LEDSP - System Messages - Subsequent Delivery Split

The following messages are stored in message class LEDSP: System Messages - Subsequent Delivery Split.
It is part of development package LEDSP in software component LE-SHP-DL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Subsequent Delivery Split".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4.
001No deliveries found for the given criteria
002Activity '&2' not created in table '&1'
003Document type '&1' not recognized for blocking '&2'
004Splits using HU '&1' of type '&2' are not allowed
005HU &1 has &2 and &3 as highest-level HU &4
006HU &1 is packed in &2, which does not belong to HU &3's hierarchy &4
007No split profile in &1 for activity '&2' deliv. type '&3' &4
008Conversion factors determined (numerator/denom.): orig: &1/&2 new: &3/&4*
009HU &1 is packed in HU &2, therefore not highest-level HU. &4
010Activity: &1 &2 &3 &4
011HU &1 does not contain any delivery items * &4
012An HU with internal number &1 does not exist
013Unconfirmed picking quantity &1 large remaining quantity &2 &3 &4
014Delivery item(s) &1 &2 does not exist. &4
015Quantity to be split (&1) is larger than delivery quantity &2 &3. &4
016&3 serial numbers are assigned to item(s) &1 &2 - no split possible. &4
017Inspection lots '&3' already taken from item &1 &2 - no split. &4
018Delivery &1 originates from another system - split not possible. &4
019Unpacked item quantity &1 < unpacked quantity to be split &2 &3. &4
020No deliveries found for the given criteria
021Delivery &1 contains dangerous goods data, so it cannot be split
022You must specify an HU with exidv or venum or a delivery item
023No messages exist
024No.of pack.materials in deliv.item &2 &3 less than split qty &1. * &4
025Goods movement already posted for item &1 &2. &4
026Item &1 &2 already billed. &4
027Delivery &1 is a correction delivery. &4
028Error in bar code
029HUs with internal numbers &2 and &3 exist for HU with external number &1
030Handling unit(s) were entered twice
031Handling unit with external identification number &1 does not exist
032'Resulting delivery number' should equal 'Old number' in result &1 &2. &4
033In result &1, resulting delivery number should be old and new number &4
034Item numbers were not converted because of cancelled goods movement * &4
035Original item was not renumbered because of unconfirmed qnty: &1 &2 * &4
036Handling unit cannot be split because it is packed
037Function module &1 was terminated with exception &2 (&3)
038Deliveries may not be taken out of picking waves during a split. * &4
039Activity from WM group &1 was already copied to warehouse control unit
040Activity from WM group &1 has already been confirmed
041Completion status of shipment &1 prevents changing delivery &2. &4
042Because of packing data, delivery &2 must stay in shipment &1. * &4
043Follow-up delivery for &2 cannot be included in shipment &1. &4
044Dlv. &2 could not be copied into shipmnt &1 because of TrnsPlngSystm. &4
045Delivery &2 could not be removed from shipment &1 because of TrnsPlngSys
046Original items were not renumbered because of export data * &4
047Target correlation relation could not be determined for &1 &2 * &4
048Correlation from &1 delivery group &3 impaired by item &2 * &4
049No automatic correlation for delivery group &3 because of item &2 * &4
050Automatic correlation executed in delivery &1 for delivery group &2 * &4
051Copying item numbers from preceding docs valid for deliv. type &1 * &4
052Delivery &1 is not an outbound delivery. &4
053Document category &1 not recognized as &2 was unlocked
054Text item &2 was copied into delivery &1 automatically * &4
055No split necessary for split result &1, delivery &2 * &4
056Delivery group &1 from deliv. &2 is incomplete in delivery &3
057Not possible to move split quantity
058Handling units from shipments &3 and &4 entered for item &1 &2
059Execute the split first
060&1 deliveries saved; of these &2 original delivery(ies) changed
061Loading status saved
062Internal error: either IT_VTRLK or IT_LIPOV must be specified
063Internal error: IT_VTRLP must be specified for IT_VTRLK
064Internal error: specify a split scenario
065Internal error: system does not recognize the mode you want to execute
066For at least one item, quantity to be split larger than the one unpacked
067The number that was scanned (&1) is not unique
068Handling units in outbound deliveries can only be split
069The number of allowed partial deliveries has been exceeded
070Number of partial dlvs was reached although order not completly delivered
071Delivery split not possible because of "complete delivery" setting
072Original items in LE component cannot be renumbered. *&4
073Not possible to delete zero-items in the LE component
074Delivery &1 is distributed to another system; split not possible. &4
075The delivery you want to split (&1) does not exist
076The delivery that was to be created in this split (&1) already exists
077Internal error &1 for &2 of the function module &3
078HU &1 should be assigned to a delivery with no items
079Refer to the information in the error log
080Delivery is not checked. You cannot split this delivery
081Remainder and result are not assigned to the shipment. Change profile &1
082The number of the delivery to be split is missing
083You must enter a new delivery number for a decentralized split of &1
084Delivery &1: No valid value in parameter DELIVERYITEMSBELONGTO
085There are still open return transfers. No split possible
086Delivery &1 is not entered as an old or a new delivery
087There are unconfirmed transfer orders assigned to Pick-HUs.
090&1 &2 already packed in shipment &3. Split not possible
091There are unconfirmed transfer orders. No split allowed
092You cannot process packed returns with subsequent delivery split
093You cannot split items with packed cumulated batch quantities
094Chnge administration active for distributed deliveries. No split possible
095Result number &1: Split of unpacked quantities is not allowed
096Resulting delivery &1 was not generated for original delivery &2
097Item contains partial delivery indicator &1. Split is not permitted
098Scanned HU &1 is not planned for shipment &2
099HU &1 only partially assigned transfer order &2. No split possible
100Internal error &2 in &1 when reading serial numbers
101No serial numbers defined for delivery &1/&2
102Specified serial number not in delivery &1/&2
103You have named more serial numbers than exist in delivery &1/&2
104Serial numbers in &1/&2 cannot be changed during delivery split
105Split delivery could not be saved; reason &1
106Serial number split update failed in &1/&2
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