JBD_MD - Messages for Market Data API

The following messages are stored in message class JBD_MD: Messages for Market Data API.
It is part of development package JBD_MD in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-AN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Market data".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Exchange rate not found: &1/&2 rate type: &3 date: &4
002No exchange rate found that matches the selection criteria specified
003Reference interest rate not found: &1 date: &2
004Index value not found: &1 index type: &2 date: &3
005No reference interest rate found that matches the selection criteria
006No index value found that matches the selection criteria
007No security price found that matches the selection criteria
008Security price not found: &1 &2 price type: &3 date: &4
009Currency volatility not found: &1 / &2 volatility type: &3 date: &4
010Currency volatility not found: &1 vol. type: &2 date: &3 vol. name: &4
011Interest rate volatility not found: &1 volatility type:&2 date:&3
012Interest rate volatility not found: &1 vol.type:&2 date:&3 vol.name:&4
013Index volatility not found: &1 vol.type:&2 date:&3
014Index volatility not found: &1 vol.type:&2 date:&3 vol.name:&4
015Security volatility not found: &1 vol.type:&2 date:&3
016Security volatility not found: &1 vol.type:&2 date:&3 vol.name:&4
017No currency volatility found that matches the selection criteria
018No interest rate volatility found that matches the selection criteria
019No index volatility found that matches the selection criteria
020No security volatility found that matches the selection criteria
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