LF - Mobile Computing in Warehouse Logistics
The following messages are stored in message class LF: Mobile Computing in Warehouse Logistics.
It is part of development package LMOB in software component LE-MOB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "".
It is part of development package LMOB in software component LE-MOB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
002 | No bar code type specification available for warehouse &1 |
003 | No bar code definition available for AI &1 &2 |
004 | No bar code definition available for AI-type & |
005 | Either specify profile or source and destination data |
006 | No profile found for whse &1, source stor.type &2 and dest. stor.type &3 |
007 | No profile definition found for Warehouse &1 and profile &2 |
008 | No profile definition found for Warehouse &1 and profile &2 |
009 | No profile definition found for whse &1, profile &2, seq.no. &3 |
010 | Verification field &1 &2 &3 is not assigned to a storage bin |
011 | Verification field references several storage bins |
012 | Storage bin &1 &2 &3 not defined for inventory counting |
013 | Either specify EAN or old material number |
014 | No material ID found for EAN number &1 |
015 | No material ID found for old material ID &1 |
016 | No user parameter found for user &1 |
017 | No active inventory documents for storage bin &1 &2 &3 |
018 | Storage type &1 &2 is not managed for storage units |
019 | User &1 not assigned to any active inventory document |
020 | No authorization for selected inventory documents |
021 | Verify storage bin |
022 | You verified the wrong storage bin. Check again |
023 | Storage bin count complete. Save count result |
024 | First record already displayed on this screen |
025 | Last record already displayed on this screen |
026 | Enter a warehouse number |
027 | Enter a storage type |
028 | Enter a storage bin |
029 | Bin sectioning active in storage type. Enter bin with position |
030 | Storage bin verification &1 not successful |
031 | Material verification &1 failed |
032 | No detail-screen available for this field |
033 | Enter a warehouse number |
034 | Warehouse number not valid |
035 | Queue is not valid |
036 | User &1 is already active in another warehouse number |
037 | No entries are maintained for menu &1 |
038 | You verified the wrong storage unit |
039 | Handling unit &1 is not assigned to any transfer order |
040 | No warehouse number in user profile. Assign warehouse number |
041 | Wrong stock category &1 |
042 | Wrong stock indicator &1 |
043 | Wrong special stock number &1 |
044 | Wrong quantity &1 |
045 | Wrong batch &1 |
046 | Handling unit &1 is already assigned as pick-HU to delivery &2 |
047 | Handling unit &1 is out of external HU number range |
048 | Original TO assigned to HU &1 is confirmed. Process HU with another TO ? |
049 | Are you sure you want to leave TO number &1 ? |
050 | Transaction cannot proceed. SU participates in both putaway and picking |
051 | Handling unit &1 is already in the list |
052 | Handling unit &1 is not found inside handling unit &2 |
053 | No inventory document exists for storage bin &1 &2 &3 |
054 | User &1 is not assigned to any inventory document |
055 | Choose Yes to create inv.doc.for bin; choose No for a specific material |
056 | Storage type &1 is not defined for dynamic cycle counting |
057 | Are you sure you want to delete inventory document &1 ? |
058 | Material &1 does not match inventory document material |
059 | You cannot create inactive doc; ByQuant ind. must be set in Customizing |
060 | Next planned HU for &1 is &2. Proceed with current HU? |
064 | A pick-HU should be assigned to transfer order &1 |
065 | Operation not possible. Unable to delete inventory document &1 |
100 | Transfer order &1 is currently being processed |
101 | Transfer order &1 already confirmed |
102 | Transfer order &1 does not exist in warehouse &2 |
103 | Warehouse &1 is incorrect |
104 | One item of transfer order &1 is missing |
105 | Execution of TO &1 in warehouse &2 is not possible |
106 | No TO items to be confirmed |
107 | More than one transfer order to be confirmed |
108 | Failed to add screen to the screen stack |
109 | Failed to call screen |
110 | Unable to process message ID &1 number &2 |
111 | An internal error has occurred |
112 | Error in conversion of bar code string &1 |
113 | Invalid bar code &1 |
114 | Storage unit &1 does not exist |
115 | Storage unit &1 is being processed by another user |
116 | Storage type &1 storage bin &2 is already in process by another user |
117 | User has no authorization for warehouse &1 |
118 | Cannot find all transfer order items for storage unit &1 |
119 | Transfer requirement &1 is being processed by another user |
120 | Posting change document &1 is being processed by another user |
121 | Delivery note &1 is being processed by another user |
