LATP - Nachrichten f�r Paket LATP
The following messages are stored in message class LATP: Nachrichten f�r Paket LATP.
It is part of development package LATP in software component SD-BF-AC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Availability Check in R/3 from CRM".
It is part of development package LATP in software component SD-BF-AC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Availability Check in R/3 from CRM".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
010 | Order type &1 does not exist; ATP check not possible |
011 | Schedule line category &1 does not exist; ATP check not possible |
012 | Requirements type &1 does not exist; ATP check not possible |
013 | Requirements class &1 does not exist; ATP check not possible |
014 | No validation group was specified; ATP check not possible |
015 | Validation group &1 does not exist; ATP check not possible |
016 | Plant &1 does not exist |
017 | Date type &1 is not valid for request, ATP check not possible |
020 | Unexpected error in &1 |
030 | No requirements type was specified; ATP check not possible |
031 | Requirements type &1 has no requirements class; ATP check not possible |
040 | Error in display API data; not possible to change item &1 |
041 | Error in display API data; not possible to change schedule line &1-&2 |
050 | Immediate delivery is not supported (order type &1) |
051 | Third-party/individual purchase order not supported (sched. line cat. &1) |
052 | Assembly is not supported (requirements class &1) |
053 | Batches are not supported (item &1) |
054 | Total requirements are not supported (item &1) |
055 | Material cannot be checked in APO ATP (material &1, plant &2) |
056 | Product selection is not supported (item &1) |
057 | Active ingredient units of measure are not supported (item &1) |
058 | Forecast check not supported (item &1) |
080 | BTE &1 not found or not active; Check settings |
081 | BTE &1 does not have the necessary receiver &2 |
090 | Product allocation in program not yet technically possible |
100 | Change ATP confirmation only after check in the same transaction |
101 | Program error: item with GUID &1 not checked yet |
102 | Program error: schedule line &2 for item &1 not checked yet |
110 | Program error: mode for check result &1 not permitted in local ATP |
120 | Short text for material &1 is not available in language &2 |
121 | Text elements in program SAPLATP4 are not available in language &1 |