text in the language &1. |
159 | Enter a price ID. |
160 | Enter a price category. |
161 | Enter a price currency for the price ID &1. |
162 | Enter a price end date for the price ID &1. |
163 | Enter a value for the price-from block of the price ID &1. |
164 | You cannot change the price-to block of the price ID &1. |
165 | You cannot change the price division of the price ID &1. |
166 | You cannot change the price billing class of the price ID &1. |
167 | Enter a price name for the price ID &1. |
168 | Enter a price measurement unit for the price ID &1. |
169 | You cannot change the price end date of the price ID &1. |
170 | You cannot change the price start date of the price ID &1. |
171 | You cannot change the price type of the price ID &1. |
172 | The price item history of the price ID &1 does not exist. |
173 | Enter a valid time category. |
174 | The request could not be processed. Change only one property per request. |
175 | A valid discount for the characteristic &1 does not exist. |
176 | Enter a currency. |
177 | Enter a valid discount type or reference base for the discount ID &1. |
178 | Enter valid time slice values. |
179 | The currency &1 does not match target currency. Enter target currency. |
180 | Time slice charc. is not mntnd for charc. &1. Time slice is not suppd. |
181 | Enter a discount ID for the characteristic &1. |
182 | Enter a quantity base value for the price ID &1. |
183 | You cannot change the reference product of a utilities product. |
184 | You cannot change the creation method of a utilities product. |
185 | You cannot change the rate category of a utilities product. |
186 | A valid recurring charge for the characteristic &1 does not exist. |
187 | Enter only the price ID for the LPRICE operand category. |
188 | Enter only the amount with currency for the AMOUNT operand category. |
189 | A valid usage charge for the characteristic &1 does not exist. |
191 | Enter a valid price-from block for the characteristic &1. |
192 | A valid sales attribute for the characteristic name &1 does not exist. |
193 | A valid discount does not exist for the semantics name &1 &2. |
194 | You cannot change price freq. value and unit, price name, and tier type. |
195 | There is a mismatch between charc. name &1 and sem. name &2 &3. |
196 | Enter either a charac. name or a semantics name and semantics type. |
197 | Do not enter the currency. |
198 | A valid discount for the characteristic name &1 does not exist. |
199 | You cannot maintain the characteristic &1 for the semantics name &2 &3. |
200 | Do not enter a time slice characteristic name for a one-time charge. |
201 | Enter an operand for the reference product &1 and characteristic name &2. |
202 | Enter time slice charc. names for operand &2 of reference product &1. |
203 | Enter a unique time slice characteristic name for reference product &1. |
204 | The characteristic name &1 is used as a time slice characteristic name. |
205 | The reference product is not assigned to the material group &1. |
206 | The charc. name of time slice &1 is already used as a charc. name. |
207 | The characteristic name &1 is already used as a common field. |
208 | The characteristic name &1 is not maintained as a standard attribute. |
209 | You cannot use the semantics name 1 and 2 with the semantics type &1. |
210 | You cannot delete the characteristic name &1 of the standard attribute. |
211 | You cannot enter characteristic name of time slice for std. attrib. &1. |
212 | The characteristic name &1 is valid only for the semantics type &2. |
213 | Save your changes before navigating away. |
214 | Add new standard attributes to all ref. prods. of ref. prod. grp. &1. |
215 | Maintain all standard attribute charac. names for reference product &1. |
216 | Common field characteristic name &1 is not assigned to the ref. prod. &2. |
217 | The reference product &1 does not contain any characteristics. |
218 | The charac. name &1 is already mapped to an operand of the ref. prod. &2. |
219 | Enter a standard attribute name. |
220 | Enter a characteristic name for the standard attribute name &1. |
221 | Maintain all std. attrib. charc. names for ref. prods. &1 and so on. |
222 | The characteristic name &2 already exists in reference product group &1. |
223 | The characteristic name &1 does not exist for the utilities product &2. |
224 | Select semantics type for characteristic name &1 of reference product &2. |
225 | The discount key &1 already exists. |
226 | Ref. base &1 of utils. discount is invalid. Enter valid ref. base. |
227 | Utilities discount type &1 is invalid. Enter valid utilities discount. |
228 | Utils. disc. category &1 is invalid. Enter valid utils. disc. category. |
229 | The utilities division &1 is invalid. Enter a valid utilities division. |
230 | Utils. billing class &1 is invalid. Enter valid utils. billing class. |
231 | Enter a discount text. |
232 | Enter a utilities division. |
233 | Enter a utilities billing class. |
234 | Enter a utilities discount category. |
235 | Enter a reference base. |
236 | Enter a discount type. |
237 | Enter a discount time category. |
238 | Discount time category &1 is invalid. Enter valid discount time category. |
239 | Enter a time basis. |
