LOBM_ODATA_MSG - Batch Management: Common messages (not only OData)

The following messages are stored in message class LOBM_ODATA_MSG: Batch Management: Common messages (not only OData).
It is part of development package LO_BM_COMMON in software component LO-BM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Batch Management: Common Functionality / Data".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Country/Region &1 does not exist
001Region &1 for country/region &2 does not exist
002Enter a material
003Enter a batch
004Supplier &1 does not exist
005You are not authorized to maintain batches for material &1
006Batch number contains disallowed special character &1
007Enter a plant
008Shelf life expiration date (&) has been recalculated (previous date &2)
009Material &1 does not exist
010You are not authorized to edit batches
011You are not authorized to create batches
012You are not authorized to view batches
013You are not authorized to maintain batches for plant &1
014Material &1 is currently locked by user &2
015Keys of Batch and BatchPlant do not match
016Plant &1 does not exist
017Batch &1 for material &2 is currently locked by user &3
018&1 cannot be set for this operation in entity Batch
019Plant cannot be specified for batch definition on material level
020Valuation category &1 for material &2 not valid
021Invalid date
022Request generates multiple goods movements, but only one allowed
023Split-valuation not active for material &1 and plant &2
024Read-only field &1 cannot be maintained
025You have no authorization for goods movements in plant &1
026Request leads to multiple goods movements with diff. serial no. config
027Enter a class
028Class is not default class for material &1
029Keys of Batch and BatchClass do not match
030Enter a Characteristic
031Keys of Batch and BatchCharc do not match
032Enter a characteristics value position number
033Class is default class for material &1
034Batch &1 for material &2 already has class assigned
035Duplicate key
036Material &1 is not batch managed
037Automatic batch number assignment is inactive or not allowed
038Valuation area &1 does not exist
039QM status is not defined
040BatchPlant cannot be created for batch definition on plant level
041Only single separating blanks may be used when creating batches
042Batch &1 must not contain lowercase letters
043Valuation Type &1 must not contain lowercase letters
044Supplier Batch &1 must not contain lowercase letters
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