IUUC_MAIN - IUUC: Main Message class

The following messages are stored in message class IUUC_MAIN: IUUC: Main Message class.
It is part of development package CNV_INC_PROCESSING in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "incremental processing using DB triggers and logging tables".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Create logging table for &1 failed
002Original table &1 not found in the sender system
003Logging table &1 couldn't be created successfully
004Function &1 started on &2 at &3
005Function &1 finished on &2 at &3
006Run &1 aborted due to unknown operation flag &4 in &2 at &3
007Deletion of triggers failed for table &1
008Logging table &1 does not exist in the sender system
009&1 trigger creation failed for table &2
010no IUUC data found for migration object &1
011Tabclass missing for migration object &1
012For table &1, logging table not yet generated - can't create trigger!
013No objects to be processed for this selection
014&1 jobs scheduled for &2
015Start of finding of logging table entries for ID &1 on &2 at &3
016End of finding of logging table entries for ID &1 on &2 at &3
017Logging table &1 could not be truncated
018number assignment for logging table failed: &1
019job scheduled for detection of entries in logging tables
020For periodic job scheduling, specifiy day and time of last job start
021&1 job(s) scheduled for trigger deletion in receiver system
022table entries of table &1 could not be deleted in receiver system
023Unicode Conversion Package not installed. Activation is not possible
024Relevant sender dictionary could not be determined
025Mass transfer &2 already contains table &1
026Table &1 does not exist on DB - might be pool or cluster table?
027no conflicts to be processed - activity can be skipped
028There are still conflicts left to be processed - activity not completed
029No valid license key - contact SAP, see SAP note 1265126
030IUUC usage scenario has been successfully defined
031Function not yet possible, because repository upgrade not yet finished
032Table list definition successfully completed
033Delta replay has been started - track progress with transaction MWBMON
034Select at least one of the systems (sender / receiver)
035For &1 tables, logging tables were created
036For &1 tables, the creation of logging tables failed
037You first need to delete all triggers - triggers still active for MT &1
038First delete all logging tables for mass transfer &1
039&1 trigger successfully created for table &2 at &3 &4
040Logging table &1 created for table &2 at &3 &4
041All process option conflicts have been resolved
042Table comparison didn't find any differences - Congratulations!
043Table comparison found differences; for details, view the spool list
044Number of transfer jobs not maintained in table IUUC_MT_HEADER for MT &1
045&1 job(s) scheduled for trigger deletion in sender system
046Trigger syntax error occurred:
047activity not allowed in case of full incrementality
048Transfer controller job has been started
049Data transfer for remaining tables started - track progress in trx MWBMON
050&1 positions were deleted from table DMC_IU_E071 with piece list &2
051&1 positions were read from table DMC_IU_E071 with piece list &2
052No positions available in table DMC_IU_E071 with piece list &2
053Key length exceeds the maximum for table &1
054Table &1 already has 16 key fields
055Keyfield difference check completed - no differences found
056Please enter rfc destination for upgrade reference system
057Process option changed to &1 for table &2
058Number of entries differs for some tables - see spool list for details
059Critical process option change for table &1 comitted by user &2
060Process option NOT changed for table &1
061Manual execution of activity required; for details see activity document.
062Table &1 not found in the upgrade reference system
063Key field difference detected for table &1
064Process option &1 already set for table &2
065For table &1, a process option change is not allowed
066Clone release must not be lower than productive release
068Original table &1 not found in the receiver system
069Number of expected logging tables different from existing logging tables
070For Table &1, &2 entries in sender, &3 entries in receiver
071Function &1 started on &2 at &3 for MT &4
072Function &1 finished on &2 at &3 for MT &4
073For table &1, no logging table exists
074Processing incomplete due to selections - activity set to error state
075Sequences successfully deleted in destination &1
076Deletion of sequences failed in destination &1
077Table &1 does not exist in the source system
078Table &1 not found in system &2
079Table &1 is not a cluster table in system &2
080Table &1 not found in mass transfer &2
081Table &1: Consider TReq set to &2
082Table &1 could not be created
083Table &1 could not be activated
084Table &1 could not be dropped
085Table &1 could not be renamed
086&1 successful for table &2
087No migration object exists for table &1
088Collective access plan &2 created for table &1
089Delimitation not possible for table &1
090Attention: Migration Object needs to be recreated!
091No parallelization data available for table &1
092Table &1: Don't specify both event and receiver field
093Table &1: Importing parameter missing for field-related rule!
