KH - Ergebnisrechnung: Berichtswesen
The following messages are stored in message class KH: Ergebnisrechnung: Berichtswesen.
It is part of development package KE in software component CO-PA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Profitability Analysis".
It is part of development package KE in software component CO-PA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Profitability Analysis".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | <<<<<<<<<<<<< Reserved for CO-PA Information System >>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
001 | Check entry |
002 | The combination * X is not allowed |
003 | Table of characteristics/value fields could not be created |
004 | No elements exist in Table T237 for this key figure scheme |
005 | Key figure scheme does not exist in the key figure scheme table T239 |
006 | Report "&" was saved |
007 | Select one function |
008 | Position cursor on a characteristic field |
009 | Function & selected (position cursor on a value column) |
010 | Function & selected (position cursor on a column) |
011 | Function & selected (position cursor on a header field) |
012 | You selected the function "&". The characteristic cannot be summarized. |
013 | Report & exists -> choose another name |
014 | Report & does not exist (refer to long text) |
015 | Report & exists -> select "Change report" |
016 | Report & does not exist -> select "Create report" |
017 | Report & has been deleted |
018 | Do not select a report type when you copy an existing report |
019 | Report data & was deleted |
020 | Position cursor on a report type |
021 | Line-item file & is not in the Data Dictionary |
022 | Entry & is already contained in Table & |
023 | Table & is full |
024 | Maintain the ABAP/4 Dictionary for view "&" |
025 | Check view maintenance function for view "&" and action "&" |
026 | Enter control data in full |
027 | Choose at least one characteristic |
028 | Choose at least one key figure |
029 | Key figure scheme & was created or changed and must be saved |
030 | Key figure scheme & is used in report & -> delete the report |
031 | Element cannot be changed because report data is dependent on it |
032 | Element cannot be changed because report definitions are dependent on it |
033 | The From-period is greater than the To-period |
034 | Report & is being run |
035 | No print parameters were entered |
036 | Key figure & is not defined correctly -> check definition |
037 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
038 | Report is defined incorrectly (empty selection) |
039 | Translate text elements for Program & |
040 | Enter the number of blank lines |
041 | Enter character to be used for underscore |
042 | Report & is defined incorrectly (empty selection) |
043 | Variable combination already exists |
044 | No entries exist for report & and variable group & |
045 | Sort number & is not allowed (only numbers 1 to 990) |
046 | Error copying SAP-GUI interface pr. & |
047 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
048 | Position the cursor on a row and then choose the function "&" again |
049 | Error deleting SAP-GUI interface pr. & |
050 | Error reading cluster table COIX for report & (ID=&) |
051 | Report & was saved with data |
052 | The display parameters for report & were saved |
053 | The sort parameters for report & were saved |
054 | Report "&" was saved |
055 | Function & selected (miscellaneous line cannot be shown in detail) |
056 | Function & selected (result line cannot be shown in detail) |
057 | Key figure & has not been defined yet |
058 | Increase the size of the window |
059 | Variable group & saved |
060 | The report width has been changed to fit the window |
061 | The report is sorted in ascending order for & & |
062 | The report is sorted in descending order for & & |
063 | The report shows the & largest profitability segments for & & |
064 | The report shows the & smallest profitability segments for & & |
065 | & & accounts for &% of the total |
066 | Report & generated |
067 | Display condition for this level was deleted |
068 | Report contains rows where & & & & |
069 | The data has been summarized for the characteristic "&" |
070 | Column & has been deactivated |
071 | Entry & & & & & & does not exist |
072 | Column "&" was deleted |
073 | Key figure & has been deleted (no longer used) |
074 | The report hierarchy was changed |
075 | The column/key figure sequence has been changed |
076 | Report broken down by "&" |
077 | The number format for value columns was changed |
078 | The print setup was changed |
079 | The number format for quota columns was changed |
080 | The number format for quantity columns was changed |
081 | Quantity columns are displayed in & |
082 | Background processing schedules for report & were deleted |
083 | Function can be executed in the background |
084 | The number format for column & & was changed |
085 | & & is displayed in & |
086 | No zero values are displayed |
087 | Zero values are displayed |
088 | Spool order created for complete report (number &) |
089 | Spool order created for one logical page (number &) |
090 | The original display parameters have been reloaded |
091 | You cannot select this function |
092 | Report & has been saved |
093 | Report & has been imported |
094 | Report & has been converted |
095 | All reports for operating concern & have been converted |
096 | All drill-down reports have been converted |
097 | The drill-down reports you have selected have been converted |
098 | The selected reports have been converted |
