J3RM_RN - Message class for RN documents processing
The following messages are stored in message class J3RM_RN: Message class for RN documents processing.
It is part of development package J3RM in software component FI-LOC-LO-RU. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Localization Russia: MM".
It is part of development package J3RM in software component FI-LOC-LO-RU. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Localization Russia: MM".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
001 | RN is not found in DB |
003 | RNPT &1 and year &2 created |
004 | Please maintain field &1 to create an RNPT |
005 | Material &1 is traceable by Batches, but Batch is missing |
006 | Cannot convert quantity from unit &1 to unit &2, please check your data |
007 | Error while creating RNPT |
008 | Error while updating RNPT |
009 | RNPT &1/&2 is locked by user &3, please try again later |
010 | RNPT cannot be unlocked due to error, contact your administrator |
011 | Not all materials are traceable in Billing document &1, please check |
012 | No RNPT found for traceable material &1 |
013 | There is not enough remaining RNPT quantity for material &1 |
014 | Document item does not exist |
015 | Material &1 is not traceable |
016 | Specify all required fields |
017 | No RNPT found for Document (&1 &2 &3). The process is interrupted |
018 | No RNPT found for material &1 with batch &2 |
019 | No RNPT found for material &1 with serial no. &2 |
020 | There is not enough available RNPT quantity for material &1 with batch &2 |
021 | There is not enough available RNPT quantity for mat. &1 with serial &2 |
022 | No RNPT found with serial number &1 for document &2 &3 &4, please check |
023 | Operation will result in negative quantity of RNPT &1, please check |
024 | No RNPT found for traceable material &1 in transit |
025 | There is not enough available RNPT quantity for material &1 in transit |
026 | Material &1 is traceable by Serial Numbers, but Serial number is missing |
027 | Material &1 line &2 is traceable by Batches, but Batch is missing |
028 | Material &1 line &2 is traceable by Serial Numbers, but S/N is missing |
029 | Directory &1 does not exist |
035 | Document item(s) is currently locked in another RNPT by user &1 |
036 | Enter country/region of origin |
037 | The physical inventory document has not yet been counted |
038 | RNPT document is not created yet. Please save first |
039 | Company Code &1 is different from Company Code in current RNPT |
040 | RNPT saved successfully |
041 | RNPT was not changed |
042 | RNPT &1, year &2 deleted |
043 | RNPT with write-off documents cannot be deleted |
044 | Select items for deletion |
045 | Please enter RNPT External Number and RNPT Creation Date |
046 | Please enter Type of Source Operation |
047 | RNPT item &1: Quantity with wrong sign, please check |
048 | RNPT item &1: Available quantity is &2 |
049 | Available RNPT quantity does not equal total of item quantities |
050 | Available RNPT quantity cannot be negative |
051 | Cannot delete first RNPT item |
052 | You can create RNPT only for IMCD with origin "From Customs" |
053 | Cannot create RNPT: mat. management (&1) for IMCD item &2 not supported |
054 | Document item's UoM &1 is not base UoM &2 for material &3 |
055 | Material in item &1 is traceable but has no reference document |
056 | Cannot save RNPT with errors, please see log for details |
057 | RNPT has warnings, please see log for details |
058 | Available RNPT quantity is incorrect and will be recalculated |
059 | Not enough available material quantity to create RNPT item |
060 | Cannot create RNPT based on a write-off doc., please select incoming doc. |
061 | RNPT item &1: Assigned document item does not exist |
062 | Invoice &1 &2 does not exist |
063 | Material document &1 &2 does not exist |
064 | Import Customs Declaration &1 does not exist |
065 | Billing document &1 does not exist |
066 | Inventory document &1 &2 does not exist |
067 | Document item already exists in RNPT, cannot add the same item again |
068 | Serial number is ignored due to management method by material number |
069 | Batch number is ignored due to management method by material number |
070 | Document item contains &1 serial numbers, create RNPTs for each one |
071 | Material &1 is different from material in current RNPT |
072 | Movement type &1 is not relevant for traceability |
073 | Billing type &1 is not relevant for traceability |
074 | Cannot delete cancelled item &1, also delete cancellation item &2 |
