KEN_01 - Auf Frontend-PCs erzeugte Meldungen

The following messages are stored in message class KEN_01: Auf Frontend-PCs erzeugte Meldungen.
It is part of development package SIWB in software component KM-KW. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Information Workbench".
Message Nr
Message Text
010Unknown link syntax in source=&1
011Link "&1" to target=&2 was deleted
012Missing where-used-list in source=&1
013Link "&1" to secondary topic was deleted
014Link "&1" to external topic was deleted
015Templates for release "&1" not installed
016Link contains invalid characters ("&1")
017Missing link parameter (Parameter=&1, target=&2)
018No HTML found (Object=&1)
019ID in technical name not unique (ID=&1)
020Error in structure (SLoio=&1, Loio=&2)
021Entry "&1" deleted from structure (Loio=&2)
022Structure is a non-production structure (ID=&1)
023Folder is a non-production folder (ID=&1)
024"&1" could not be deleted
025"&1" could not be copied to "&2"
026"&1" could not be opened for writing
027"&1" could not be opened for reading
028Unknown link "&1"
029More than one HTML found (Object=&1)
030Internal link "&1"
031No contents found (object=&1)
032No template files available for enhancement release "&1"
033No template files available for standard release "&1"
034Template file "&1" was not found
035Template file was used from "&1"
040Link "&1" does not conform to KW convention: Remove class "&2" LOIO "&3"
041Link "&1" class "&2" and LOIO "&3" not referenced in current export
042Error when creating folder - function "createFolders" failed
043Error when copying template - "copyTempFilesIntoGenFolder" failed
044Error when copying the result - method "move" failed
045Error when creating zip file for object - file name "&1"
046Erro when creating CHM file for object - file name "&1"
047Error when creating KW link: "&1"
048Error in link: Attribute "&2" is missing in link "&1"
049Error in link: URL is "&1"
050Text for locate button could not be created
051Structure of HTML file is incorrect - "&1" was missing/error fixed
052Error in structure of HTML file; "&1" is missing
053Error when parsing structure - error message: "&1"
054Error when parsing object - error message: "&1"
055Error when creating redirect file for LOIO "&1"
056Error when creating plain data and tree data: Error message "&1"
057Error when copying file: "&1"
058Error when creating frameset file; error message "&V1"
059No image description exists for key "&1"
060Error when creating file "&1" for the current structure
061Info object parsed for the second time - this time successfully
200Too many objects (&2); select a maximum of &1 info object(s)
201Processing procedure &1 &2 was canceled prematurely
202No selection criteria defined for copy action &1
203Parameter &2 required for the processing is missing
204Selection critera are defined for copy option &1
205Attribute &1 with value &2 found (class &3)
206Info object &1 is a structure and can therefore NOT be copied
207Physical object &1 &2 with attribute &3 &4 will not be copied
208Folder &1 selected as &2 for copy operation
209Physical object &1 created as a copy of &2 (class &3)
210Info object &1 created as a copy of &2 (class &3)
211Operation to copy object &1 &2 has ended with an error (error code: &3)
212Technical error: Function &1 canceled due to error (error code: &2)
213Object &1 (class &2) deleted
214Object &1 (class &2) could not be deleted (error code: &3)
215Deletion operation canceled due to error (&1, &2)
216Object &1 (class &2): Deletion of relationships canceled due to error
217Selection not permitted; target and source context are identical
218Target context: language = &1, release = &2, ctry/reg = &3, industry = &4
219Physical object &1 with relation &2 copied according to user's decision
220Different original language in source and target context (&2 / &4)
221Phys.object &1 &2 in target context with attribute &3 (value &4) selected
222Physical object &1 &2 copied according to user's decision
223Relationship &1 established to object &2 &3
224Attribute &1 set with value &2
225Resolution &1 does not return a (unique) reference object
226&1 could not be established
227&1 not required, and therefore not established
228&1 objects (category: &2) selected for copying
229&1 &2 &3 &4 selected
230Physical object &1 &2 selected in target context
231Original language is not unique in source context
232Data is inconsistent; missing folder entries for &1 &2
233Info object &1 is checked out, and therefore CANNOT be copied
234No version exists in the current context that can be copied
235Target context has no version in the original language
236Copy not possible; info object &1 has versions in the SAP namespace
237Not possible to copy to SAP context; select a customer context
300File Name: '&1&2&3&4'
301Source Path: '&1&2&3&4'
302&1 IOs checked in (&2 files in full, &3 partly, &4 not checked in)
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