099 | Data for report & has been deleted |
100 | Report & has already been converted |
101 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
102 | Form & uses the deleted key figure & & |
103 | In basic reports, only 96 key figures can be processed |
104 | In user-defined reports, only 24 key figures can be processed |
105 | Enter a variant for report & |
106 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
107 | Key figure (&) no longer exists and will be deleted from the report |
108 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
109 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
110 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
111 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
112 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
113 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
114 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
115 | No further processing (incorrect report definition & &) |
116 | No further processing (incorrect report definition & &) |
117 | No further processing (incorrect report definition &) |
118 | No further processing (error accessing data dictionary) |
119 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
120 | Column & deactivated because dependent columns exist |
121 | Function & not allowed here |
122 | No actual line items exist for this row |
123 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
124 | You cannot execute the function & |
125 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
126 | The last column cannot be deactivated or deleted |
127 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
128 | Not used 15/2/94 |
129 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
130 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
131 | Reports & to & were deleted |
132 | Do not read data from COIX and save it again in COIX |
133 | Select either "Print" or "Save" |
134 | Specify list type (1 = overview, 2 = detail) |
135 | Key figure & contains an unknown operation -> check definition |
136 | & was chosen. No key figure information exists for this field |
137 | Choose "Print", "Save", or "Check exceptions" |
138 | Report portfolio reports can only be updated |
139 | Vertical lines activated |
140 | Vertical lines deactivated |
141 | Factor line displayed |
142 | Factor line not displayed |
143 | Value format displayed |
144 | Original format of characteristic values was reloaded |
145 | All characteristic values are displayed with & |
146 | & display for characteristic & |
147 | Report & cannot be saved as it is currently locked by & |
148 | Report & cannot be deleted as it is currently locked by & |
149 | Variable & is displayed |
150 | Variable & is not displayed |
151 | Variable & has not yet been created. |
152 | The SAP title page was activated for the printout |
153 | The SAP title page was deactivated for the printout |
154 | Enter a unique sequence number |
155 | Error occurred while fixed values were being read from & & |
156 | Remove number & |
157 | Convert the aspect & first |
158 | Report & has not been generated -> Generate |
159 | Report & does not contain any variables specified when it was started |
160 | Variable group & & & does not exist |
161 | Variant & does not exist for report & |
162 | Select the "Print" option |
163 | Start the program from the application menu |
164 | Not all columns are displayed. |
165 | You do not have authorization for Transaction &. |
166 | Summarization data for & and variable group & was actualized |
167 | Report data for & and variable group & retrieved |
168 | Summarization data for & and variable group & retrieved |
169 | Report data for & saved |
170 | Carry out the XPRA & ( & & &) |
171 | Read modes 3, 4 and 5 are only allowed when printing |
172 | & could not be filled everywhere on this list. |
173 | Aggregated list output is active |
174 | Program & for transferring data to SAP-EIS was created or changed |
175 | First delete the relevant EIS transfer report |
176 | & data records were transferred to SAP-EIS |
177 | The data transfer program & was reset |
178 | Hierarchy & is not unique |
179 | Processing was terminated. |
180 | Data transfer to SAP-EIS is only possible with basic reports |
181 | Mandatory field & was not set (Program error) |
182 | Enter either a hierarchy node or values for "&1" |
183 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
184 | The cumulative list display for characteristic & was deactivated |
185 | Form & has too many columns |
186 | Hierarch &2 &3 does not exist for characteristic &1 |
187 | Your authorization does not allow any of the following transactions. |
188 | Internal error in E18_CHANGE_HIERARCHY. |
189 | Internal error: transaction cannot be called. |
190 | Key figure & is not defined correctly -> check definition |
191 | Form & is not defined correctly |
192 | Report & is not defined correctly -> check definition |
193 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
194 | For &, the dictionary buffer has been deleted |
195 | For &, the dictionary buffer was already active |
196 | For &, the dictionary buffer has been reset |
197 | For &, the dictionary buffer has been deactivated |
198 | For &, the dictionary buffer has been activated |
199 | Key figure & is not defined correctly -> check definition |
200 | Error in RECH. Field & not found |
201 | Report & cannot be saved. Table & is empty |
202 | 'EXCL' not supported |
203 | & Not Supported |
204 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
205 | Key figure scheme & contains errors -> check definition |