075 | Please add item cancelled by Billing Document &1 first |
076 | Billing Doc. item is cancelled and will be added with its cancellation |
077 | Cannot delete all items in RNPT, click for more information |
078 | Document item does not contain serial number &1, please check |
079 | Document item does not contain batch number &1, please check |
080 | RNPT item &1: Cannot convert quantity from UoM &2 to UoM &3, check |
081 | RNPT item &1: Unit of Measure &2 is not the base UoM for material &3 |
083 | You are not authorized to create RNPT in Company Code &1 |
084 | Management method of material &1 does not match RNPT |
085 | Please enter RNPT Internal Number and Year |
086 | Cannot display RNPT without items |
087 | No data selected |
088 | You are not authorized to change RNPT in Company Code &1 |
089 | You are not authorized to display RNPT in Company Code &1 |
090 | You are not authorized to delete RNPT in Company Code &1 |
091 | You are not authorized to process RNPT in Company Code &1 |
092 | Material &1 is traceable. You are not authorized to process RNPT |
093 | Material &1 in line &2 is traceable, maintain IMCD item number (GTDPOS) |
094 | Management method for material &1 cannot be "Management by Serial Number" |
095 | Management method for material &1 cannot be "Management by Batch" |
096 | Man. method for material &1 can be only "Management by Material Number" |
097 | Please maintain Valid To date for material &1 |
098 | Please maintain management method for material &1 |
099 | Man. method for material &1 can be only "Management by Material Number" |
100 | Validity period for material &1 is incorrect, please check |
101 | Valid From cannot be later than Valid To |
102 | Please maintain material |
103 | Please maintain Valid From date for material &1 |
104 | RNPT item &1: Reversed Invoice for &2 &3 not found |
105 | RNPT item &1: cancelled item not found or incorrect. Please check. |
106 | Accounting document &1 &2 &3 not found |
107 | Enter unit of measure |
115 | No RNPT with available quantity found for traceable fixed asset &1 &2 |
116 | Asset &1 &2 is not traceable |
117 | Asset &1 &2 is different from asset in current RNPT |
118 | The document position is used in other RNPTs with quantity &1 |
119 | Document item does not contain fixed asset |
120 | WBS element &1 is different from WBS element in current RNPT |
121 | Document item needs to contain WBS element or Invest order |
122 | Available RNPT quantity is 0. Write-off document item cannot be added |
123 | Invest order &1 is different from Invest order in current RNPT |
124 | Do not create RNPT with batch based on IMCD. Use material document |
125 | RNPT item &1: document position is used in other RNPTs with quantity &2 |
140 | Cancelled FI document &1 &2 &3 archived |
141 | Field "&1" is empty |
142 | XML file could not be created, see log |
143 | XML file "&1&2&3" created |
144 | XML file could not be created |
145 | XML file not created: there is no data for the XML |
146 | XML file contains data for blocked partners |
160 | INN for Company Code &1 is empty |
161 | KPP for Company Code &1 is empty |
201 | Input parameter IT_RN_REG is empty |
202 | Obligatory field &1 for RNPT temp. ID &2 is empty |
203 | Table of fixed values for field &1 for RNPT temp. ID &2 does not have &3 |
204 | Field &1 for RNPT temp. ID &2 contains wrong value 03 |
205 | You cannot create RNPTs with type of source operation 03 ("Import" IMCD) |
206 | Company Code &1 does not exist |
207 | Field &1 must be empty for RNPT temp. ID &2 according to J_3RM_RNGOODSV |
208 | Data not found in table IT_RN_DOC for temp. ID &2 |
209 | Material Document &1/&2 does not exist for RNPT temp. ID &3 |
210 | Item &3 of Material Document &1/&2 does not exist for RNPT temp. ID &4 |
211 | Billing Document &1 does not exist for RNPT temp. ID &2 |
212 | Item &2 of Billing Document &1 does not exist for RNPT temp. ID &3 |
213 | Inventory Document &1/&2 does not exist for RNPT temp. ID &3 |
214 | Item &3 of Inventory Document &1/&2 does not exist for RNPT temp. ID &4 |
215 | Quantity must be greater than or equal to 0 for RNPT temp. ID &1 |
216 | Total of quantities for RNPT temp. ID &2 is negative (&1) |
217 | Total RNPT temp. ID &3 quant. (&1) is not equal to total item quant. (&2) |
218 | Field CANCELLED_BY for RNPT temp. ID &1 has wrong value |
219 | Field &1 of RNPT temp. ID &2 is empty or untested value |
220 | Errors while checking the input. RNPT will not be created |
221 | Assigned document contains UoM &1, but RNPT temp. ID &3 contains &2 |