240 | Enter the time basis 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12 for the month time category. |
241 | Enter a time basis that is less than or equal to 365. |
242 | Enter a measurement unit. |
243 | The measurement unit &1 is invalid. Enter a valid measurement unit. |
244 | Enter a quantity discount or surcharge for time slice starting with &1. |
245 | Enter a percentage discount or surcharge for time slice starting with &1. |
246 | Enter absolute amount disc. or surcharge for time slice starting with &1. |
247 | Enter absolute price disc. or surcharge for time slice starting with &1. |
248 | Enter absolute demand disc. or surcharge for time slice starting with &1. |
249 | Enter a currency for the time slice starting with &1. |
250 | Enter a start date. |
251 | Enter an end date. |
252 | Enter a start date that doesn't already exist for a time slice. |
253 | Enter an end date that doesn't already exist for a time slice. |
254 | Enter a start date that is before the end date. |
255 | Enter the same currency for all time slices. |
256 | Enter nonoverlapping and consecutive dates for the time slices. |
257 | You cannot create a new price key. The price key & already exists. |
258 | The currency &1 is invalid. Enter a valid currency. |
259 | Enter an end date that is before 99991231. |
260 | Price key &1 for semantics name &2 &3 is invalid. Enter valid price key. |
261 | The price key &1 does not exist. Select an existing price key. |
262 | Class allocation for utilities product &1 does not exist. Assign a class. |
263 | The characteristic name &1 is shared among multiple classes. |
264 | The value for the characteristic name &1 does not exist. Use create. |
265 | The value for the characteristic name &1 already exists. Use update. |
266 | Enter the value position number of the characteristic name &1. |
267 | Enter value to be updated for sales attribute with charac. name &1. |
268 | An entry for the input keys &1, &2, and &3 does not exist. |
269 | The semantics name &1 &2 does not exist for the utilities product &3. |
270 | There is no relation between ref. product &1 and utilities product &2. |
271 | Semantics for characteristic &1 and reference product &2 does not exist. |
272 | Semantics for characteristic &1 and reference product &2 does not match. |
273 | Enter a value for the key field &1. |
274 | Enter utilities product, characteristic, and discount key or price key. |
275 | The discount ID &1 for the currency &2 and start date &3 does not exist. |
276 | Enter a UoM for demand- or quantity-based absolute discounts only. |
277 | No charc. exists for utils. prod &1, sem. type &2, and sem. name &3 &4. |
278 | Time slice is not supported for sem. type &1 with sem. name &2 &3. |
279 | The semantics name &1 &2 is not valid for &3. |
281 | There is a mismatch between the charc. name &1 and the std. attrib. &2. |
282 | Enter either a characteristic name or a standard attribute name. |
283 | A charc. for utils. prod. &1 and std. attrib. name &2 does not exist. |
284 | A std. attrib. for charc. &1 and reference prod. &2 does not exist. |
285 | Could not delete the values of the characteristic &1. |
286 | Could not create or update the characteristic &1. |
287 | Enter valid values for disc. with ref. base "&1" and disc. type "&2". |
288 | Enter 0 for the from-block of the price ID &1. |
289 | You cannot use the value of the price-to block &1 to create a price item. |
290 | Could not create a new price item. The price item already exists. |
291 | Start date &1 and end date &2 overlap. Enter non-overlapping timeslice. |
292 | Enter a start date for the price ID &1. |
293 | The discount ID &1 &2 does not exist. Enter an existing discount ID. |
294 | You cannot enter an end date for the proration. Enter only a start date. |
295 | Ref. product or utilities product &1 does not contain characteristic &2. |
296 | You cannot change the industry sector of a utilities product. |
297 | You cannot change the description of a utilities product. |
298 | Enter either a price ID or an amount with currency. |
299 | You cannot reassign discount ID of charc. with semantics name &1 &2. |
300 | Enter a semantics type and semantics name. |
301 | Enter a base quantity value that is greater than 0. |
302 | Update only the price ID of a product usage charge. |
303 | Enter a to-date that is after the from-date. |
304 | Do not enter a unit of measure. |
305 | Enter a base quantity value for the price &1 and category &2. |
306 | Price key is not suported for semantics name &1 &2. Check Customizing. |
307 | Ref. prod. &1 contains a charac. that is shared among multiple classes. |
308 | Data type &1 of characteristic &2 is not valid for operand category &3. |
309 | Enter a single currency for the fixed price. |
310 | Enter the start date 02.01.1900 to create the fixed price. |
311 | Enter the end date 31.12.9999 to create the fixed price. |
312 | The price origin &1 is invalid. Enter a valid price origin. |
313 | You cannot enter operand &1 with operand cat. SPRICE for ref. prod. &2. |
314 | Maintain Customizing for the reference product &1. |
315 | The operation is not supported for the entity &1. |
316 | The input &1 is invalid. Enter an input without special characters. |
317 | Operand &1 with operand category &2 is not valid for semantics type &3. |