The following messages are stored in message class J3RSCCD: .
It is part of development package J3RS in software component FI-LOC-SD-RU. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Localization Russia: SD".
It is part of development package J3RS in software component FI-LOC-SD-RU. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Localization Russia: SD".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Enter CDec number |
002 | Enter a valid page number |
003 | Select an item |
004 | Sum of subitems quantity (& &) is larger than item quantity (& &) |
005 | Customs declaration class cannot be retrieved for customs declaration |
006 | Customs declaration class cannot be retrieved for CDec type & |
007 | Error in pricing calculation |
008 | Enter both order number and order item or leave both fields empty |
009 | Enter either contract or order |
010 | Error while saving pricing information |
011 | Pricing data cannot be retrieved |
012 | The document & is not a contract |
013 | Currency in source document differs from currency & in CDec |
014 | Company code in source document differs from CDec company code & |
015 | Posting cannot be performed |
016 | Order & does not exist |
017 | Enter both contract number and contract item or leave both fields empty |
018 | Error in unit of measure conversion |
019 | Enter both CDec number and CDec item or leave both fields empty |
020 | Enter both billing document number and item or leave both fields empty |
021 | Enter both delivery number and delivery item or leave both fields empty |
022 | Company code of order differs from company code of customs declaration |
023 | Company code of contract differs from company code of customs declaration |
024 | Company code of reference CDec differs from company code of source CDec |
025 | Company code of delivery differs from company code of customs declaration |
026 | You are not authorized to create CDec of type &1 in &2 |
027 | The document & is not an order |
028 | The document & is not a billing document |
029 | The document & is not a delivery |
030 | You are not authorized to post in FI in company code & and CDec type & |
031 | Invalid data: & |
032 | Error in storing message in the message log |
033 | Data was not saved; correct the following errors before saving |
034 | Customs declaration data & was saved successfully |
035 | Posting rule for posting type & and CDec type & does not exist |
036 | Error of 'POSTING_INTERFACE_DOCUMENT' functional module |
037 | Posting in FI is not allowed for customs declaration status & |
038 | Posting rule requires customs office code; enter code or change settings |
039 | Reconcil.acct & shall be ready for input at time of posting |
040 | Alternative Reconciliation Account & is not permitted for G/L Account & |
041 | CDec could not be deleted because info about it exists in table J_3RTSE |
042 | Customs declaration & created |
043 | Customs declaration & deleted |
050 | You are not authorized to display change documents in &1 for CDec type &2 |
051 | Company code in source CDec &2 differs from CDec company code &1 |
052 | Currency key in source CDec &2 differs from CDec currency key &1 |
055 | Cannot assign a number to the customs declaration; see long text |
056 | No data selected |
058 | Place the cursor on a valid line |
059 | Cannot execute the report |
061 | Document &1 not found |
062 | Export customs declaration &1 is locked by &2 |
064 | Sum of item qtys in CDec &1 exceeds open qty in ref. SD doc. &3 item &4 |
065 | Item &1 of sales document &2 not found |
066 | Item &1 of delivery &2 not found |
067 | Order &1 item &2 is no reference to contract &3 item &4 |
068 | Creation of follow-up declaration for &1 not allowed |
069 | Item &1 of billing document &2 not found or billing document is reversed |
070 | You are not authorized to change CDec of type &1 in &2 |
071 | You are not authorized to display CDec of type &1 in &2 |
072 | Cannot lock export customs declaration &1 |
073 | Sum of qtys in CDec exceeds open qty in reference SD doc. &1 item &2 |
074 | Sum of qtys in CDec exceeds open quantity in source CDec &1 item &2 |
075 | Sum of qtys in CDec exceeds open qty in ref. billing document &1 item &2 |
076 | Sum of qtys in CDec exceeds open qty in reference delivery &1 item &2 |