206 | Element &1 &2 is not defined correctly -> check definition |
207 | Key figure scheme & contains errors -> check definition |
208 | Key figure scheme & contains errors -> check definition |
209 | Key figure scheme & contains errors -> check definition |
210 | Key figure scheme & contains errors -> check definition |
211 | Key figure scheme & contains errors -> check definition |
212 | Key figure & is not defined correctly -> check definition |
213 | Key figure & is not defined correctly -> check definition |
214 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
215 | Convert the reports & using Transaction & |
216 | The data dictionary version has been updated |
217 | Report & does not exist |
218 | The comment for report & could not be maintained |
219 | The comment for characteristic & could not be maintained |
220 | The comment for characteristic value & could not be maintained |
221 | The comment for key figure & could not be maintained |
222 | No comment exists for report & |
223 | No comment exists for characteristic & |
224 | No comment exists for & & |
225 | No comment exists for key figure & |
226 | No comment is used with field & |
227 | You have reached the end of the higher-level list |
228 | You have reached the beginning of the higher-level list |
229 | The current report has been transferred to the portfolio with name & |
230 | Screen sequence & has been copied to the report portfolio |
231 | Please limit the report to less than & rows |
232 | Please limit the report to less than & columns |
233 | Previous characteristic value (characteristic &) |
234 | Next characteristic value (characteristic &) |
235 | Basic list |
236 | Back |
237 | Detail |
238 | The current page has been sent |
239 | You cannot display report & on the screen |
240 | No document exists for the selected field "&" |
241 | No document available for & & |
242 | Column "& &" was translated into & |
243 | Curr.-dep. columns were converted into & |
244 | Comments exist for the inverse fields |
245 | Graphics cannot be displayed because all values are 0 |
246 | Documents exist for the inverse fields |
247 | Version & cannot be converted |
248 | Overview |
249 | Position cursor on report text |
250 | Col.& & and any dependent ones were converted into & |
251 | Variable from-currency is not allowed for sender program & |
252 | Curr. translation using a daily rate is not allowed for sender program & |
253 | Form & is not defined correctly |
254 | Currency translation using a daily rate is not allowed for & & |
255 | No comments exist |
256 | No documents exist |
257 | Form & is not defined correctly |
258 | Form & is not defined correctly |
259 | All exceptions were deleted. |
260 | Report &V1 cannot be copied to another report |
261 | The exceptions can only be checked in report portfolio reports (01) |
262 | You cannot check exceptions and print at the same time |
263 | An error was found in form & |
264 | An error was found in key figure scheme & |
265 | No further processing possible (error in &) |
266 | The line containing the report text has been activated |
267 | The line containing the report text has been deactivated |
268 | Key figure & is not defined correctly -> check definition |
269 | All types are displayed |
270 | Only the types & & & & are displayed |
271 | Form & was changed. Regenerate SAP-EIS transfer |
272 | Position the cursor on "from" or "to" |
273 | This number format is allowed |
274 | This number format is not allowed -> enter another |
275 | The number format was reset |
276 | Fill all required entry fields: "&1" is a mandatory variable |
277 | The number format for value columns was changed |
278 | The special period entered as the "Period/year" value is not permitted |
279 | The selected hierarchy cannot be displayed |
280 | Layout information has been saved |
281 | Application & was reorganized |
282 | Internal error: change to global variables cannot be checked |
283 | longer used....................... 3.0 |
284 | The original currency has been reloaded |
285 | longer used...................... 3.0 |
286 | The report uses the global variable &, which has been deleted |
287 | The form used for this report contains the deleted variable & |
288 | Characteristic & is no longer in the field catalog and will be deleted |
289 | Key figure & is no longer in the field catalog and will be deleted |
290 | Maintain currency tables TCURn |
291 | Translation rate does not exist -> maintain currency tables TCURn |
292 | Currency translation key & has not yet been defined |
293 | longer used........................... 3.0 |
294 | Currency translation key & is not allowed |
295 | Currency translation for column & & is not possible |
296 | Field & has no master data |
297 | Field & is not a characteristic |
298 | Key figure scheme & was deleted from the field catalog |
299 | RAISE & & & & (internal error) |
300 | The form definition does not allow assignment of a key figure |
301 | The number format for price columns was changed |
302 | The number format for counter columns was changed |
303 | The number format for other columns was changed |
304 | The page break was deleted -> please reset |
305 | Report will be converted automatically! -> see long text |
306 | The external data transfer program needs to be regenerated |
307 | The report cannot be converted because form & does not exist |
308 | Execute conversion routine (XPRA) & for form & first. |
309 | &1 &2 can no longer be used because &3 was changed |
310 | Currency translation key & is not allowed here |
