KC - Kostensammler

The following messages are stored in message class KC: Kostensammler.
It is part of development package KACC in software component CO-OM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Cost Accounting: CO Object".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Object number or partner object number missing
002System error: Contact your system adminstrator
003Please mark only one processing mode
004System error: Contact your system adminstrator
005Fiscal year variant & does not exist
006You have no authorization for table &1
007Cost center &1 for fiscal year &2 not found
008Specify the object
009CO object not found
010Object Type & is not completely supported
011Object does not exist
012COArea & / CCtr & do not exist
013COArea & / CCtr & / Act.type & does not exist
014COArea & / DocNo & do not exist
015CO object type & is not supported
016Document & does not exist
017Error during update ('&': SY-SUBRC = &)
018CO object not found
019CO object not found
020System error (invalid View name)
021Number of periods must be greater than 0
022System error (& & & &)
023User & is locking COKA record &
024Function not allowed
025Please convert CO data first
026Please convert standard factor data first
027User & has locked COKL record &
028This is not the logical system of controlling area &
029Error occurs in K_OBJECTS_MASTER_READ
030Validation of CO objects against master data found errors
031Processing terminated
032Error: FB K_VRGNG_CLASSIFY does not recognize transaction &
033Wrong object in K_OBJECTS_MASTER_READ
034Other error in K_OBJECTS_MASTER_READ
035Select the data you want to send
036No period interval specified
037Segment &1 in IDOC inbox not supported for &2
038Logical system for &1 inconsistent
039& is not assigned to a logical system
040You are not authorized to perform this function
041"&" not allowed for &
042IDOC does not contain a valid object number (segment E1COOBJ)
043Totals records for & must not be overwritten
044>>> & was called up with incorrect session <<<
045System error: Contact your system adminstrator
046"&1" is not allowed for &2
047Field &1 is not used for the selection (module &2)
048"Plan values" indicator not poss. for ALE method "Centralized planning"
049Totals records can only be sent in decentralized systems
050********** COKA Processing **********
051Internal error: Entry in COKA-Buffer not found
052No activity types found for the cost centers
060more OBJNR fields
061invalid cursor position
062SQL_FORM could not be generated
063SQL_FORM cannot be executed
064View $ already exists in database
080You are not in the logical system for master data maintenance
090IDoc inconsistent (COAr doc. header &1 does not equal COAr line item &2)
100No CO-document number assignment (CO area &, activity &)
101CO-doc. number assignment not possible for bus.trans. &2 in CO area &1
102Number interval for transaction & in CO area & is exhausted
103Number interval for transaction & in CO area & almost exhausted
150Carry out conversion in the background. Test runs also possible online.
200Network number is missing; do not transfer transaction number alone.
201Transfer one receiver object only.
202Transfer one receiver object only.
203No external data transfer to statistical CO objects.
204Post & by cost element or with settlement cost element category &.
205No settlement of fixed amounts with cost element category &.
206The amount and quantity may not both equal 0 simultaneously.
207Include the unit of measure in the transfer.
208The currency could not be found in table TCURC.
209The unit of measure could not be found in table T006.
211No fixed/variable division possible for primary costs.
213Set the delete indicator either to "X" or to " ".
214Internal (PSPNR) and external (POSID) WBS numbers are inconsistent.
215Set the test indicator either to "X" or to " ".
216Cost element category & not valid for settlement.
217Costs were transferred successfully.
218All costs using transaction KAFD were deleted.
219No revenues allowed for networks.
250Item &1 does not exist in document &2
251System error, contact system administrator - no parked document
252System error, contact system administrator - ALE is active
300* General Error Messages
301Generation report is obsolete. Do not use!
302Period & is not included in the fiscal year variant
303COKEY inconsistent: &1
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