KPC_XI_PROXY - Message Class for KPC_XI_PROXY

The following messages are stored in message class KPC_XI_PROXY: Message Class for KPC_XI_PROXY.
It is part of development package KPC_XI_PROXY in software component CO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Project Costing".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No Project Element found.
001Supply either FiscalYearID or AccountingPeriodIDInterval, not both.
002No FM area could be determined for Company code &
003Company code missing for Object &1
004Supply FiscalYearID and AccountingPeriodID or DateInterval
005Supply either FiscalYearID and AccountingPeriodID or DateInterval
006Authority Check failed for &1
007Select eithe by CostControllingLiquidityReportingStructure or CostElement
008Select either by FundsManagement or CostElement
009Cost Element &1 is not valid in Controlling Area &2
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