094Start of field to field comparison for table &1 on &2 at &3
095End of field to field comparison for table &1 on &2 at &3
096Table &1 successfully deleted (rfc destination &2)
097Table deletion failed for table &1
098Table &1 added to mass transfer &2 with process option &3
099Table &1 wasn't specified; added with process option &2
100Table count for &1 failed in sender system (RFC destination &2)
101Table count for &1 failed in receiver system (RFC destination &2)
102Table count for &1 finished in sender system (RFC destination &2)
103Table count for &1 finished in receiver system (RFC destination &2)
104Table check for &1 already completed
105Select at least one Table Class
106Select at least one Process Option
107There are still triggers referring to logging table &1
108Definition of Cluster / Pool could not be determined
109Shadow dictionary for table &1 RFC destination &2 does not exist
110Selection from logging table failed
111Mismatch error occured during import of key data
112Mismatch error occured during import of sender data
113Mismatch error occured during import of receiver data
114Data selection failed (RFC destination &1)
115Triggers still exist at &1 - Sequences must not be deleted
116DELTA-Like Process Options not allowed for table &1
117For Table &1, the process option should not be set to DELTA, or DELTA_FIN
118Table &1 refers to clone table &2 - should not be set to COMPLETE
119Fieldname &1 invalid for table &2 (secondary index creation failed)
120Logging table deletion failed at least for some tables in system &1
121Table &1 exists already
122Table &1 created
123Check manually if all external interfaces have been disabled
124Error occured during field to field comparison of Table &1
125Process option of table &1 is &2
126Table &1 deleted (original table &2)
127DB trigger(s) successfully deleted for table &1
128Triggers still exist at &1 for table &2 - sequence must not be deleted
129In system &1, data class &2 is not defined
130No PARALLEL_FIELDNAME assigned to table &1 in IUUC_PERF_OPTION
131Data class &1 not assigned to a valid table space
132Tablespace Existence Check failed in remote system &1
133Table &1 is a &2 table, but only transparent tables can be processed
134Some triggers (INS, UPD, DEL) are missing
135Client specific flag couldn't get read
136No header data found for mass transfer &1
137For table &1, no primary key exists
138Sequence successfully deleted in destination &1 for table &2
139Deletion of sequence failed in destination &1 for table &2
140Logical table &1 of cluster &2 added to mass transfer at &3 &4.
141Logging table &1 created in receiver for table &2 at &3 &4
142Table &1: Specific conditions cannot be supplied for switchable triggers!
143Creation of problem table for table &1 failed
144Inconsistency: Migration object &1 exists, but not in mass transfer
145Logging table &1 for table &2 created (sql table &3)
146Logging table &1 for table &2 already exists (sql table &3)
147Failed to create logging table &1 for table &2 (sql table &3)
148Staging table &1 created for table &2 destination &3
149Failed to create staging table &1 for table &2 destination &3
150Staging table &1 created for cluster &2 destination &3
151Logging table &1 for table &2 created
152Failed to create logging table &1 for table &2
153Staging table &1 for table &2 deleted (destination &3)
154Staging table &1 for cluster &2 deleted (destination &3)
155&1: Invalid Object definit (only one table on first and second level)
156Deletion of local table definition &1 failed
157Database Connection &1 not defined
158Table records deleted for table &1
159No consumer number found for object &1
160Logging table creation failed due to missing authorization
161Logging table creation failed: IUUC_SEQUENCE is not an IDENTITY column &1
162Creation of UC import structure &1 failed
163Logging table identifier could not be determined for table &1
164Inconsistent records in logging table of table &1, see below:
165No entries found for this selection
166Check for inactive and partly active tables completed; no tables found
167In system &1, trigger deletion failed due to missing authorizations
168No logical cluster tables found for physical cluster &1
169Logical cluster table &1 of cluster &2 not included in mass transfer &3
170Inconsistent rule assignment for field &1 of cluster &2
171Different rules assigned to field &1 for tables &2 and &3
172Substitution Table &1 successfully created for cluster &2
173Creation of S4 mapping/auxiliary/backup tables failed for table &1
174Deletion of S4 mapping (miss) tables failed for table &1
175DIMP / LAMA is not active (MT ID &1)
176Error occurred when calling function module &1 at destination &2
177Max. Sequence Determination failed in System &1 for Table &2
178New Sequence Number from Clone lower than existing one for table &1
179Job Scheduling for setting of processed flags failed in system &1
180Jobs to set processed flags failed in the source system &1
181Could not determine system data from source system (rfc destination &1)
182SQL exception occurred for table &1, see error message below
183Table name &1 is invalid
184Primary key already exists for table &1
185Primary key successfully created for table &1
186Check method &2 of class &1 does not show inconsistencies
187Check method &2 of class &1 shows inconsistencies
188Call of check method &2 of class &1 failed
189No objects to be processed - hash-based parallelization used?
