IT1988_MESSAGES - Messages zum Infotyp 1988 (Operational Readiness)

The following messages are stored in message class IT1988_MESSAGES: Messages zum Infotyp 1988 (Operational Readiness).
It is part of development package ISDFPS_HCM_INFOTYPES in software component IS-DFS-OF-PER. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HCM Infotypes".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Relationship "&1" cannot be valuated for objects "&2" to "&3"
002Weighting factor already exists in this period with status &1
003Error while delimiting the record in infotype 1988
004Error while deleting the record in infotype 1988
005Object "&1" does not have "&2" relationship to object "&3"
006Error while creating the record in infotype 1988
007Enter a weighting factor
008Select a status
009Enter a start date
010Enter an end date
011Weighting factor can be created only as of the current date
012Start of the weighting factor is outside the object period
013End of the weighting factor is outside the object period
014Values entered are not permitted
015No subordinate objects found
016Warning: Weighting factor already exists for this period
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