311 | Two translation keys using a daily rate are already active |
312 | Currency translation key & is not allowed here |
313 | Date fields & and & are inconsistent |
314 | Variable currency translation key & is not allowed here |
315 | You cannot translate the currency for calculated key figure & & |
316 | The time reference chosen is not allowed here |
317 | Formula entries missing for elements of the key figure scheme |
318 | The variable for characteristic &1 needs to be changed |
319 | XPRA & was executed |
320 | Selected sort order for characteristics is not allowed |
321 | This sort order for characteristics requires a different level of detail |
322 | Display with &1 for type &2 |
323 | Quantities and values are displayed as percentages |
324 | Percentage display was deactivated |
325 | Spool request was created for the displayed columns (number &) |
326 | Report &1 cannot be used to transfer data to SAP-EIS |
327 | This function is only supported for reports without saved data |
328 | Transfer to MS Word was activated for graphics |
329 | Transfer to MS Word was deactivated for graphics |
330 | Place cursor on one of the lead columns |
331 | No further & |
332 | The focus was taken back |
333 | The focus was set |
334 | "Set focus" is not supported for this line |
335 | You cannot use "Undo focus" for this level |
336 | Key figure scheme & contains errors -> check definition |
337 | You cannot maintain variants for the application & |
338 | Different currencies or quantities are added together in element & & |
339 | Lock problem: Report &2 was not generated |
340 | Key figure schemes can only be used in costing-based Profit. Analysis |
341 | "Display Line Items" is possible only in costing-based Profit. Analysis |
342 | Key figure scheme & lies within the reserved name range (7_ to 8_) |
343 | Select either plan data or actual data |
344 | List is sorted in descending order by & & |
345 | List is sorted in ascending order by & & |
346 | List is sorted in descending order by & & |
347 | List is sorted in ascending order by & & |
348 | Enter a number between 01 and 990 |
349 | You cannot change the choice of hierarchy for characteristic "&1" |
350 | Report &1 needs to be changed -> see long text |
351 | Rule number & is not valid |
352 | Value column & does not exist |
353 | Change report &1 before executing (compound characteristics) |
354 | & is not a valid operator |
355 | Data mining method & already exists |
356 | Data mining method does not exist |
357 | & is already locked |
358 | System error locking & |
359 | & cannot be modified |
360 | Data mining method & was saved |
361 | Key figure & does not exist in report & |
362 | Data mining method & was deleted |
363 | Data mining method & could not be deleted |
364 | Formula variable & is used internally |
365 | The analysis result was deleted |
366 | No analysis results exist |
367 | The analysis result was saved |
368 | Choose a valid line |
369 | The data mining result was deleted |
370 | No exceptions were found |
371 | No other row was selected on the previous list |
372 | You have reached the first select row of the previous list |
373 | Choose only one line |
374 | Analysis result could not be saved |
375 | Analysis result could not be deleted |
376 | Set print setup to "print row by row" |
377 | New hierarchies have been created for characteristic "&" |
378 | New hierarchies have been created for characteristic "&" |
379 | Change report &2 before executing |
380 | Report &1 does not exist in the report portfolio in aspect &2 |
381 | Drilldown report & does not exist |
382 | You cannot print summar. data and rebuild the report at the same time |
383 | The exceptions were checked (report &1, variant &2) |
384 | Key figures/columns have been activated or deactivated |
385 | This function is not supported for report &1 |
386 | Graphic cannot be displayed |
387 | Export function cannot be executed |
388 | Display of totals row: & |
389 | Totals row cannot be displayed for characteristic & |
390 | Report & was not defined correctly |
391 | Form & was not defined correctly |
392 | & & & & |
393 | An error occurred while the system was reading the currency or unit |
394 | Currency &3 does not exist |
395 | The unit does not exist |
396 | You cannot scroll at this level |
397 | First &1 |
398 | Last &1 |
399 | Selection is not possible in this level |
400 | Report & transferred to XXL |
401 | Current page transferred to XXL |
402 | File & could not be opened for download of report & |
403 | File & could not be opened for download of page |
404 | Report & could not be written to file & |
405 | Current page could not be written to file & |
406 | The presentation server does not function in Windows |
407 | XXL not correctly installed |
408 | Transfer to XXL could not be executed |
409 | Number of entries in data tables not correct |
410 | Number of entries in semantic tables not correct |
411 | No. of entries in table with characteristics is not correct |
412 | Table of columns is not correct |
413 | The semantic table is incorrect |
414 | Limits for output of data table not valid |
415 | File already exists |
416 | Function module 'WS_QUERY' accessed using incorrect parameter |
417 | No authorization to use report monitor |
418 | Enter both columns for trend components |
419 | Choose at least two columns for segmentation |
420 | Column number does not exist |
421 | Only 175 objects imported for portfolio graphics |
422 | A list of possible entries does not exist |
423 | Entry is not allowed |
