IT1988_MESSAGES - Messages zum Infotyp 1988 (Operational Readiness)
The following messages are stored in message class IT1988_MESSAGES: Messages zum Infotyp 1988 (Operational Readiness).
It is part of development package ISDFPS_HCM_INFOTYPES in software component IS-DFS-OF-PER. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HCM Infotypes".
It is part of development package ISDFPS_HCM_INFOTYPES in software component IS-DFS-OF-PER. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HCM Infotypes".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Relationship "&1" cannot be valuated for objects "&2" to "&3" |
002 | Weighting factor already exists in this period with status &1 |
003 | Error while delimiting the record in infotype 1988 |
004 | Error while deleting the record in infotype 1988 |
005 | Object "&1" does not have "&2" relationship to object "&3" |
006 | Error while creating the record in infotype 1988 |
007 | Enter a weighting factor |
008 | Select a status |
009 | Enter a start date |
010 | Enter an end date |
011 | Weighting factor can be created only as of the current date |
012 | Start of the weighting factor is outside the object period |
013 | End of the weighting factor is outside the object period |
014 | Values entered are not permitted |
015 | No subordinate objects found |
016 | Warning: Weighting factor already exists for this period |