LCM_CONTEXT - Messages for LCM Context

The following messages are stored in message class LCM_CONTEXT: Messages for LCM Context.
It is part of development package APPL_LCM_CTX in software component CM-CTX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Application Objects for Context".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Enter a valid context owner
002Enter a context description
003Valid From date should be before Valid To date
004Choose a contact type
005Customer &1 does not exist
006Supplier &1 does not exist
007Company code &1 does not exist
008Purchasing organization &1 does not exist
009Sales organization &1 does not exist
010Context ID &1 does not exist
011User &1 does not exist
012Business partner &1 does not exist
013New version of the context could not be created
014New version of the context has been created
015One main entity must exist
016Enter a context status
017Enter a context name
018Technical error; unable to set Is Used in context &1
019Select entity type for main entity
020Valid To date must be in the future
021Context status expired
022No authorization for editing a context
023No authorization for deleting a context
024No authorization for creating a context
025Enter at least one category for each group
026Enter a title for all groups of categories
027Enter a unique name for each group of categories
028No authorization for displaying this context
029Context has important changes; save as new version
030Context &1 is locked by user &2
031Unable to lock context &1
032Database error while updating the status of context &1
033Updated status of context &1('&2') to Expired
034Updated status of &1 contexts to 'Expired'
035Unable to update status of &1 contexts to 'Expired'
036Context &1, which is in status &2 cannot be moved to 'Expired'
037End date specified for Context &1 is not in past
038Error occurred while updating the status of context &1('&2')
039No obsolete categories found
040No relevant contexts with obsolete categories found
041Context &1 has draft and cannot be updated
042Obsolete categories have been removed from context &1
043Removal of obsolete categories from context &1 failed
044New version of context &1 has been created
045Creation of a new version of context &1 failed; changes discarded
046No authorization to run the report
047Context &1 is not yet used in a legal transactions; choose 'Save'
048Next version for context &1 already exists; don't use it for new versions
049Context &1 must have at least one not obsolete category
050No authorization for editing the context &1
051Only LCM_CONTEXT Table fields for IRM rule evaluation allowed
052No data found for the Context that match your selection criteria
053Cannot delete Context &1 as it is used in a legal transaction
054Cannot delete Context &1 as it is in draft mode
055Cannot delete Context &1 as it has next version in draft mode
056Cannot create context; please contact administrator
057Cannot edit context; please contact administrator
058Cannot save context; please contact administrator
059You cannot specify legal transaction for strong relation
060Select a category path
061Updated status of &1 contexts to 'Active'
062Could not update status of &1 contexts to 'Active'
063Status of context &1 ('&2') updated to 'Active'
064Start Date is required for Renewal Type &1
065End Date is required for Renewal Type &1
066Start Date is required for Termination Clause
067End Date is required for Termination Clause
068Invalid phase type
069Select a valid phase starting condition
070Select a completion criteria for Phase &1
071Choose a document type available in the Context
072Assigned phase document type &1 is not available in this Context
073Select a valid phase item state
074More than one document node not allowed for a single Phase item
075Required documents can't exist without States or Stamps
076Atleast one required document should be available in a Phase
077Note the latest title will appear once you save the context
078Date changes context status from 'In Preparation' to 'Active'
079Please maintain date
080Enter a unique name for each group of determination rule
081Enter a description for group of determination rule
082Duplicate values exist for attribute
083Duplicate rule exists in same context rule group '&1'
084One or more rules from '&1' exists in context '&2' rule group '&3'
085At least one rule group should exist in a context
086Invalid value &1
087At least one value must be maintained for every criteria
088You cannot edit tasks; they belong to context of a different language
089Can't change main org. type; '&1' is defaulted for Integration Type '&2'
090Selected category path &1 is not valid
091Selected category &1 is not valid
092Context &1 is not active
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