190Creation of view &1 for table &2 failed
191generation of cleanup report failed for table &1
192Invalid package &1
193&1 table IUUC_S4_MTTABPAR with tabname &2 and param &3 for rfcdest &4
194&1 local table IUUC_S4_MTTABPAR with tabname &2 and param &3
195Moved &1 entries in &2 table IUUC_S4_MTTABPAR from MT ID &3 to &4
196Logging table identifier &1 for MT ID &2 and table &3 is not unique
197Copied &1 entries from local IUUC_S4_MTTABPAR tab. for MT ID &2 to sender
198Selection from &1 IUUC_S4_MTTABPAR table failed
199Update of IUUC_TABLES record failed for table &1 in MT &2
201Invalid DB-Connection &1
202Table &1 does not exist in target system!
203Requested Activity &1 is not (yet) implemented!
204Reset active-flag in table IUUC_ISOLATION failed! Please adjust manually!
205The database connection &1 is not accessible! &2 &3 &4
206Processing SQL-stmnt: &1 &2 &3 &4
207SQL-Error step "Execute Check Table Exist": &1 &2 &3 &4
208SQL-Error step "Prepare Delete_Content_Determined": &1 &2 &3 &4
209SQL-Error step "Execute Delete_Content_Determined": &1 &2 &3 &4
210SQL-Error step "Execute Delete_Content": &1 &2 &3 &4
211SQL-Error step "Prepare Prefix_Field_Values": &1 &2 &3 &4
212SQL-Error step "Execute Prefix_Field_Values": &1 &2 &3 &4
213&1 lines updated in table &2
214SQL-Error step "Execute Set_Field_Values": &1 &2 &3 &4
215SQL-Error step "Prepare Change_Field_Values": &1 &2 &3 &4
216SQL-Error step "Execute Change_Field_Values": &1 &2 &3 &4
217SQL-Error step "Prepare Suspend_Jobs": &1 &2 &3 &4
218SQL-Error step "Execute Suspend_Jobs": &1 &2 &3 &4
219SQL-Error step "Prepare Block Users": &1 &2 &3 &4
220SQL-Error step "Execute Block_Users": &1 &2 &3 &4
221SQL-Error step "Prepare Adjust_Rfcdest": &1 &2 &3 &4
222SQL-Error step "Execute Adjust_Rfcdest": &1 &2 &3 &4
223SQL-Error step "Prepare Unblock Users": &1 &2 &3 &4
224SQL-Error step "Execute Unblock_Users": &1 &2 &3 &4
225Pls verify incomplete adjustmt: table &1 field &2 old-val &3 new-val &4
226Incomplete SET instruction: table &1 field &2 Set-Val &3
227&1 lines backed up for table &2
228&1 lines restored for table &2
229SQL-Error step "Execute Backup_table_content": &1 &2 &3 &4
230SQL-Error step "Execute Restore_table_content": &1 &2 &3 &4
231Attention: more than 50 columns &1 &2 &3 &4
232NRIV Logging Before-Image:
233NRIV Logging After-Image:
234&1 &2&3 &4
235DMIS 2011 upgrade to SP11 or higher: &1&2
236DMIS 2011 upgrade: type mappping not yet changed for mass transfer &1
237Changing job settings failed
238Retrieving the server list failed
239For mass transfer ID &1, no logging tables exist
240Pre-processing on table /1LT/TNX_STATUS failed
241The user &1 is not authorized to execute function &2
242The user &1 is not authorized to execute report &2
243Condense logic on logging tables failed
244Object name is required
245Cannot create migration object; cannot determine rules for mig. object
246Cannot create migration object; cannot assign rules to table &1
247deletion of content of table &1 is not allowed. skipped
248parameter &1 must not be initial!