122 | Error in calling message screen |
123 | Incorrect storage bin &3 in warehouse &1 storage type &2 |
124 | Transfer order item not found for warehouse &1 TO &2 item &3 |
125 | Wrong quantity for item: Transfer order &1 item &2 quantity &3 |
126 | Storage unit &1 does not match transfer order item data: &2 &3 &4 |
127 | Quantity &1 does not match transfer order item data: &2 &3 &4 |
128 | Material &1 does not match transfer order item data: &2 &3 &4 |
129 | Material record not found when searching by alternative ID &1 |
130 | Material record not found when searching by EAN ID &1 |
131 | Storage unit &1 does not exist or is being processed by another user |
132 | Transfer order item in storage unit &1 cannot be confirmed |
133 | Error while trying to confirm storage unit &1 |
134 | All transfer order items for storage unit &1 already confirmed |
135 | Shipping document &1 for transfer order &2 does not exist |
136 | Error while reading material data |
137 | Error while locking reservation document |
138 | Wrong movement type &1 for warehouse &2 |
139 | Cannot convert entry &1 to number |
140 | Cannot retrieve transfer order &1 from warehouse number &2 |
141 | Transfer order header table is empty |
142 | User profile &1 in warehouse &2 is not allowed to execute this TO |
143 | One item in transfer order &1 is confirmed |
144 | Transfer order &1 is being processed by subsystem |
145 | One item in transfer order &1 has indicator for zero stock check |
146 | One item in transfer order &1 does not have zero stock check confirmation |
147 | One item in transfer order &1 is from bulk storage type |
148 | One item in transfer order &1 must have SU ID from bulk storage type |
149 | Wrong quantities or indicator data in transfer order &1 |
150 | Incorrect quantity in transfer order &1 |
151 | Duplicate lines in transfer order &1 |
152 | Incorrect difference indicator in transfer order &1 |
153 | Difference must be reported for transfer order &1 |
154 | Negative quantities in transfer order &1 |
155 | Incorrect zero check report in transfer order &1 |
156 | Storage unit not found in transfer order &1 |
157 | Storage unit is empty in transfer order &1 |
158 | Incorrect storage unit in transfer order &1 |
159 | Too many storage units in transfer order &1 |
160 | There is nothing to confirm in transfer order &1 |
161 | Measuring unit is missing in transfer order &1 |
162 | Incorrect value in indicator field in transfer order &1 |
163 | No commit was performed after update in transfer order &1 |
164 | Transfer order items table is empty |
165 | The system could not find transfer order for execution |
166 | Delivery number &1 does not exist in warehouse &2 |
167 | Time conversion error |
168 | Negative values not allowed |
169 | Actual quantity and diff. quantity <> target qty. Check data |
170 | Reporting empty bin with remaining quantity is not allowed |
171 | Remaining quantity is zero. Report remaining quantity |
172 | Number range interval error for inventory count &1 not maintained |
173 | Check number range interval for inventory documents &1 |
174 | Expiration date is not maintained for product &1 in warehouse &2 |
175 | Remaining quantity in manual zero stock check is not allowed |
176 | This operation is not allowed after shipping |
177 | Material &1 does not have stock in warehouse &2 |
178 | Select items |
179 | Storage unit &1 does not match transfer order item data |
180 | Storage type &1 is BULK and SU-managed. Operation is not allowed |
181 | Total of picked, difference and remaining quantities cannot exceed &1 |
182 | Bar code string is not in one of the defined formats in the system |
183 | Wrong handling unit management configuration for warehouse &1 |
184 | Transfer order &1 does not match the profile &2 |
185 | Handling unit is not assigned. Use other transaction |
186 | Handling unit already assigned. Use other transaction |
187 | Material &1 does not exist in plant &2 / storage location &3 |
188 | Material &1 not found in warehouse &2/ storage type &3/ bin &4 |
189 | Transfer order already exists for delivery &1 |
190 | Failed to determine screen number |
191 | Profile for user &1 is not active |
192 | User &1 has no profile definition |
193 | User &1 already logged on to client &2 |
194 | TO &1 is assigned to user &2. Do you wish to proceed? |
195 | Logon data does not exist. Use transaction LM00 |
196 | Selection not possible |
197 | Negative values are not allowed for the current quantity |
198 | Confirmation of TO &1 has already began. Use "select by TO" option. |
199 | Verification error in fields &1 &2 &3 &4 |
200 | Logical screen number could not be found |
201 | Presentation type is not valid |
202 | Do you wish to leave the screen? |
203 | Material pick is already confirmed. Choose a new material |
