IWP_BUR - Accerlated Reporting Messages

The following messages are stored in message class IWP_BUR: Accerlated Reporting Messages.
It is part of development package IWP_BUR_RUNTIME in software component CA-GTF-DRT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Runtime : Business User Dirven Acc. Reporting".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Configuration ID must be of three characters (alpha numeric)
001Configuration ID must start with a letter from the alphabet
002Configuration ID &1 deleted
003Enter a valid 'ILM Object'
004Enter view name
005Configuration ID &1 already exists
006ILM object &1 does not exists
007Field catalogue &1 does not exists
008Sequence number &1 already exists
009Table &1 does not exists in repository; for view select 'View' checkbox
010Table &1 already exists
011Define the reporting Table/View
012View &1 is not valid
013View &1 already exists
014Configuration ID &1 saved
015Output fields not defined
016Action cancelled by user
017Configuration ID &1 is inconsistent
018Cannot move the selected row &1 further
019Table/View not defined; use F4 help
020Select a row
021Configuration ID &1 does not contain any table/view for reporting
022Maintain at least two tables for view &1
023Maintain fields for mapping; source:&1 and target:&2
024Maintain ILM object for reporting table/view &1
025Table/view &1 is not maintianed for configuration
026Output fields are not defined for &1 table/view
027Navigation join condition is not defined for table/view &1
028Error occurred &1
029Field &1 in table &2 is not maintained as output field
030ILM object not assigned to table &1
031Proposal of join condition not possible for table/view &1, see long text
032Maintain output fields before defining navigation sequence
033Configuration ID &1 is consistent
034Maintain tables for view before defining output fields
035Field &1 does not exists in repository
036Mapping already exists for the given combination
037Field &1 already in use
038Navigation for table/view &1 is already defined
039Configuration ID &1 is locked
040ILM buisness function is off
041Table &1 does not exists in repository
042Maintain the ILM object before selecting the field catalog for &1
043You do not have authorization to create configuration
044You do not have authorization to change configuration
045You do not have authorization to display configuration
046Maintain output fields that belong to field catalog &1 as sel.parameter
047Maintain tables for view before defining join condition
048Table/View &1 and dependent entries deleted
049Fieldname &1 and dependent entries deleted
050Selection parameters are not maintained for configuration &1
051Navigation between table or view with the same seq. no. is not allowed
052No archiving object found for object type &1; maintain in IRM_CUST_BS
053Field catalog &1 is not valid for object type &2
054Maintain join condition for tables
055Optimized RW is not enabled
056No structure maintained for reporting
100No authorization to create report with configuration ID &1
101"Report Name" field is mandatory
102"Report Description" field is mandatory
103Report ID &1 is created and loading of data is in process
104Report ID &1 descriptor not found
105Report ID &1 does not exist
106Runtime exception occured during descriptor &1 load
107Select one row for navigation
108No data exist that match your selection criteria
109Persistent layer exist; delete persistent layer
110Persistent layer deletion scheduled; job name &1 and job count &2
111Select one row
112No authorization to delete report; configuration ID &2 and auth. group &1
113Legacy system ID &1 and client &2 combination does not exist
114Error occured accessing store; auth. missing or store is not accessible
115Report ID &1 data is loaded with status error
116Report ID &1 status is not green
117Report ID &1 is created
118No metadata file found; check if SN_META is stored in store
119You do not have authorization to display configuration &1 for reporting
120You do not have authorization to delete report; configuration ID &1
121No authorization to display report;configuration ID &2 and auth. group &1
122DDIC view &1 not active for corresponding table/view &2; maintain it
123Error occured during archive access &1
124There is already an report with the name &1
125No metadata found for structure &1
126DDIC view/s &1 should be maintained in ILM_BUR_DT
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