IWP_BUR - Accerlated Reporting Messages
The following messages are stored in message class IWP_BUR: Accerlated Reporting Messages.
It is part of development package IWP_BUR_RUNTIME in software component CA-GTF-DRT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Runtime : Business User Dirven Acc. Reporting".
It is part of development package IWP_BUR_RUNTIME in software component CA-GTF-DRT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Runtime : Business User Dirven Acc. Reporting".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Configuration ID must be of three characters (alpha numeric) |
001 | Configuration ID must start with a letter from the alphabet |
002 | Configuration ID &1 deleted |
003 | Enter a valid 'ILM Object' |
004 | Enter view name |
005 | Configuration ID &1 already exists |
006 | ILM object &1 does not exists |
007 | Field catalogue &1 does not exists |
008 | Sequence number &1 already exists |
009 | Table &1 does not exists in repository; for view select 'View' checkbox |
010 | Table &1 already exists |
011 | Define the reporting Table/View |
012 | View &1 is not valid |
013 | View &1 already exists |
014 | Configuration ID &1 saved |
015 | Output fields not defined |
016 | Action cancelled by user |
017 | Configuration ID &1 is inconsistent |
018 | Cannot move the selected row &1 further |
019 | Table/View not defined; use F4 help |
020 | Select a row |
021 | Configuration ID &1 does not contain any table/view for reporting |
022 | Maintain at least two tables for view &1 |
023 | Maintain fields for mapping; source:&1 and target:&2 |
024 | Maintain ILM object for reporting table/view &1 |
025 | Table/view &1 is not maintianed for configuration |
026 | Output fields are not defined for &1 table/view |
027 | Navigation join condition is not defined for table/view &1 |
028 | Error occurred &1 |
029 | Field &1 in table &2 is not maintained as output field |
030 | ILM object not assigned to table &1 |
031 | Proposal of join condition not possible for table/view &1, see long text |
032 | Maintain output fields before defining navigation sequence |
033 | Configuration ID &1 is consistent |
034 | Maintain tables for view before defining output fields |
035 | Field &1 does not exists in repository |
036 | Mapping already exists for the given combination |
037 | Field &1 already in use |
038 | Navigation for table/view &1 is already defined |
039 | Configuration ID &1 is locked |
040 | ILM buisness function is off |
041 | Table &1 does not exists in repository |
042 | Maintain the ILM object before selecting the field catalog for &1 |
043 | You do not have authorization to create configuration |
044 | You do not have authorization to change configuration |
045 | You do not have authorization to display configuration |
046 | Maintain output fields that belong to field catalog &1 as sel.parameter |
047 | Maintain tables for view before defining join condition |
048 | Table/View &1 and dependent entries deleted |
049 | Fieldname &1 and dependent entries deleted |
050 | Selection parameters are not maintained for configuration &1 |
051 | Navigation between table or view with the same seq. no. is not allowed |
052 | No archiving object found for object type &1; maintain in IRM_CUST_BS |
053 | Field catalog &1 is not valid for object type &2 |
054 | Maintain join condition for tables |
055 | Optimized RW is not enabled |
056 | No structure maintained for reporting |
100 | No authorization to create report with configuration ID &1 |
101 | "Report Name" field is mandatory |
102 | "Report Description" field is mandatory |
103 | Report ID &1 is created and loading of data is in process |
104 | Report ID &1 descriptor not found |
105 | Report ID &1 does not exist |
106 | Runtime exception occured during descriptor &1 load |
107 | Select one row for navigation |
108 | No data exist that match your selection criteria |
109 | Persistent layer exist; delete persistent layer |
110 | Persistent layer deletion scheduled; job name &1 and job count &2 |
111 | Select one row |
112 | No authorization to delete report; configuration ID &2 and auth. group &1 |
113 | Legacy system ID &1 and client &2 combination does not exist |
114 | Error occured accessing store; auth. missing or store is not accessible |
115 | Report ID &1 data is loaded with status error |
116 | Report ID &1 status is not green |
117 | Report ID &1 is created |
118 | No metadata file found; check if SN_META is stored in store |
119 | You do not have authorization to display configuration &1 for reporting |
120 | You do not have authorization to delete report; configuration ID &1 |
121 | No authorization to display report;configuration ID &2 and auth. group &1 |
122 | DDIC view &1 not active for corresponding table/view &2; maintain it |
123 | Error occured during archive access &1 |
124 | There is already an report with the name &1 |
125 | No metadata found for structure &1 |
126 | DDIC view/s &1 should be maintained in ILM_BUR_DT |