JOBREPO - Messages for Job Repository

The following messages are stored in message class JOBREPO: Messages for Job Repository.
It is part of development package STJR in software component BC-CCM-BTC-JR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Technical Job Repository".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Scope-dependent job definitions need further maintenance. See longtext.
001Inactive version for JD &1 exists and please modify inactive version.
002Please select a job definition.
003Error in function "POPUP_TO_CONFIRM"
004Job Definition &2 is already locked by &1.
005Job Definition &1 cannot be locked.
006Inactive version of Job Definition &1 cannot be deleted.
007Job Definition &1 cannot be deleted.
008Job Definition &1 cannot be retrieved.
009Job Definition &1 cannot be saved.
010No authorization to create a technical job definition
011Inactive Object &1 cannot be transported.
012Multi-Instance Job Definitions cannot be customized
013Select a valid line
014Technical Job Definition is currently locked by other user
015Job Definition can't be customized/deactivated because it is not relevant
016No authorization for changing Technical Job Definitions
017Technical Job Definition is event-based. No customizing possible.
018Job Definition cannot be saved because customizing is incomplete
019Job Definition cannot be customized because it is deactivated
020For job activation details please check the application log in SLG1
021with Object: &1
022and External ID: &1
023Size of worklist is &1 at &2 on &3.
024Simulation mode is on for worklist.
025Action mode is scheduling jobs.
026Action mode is unscheduling jobs and force mode is &1.
027Technical Job Definition has been deactivated.
028Technical Job Definition has been reactivated.
029Technical Job Definition has been customized.
030Action cancelled
031Job Definition &1 is customized. Time frequency is changed from &2 to &3.
032Job Definition &1 is deactivated.
033Job Definition &1 is reverted to standard.
034Upgrade is running and no jobs are created or changed by Job Repository.
035Generate job for JD &1 with variant &2. Time frequency is &3.
036Delete job and settings for JD &1 with variant &2.
037This is not a multi-instance job definition
038Job for JD &1 with variant &2, time frequency &3 is not yet generated.
039No Default Stepuser maintained in the current client
040Job &1 is deleted due to obsolete job definition.
041Job &1 is deleted due to obsolete client.
042Customized entries are deleted due to obsolete job definition &1.
043Scope entries are deleted due to obsolete job definition &1.
044No report documentation exists for report &1.
045In client &1, the default step user &2 already exists.
047Step user creation is not allowed in this system configuration.
048Error in function module 'USER_EXISTS'
049User &1 has no SAP_ALL profile assigned.
050Start to generate job &1 for job definition &2.
051Job &1 for job definition &2 is generated.
052Job &1 with count &2 from jd &3 is unscheduled.
053Job &1 with count &2 from jd &3 cannot be unscheduled(&4).
054Start to unschedule job &1 from jd &2.
055Job &1 for job definition &2 with same settings was scheduled already.
057JD &1 is not relevant for client &2.
058Relevance check starts for JD &1.
059Default step user is not given by CLMS_TENANT in S/4HANA Cloud system.
060Background Job &1 exists already and the program compares settings.
061Same name Background Job &1 exists but not with &2 as step 1. Check SM37!
062Background Job &1 exists already but not scheduled by Job Repository.
063Authorization check failed for JD &1.
064Exception(&3) occurred in JOB_OPEN for job &1 with job count &2.
065Exception(&3) occurred in JOB_SUBMIT for job &1 with job count &2.
066Exception(&3) occurred in JOB_CLOSE for job &1 with job count &2.
067JOB_OPEN for job &1 with job count &2 is ok.
068JOB_SUBMIT for job &1 with job count &2 is ok.
069JOB_CLOSE for job &1 with job count &2 is ok.
070Set flag J in TBTCCNTXT meaning job &1(job count &2) from Job Repository.
071Did not find scheduled background job for job definition &2.
072Customizing attributes for JD &1 exist.
073JD &1 is deactivated.Check table STJR_JOBD_CUST.
074Job &1 with job count &2 is only scheduled and not released successfully.
075Technical Job Definition has not been customized in current client
076Report variant &1 is invalid.
077Report and Job Definition are in different packages
078Appending customizing data to transport request failed
079No authorization for creating transport requests. Customizing not saved.
080Attention: Job Terminations will always be ignored (see longtext)
081Job &1 with count &2 and scheduled status is deleted.
082Job &1 with count &2 and scheduled status cannot be deleted(&3).