249execution of this activity in phase &1 not supported
250Number range conflict: &1
251Table &1 not supported as mapping table
252For TCR Table &1, the process option should be set to DELTA or FREEZE
253No job(s) found for program '&'
254Invalid dialog type
255Invalid mass transfer ID
256There are still &1 jobs of this type running
257DB trigger(s) successfully deactivated for table &1
258Deactivation of database trigger failed for table &1
259job scheduled for initial fill of mapping tables
260Truncation of auxilary table for S4 migration failed for table &1
261Special converion tables for non-transparent tables not truncated
262XPRA poslist could not be loaded - auxilary table creation not checked
263Exclude table &1 from Re-Replication Process
264Customer table &1 found in target. Check if truncation is required.
265Number of parallel tasks too high - reduce it and reexecute the report
266Auxiliary table for XPRA reexecution generated for application table &1
267Filling of backup table for &1 failed
268Customizing Table &1 successfully copied to table &2 (in the receiver).
269Backup table of customizing table &1 does not exist / is not filled.
270Exclude table &1 from remigration process (missing migration object)
271Open SQL error when accessing table &1 via db connection &2
272Validation of activity &1 for table &2 failed
273Activity &1 for table &2, field &3 not supported
274New value of field &1 too long - backup of row is created for table &2
275Faild to create backup in Table IUUC_INDX for table &1
276&1 lines failed to updat in table &2
277Failed to restore backup for field &1 in table &2
278Backup option not supported for keyfield changes - table: &1 field: &2
280Failed to restore backup for table &1
281Deletion successful for table &1
282Creation of proxy/synonym failed for table &1
283Deletion of proxy/synonym &1 failed for table &2
284SQL-Error: &1&2&3&4
285Please specify Clients for activity &1
286Exception created by &1 &2 in line &3 of include &4
287Action &3 &4 not possible due to &1 &2
288Action &1 &2 &3 successfully completed
289Failed to set &1 as inverse Mass Trasnfer regarding Mass Transfer &2
290Delete record of table MDS_MT_RELATIONS for Mass Transfer &1 failed
291Failed to set &1 as Classif. Mass Trasnfer regarding Mass Transfer &2
292Failed to remove inverse Mass Transfer Relation for Mass Transfer &1
293Failed to remove Classif. Mass Transfer Relation for Mass Transfer &1
294Unable to get inverse Mass Transfer for Mass Transfer &1
295Conflict table &1 contains &2 unexpected conflicts
296Method &1 failed with error &2 for table &3
297Cannot create dynamic table type for table &1 from destination &2
298No unexpected replay conflicts occurred
299Conflict Table &1 for application table &2 is incorrect.
300An error occurred. Incomplete or incorrect data.
301Table &1: &2 is missing
302Re-Replication will be done for table &1
303No relevant checks found
304No Active records found for MT &1 and Event &2 in table IUUC_ISOLATIONX
305Activity &1 Event &2 Sequence &3 set to inactive
306Action &1 &2 &3 failed
307Table &1 still has &2 unprocessed changes, try again later
308Call of function &1 &2 &3 failed with error &4
309Call of subroutine &1 &2 &3 failed with error &4
310SELECT FROM &1 &2 &3 failed with error &4
311UPDATE &1 &2 &3 failed with error &4
312--> Activity &1 Event &2 Sequence &3 started
313--> Activity &1 Event &2 Sequence &3 successfully completed
314--> Activity &1 Event &2 Sequence &3 was not successful
315No records found in table &1
316Error during instantiation of class &1
317--> Report &1 Sequence &2 was not successful
318NZDT Generation value can't be determined
319--> Report &1 Sequence &2 started
320Could not schedule job
321Job &1 was aborted
322Status of job &1 is unknown
323Table NSDM_MIG_S_CNTRL is inconsistent, check MM-IM conversion
324NZDT Generation set to &1
325MM-IM conversion with NZDT Generation &1 still running
326Number of records in table &1 : &2
327Table &1 was not completely converted
328--> Report &1 Sequence &2 successfully completed
329Check before execution not successful
330&1 &2 failed in line &3 of &4 due to error on central system
331&1 &2 failed in line &3 of &4 due to error on receiver system
332&1 &2 failed in line &3 of &4 due to error on sender system
333&1 &2 failed in line &3 of &4 due to error of unknown origin
334&1 raised exception &2
335&1 raised exception &2: &3&4
336Inconsistent status for job &1
337Maintenance Event &1 already exists
338Please enter &1
339Sequence must be unique
340No data saved
341No changes, data not saved
342Table &1: &2 records downloaded
343No Transport Request selected
344Error while reading buffer file &1
345Error while reading file &1
346Please select file path for download
347Error while saving file &1
348Number of Transport Requests: &1
349File &1 written with &2 records
350Calculation is only possible when the sender system is ramped down!
