KM2 - Nachrichtenklasse f�r PCA-RFC-Funktionsbausteine

The following messages are stored in message class KM2: Nachrichtenklasse f�r PCA-RFC-Funktionsbausteine.
It is part of development package KE1 in software component EC-PCA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Profit Center Accounting".
Message Nr
Message Text
001The profit center entry must not be initial in table &1
002The account entry must not be intial in table &1
003More than 998 rows in table &1
004No valid master data for functional area &1
005No valid master data: Value &1 for characteristic &2 not found
010Corresponding totals records were regenerated from &1 line items
100Segment profit center &1 does not exist in controlling area &2
101Segment profit center &1 is only valid from &2 to &3
102Profit center &1/&2 contain no segment profit centers
200No authorization for profit ctr &1/&2 to change statistical key figures
300Work in process already transferred in company code &, period &
400&1 line(s) of document &2 selected
401&1 line(s) of document &2 deleted
402Test Run
403Update Run
404No line items found
500&1 &2 &3 &4
600Balance sheet on profit centers is not active in controlling area &1
601Document &1: No additional lines were generated
602Document &1: Additional lines were generated in document &2
603No allocation documents found in company code &1
604Subsequent processing already performed for document &1
605Processing company code &1
606Controlling area &1
607Fiscal year &1
608Field name: &1 , value: &2
700Profit center group &1 does not exist in controlling area &2
701&2 of &3 profit centers processed
702Snapshot of profit ctr master data created based on selection conditions
703Profit center master data is deleted based on selection conditions
704Profit center master data archived according to selection conditions
705Prfit center incompletely archived because transaction data still exists
706Profit center not archived since transaction data still exists
707Profit center belongs to another logical system
708Profit center master data not archived since assignment still exists
709Enter a controlling area or no profit center
710Cannot change segment
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