083Similar job &1 not from Job Repository with job count &2 is deleted.
084Job &1 not from Job Repository with job count &2 cannot be deleted(&3).
085Start to get report variant &2 for multi-instance JD &1.
086JD &1 is not applicable for variant &2 since it is not multi-instance JD.
087Cannot get variant &2 for multi-instance JD &1. Job is not generated.
088Job generation is cancelled due to missing instance for JD &1.
089JD &1 is multi-instance job definition without default instance.
090JD &1 is multi-instance job definition with default instance.
091JD &1 is set to "in scope" (&2~IS_JOBD_IN_SCOPE = TRUE).
092JD &1 is set to "not in scope" (&2~IS_JOBD_IN_SCOPE = FALSE).
093This multi-instance JD is scheduled with default settings (no variants)
094This multi-instance JD has no job instances (see longtext)
095Check current scope for scope dependent JD &1.
096JD &1 is "in scope" according to table STJR_JOBD_SCOPE(Static Scoping).
097JD &1 is "not in scope" according to table STJR_JOBD_SCOPE(Static Scope).
098Apply variant &2 for multi-instance JD &1 to generate job instance.
099Apply default instance for JD &1.
100User cannot be created - no default usergroup defined in table USR_CUST
101New default step user has been created in the current client
102Default step user has been changed in the current client
103The given report variant is not a system variant (see longtext)
104Job Repository has been switched off in current client
105Job Repository has been switched on in current client
106No authorization for changing Job Repository status in this client
107Set Job type to J for job &1(job count &2) failed in TBTCCNTXT.
108Unschedule Job &1(jobcount &2) so that jobrepo flag is only in TBTCCNTXT.
109Package should be &2. Click Change and activate to sync info.
110No changes for client-specific objects allowed in this client
111Changes saved locally without transport request
112The job will be executed even when JobRepo is switched off (see longtext)
113&1 as always run job or cloud technical client job is not unscheduled.
114User &1 is not a system user.
115No authorization to change default step user for SJOBREPO.
116Client &1 specifies a nonexisting Job Repo step user &2 (note 2190119)
117Client &1 specifies a locked Job Repo step user &2 (note 2190119)
118Client &1 uses &2 as step user for Job Repo (note 2190119)
119Client &1 does not specify a step user for Job Repo (note 2190119)
120Solution: create/assign a Job Repo step user in client &1 (note 2664638)
121User &1 is locked.
122JobRepo is set to OFF in current client and only "always run" jobs run.
123User &1 has no SAP_ALL profile assigned (see longtext).
124Enter a username.
125JD &1 is not applicable in technical client in cloud.
126Variant does not exist in this client
127JD &1 is deactivated.Check table STJR_JOBD_CONF.
128JD &1 uses variant &2.Check table STJR_JOBD_CONF.
129JD &1 uses variant &2.Check table STJR_JOBD_LOCL.
130Variants cannot be changed in this system configuration
131Variant has been changed in all clients
132Variant has been changed in current client
133Variant has been removed from Job Definition
134The transaction is not relevant in Cloud Environment
135Enter a user name
136No authority to create/delete Default Stepuser
137Stepuser is removed from Job Repository. Jobs will be unscheduled.
138Target server or group &1 is wished in STJR_JOBD_LOCL.
139Initial scope(changeable via IMG S_YI3_39000188) for JD &1 in on premise
140Temporary tolerance of static scoping for JD &1 when config default ON
141Start to check scope callback class state for JD &1
142Temporary tolerance of static scoping for JD &1 during migration phase
143New change in scoping rule.Please read F1 help of Scope Class field.
144Soft scope migration for JD &1 in on-premise systems
145Generic (DEFAULT) user is used in this Z* or Y* job definition.
146Target Servers cannot be added in this system configuration
147Target group &1 is defined in STJR_JOBD_TARGET.
200SAP_SDM_EXECUTOR_ONLINE_MIGR is deactivated and is not transportable
201Targetserver(group) has been locally added to Job Definition
202Targetservergroup has been added to Job Definition
203Targetservergroup has been removed from the Job Definition
204Targetserver(group) has been locally removed from Job Definition
205Only targetservergroups can be transported
207One of the JDs is not relevant in this client. No stepuser can be added.
208SAP_SDM_EXECUTOR_* jobs must be executed by default stepuser
209Local stepusers cannot be assigned in this system configuration
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