424 | Value lies outside allowed range |
425 | Entry already exists -> save |
426 | Entry does not exist -> create |
427 | You cannot display a single portfolio object |
428 | Transfer to Excel not possible -- too many columns |
429 | Transfer to Excel not possible -- too much data |
430 | The report data is not divided by period or year |
431 | Do not display more than & header lines |
432 | Scrolled to &1 &2 &3 |
433 | The transfer to XXL was canceled |
434 | Do not place cursor on a calculated element |
435 | "Print report" chosen -> specify a list type and reading method |
436 | Specify a valid read mode (use the possible entries function) |
437 | User-defined functions can only be used alone |
438 | The "optimal column width" was chosen for the report printout |
439 | The columns will be printed with the "set" width |
440 | The column width for the printout of the drill-down list was reset |
441 | The column width of & & for the printout of the drill-down list changed |
442 | The print preview was terminated after & seconds |
443 | Different aggregation types are added in &1 |
444 | You have clicked on a hotspot -> see long text |
445 | Breakdown by &1 not possible |
446 | Report &1 could not be split |
447 | Report &1 was split |
448 | You cannot double-click the detail list or use the standard drilldown |
449 | No number is available for a currency translation type |
450 | The sender characteristic is the same as the receiver characteristic (&) |
451 | & is not a valid condition for elimination |
452 | Key figure & is not suited for elimination |
453 | The sender and receiver characteristics must have the same domain (&, &) |
454 | & is not unique |
455 | Sender field & can only be used with one receiver field |
456 | You cannot switch hierarchies |
457 | Form &1 is too large |
458 | Key figure &1 is incorrect |
459 | You cannot switch hierarchies |
460 | The report was not defined correctly |
461 | Report & cannot be generated |
462 | Key figure & does not exist or is a basic key figure |
463 | Key figure &1 was not defined correctly |
464 | Elimination was not defined correctly |
465 | & does not have any hierarchies -> elimination is not defined correctly |
466 | System cannot replace the variable & & |
467 | Level &1 was set |
468 | Level was removed |
469 | "Set level" is not supported for this row |
470 | +/- sign displayed as: & |
471 | Key figure &1 was not defined correctly |
472 | Sections in hierarchies of subordinate characteristics were deleted |
473 | Table & not found |
474 | Field &1 not found in table &2 |
475 | Report is displayed in the original currency |
476 | Report has changed and therefore cannot be executed |
477 | Report has changed and therefore cannot be executed |
478 | &1 are not allowed here because &2 has not been specified |
479 | Variable &1 is not defined correctly |
480 | Form & is not defined correctly |
481 | Error reading cluster table COIX_DATA40 for report &1 |
482 | Variant & does not exist for report & |
483 | Variant & & & does not exist |
484 | No job was scheduled |
485 | Reports will be regenerated automatically the next time they are executed |
486 | The data for characteristic &1 does not exist in the hierarchy &2 &3 |
487 | Report & is not defined correctly -> check definition |
488 | Global variable &1 has been deleted |
489 | The selected variant groups do not contain any entries |
490 | A hierarchy is required for aggregation rules NHA and NGA |
491 | Node is not allowed here |
492 | Global variable &1 is not defined correctly |
493 | No comment exists for variant & |
494 | No technical information exists for report "&" |
495 | No comment exists for variant & |
496 | This function cannot be performed |
497 | "Read for each navigation step" not allowed with internal business elim. |
498 | "Select step by step" cannot be used with warning or error message |
499 | You cannot execute this report -> see long text |
500 | 500-599 Reserved for structure maintenance |
501 | & & already exists |
502 | & & does not exist |
503 | User & is already processing & & |
504 | Internal error in lock for & |
505 | Choose a type |
506 | Enter one structure type only |
507 | Error reading data base structure & |
508 | Data base structure & contains no suitable fields |
509 | Element & cannot be defined |
510 | Element cannot be defined: no characteristics exist |
511 | Internal error: Field could not be interpreted |
512 | Element "&" was created or changed |
513 | Element & was copied |
514 | The text for the element "&" was changed |
515 | The lead column has been added or changed |
516 | All the values of the characteristic "&" were inserted |
517 | The display length was changed |
518 | The selected elements were deleted |
519 | Element & has been deleted |
520 | Position the cursor on an element |
521 | & & was saved |
522 | Element could not be defined -> position cursor |
523 | Element cannot be copied here -> position cursor |
524 | Element cannot be copied here -> position cursor |
525 | Element cannot be created here -> Position cursor |
526 | Characteristic value & does not exist -> enter another value |
527 | The system cannot display possible entries for & |
528 | Make an entry in all fields where required |
529 | Entry is not allowed |
530 | Choose one entry only |
531 | Choose at least one entry |
532 | Choose one entry only |
533 | Minimum length: & |
534 | Moving field(s) not possible, since overlapping may occur |
535 | "To" value must be greater or equal to "From" value |
536 | Period does not exist -> reduce period value |