222 | RNPT temp. ID &3 has more quantity (&2) than quantity of assigned doc. &1 |
223 | New RNPT &1/&2 created successfully for RNPT temp. ID &3 |
224 | Error occurred while creating RNPT for RNPT temp. ID &1 |
225 | Material &1 for ctry/reg. &2 is not traceable at &3 for RNPT temp. ID &4 |
226 | Wrong material management method (&1) for RNPT temp. ID &2 |
227 | Country/region &1 does not exist in system for RNPT temp. ID &2 |
228 | Input parameter IT_RN_DOC is empty |
229 | There are items for RNPT temp. ID &1, but no header data in IT_RN_REG |
230 | Value of field &1 for RNPT temp. ID &2 will be ignored |
231 | Item &3 of document &1 &2 is included in RNPT temp. ID &4 several times |
232 | Assigned document item &1 with type &2 not found for RNPT temp. ID &3 |
233 | Not enough quantity in document item &1 w/ type &2 for RNPT temp. ID &3 |
234 | Requested quantity is &1, but available is &2 for RNPT temp. ID &3 |
235 | Item &1 has material &2 which is diff. than specified (&3) for RNPT ID &4 |
236 | Transfer cannot be performed: RNPT &1 &2 does not have enough quantity |
237 | Fixed Asset &1/&2 does not exist in system for RNPT temp. ID &3 |
238 | Fixed Asset &1/&2 is not traceable at &3 for RNPT temp. ID &4 |
239 | Material or Fixed Asset is mandatory in RNPT temp. ID &1 |
240 | There can be either Material or Fixed Asset in RNPT temp. ID &1 |
241 | WBS element &1 does not exist in system for RNPT temp. ID &2 |
242 | Invest Order &1 does not exist in system for RNPT temp. ID &2 |
243 | Currency &1 in RNPT temp. ID &2 is not equal Company Code currency &3 |
300 | RNPT with ID &1 and year &2 already exists for ext. number &3 |
301 | RNPT Registration Date is initial |
302 | RNPT Registration Date is not plausable |
303 | Created On Date is not plausable |
304 | Success |
305 | Key fields are not fully specified |
306 | Another RNPT exists for the specified document &1, year &2, item &3 |
307 | Specified RNPT key &1 &2 does not exist in the database |
308 | Document type &1 is not supported |
309 | MM Invoice key is not fully specified |
314 | Specify at least one document for RNPT with ID &1, year &2 |
315 | Entered quantity for doc. &1 &2 is higher than specified in the system |
316 | RNPT without related documents cannot be created. Check the entry (&1 &2) |
317 | RNPT &1 and year &2 created for External Number &3 |
318 | Material &1 is traceable by material no. Serial number/batch are cleared |
330 | No data to migrate |
331 | Migration finished |
332 | Log does not contain any messages |
333 | No authorization for editing for Company Code &1 |
340 | RNPT item &1: Cannot find IMCD with Internal Number &2 |
341 | RNPT item &1: Cannot find IMCD Item &2 &3 |
342 | RNPT item &1: Cannot find Material Document Item &2 &3 &4 |
343 | RNPT item &1: Cannot find data for Material Document Item &2 &3 &4 |
344 | RNPT item &1: Cannot find Billing Document Item &2 &3 |
345 | RNPT item &1: Cannot find Billing Document &2 |
346 | RNPT item &1: No Source Purchase Document for IMCD Item &2 &3 |
347 | RNPT item &2: RNPT item is locked by user &1 |
348 | RNPT item &1: an error occurred during locking |
349 | Migration completed |
350 | Error while updating RNPT items |
351 | RNPT item &1 is added for migration as related to MM invoice &2 |
352 | RNPT item &1 is added for migration as related to Material Document &2 |
353 | RNPT item &1 is added for migration as related to Billing Document &2 |
354 | RNPT item &1: amount calc. for RNPT receipt price corr. is not supported |
355 | Data will be updated, have you checked it in ALV or in Spool before? |
359 | Ext. number for document type &1 number &2 year &3 comp.code &4 not found |
360 | You can only save production runs |
361 | Production run for CC &1 Year &2 Period &3 does not exist |
367 | There is a higher (&4) corr. vers for CC &1, year &2, period &3 |
368 | There already is a corrective report for CC &1, year &2, period &3 |
369 | There already is a productive run for company &1 year &2 period &3 |
370 | Please enter the correction number |
371 | Correction &1 for CC &2, year, &3 period &4 does not exist |
372 | Could not save report, see error log |
373 | Please specify a CC, year and period first |
374 | Please specify a start date for the validity period |
375 | Please specify an end date for the validity period |
376 | You can only fill one of these fields (&1, &2, or &3) |
377 | Please specify an operation code |
378 | OKEI code not found for unit of measurement &1 |
379 | Please fill one of these fields: &1, &2, or &3 |
380 | Please fill field &1 |