KJCCSJ3_BI01 - Japanische Sch�tzverfahren

The following messages are stored in message class KJCCSJ3_BI01: Japanische Sch�tzverfahren.
It is part of development package EE20_JES in software component IS-U-BI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Japanese Estimation Procedure".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error during adjustment reversal (billing document &1)
002Rate categories are inconsistent - reestimation not possible
003Rate types are inconsistent - reestimation not possible
004Register categories are inconsistent - reestimation not possible
005Installation &1, Period &2-&3: Values for installed demand incomplete
006No operands exist for installed demand
007Installation &1: No operand exists for installed demand
008Installation &1: Too many operands exist for installed demand
009Operand &1 for installed demand is inconsistent
010Installation &1: Reestimtion executed successfully
011No demand or change in demand -> Number of month weighting not possible
012INTERNAL ERROR: Determination of start date not possible
013INTERNAL ERROR: Determination of end date not possible
014INTERNAL ERROR: No relevant meter reading reason for extrapolation
015Reestimation canceled: At least one blocked meter reading exists
016Installation &1, Period &2-&3: Values for installed demand incomplete
017Installation &1: Cannot determine end of billing period for billing order
020Meter reading type '05' changed to meter reading type '&1'
021Meter reading type '&1' changed to meter reading type '05'
022Change to numerical value of a meter reading with MR type '05'
023Change to numerical value of an actual meter reading
024Meter reading category '&1' changed to meter reading category '&2'
025Meter reading with MR reason &1 must have MR category 01 (02 04 06)
026Meter reading with MR type '05' would have been added
030Device &1, Register &2, MR &3: No previous actual meter reading exists
031Device &1, Register &2: Leading installation is not uniquely determined
032Equipment No. &1, Register &2, Date &3 not found in internal table &4
033Device &1, Register &2: Cannot determine leading installation
034Installation &1 not found in buffer &2 (FM &3)
035Programs in collection EE20_JES are not released for official use
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