537 | Selected area cannot be moved to this position |
538 | "From" period too great for "From" fiscal year (or period is blank) |
539 | "To" period too is great for "From" fiscal year (or period is blank) |
540 | "From" period is too great for "To" fiscal year (or period is blank) |
541 | Period "To" is too great for "To" fiscal year (or period is blank) |
542 | Lead column has not been defined -> you cannot save |
543 | No columns have been defined -> you cannot save |
544 | No rows have been defined -> you cannot save |
545 | No rows have been defined -> you cannot save |
546 | A parameter entry is not valid for value fields |
547 | A parameter entry is not valid for elements of a key figure scheme |
548 | A parameter entry is not valid for key figures |
549 | Maximum length: & |
550 | You have no authorization for & & |
551 | You cannot delete, because element & is dependent |
552 | Define all elements (cells) which are marked with "?" |
553 | Text field cannot be moved here, since overlaps can occur |
554 | Calculated form elements were converted |
555 | Conversion of EIS form for comparison reports complete |
556 | SAP-EIS comparison reports could not be converted |
557 | CO-PA forms for comparison reports were converted |
558 | CO-PA comparison reports could not be converted |
559 | Parameter entries are not allowed in planning |
560 | Period 000 is not allowed -> Enter a period value |
561 | Function module group SAPLKEAT was regenerated |
562 | You cannot enter a color for underscores |
563 | No parameters have been defined yet |
564 | Parameters changed |
565 | No local variables have been defined yet |
566 | Version set to & as required by set/get parameter |
567 | Version set to & as the default |
568 | You cannot enter more than one single value for value fields |
569 | You cannot enter several values for an element of the key figure scheme |
570 | You cannot enter more than one single value for key figures |
571 | There are no hidden elements |
572 | Element has not been defined -> text cannot be changed |
573 | Position cursor on a valid element |
574 | No special cells exist |
575 | Mandatory entry not made in field & -> make an entry |
576 | Enter either a set or an interval |
577 | You cannot enter more than one single value for sets |
578 | Enter a set, a single value or an interval |
579 | Enter a single value or an interval |
580 | You cannot deselect the cell |
581 | Insufficient space on current page -> moving not possible |
582 | Element & requires selection & -> change |
583 | & must be specified -> Add in general data selections or rows/columns |
584 | Report & was saved in report group & |
585 | Coversion to RW format failed -> error saving report |
586 | Error saving report group |
587 | Possible entries can only be displayed after you have entered field $ |
588 | For field &, variable & does not exist |
589 | Variable & for field & is a set variable |
590 | Variable & for field & is not a set variable |
591 | You cannot use the predefined column here |
592 | Field & must be on the same axis as field & or in general data selection |
593 | Report & already exists |
594 | Position cursor on move position |
595 | Field & is already being used elsewhere |
596 | Report & deleted manually |
597 | The general data selections were changed |
598 | The general data selections were deleted |
599 | Key figures cannot be deleted |
600 | <<< Object level to 699>>> |
601 | Field & is not contained in the field catalog |
602 | Characteristic group & does not exist -> enter another characteristic grp |
603 | Aggregation over periods is not allowed for the characteristic "&1" |
604 | Aggregation over time is not possible for special periods |
605 | The number format of "&1" "&2" was changed -> exceptions, see long text |
606 | Subtotal and remainder display: &1 |
607 | No selection option can be created for field "&1" |
608 | First activate operating concern &1 |
609 | No where-used list could be generated for report &1 |
610 | First enter the operating concern |
611 | Access to check and read routines generated |
612 | You must select a hierarchy for the characteristic &1 |
613 | Attribute "&1" no longer exists in the field catalog and will be deleted |
614 | No function can be called up |
615 | Cannot transfer to SAP List Viewer (too many columns) |
616 | Report transfer to SAP List Viewer was canceled |
617 | The function cannot be executed for this report |
618 | Function is only permitted with a uniform currency or unit of measure |
619 | First change the presummarization of the report "&1". |
620 | Percentage shares were not determined for all columns |
621 | Zero suppression with more than 80 columns is not possible here |
622 | The elimination of internal business volume is not permitted in this way |
623 | First delete the relevant EIS transfer report |
624 | No selection option can be created for field "&1" |
625 | Characteristic "&1" is not currently maintained in table "&2" |
626 | Characteristic "&1" is not currently maintained in application class "&2" |
627 | Field &1 must be unique. Selection options are therefore not permitted |
628 | A unique characteristic value must be specified for field &1 |
629 | Check the definition of formula "&1" (see long text) |
630 | Variable &1 must be unique. Selection options are not permitted |
631 | There are no values or only inconsistent values in the selected column |
632 | Frozen data for report & deleted |
633 | Lock on frozen data currently not possible |
700 | <<< Authorization to 799 >>> |
