KEIX - ECP in Several Plan Versions

The following messages are stored in message class KEIX: ECP in Several Plan Versions.
It is part of development package CNECP in software component PS-COS-PLN-CAL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PS: Easy Cost Planning in Multiple Plan Versions".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & & &
001For "&1" select exactly one row
002Select the versions to be deleted
003Default version for Easy Cost Planning is not maintained
004No Easy Cost Planning can be created in version &1
005Version &1 for &2 already exists
006Costing variant &1 is not allowed for Easy Cost Planning
007Enter a version
008Enter a costing variant
009Version &1 for &2 is locked by user &3
010At least one object could not be locked
011There is no version &2 for &1
012The version &1 already exists and was read
013For "&1" select at least one row
014A costing has not been created yet for &1 in version &2
015Version &1 is locked
016The target version must be different from the source version
017You do not have sufficient authorization
018You do not have authorization for &1 of costing for &2
019Messages were issued for &1 of version &2
020&1, version &2: ECP is not allowed for plan-integrated objects
021Enter a source version
022Enter a target version
023Source version and target version must be different
024Version &1 does not exist or is not allowed for ECP
025Proj. or proj. branch does not contain any/non-calculable plan. elements
026&1, version &2: unit costing already exists
027ECP is already active in multiple plan versions
028You deleted version &1. Save first
029Easy Cost Planning already exists for &1 in version &2
030Easy Cost Planning is not active in multiple plan versions
031A(n) &1 occurred when copying Easy Cost Planning
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