204 | TO item is already confirmed by another transaction (not at RF terminal) |
205 | TO number of SU &1 different from selected SUs |
206 | Check the quantity |
207 | Overflow in difference quantity |
208 | Overflow in actual quantity |
209 | Value &1 outside the value range |
210 | Failed to create transfer order |
211 | Transfer order does not match user profile. Do you wish to proceed? |
212 | Transfer order already exists. Selection not possible |
213 | Print option is not activated |
214 | More than one HU with ID &1 for delivery &2 |
215 | Handling unit &1 is not assigned to delivery &2 |
216 | Handling unit &1 for transfer order &2 was not created |
217 | Cannot update without commiting |
218 | User does not have authorization for this operation |
219 | Foreign lock exists, operation is not possible |
220 | Transfer order &1 for warehouse &2 is not in the system |
221 | Transfer order &1 does not have items |
222 | Wrong destination bin &1 &2 |
223 | Handling unit data is wrong |
224 | Handling unit data is wrong |
225 | Handling unit type &1 is wrong |
226 | Duplicate handling unit &1 |
227 | Packing material &1 is wrong |
228 | Handling unit &1 is a lower-level handling unit |
229 | Handling unit &1 is blocked |
230 | Fatal error while checking handling unit &1 |
231 | Handling unit &1 is not suitable for this operation |
232 | Handling unit &1 is used for another document |
233 | Missing data for operation |
234 | Transfer order &1 is already confirmed |
235 | Warehouse number is missing |
236 | Batch &1 not found for product &2 in warehouse &3 |
237 | Batch &1 not found for product &2 in plant &3 / storage location &4 |
238 | Print failed |
239 | Handling unit &1 is not a higher-level handling unit for delivery &2 |
240 | Split quantity is too large |
241 | Interval not found |
242 | Handling unit &1 does not exist |
243 | Shipment &1 does not exist |
244 | Only higher-level handling units can be (un)loaded |
245 | Shipment point for &1 is planned |
246 | Changes not allowed in shipment &1 |
247 | Shipment number is not correct |
248 | Shipment &1 is locked |
249 | Shipment &1 cannot be locked |
250 | No handling unit exists for shipment |
251 | Handling unit &1 is already loaded |
252 | Internal Error |
253 | You are about to switch to logon screen. Do you wish to proceed? |
254 | No delivery assigned |
255 | Handling unit &1 is not assigned to this delivery |
256 | Handling unit &1 not clear |
257 | No more deliveries remain |
258 | Handling unit &1 has not been not loaded |
259 | No handling units assigned to delivery &1 |
260 | No deliveries assigned to shipment &1 |
261 | Handling unit &1 has not been loaded yet |
262 | Handling unit &1 is not a highest-level handling unit |
263 | Shipment &1 contains non delivery-related handling units |
264 | No shipment is attached to handling unit &1 |
265 | Handling unit &1 is not related to a delivery |
266 | Delivery &1 is fully loaded |
267 | Delivery &1 does not exist |
268 | Handling unit &1 has no lower-level handling units |
269 | Handling unit &1 is currently being processed by another user |
270 | Shipm. or deliv. is locked, status of handling unit &1 was not changed |
271 | Delivery &1 is not complete |
272 | Delivery &1 is locked |
273 | Delivery &1 has been posted |
274 | Posting delivery &1 was not executed |
275 | Transfer order &1 created |
276 | No shipment is attached to delivery &1 |
277 | No delivery found for MS-Area &1 |
278 | No delivery found for selection criteria |
279 | No delivery items found for group &1 |
280 | No delivery found |
281 | No delivery found for door &1 |
282 | No delivery found for handling unit &1 |
283 | Quantity conversion for the material &1 cannot be carried out |
284 | Unit of Measurement &1 is not created in language &2 |
285 | Type of delivery &1 is wrong |
286 | Unable to lock delivery &1 |
287 | No processing is possible. Partner &1 is marked for deletion |
288 | Actual quantity must be positive |
289 | Staging area &1 does not exist in warehouse &2 |
290 | You are not authorized for vendor &1 |
291 | Transfer orders &1 to &2 were created |
292 | Object is locked |
293 | Status of shipment &1 is wrong |
294 | Shipment &1 does not exist |
295 | Status of delivery &1 is wrong |
296 | Status of handling unit &1 is wrong |
297 | Staging area &1 does not exist |
298 | Group &1 does not exist |
299 | Vendor &1 does not exist |
300 | Delivery split executed. Delivery &1 created |
301 | No items found for delivery &1 |
302 | System failure |
303 | Reference document &1 does not exist |
304 | Door &1 does not exist in warehouse &2 |
305 | Service agent &1 does not exist |
306 | Status of group &1 is wrong |
307 | No split necessary for delivery &1 |
308 | Split operation for delivery &1 is not possible |
309 | Internal error in split delivery &1 |
310 | Shipment &1 is fully loaded |