077 | &1 in subitem &2 does not have a reference to &3 in item &4 |
078 | Error while converting quantity of material &1 to base units of measure |
079 | Sum of qtys in subitems exceeds open qty in reference order &1 item &2 |
080 | BUoM in CDec/itm/subitm &1 does not match BUoM &2 in SD doc. &3 item &4 |
081 | BUoM in CDec &1 item &2 does not match BUoM in source CDec &3 item &4 |
082 | Purchasing document &1 line item &2 is not found |
083 | Source order is different for billing and delivery in item &1 subitem &2 |
084 | Source CDec &1 item &2 not found |
085 | Source order for reference object &1 in sub-item not found |
086 | Material &1 in SD document &2 is different from material &3 in item |
087 | Enter values for Code of Reg. Cust. Office and CDec Reg. Date fields |
088 | The CDec with this full customs declaration number already exists |
090 | Item & has no reference to a contract or an order |
091 | Secondary event exists for subitem &1. Action cancelled. |
092 | Secondary event exists for item &1. Action cancelled. |
093 | Cannot cancel billing &1. It is assigned to CDec &2. Action cancelled. |
101 | No data found in the database for the item &2 of condition &1 |
102 | Pricing data missing in customs declaration |
103 | Error when saving conditions |
104 | Cannot copy amount &1 to item &2; length exceeds field character limit |
200 | Follow-up CDec exists; some fields of CDec are blocked for editing |
201 | Enter customs declaration type |
202 | Enter a reference |
203 | Enter a valid company code |
204 | Posting rule requires declarant code; enter code or change settings |
205 | Enter a valid exchange rate |
206 | Enter a valid currency |
207 | Enter a valid status |
208 | Enter a valid ship-to party |
209 | Enter a valid sold-to-party |
210 | Enter a valid quantity in sales unit of measure |
211 | Enter a valid sales unit of measure |
212 | Enter a valid material number |
213 | Select only one item |
214 | Changing of total amount and currency resulted in data inconsistence |
215 | Contract & does not exist |
216 | Delivery & does not exist |
217 | Billing document & does not exist |
218 | Enter a valid weight unit |
219 | Company code of billing document differs from company code of CDec |
220 | & |
221 | Enter a source CDec number that is different from the current CDec number |
222 | Error in initializing the message log |
223 | Error in displaying the message log |
224 | Enter a valid customs declaration registration date |
225 | Cannot perform calculation; net value length exceeds character limit |
226 | Sum of item amounts exceeds Net Value field character limit in header |
227 | Copying is not possible from this reference object |
228 | Data cannot be saved; press Enter to see error description |
229 | Enter valid Issue Date |
230 | Fill the link to billing document |
231 | Export Confirmation Date should be greater than &1 |
232 | ExpConfDate was changed in header, date in itm &1/sub &2 was not changed |
233 | The errors without comment will not be saved in the register! |
234 | Errors should have the same type! |
235 | Select lines of one type only! |
236 | You are not authorized to confirm errors for company code &1 |
237 | You are not authorized to run transaction &1 |
238 | Please select lines only with Export Type 'EAEU countries' |
239 | Please select lines only with Type 'Missing Entry for Unconfirmed Export' |
240 | Technical Entry for Unconfirmed Export for Billing Doc. &1/&2 not created |
241 | #annot select data: start date of period is later than end date |
242 | Technical Entry for Unconfirmed Export &1 was created |
300 | Secondary event cannot be earlier than export confirmed (&); check dates |
301 | Action canceled by user |
302 | Export operation data has been refreshed |
303 | Cannot create secondary event; event exists for this selection |
304 | Cannot create secondary events; check export event type |
305 | Secondary events were created |
306 | Secondary events were deleted |
307 | Secondary events do not exist for some export operations |
308 | Cannot delete secondary events if tax transfer is posted |
309 | Cannot delete secondary events; check export event type and tax postings |
310 | Secondary event must be created in the current period |
311 | Cannot delete secondary events if subsequent events exist |