701 | You have no authorization to read the desired data |
702 | You have no authorization to read this data |
703 | First letter of authorization object must be "Y" or "Z" |
704 | Authorization object does not exist -> choose another |
705 | Authorization object is used in another application or another client |
706 | Only the first 10 fields will be transferred |
707 | Authorization object could not be entered in the system table |
708 | Text for authorization object was not changed |
709 | Text for authorization object was not entered |
710 | Class for authorization object was not entered |
711 | Authorization object was not changed in the system table |
712 | Authorization object was not changed in the administration table |
713 | Authorization object was not entered in the administration table |
714 | Authorization object was created |
715 | Authorization object was not deleted from the system table |
716 | Text for authorization object was not deleted |
717 | Class for authorization object was not deleted |
718 | Authorization object was not deleted from the administration table |
719 | Authorization object was deleted |
720 | Field & not found in field table (internal tables contain errors) |
721 | "Authorization fields: Customer" is not active -> activate |
722 | "Authorization fields: Customer" is not active -> activate |
723 | "Authorization fields: Customer" could not be read |
724 | Data element & is not active -> activate |
725 | Domain & is not active -> activate |
726 | "Authorization fields: Customer" could not be changed |
727 | Authorization object was changed |
728 | No field exists in structure "Authorization fields" for field & |
729 | Authorizations still exist for object -> display only |
730 | You are not authorized to create authorization objects |
731 | You are not authorized to create authorization objects |
732 | You are not authorized to create authorization objects |
733 | You are not authorized to change the profit center group in COAr & |
734 | You are not authorized to display the profit center group in COAr & |
735 | You are not authorized to create the profit center group in COAr & |
736 | You are not authorized to delete the profit center group in COAr & |
737 | Technical error & in authorization check for object & |
738 | You have no authorization for object &, activity &, fields & & |
739 | You are not authorized to create profit centers in COAr & |
740 | You are not authorized to change profit centers in COAr & |
741 | You are not authorized to display profit centers in COAr & |
742 | You are not authorized to delete profit centers in COAr & |
743 | You are not authorized to transfer actual data in COAr & |
744 | You are not authorized to transfer plan data in COAr & |
745 | You are not authorized to delete transaction data in ledger & |
746 | You are not authorized to generate the ledger in COAr & |
747 | You are not authorized to create an automatic ledger in COAr & |
748 | You are not authorized to activate the ledger in COAr & |
749 | You are not authorized to display the ledger in COAr & |
750 | You do not have authorization for all ledger/rec.type/vers. combinations |
751 | No authorization for maintaining comments |
752 | No authorization for maintaining documents |
753 | No authorization for activity & |
754 | No authorization for currency translation types |
755 | No authorization for operating concern & |
756 | No authorization for report comments |
757 | Field & cannot be used in authorization objects |
758 | No authorization for reorganization of cluster file & |
759 | No line items exist for these selection criteria |
760 | You are not authorized to display the line items |
761 | You are not authorized to create an operating concern |
762 | You are not authorized to use function & |
763 | You are not authorized to use function & |
764 | You are not authorized to use function & |
765 | Creating/changing fields (AUTHC) in the SAP system & is not allowed |
766 | You are not authorized to perform this function |
767 | You do not have authorization for this report. |
768 | You do not have authorization for the selected report &2 |
769 | You cannot save. Choose at least one field. |
770 | You are not authorized to convert reports |
771 | You are not authorized to convert line items |
772 | You are not authorized to work in controlling area & |
773 | Line item layout & does not exist --> choose another |
774 | You are not authorized to transfer data from FI |
775 | You are not authorized to transport reports |
776 | You are not authorized to transport forms |
777 | You are not authorized to transport planning layouts |
778 | You are not authorized to transport key figure schemes |
779 | You are not authorized to import reports |
780 | You are not authorized to import forms |
781 | You are not authorized to import planning layouts |
782 | You are not authorized to import key figure schemes |
783 | You are not authorized to transport line item layouts |
784 | You are not authorized to import line item layouts |
785 | You are not authoriyed to execute program RKEBATCH |
786 | Structure ZAUTHCUST is not active -> activate |
787 | You are not authorized to maintain cycles |
788 | You do not have authorization to display the hierarchy |
789 | You do not have authorization to display the hierarchy |
790 | Authorizations exist in client & -> only text can be changed |
791 | No further processing (contact your system administrator) |
792 | You are not authorized to display the currency type |
793 | First select a value column |
794 | Enter a valuation |