311 | Shipment &1 is completely unloaded |
312 | Wrong screen number |
313 | Failed to update delivery &1 |
314 | No items to update in delivery &1 |
315 | Split profile does not exist |
316 | The system will generate a transfer order. Do you wish to proceed? |
317 | The system will perform post operation. Do you wish to proceed? |
318 | The system will perform print operation. Do you wish to proceed? |
319 | Material &1 does not exist |
320 | Wrong format for date &1 |
321 | Date &1 is not valid |
322 | There is nothing to confirm in delivery &1 |
323 | No transfer orders for delivery &1 exist |
324 | HU &1 is assigned to a different packing type and cannot be processed |
325 | Wrong object ID &1 for HU &2 |
326 | You are not authorized for ship-to party &1 |
327 | Ship-to party &1 does not exist |
328 | Option is not enabled |
329 | HU belongs to a different delivery. Do you wish to proceed? |
330 | HU belongs to a different shipment. Do you wish to proceed? |
331 | Source and dest.data must be in the same whse. Packing not possible |
332 | Item &1 of transfer order &2 is confirmed with zero quantity |
333 | Item is confirmed with zero quantity |
700 | Handling unit &1 not found |
701 | Wrong plant &1 or storage location &2 |
702 | Insufficient stock quantity available |
703 | Batch &1 not found for product &2 in plant &3 / storage location &4 |
706 | Operation is not possible |
707 | Fatal system error |
708 | Packing of handling unit failed |
709 | Material &1 was not found |
710 | Plant &1 does not exist |
711 | Material &1 does not belong to handling unit &2 |
712 | Material &1 with serial number &2 does not exist in handling unit &3 |
713 | Input error occurred while unpacking handling unit &1 |
714 | Failed to unpack handling unit &1 |
715 | A fatal error occured while unpacking handling unit &1 |
716 | Handling unit &1 for transfer order &2 not created |
717 | No update possible without execution |
718 | User does not have authorization for this operation |
719 | Operation not possible because of an external lock |
720 | Transfer order &1 does not exist in warehouse number &2 |
721 | Transfer order &1 does not have items |
722 | Wrong destination bin &1 &2 (check your data) |
723 | Handling unit data wrong (check your data) |
725 | Handling unit/storage unit type &1 is incorrect (check your data) |
726 | Handling unit &1 exists twice |
727 | Packaging material &1 is wrong |
728 | Handling unit &1 is a lower-level handling unit |
729 | Handling unit &1 is blocked |
730 | Fatal error occurred while checking handling unit &1 |
731 | Handling unit &1 is not suitable for this operation |
732 | Handling unit &1 is used for another document |
733 | Enter the required data |
734 | Transfer order &1 already confirmed |
735 | Material &1 does not exist in delivery &2 |
736 | Handling unit &1 not found in the warehouse |
737 | Batch &1 not found for product &2 in warehouse &3 |
738 | Valuation record &1 &2 &3 does not exist |
739 | Quantity entered for material &1 is larger than delivered quantity |
740 | UoM with conversion using addition constant not allowed |
741 | Unit of measurement &1 not allowed according to material master record |
742 | Wrong warehouse &1 / storage type &2 / bin &3 |
743 | Batch &1 not found for material &2 in delivery &3 |
744 | No lower-level handling units exist for handling unit &1 |
753 | Packaging material &1 is not an auxiliary packaging material |
771 | Enter the warehouse number and the storage bin |
772 | Handling unit &1 not found in whse number &2 / stor.type &3 /bin &4 |
773 | Quantity entered larger than quantity available |
774 | Serial number &1 does not exist in whse &2 / stor.type &3 / bin &4 |
776 | Enter the data for creating/adding a handling unit |
777 | Unpacking of handling unit &1 is not possible |
778 | Enter data for unpacking handling unit &1 |
783 | Profile &1 not found |
785 | No material list for handling unit &1 |
787 | Material &1 does not exist in whse &2 / storage loc. &3 |
788 | Material &1 does not exist in whse &2 / storage type &3 / storage bin &4 |
789 | Material &1 does not exist in whse &2 / storage loc. &3 |
798 | Material &1 does not belong to handling unit |
799 | More than one entry exists for HU &1 / material &2 |
800 | Module &2 cannot be used. Status &3 is active for HU &1 |
801 | Delivery &1 is completely unloaded |
802 | Handling unit &1 is already unloaded |
803 | Handling unit &1 does not exist in shipment |
804 | Failed to update handling unit status |
805 | Handling unit must belong to delivery &1 |
806 | Failed to update loading date in shipment header. Update manually |
807 | Inbound deliveries cannot be loaded |
808 | Outbound deliveries cannot be unloaded |
809 | Internal error while checking delivery &1 |
810 | Highest-level handling units do not belong to shipment &1 |