351Conversion not finished for Group &1 &2 &3
352Verification not finished for Group &1 &2 &3
353Conversion error for Group &1 &2 &3
354Verification error for Group &1 &2 &3
355MM-IM conversion can't be started
356--> Report &1 Sequence &2 was already executed
357Table NSDM_MIG_MARA_ME has records with NZDT Generation &1
358Update of table &1 failed
359Analysis Mass Transfer &1 not found
360Analysis Mass Transfer &1 was found
361Mass Transfer &1 already exists
362Please enter Mass Transfer ID
363Error during creation of Mass Transfer &1
364Field &1 not found in Table &2
365Mass Transfer ID &1 is not an Analysis MT
366Mass Transfer ID &1 successfully created
367Error during creation of PCL Activity &1
368Activity &1 not found
369No records found in table &1 by Mass Transfer &2
370Function module &1 does not exist in the source system
371Execution failed in the source system
372System name cannot be determined or invalid length
373System type cannot be determined
374System is (already) locked (not changeable)
375System is not locked (changeable)
376The system lock is already removed
377Function module &1 started at destination &2
378No implementation for database platform &1
379Security check failed for table name &1
380Start processing of logging table &1 with source table &2
381Determine most recent trigger timestamp for logging table &1: &2
382&1 entries deleted from logging table &2
383Processing of table &1 failed
384Processing of table &1 finished successfully
385The system lock is set successfully
386The system lock is successfully removed
387Maintenance Event &1 can't be deleted, records found in &2
388Table &1 successfully updated
389Target Client should be set only for Customer Events
390Parameter USEPRODCLN set to &1
391Please select one line
392Test mode, no files written
393Error during upload of table &1, no data saved
394File &1 is empty, no data saved to table &2
395Only one maintenance event with type U or E is allowed
396CTC is active, file should not provide client
397CTC is not active, file should provide client
398Temporary mass transfer ID can't created
399Triggers already exist for table &1
400Some triggers (INS, UPD, DEL) are missing for table &1
401Wrong file extension for file &1
402File name must contain &1
403No Maintenance Event found for MT &1
404Please select one Maintenance Event
405Error during determination of CTC parameter
406&1 records uploaded from file &2 for table &3
407Test mode, no data saved
408Error while unzipping file &1
409Error during load of zip file
410Error: expected records &1, uploaded records &2
411Please select Maintenance Event of type U or E
412Please select Maintenance Event of type C or A
413MT &1 successfully assigned to PCL Package &2
414Classification only can be set only for Customer events
415RFC destination to sender system &1 saved
416Transport Request &1 not found
427Entity &1: Table &2 can't be changed
428Please select at least one entry
429Table &1 not allowed
430Total number of transport requests &1 with origin &2
431Maintenance Event &1 of type &2 selected
432No records written in table &1, all records already exist
433Only &1 records written in table &2, records already exist
434Error saving data to cluster with key &1 for table &2
435Error reading data from cluster with key &1 for table &2
436Transport request &1 is already mapped, check table &2
437No previous execution of tp lock_eu
438tp lock_eu successfully executed
439tp unlock_eu successfully executed
440Maintenance Events saved for MT &1
441Temporary mass transfer ID is &1
442No records found in table MDS_DOWNLOAD_TAB
443File &1 written
444File &1 has invalid format
445Security check failed for file &1
446Job start event &1 is not supported
447Could not enqueue table IUUC_S4_CONVSTAT
448Other wrappers are running
449&1: previous conversion not successfully finished. Restart...
450&1: previous conversion not finished. Recover...
451&1: previous conversion successfully finished for this delta run
452SUM Release not found in manifest file
453SUM Release is &1 SP &2
454SUM Manifest file has wrong format &1 is &2
455Security check failed for filename &1. Please select a different name
456Processing table &1 with logging table &2
457Rows processed = &1
458No table configuration found for table &1
459Table &1 does not exist in &2
460No Select Options found for table &1
461No records found in table IUUC_S4_CONVPARM
462Error during synchronization of table IUUC_S4_CONVPARM with Receiver
463Table IUUC_S4_CONVPARM successfully synchronized with Receiver
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