795 | Use the characteristic "Valuation" in the form. |
796 | Save command is canceled |
801 | No origin information can be displayed |
802 | The value fields with currency type B0 were translated to "&" |
803 | The list is sorted according to the characteristic & |
804 | The application tree for Profitability Analysis is not active |
805 | The application tree for Profitability Analysis does not exist |
806 | The list is sorted according to the characteristic & |
807 | No summarization data exists: report cannot be executed -> see long text |
808 | Do not use!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
809 | This function is only supported in account-based Profitability Analysis |
810 | You cannot print and rebuild summarization data at the same time |
811 | Function "Additional selections" is not available for background proc. |
812 | Function is not supported for this field -> choose another field |
813 | Enter characteristic value |
814 | Characteristic value & does not exist -> choose another value |
815 | Limit your selection to one year |
816 | No summarization level exists: report cannot be executed -> see long text |
817 | Too many line items (costing-based/as posted) |
818 | Too many line items (costing-based/current) |
819 | Too many line items (account-based) |
820 | Only the first &1 selection conditions are displayed |
821 | Function for reference doc. number not supported in account-based CO-PA |
822 | Function for line items from periodic valuation is not possible here |
823 | No hierarchy node was selected -> cannot display |
824 | No hierarchies exist for this characteristic -> function not possible |
825 | Summarization data can no longer be used due to summarization levels |
826 | Choose at least one function -> see long text |
827 | Selection criterion for characteristic &1 not supported -> see long text |
828 | Enter a hierarchy name |
829 | Enter a node of the hierarchy |
830 | Either enter plan/actual indicator "1" or leave the version blank |
831 | No long text exists |
832 | Function not possible for this characteristic value -> choose another |
833 | No accounting document exists |
834 | Use the function "Original document" |
835 | You cannot enter a hierarchy node here |
836 | Currencies were translated (operating concern currency -> entry currency) |
837 | No variable group has been maintained |
838 | Function is only allowed for line items, not for summary rows |
839 | If characteristic "Invoice date" selected, only "read as posted" allowed |
840 | Variable groups for report & will not be saved |
841 | Detail display limited to 1000 line items for performance reasons |
842 | Entries created in tables T237x for operating concern & |
843 | This function is not possible for record types "G" and "H" |
844 | Use variant groups for printing, updating -> see long text |
845 | Key figure "&1" is not defined in table T237 (operating concern "&2") |
846 | Key figure "&1" is not defined in table T237A (operating concern "&2") |
847 | Formula "&1" is not defined in table T237 (operating concern "&2") |
848 | Formula "&1" is not defined in table T237A (operating concern "&2") |
849 | Key figure "&" is not defined |
850 | Element "&" does not exist |
851 | Enter a number |
852 | Element "&1" in key figure scheme "&2" contains errors -> see long text |
853 | Entry "&" in table T237 contains errors |
854 | Entry "&-&" in table T237 contains errors |
855 | Entry "&" does not exist in table T237 |
856 | Line number "&" does not exist in table T237A |
857 | Field table could not be created |
858 | Error in elements of key figure scheme "&" |
859 | Four-character constant "&" |
860 | &1 &2 &3 |
861 | Numbers 9000 and above are reserved for key figures |
862 | Syntax error in element &1 &2 &3 |
863 | No more room in display area |
864 | Formula cannot be saved in internal format |
865 | Key figure scheme was saved |
866 | Elements of a formula cannot be recursive |
867 | Global variable can only be entered here as a single value |
868 | Enter smaller values |
869 | Key figure scheme "&" does not contain any syntax errors |
870 | Error occurred during navigation |
871 | One step backwards is not possible |
872 | Error occurred during hierarchy set up |
875 | Line item display is not possible for hierarchy node "non-assigned" |
876 | Too many line items (warning) |
877 | Too many line items (costing-based/as posted) |
878 | Too many line items (costing-based/current) |
879 | Too many line items (account-based) |
880 | Characteristic "&" does not exist |
881 | Characteristic &1, item &2: Table &3 does not exist |
882 | Characteristic "&1", item "&2": Table &3 does not contain field "&4" |
883 | The value for characteristic &1 is not unique. Reposition the cursor |
884 | Characteristic value &1 is not contained in hierarchy &2 |
885 | Enter plan/actual indicator '1' or delete version |
888 | Problem with total output length in compound characteristics |
889 | The values for characteristic "&1" cannot be added together |
890 | The total for characteristic "&1" cannot be displayed |
891 | The total cannot be displayed |
892 | Check the selected entries |
893 | No entry possible |
895 | Save is not possible because the report has not yet been imported. |
896 | Summarization data for report &1 should only be set up sequentially |
897 | Enter plan/actual indicator '0' or leave valuation blank |
898 | Only use the characteristic "valuation" for actual data |
899 | Use the characteristic "Valuation" in the basic report |
999 | Program error in & |