LCAM_TTS - Message class for Two Ticket

The following messages are stored in message class LCAM_TTS: Message class for Two Ticket.
It is part of development package GLO_LOG_PM_LCAM_CN in software component PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "LCAM Developments for China".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Crew &1 is not valid for plant &2 and work center &3
002Insufficient data for plant &1 and work center &2
003Personnel number &1 is not valid for plant &2 and work center &3
004You do not need to extend the WT; permit end date is not defined
005Inconsistent dates; extend WT to a date later than permitted end date
006Enter a permit start date
007Enter a valid Work Responsible
008Conflict check complete; no conflict identified
009Personnel number &1 does not exist
010Personnel number &1 does not belong to crew &2
011Personnel number &1 not valid for maint. plant &2 and work ticket type &3
012Inconsistent data; &1 should be later than &2
013Personnel number &1 has insufficient qualifications
014You must select at least one row
015Data cannot be changed
016Data saved
017Select a line item to be evaluated
018Invalid data; WT Issuer cannot be the same as the Work Responsible
019Saving is not possible; safety measures must first be confirmed
020Invalid data; Work Responsible cannot be the same as the WT Issuer
021Conflict identified; check conflict details
022Line &1, SM ID &2 does not exist
023Data is incomplete; enter an issue date
024You are not authorized for plant &1, usage &2, approval &3
025You are not authorized for plant &1, usage &2
026Work ticket &1 suspended
027Inconsistent dates; active date is earlier than inactive date
028Inconsistent dates; inactive date cannot be earlier than WT start date
029Inconsistent dates; inactive date cannot be later than WT end date
030Work ticket cannot be suspended after the (extended) end date
031Inconsistent dates; inactive date cannot be earlier than last active date
032Suspension data is incomplete; define the remaining fields
033Work ticket &1 active
034Inconsistent dates; WT end date should be later than start date
035Action canceled by user
036Enter a valid reason
037Inconsistent work ticket type; the usage of reference WCA No.&1 is not &2
038Inconsistent op. ticket type; the usage of reference WCD No.&1 is not &2
039Inconsistent dates; WT cannot be inactive earlier than last inactive date
040Work ticket suspended
041The personnel number specified is not authorized for field &
042Invalid data; line &1, the KKS code &2 does not exist
043Invalid data; line &1, execution type &2 does not exist
044Invalid data; line &1, SM ID &2 does not exist
045Insertion is not possible; select one row only when inserting a new row
046Inconsistent data; &1 is not the right permit key
047Inconsistent data; Work Responsible is different to the Current WR
048Inconsistent data; specified Work responsible is not the Current WR
049Active date cannot be earlier than permitted start work date
050Active date cannot be later than permitted end work date
051Active date cannot be later than extended permitted end work date
052&1 &2 already exists
053In TAB &1,Incomplete data; item &2, KKS &3 value must be specified
054In TAB &1,Incomplete data; item &2, execution type &3 must be specified
055Status change is not possible; mandatory safety measures are missing
056Data is incomplete; define the location and task details
057& is not valid for assistant work ticket
058Directly creation of assistant work ticket is not allowed
059Personnel ID &1 is not valid in plant &2 and work center &3
060You must enter crew id, work Resp. and at least one crew member
061Safety measure data cannot be modified for this status
062Item number &1 is a duplicate of another line item
063Duplicate items exist
064You must enter a crew ID and Work Responsible
065You are not authorized to approve ticket
066Invalid data; safety measure ID &1 does not exist for this usage
067Status change is not possible; mandatory operational risks are missing
068Operation Risk tab, item &1; operation item must be specified
069Operation Risk tab, item &1; operation risk must be specified
070Operation Risk tab, item &1; risk result must be specified
071Operation Risk tab, item &1; control measure must be specified
072Crew ID has been changed; crew member list will be cleared
073Plant or work center has changed; crew information will be cleared
074You are not authorized for this action
075Personnel ID &1 in plant &2 not found
076Data already exists
077No data changed
078Personnel &1/&2 is assigned authorization; check authorization
079Personnel &1/&2 has been used in work ticket &3
080Invalid data; SSM ID &1 does not exist for this usage
081Invalid data; usage &1 does not exist
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